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Important Information
The PCI-DIO-32HS, PXI-6533, AT-DIO-32HS, and DAQCard-6533 devices are warranted against defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation.
National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty
period. This warranty includes parts and l abor.
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng
instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced
by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace soft ware media that do
not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period. National Instrument s does not war rant that the oper ation of the softwar e shall be un interr upted or error free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside
of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. National Instruments will pay the shipping
costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully
reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves
the right to make ch anges to subsequent edition s of this document withou t prior notice to hol ders of this edition. The
reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for
any damages arising out of or related to this docum ent or the in format ion contai ned in it.
Instruments will apply regardles s of the fo rm of acti on, whether i n contract or tort, incl uding neg lig ence. Any acti on
against National Instruments must be brought wit hin one year after the cause of action accrues. Nation al Instrument s
shall not be liable for any delay in performan ce due to causes beyo nd it s reasonable cont rol. The warranty pr ovided
herein does not cover damages, defects, malf unctio ns, or s ervice fai lures caused by owne r’s fail ure to fol low the
National Instruments in sta llat ion, o perat ion, or ma inte na nce instr uct ions; owner ’s modif icat ion of the p roduct;
owner’s abuse, misuse, or negligent acts; and power failure or surges, fire, flood, accident, actions of third parties, or
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, N
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. This limitation of the liability of National
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without the prior written consent of Nation al Inst rument s Corpo ration .
LabVIEW®, NI-DAQ®, RTSI®, ComponentWorks™, CVI™, DAQCard™, MITE™, SCXI™, and VirtualBench™
are trademarks of National Instruments Corpor ation.
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
National Instruments products are not design ed with comp onents and testing in tend ed to ensure a level o f reliabi lity
suitable for use in treatment and diag nosi s of humans . Appli cations of Nation al Instru men ts product s invol vin g
medical or clinical treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by err ors on the
part of the user or application designer . Any us e or applicat ion of Nat ional Ins trum ent s products for or involvi ng
medical or clinical treatment must be performed by properly trained and qualified medical personnel, and all traditional
medical safeguards, equipment, and procedures that are appropriate in the particular situation to prevent serious injury
or death should always continue to be used when National Instruments prod ucts ar e being used. National Instruments
products are NOT intended to be a substitute f or any for m of establ ished pr ocess, proce dure, or equi pmen t used to
monitor or safegua rd huma n he alth and sa fety in med ical or clin ical t reat ment .
About This Manual
Organization of This Manual................................................ ...... ..... .............................xi
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................ xii
National Instruments Documentation.............................. ..... ........................................xii
Related Documentation.................................................................................................xiii
National Instruments CorporationixDIO 6533 User Manual
This manual describes the elect rical and mechanical aspects of the
DIO6533 (formerly called DIO-32HS) family of devices, and contains
information concerning their ope ration and programming. U nless
otherwise noted, text applies to all devices in the DIO6533 family. The
devices named DIO-32HS and 6533 are the same in functionality; their
primary difference is the bus interface.
The DIO6533 family includes the following devices:
• PXI-6533
• DAQCard-6533
Organization of This Manual
The DIO 6533 User Manual is orga nized as follows:
• Chapter1,Introduction, describes the DIO 6533 (DIO -32HS)
devices, lists what you need to get started, descr ibes optional
equipment, and explains how to unpack your de vice.
• Chapter2,Installation and Configuration, explains how to install
and configure your DIO 6533 device.
• Chapter3,Hardware Overview, provides an overview of the
hardware functions of your DIO 6533 devic e.
• Chapter4,
output signal connections to your DIO 6533 device via the device
I/O connector and RTSI connector.
• Chapter5,Signal Timing, provides detailed timing specifications
for DIO 6533 pattern generation and for the various full, two- way
handshaking modes.
• AppendixA,Specifications, lists the specifications for the DIO
6533 devices.
National Instruments CorporationxiDIO 6533 User Manual
Signal Connections, describes how to ma ke input a nd
About This Manual
•AppendixB,Optional Adapter Description, describes the optional
68-to-50-pin DIO 6533 device adapter.
• AppendixC,Customer Communication, contains forms you can
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and descriptions of terms
used in this manual, including acronyms, abbreviations,
definitions, metric prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
•The Index alphabetically lists topics covered in this manual,
including the page where you can f ind the topic.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
<> Angle brackets containing numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a
range of values associate d with a bit or signal name (for example,
♦ The ♦ symbol indicates that the text following it applies only to a
specific DIO6533 device.
bold italic Bold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
6533 device 6533 device refers to the PCI-D IO- 32HS, PXI- 6533, A T-DI O-32HS,
and DAQCard-6533 devices, unless otherwise noted.
italic Italic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept.
SCXI SCXI stands for Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation
and is a National Instruments product line designed to perform
front-end signal conditioning for National Instruments plug-in DAQ
The Glossary lists abbreviations, acronyms, def initions, metric prefixes,
mnemonics, symbols, and ter ms.
National Instruments Documentation
The DIO 6533 User Manual is one piece of the doc umentation set for
your DAQ system. You could have any of seve ral types of documents,
depending on the hardwa re a nd sof twa re in your syste m. U se the
documentation you have as follows:
•Getting Started with SCXI—If you are using SCXI, this is the first
manual you should re ad. I t giv es an o ve rview of the SC XI sy stem
and contains the most commonly needed information for the
modules, chassis, and software.
•Your SCXI hardware user manuals—If you are using SCXI, read
these manuals next for detailed information about signal
connections and module configuration. They also explain in greater
detail how the module works and contain application hints.
•Your DAQ hardware documentation— This docum entation ha s
detailed information about the DAQ ha rdware that plu gs into or is
connected to your computer. Use this documentation for hardware
installation and configuration instructions, specification
information about your DAQ hardw are, an d applicatio n hints.
•Software documentation—You may have both application software
and NI-DAQ software docum entation. National Instrum ents
application software incl udes LabV IE W, L abW indow s
ComponentWorks, and Vir tualBe nch. Afte r you se t up y our
hardware system, use either your applic ation softw are
documentation or the N I-D AQ docu me ntation to he lp y ou write
your application. If y ou have a la rge, comp lica ted system, it is
worthwhile to look through the software documentation before you
configure your har dwar e.
•Accessory installation guides or manuals—If you are using
accessory products, read the terminal block and cable assembly
installation guides. They explain how to physically connect the
relevant pieces of the system. Consult these guides when you are
making your connec tions.
•SCXI Chassis Manual—If you are using SCXI, read this manual for
maintenance information on the chassis and installation
Related Documentation
The following documents contain information that you may find helpful
as you read this manual:
National Instruments CorporationxiiiDIO 6533 User Manual
About This Manual
Customer Communication
National Instruments wants to receive your comments on our products
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and
configuration forms for you to complete. These for ms are in
AppendixC,Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
This chapter describes the DIO6533 (DIO-32HS) devices, lists what
you need to get started, describes optional equipment, and explains how
to unpack your device.
About the DIO 6533 Devices
Thank you for buying a National Instruments DIO6533 device . The
6533devices are 32-bit, parallel digital I/O interfaces for
PC-compatible computers, or PXI or CompactPCI chassis. The 6533
devices offer digital data acquisition, digital waveform generation, and
high-speed, flexible handshaking.
The PCI-DIO-32HS and PXI-6533 are com pletely switchless,
jumperless DAQ devices for PCI buses and PXI or CompactPCI
chassis, respectively. Both contain the National Instruments MITE PCI
interface. The MITE offers bus-master operation, PCI burst transfers,
and high-speed DMA controllers for continuous, scatter-gather DMA
without requiring DMA resources from your computer. See the Using
PXI with CompactPCI section in this chapter for more informatio n on
your PXI-6533 device.
The AT-DIO-32HS is a completely switchless, jumperless DAQ device
for AT (16-bit ISA) buses. The AT-DIO-32HS implements the Plug and
Play ISA Specification so that your operating system can configur e all
DMA channels, interrupts, and base I/O addresses. You ca n easily
change device configurations without removing the devic e from your
computer. The AT-DIO-32HS offers dual DMA with channel switching
for uninterrupted, high-speed data transfer.
The DAQCard-6533 is a general-purpose d igital I/O card for com puters
equipped with Type II PCMCIA slots. The small size and weight of the
DAQCard-6533, coupled with low power consumption, make this card
ideal for use in portable computers, making remote digital data
acquisition practical. The card requires very little operating power and
has a standby mode that uses even less power, thus extending the life of
your computer batteries.
Each 6533 device contains the National Instruments DAQ-DIO chip,
providing two independent channels of digital input and output, pattern
generation, and handshaking. Each channel offers the following
• Selectable data path width (8, 16, or 32 bits)
• 16-sample-deep FIFO buffer
• 16-bit and 32-bit counters for timeba se a nd inter val genera tion,
with a maximum timing resolution of 50 ns
• A handshaking controller implementing six flexible timing
• Start and stop trigger detection and digital pattern detection
• 24mA outputs
• Hysteresis and diode-based line termination on all inputs
With 6533 devices, you can use your c omputer or c hassis a s a digital
I/O tester, logic analyzer, or system controller for laboratory testing,
production testing, and industrial process monitoring and contr ol.
For detailed 6533 device speci fications, see AppendixA,
Using PXI with CompactPCI
Using PXI-compatible products with standard CompactPCI products is
an important feature provided by the PXI Specification, rev.1.0. If you
use a PXI compatible plug-in device in a standard Comp actPCI chassis,
you will be unable to use PXI-specific functions, but you can still use
the basic plug-in device functions. For example, the RTSI bus on your
PXI-6533 device is available in a PXI chassis, but n ot in a CompactPCI
The CompactPCI specification permits vendors to develop sub-buses
that coexist with the basic PCI interface on the CompactPCI bus.
Compatible operation is not guaranteed between Compa ctPCI device s
with different sub-buses nor between CompactPCI devices with
sub-buses and PXI. The standard implementation for CompactPCI does
not include these sub-buses. Your PXI-6533 device wi ll work in any
standard CompactPCI chassis adhering to the PICMG CompactPCI2.0R2.1 document.
PXI specific features are impleme nted on the J2 connec tor of the
CompactPCI bus. Table 1-1 lists the J2 pins used by yo ur PXI-6 533
device. Your PXI device is compatible with any CompactPCI chassis
with a sub-bus that does not drive these lines. Even if the sub-bus is
capable of driving these lines, the PXI device is still compatible as long
as those pins on the sub-bus are disabled by default and not ever
enabled. Damage m a y resu lt if these lines ar e dr iven b y the sub- bus.
❑ One of the following software packages and documentation:
NI-DAQ for PC compatibles
LabVIEW for Windows
VirtualBen ch
❑ Appropriate cable:
PSHR68-68M (DAQCard-6 533 only)
Shielded or ribbon c able (f or all de vices)
❑ Your computer, PXI, or CompactPCI chassis and controller
Software Programming Choices
There are several op tions to choo se from whe n programm ing your
National Instruments DAQ hardware. You can use LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, Comp one ntWorks, V irtu alBench, or NI -DA Q.
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the art user interface,
and a powerful gr aphic al progra mm ing lan gua ge. Th e LabV IEW D ata
Acquisition VI Library, a series of VIs for using LabVIE W with
National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with LabVIEW. The
LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI Library is f unctionally equivalent to the
NI-DAQ software.
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics and a state-of-the-art
user interface, and uses the ANSI sta ndard C pro gram ming langua ge.
The LabWindows/CVI Data A cquisition Lib rary, a serie s of fun ction s
for using National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with
LabWindows/CVI. The LabWindows/CVI Data Acquisition Library is
functionally equivalent to the NI-DAQ software.
ComponentWorks con tains tools for data acq uisition and instr ument
control built on NI-DAQ driver softw are. Component Works provide s a
higher-level programming interface for building virtual instruments
through standard OLE controls and DLLs. With ComponentWorks, you
can use all of the configuration tools, resource management utilities,
and interactive control utilities included with NI-DAQ.
VirtualBench features virtual instruments that combine DAQ products,
software, and your co mputer to create a stand- alone instrumen t with the
added benefit of the processing, display, and storage capabilities of
your computer. VirtualBench instruments load and save waveform data
to disk in the same forms that can be used i n popular s preads heet
programs and word proce ssors.
Using LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, ComponentWorks, or
VirtualBench software will greatly reduce the development time for
your data acquisition and control application.
NI-DAQ Driver Software
The NI-DAQ driver software is included at no ch ar ge with all Natio n al
Instruments DAQ hardware. NI-DAQ is not packaged with SCXI or
accessory products, except for the SCXI-1200. NI-DAQ has an
extensive library of functions that you can c all from your application
programming enviro nment. These fu nctions includ e routines for analo g
input (A/D conversion), buffered data acquisition (high-speed A/D
conversion), analog output (D/A conversion), wavefor m generation
(timed D/A conversion), digital I/O, counter/timer operations, SCXI,
RTSI, calibration, messaging, and acquiring da ta to extended memory.
Chapter 1Introduction
NI-DAQ has both high-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum ease of
use and low-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum flexibility and
performance. Examples for high-l evel funct ions a re strea ming dat a t o
disk or acquiring a certain number of da ta points. An example of a
low-level function is writing directly to registers on the DAQ device.
NI-DAQ does not sacrifice performance of National Instruments DAQ
devices because it lets multiple devices operate at their peak
performance, even simul taneous ly.
NI-DAQ also internally addresses many of the com plex issues between
the computer and the DAQ hardware such as programming interrupts
and DMA controllers. NI-DAQ maintains a consistent software
interface so that you can change platforms with minimal modifications
to your code. Whether you are using c onventional program ming
languages or NI-DAQ software, your application uses the NI-DAQ
driver software, as illustrated in Figure1-1.
Figure 1-1. The Relationship Between the Programming Environment, NI-DAQ,
and Your Hardware
or VirtualBench
Computer or
You can use your 6533 device, together wi th other AT (16-b it ISA),
PCI, PC, EISA, DAQCard, and DAQPad Series DAQ hardware, with
NI-DAQ software for PC compatibles. The PCI-DIO-32HS or
AT-DIO-32HS requires version 5 .0 or late r. T he PXI -65 33 or
DAQCard-6533 requires ve rsion 5.1 or later.
Register-Level Programming
The final option for programming any National Instruments DAQ
hardware is t o wr it e r eg iste r- lev el softw are . Writ ing re gist er-l ev el
programming software can be very time-consuming and inefficient and
is not recommended for most u ser s.
Even if you are an experienced register-level programmer, consider
using NI-DAQ or National I nstruments applicatio n software to prog ram
your National Instruments DAQ hardware. Using National Instruments
application softw are is as easy and as flex ible as regis ter-lev el
programming and can save weeks of develop ment time.
Your 6533 device is ship ped in an a ntistatic p ackage to pr ev ent
electrostatic damage to the device. El ectrostatic disc harge can da mage
several components on the device. To avoid such damage in handling
the device, take the following precautions:
•Ground yourself via a grounding strap or by hold ing a ground ed
•Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of your computer
chassis before rem oving the d evic e f rom the pack age .
•Remove the device from the package and inspect the device for
loose components or a ny sign of d amag e. N otify N atio na l
Instruments if the device appear s damaged in any way. Do not
install a damaged dev ice into yo ur comp uter .
•Never touch the exposed pins of connectors.
•Store your 6533 device in the antistatic envelope when not in use.
This chapter expla ins how to insta ll and co nfig ure y our DIO 653 3
Software Installation
Install your software before you install your 6533 devi ce. Refe r to the
appropriate release notes indicated be low for specific instruc tions on
the software ins tall ation sequ ence .
If you are using NI-DAQ, refer to your NI-D AQ release notes. Find
the insta llation section fo r your o perating sy stem and fo llow the
instructions given there.
If you are using LabV IEW, L a bWindow s/CVI, or o ther N ationa l
Instruments applica tion sof tware packag es, refe r to th e appro priat e
release notes. After you have installed yo ur application software, refer
to your NI-DAQ relea se no tes an d follow th e instruc tions give n there
for your operating sy stem a nd ap plica tion softwa re p acka ge.
Hardware Installation
Following are general installation instructions for each device. Consult
your computer or chassis user manual or technical reference manual for
specific instructions about installing new devices in your com puter or
Installing the PCI-DIO-32HS
You can install a PCI-DIO-32HS in any ava ilable 5 V PCI expansion
slot in your computer.
1.Turn off and unplug your comp uter .
2.Remove the top cover or access port to the e xpan sion slots.
3.Remove the expansion slot cover on the back panel of the
4. Touch the metal part inside your computer to discharge any static
electricity that might be on your clothes or body.
5. Insert the PCI-DIO-32HS into a 5 V PCI slot. It may be a tight fit, but
do not force the device into place.
6. Screw the mounting bracket of the PCI-DIO-32HS to the back panel
rail of the computer.
7. Visually verify the installation.
8. Replace the top cover of your com puter.
9. Plug in and turn on your compute r.
Installing the PXI-6533
You can install a PXI-6533 in any available 5V periphera l slot in your
PXI or CompactPCI chassis.
Note: The PXI-6533 has connections to several reserved lines on the
CompactPCI J2 connector. Before installing a PXI-6533 in a CompactPCI
system that uses J2 connector lines for purposes other than PXI, see Using
PXI with CompactPCI in Chapter1, Introduction, of this manual.
1. Turn off and unplug your PXI or CompactPCI c hassis.
2. Choose an unused PXI or CompactPCI 5V peri phera l slot. For
maximum performance, install the PXI-6533 in a slot that supports
bus arbitration, or bus-master cards. T he PX I-6533 c ontains
onboard bus-master DMA logic that can operate only in such a slot.
If you choose a slot that does not support bus masters, you will have
to disable the onboard DMA controller using your software. PXIcompliant chassis must have bus arbitration for all slots.
3. Remove the filler panel for the peripheral slot you have chosen.
4. Touch a metal part on your cha ssis to discha rge a ny sta tic
electricity that might be on your clothes or body.
5. Insert the PXI-6533 in the selected 5V slo t. Use the injector/ejector
handle to fully inject the device into place.
6. Screw the front panel of the PXI-6533 to the front panel mounting
rails of the PXI or CompactPCI chassis.
8. Plug in and turn on the PXI or CompactPCI chassis.
Installing the AT-DIO-32HS
You can install an AT-DIO-32HS in any available AT (16-bit ISA) or
EISA expansion slot in your com puter.
1. Turn off and unplug your computer.
2. Remove the top cover or access port to the expansion slots.
3. Remove the expansion slot cover on the back panel of the
4. Touch the metal part inside your computer to discharge any static
electricity that might be on your clothes or body.
5. Insert the AT-DIO-32HS into an AT (16-bit ISA) or EISA slot. It
may be a tight fit, but do not force the device into place.
6. Screw the mounting bracket of the AT-DIO-32HS to the back panel
rail of the computer.
7. Visually verify the installation.
8. Replace the top cover of the computer.
9. Plug in and turn on your compute r.
Chapter 2Installation and Configuration
Installing the DAQCard-6533
You can install your DAQCard-6533 in any available Type II PCMCIA
slot in your computer. See Figure2-1for the completed installation.
1. Turn off your computer. If your compute r supports hot insertion,
you may insert or remove the DAQCard-6533 at any time, whether
the computer is powered on or off.
2. Remove the PCMCIA slot cover on your computer, if any.
3. Insert the PCMCIA bus connector of the DAQCard-6533 into the
PCMCIA slot. The card is keye d so tha t you ca n insert it only one
4. Attach the I/O cable. Be very careful not to put strain on the I/O
cable when inserting it into and removing it from the
DAQCard-6533. When plugging and unplugging the cable, always
grasp the cable by the connector. Never pull directly on the I/O
cable to unplug it from the DAQCard-6533.
Your 6533 device is insta lled. T he d evice is now r eady f or softwa re
PCI, PXI, and DAQCard Device Configuration
The PCI-DIO-32HS , PXI -65 33, a nd DAQC ard-6 533 a re c omple tely
software configurable. The system software automatically allocates all
device resources, incl uding b ase m emor y add ress a nd inte rrupt level.
These devices do not require DMA controller resources from your
The plug and play feature of the AT-DIO -32HS mak es it completely
software configurable. You can use software to configure the base I/O
address, DMA cha nnels, an d in terr upt lev els.
Bus Interface
The AT-DIO-32HS works in either a Plug and Play mo de or a
switchless mode. These modes dictate how system resources are
determined and assigned to the devic e.
Plug and Play Mode
The AT-DIO-32HS is fully compatible with the industry-standard
Intel/Microsoft Plug and Play Specification version 1.0a. A Plug and
Play system arbitrates and assigns system resources through software,
freeing you from man ually se tting switc hes and jump ers. Th ese
resources include the device base I/O address, DMA channels, and
interrupt channels. Th e A T-DI O-32 HS is c onf igured a t the f act ory to
request these resources from the Plug and Play Configuration Manager.
Chapter 2Installation and Configuration
The Configuration Manager receives all of the resource requests at
startup, compares the available resources to those requested, and
assigns the available resou rces as efficie ntly as possible to the Plug and
Play devices. Applicatio n softwa re c an qu er y th e Configu ratio n
Manager to determine the resources assigned to each device without
your involvement. The Plug and Play so ftware is instal led a s a d ev ice
driver or as an integra l com pon en t of the c om puter BIOS .
Switchless Data Acquisition
You can use your AT-DIO-32HS device in a non-Plug and Play system
as a switchless DAQ device. A non-Plug and Play system is a system in
which the Configuration Manager has not been installed and which does
not contain any non-National Instruments Plug and Play products. Use
a configuration utility, such as the NI-PnP or Intel configuration
utilities, to enter the base address, DMA, and interrupt selections, and
the application software assigns them to the device.
Note:Avoid resource conflicts with non-National Instruments d evices. For
example, do not configure two devices to have the same base address.
The AT-DIO-32HS device can be configured to use a base address in
the range of 100 to 3E 0 hex. T he A T-D IO-32 H S occ upies 1 6 b ytes of
address space and must be located on a 16-byte boun dary. Therefore ,
valid addresses include 100, 110, 120, ..., 3D0, 3E0 hex. This selection
is software configured and does not require you to manually change any
settings on the device.
DMA Channel Selection
The AT-DIO-32HS can a chieve h igh tra nsfe r ra tes by usin g u p to two
16-bit DMA channels. The AT-DI O-32HS can use only 16-bit DMA
channels, w h ich co rr esp ond t o ch an ne ls 5, 6 , a nd 7 i n an AT (1 6-b i t
ISA) computer and channels 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 in an EISA computer.
These selections are all software configured and do not require you to
manually change any settings on the device.
Interrupt Channel Selection
The AT-DIO-32HS increases bus efficiency by using an interrupt
channel for event notification. Th e AT-DI O-32HS can use interrupt
channel 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, or 15. This selection is softwareconfigured and does not require you to manually change any settings on
the device.
Tables 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 provide information concerning possible
conflicts in base address, DMA cha nnel, and interr upt chan nel
assignment when configuring you r AT-DIO -32HS de vice.
Table 2-1.
I/O Address Range (Hex)Device
100 to 1EF—
1F0 to 1F8IBM PC AT Fixed Disk
200 to 20FPC and PC AT Game Controller, reserve d
210 to 213PC-DIO-24 – default
218 to 21F—
220 to 23FPrevious generation of AT-MIO boards – default
This chapter provides an overview of the ha rdwa re f unc tions of your
DIO6533 device.
Each 6533 device contains the National Instruments DAQ-DIO chip, a
32-bit general-purpose digital I/O interface. The DAQ-DIO chip
enables the 6533 device to perform single-line and single-point input
and output, digital data acquisition, digital waveform generation, a nd
high-speed data transfer using a wide range of ha ndshaking protoc ols.
Figures3-1,3-2, and3-3 show the block diagrams for the 6533devices.