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Important Information
The DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 is warranted again st defects in mat erials and wor kmanship for a period of one year
from the date of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option,
repair or replace equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng
instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced
by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace soft ware media that do
not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period. National Instrument s does not war rant that the oper ation of the softwar e shall be un interr upted or error free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside
of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. National Instruments will pay the shipping
costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully
reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves
the right to make ch anges to subsequent editions of this document without prior not ice to holders of th is edition. The
reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for
any damages arising out of or related to this docum ent or the in format ion contai ned in it.
Instruments will apply regardles s of the fo rm of acti on, whether i n contract or tort, incl uding neg lig ence. Any acti on
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shall not be liable for any delay in performan ce due to causes beyo nd it s reasonable cont rol. The warranty pr ovided
herein does not cover damages, defects, malf unctio ns, or s ervice fai lures caused by owne r’s fail ure to fol low the
National Instruments in sta llat ion, o perat ion, or ma inte na nce instr uct ions; owner ’s modif icat ion of the p roduct;
owner’s abuse, misuse, or negligent acts; and power failure or surges, fire, flood, accident, actions of third parties, or
other events outside reasonable control.
, N
. N
. This limitation of the liability of National
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical,
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LabVIEW®, NI-DAQ®, ComponentWorks™, CVI™, DAQCard™, DAQMeter™ , SCXI™, and VirtualBe nch™ are
trademarks of Nationa l Ins trumen ts C orpor atio n.
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
National Instruments products are not design ed with comp onents and testing in tend ed to ensure a level o f reliabi lity
suitable for use in treatment and diag nosi s of humans . Appli cations of Nation al Instru men ts product s invol vin g
medical or clinical treatment can create a potential for accidental injury caused by product failure, or by errors on the
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medical or clinical treatment must be performed by properly trained and qualified medical personnel, and all traditional
medical safeguards, equipment, and procedures that are appropriate in the particular situation to prevent serious injury
or death should always continue to be used when National Instruments prod ucts ar e being used. National Instruments
products are NOT intended to be a substitute f or any for m of establ ished pr ocess, proce dure, or equi pmen t used to
monitor or safegua rd huma n he alth and sa fety in med ical or clin ical t reat ment .
About This Manual
Organization of This Manual.................................................................................. ......ix
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................x
National Instruments Documentation.............................. ..... .................................. ......x
Related Documentation.................................................................................................xi
National Instruments CorporationviiDAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
This manual des cribe s the el ectri cal an d mech an ical a spect s of the
DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 a nd contain s information concernin g its
operation and programming.
The DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 is a digital multimeter card for
computers with Type II PCMCIA slots compliant with revision 2.1
of the PCMCIA specifications.
Organization of This Manual
The DAQMeter DAQ Card-4050 U ser Manual is orga nized as follo ws:
•Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050,
lists what you need to get started, describes the optional software
and optional equipment, and explain s how to unpack you r card .
•Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration, explains safety
instructions and describes how to install and configure a
DAQMeter DAQCard-4050.
•Chapter 3, DMM Operation, describes how to use your DAQMete r
DAQCard-4050 and inclu des operation tips on taking voltage,
resistance, diode, a nd cu rren t rea dings.
•Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications for the
DAQMeter DAQCard-4050.
•Appendix B, PC Card Questions and Answers, contains a list of
common questions and answer s relating to PC Card (PCMCI A)
•Appendix C, Customer Communication, co ntain s f orm s y ou ca n
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms
used in this manual, including acronyms, abbreviations, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
•The Index alph abetically lists topics covere d in this manual,
including the page where you can find the topic .
National Instruments CorporationixDAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
About This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
boldBold text denotes the names of menus, menu items, parameters, dialog
boxes, dialog box buttons or options, icons, windows, Windows 95 tabs,
or LEDs.
bold italicBold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
italicItalic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept. This font also deno tes text from which y ou supply the
appropriate word or v alue, as in Wind ow s 3 .x .
monospaceText in this font denotes text or characters that should literally enter
from the keyboard, sections of co de, pro gramming ex ample s, and
syntax examples. This font is also used for the pro per names of disk
drives, paths, directories, programs, subprogram s, subroutines, device
names, functions, operations, variables, file names and exten sions, and
for statements and c omm en ts take n from p rogra ms.
The Glossary lists abbreviations, acronym s, metric prefixes,
mnemonics, symbols, and ter ms.
National Instruments Documentation
The DAQMeter DAQ Card-4050 U ser Manual is one piece of the
documentation set for your DAQ system. You could have any of several
types of manuals depending on the hardware an d software in your
system. Use the manuals you have as follows:
•Your DAQ hardware user manua ls—These ma nuals have detailed
information about the DAQ hardware that plugs into or is
connected to your computer. Use these manuals for hardware
installation and configuration instructions, specification
information about your DAQ hardw are, an d applicatio n hints.
•Software documentation—You might have several sets of software
documentation, includin g La bVIE W, Lab Windo ws
VirtualBench, and NI-DAQ. After you have set up your hardware
system, use either the application software (LabVIEW or
LabWindows/CVI) or the NI-DAQ documentation to help you write
your application. If you have a large and complicated system, it is
worthwhile to look through the software documentation before you
configure your hardware.
•Accessory installation guides or manuals—I f you are using
accessory products, read the terminal block and cable assembly
installation guides. They explain how to physically connect the
relevant pieces of the system. Consult these guides when you are
making your connec tions.
Related Documentation
The following docu ment c on tains info rmation tha t yo u m ay f ind
•Your computer user manual
Customer Communication
National Instruments wants to rece ive you r com ments o n ou r prod ucts
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and
configuration forms for you to complete. These for ms are in
Appendix C, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
National Instruments CorporationxiDAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
This chapt er des cri bes the D AQM ete r DA QCar d-4 050 , list s wh at you
need to get started, describes the optional software and optional
equipment, and expla ins how to un pa ck yo ur c ard.
About the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050
Thank you for buying a National Instruments DAQMeter
DAQCard-4050. The DAQCard-4050 is a digital multimeter card
for c omputers eq uipped wi th Type II PCMCIA slots.
The DAQCard-4050 features accurate 5 1/2-digit DC voltage, true
root mean square (RMS) AC voltage, ohm, and diode measurements
in a PC Card format. You can use the card to make the same
measurements you would with a standard benchtop digital multimeter.
The DAQCard-4050 conta ins a 24-bit analo g-to-digital conve rter
(ADC) with digital filtering, which gives the card excellent resolution,
accuracy, and noise reje ction. Coup led with a CSM ser ies curre nt shunt
module available from National Instrum ents, th e DAQCar d-4050 als o
effectively measures AC and DC current.
The DAQCard-4050’s small size , weigh t, and low pow er co nsum ption
make this device ideal for use in portable computers, which makes
remote measureme nts and d ata-log ging prac tica l. T he D AQC ard-4 050
requires very little power when in operation, thus extending the life of
your computer batteries.
A system based on the DAQCard-4050 offers the flexibility,
performance, and size that ma kes it ide al fo r ser vice , re pa ir, a nd
manufacturing as well as for use in industrial and laboratory
environments. The DAQCard-4050, used in conjunction with your
computer, is a versatile, cost-effective platform for high-resolution
Detailed specifications for the DAQCard-4050 are in Appendix A,
National Instruments Corporation1-1DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
What You Need to Get Started
To set up and use your DAQCard-4050, you will need the following:
❑ DAQMeter DAQCard-4050
DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
❑ One of the following software packages and documentation:
–NI-DAQ for PC compatibles
–LabVIEW for PC compatibles
–DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Instrument Driver
❑ DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 accessory cable
❑ One pair of test probes (red and blac k)
❑ Your computer
Software Programming Choices
There are several op tions to choo se from to progra m and use your
National Instruments DAQ hardware. You can use LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, VirtualBench, or the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050
Instrument Driver.
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI are innovative program development
software packages for data acquisition and control applications.
LabVIEW uses graphic al pro gra m ming, w her ea s La bWind ows/CV I
enhances traditional pr ogr am ming la ngu ages. B oth p acka ges includ e
extensive libraries for data acquisition, instrument control, data
analysis, and graphic al data p res entation .
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and a po werf ul g raphic al progr am ming langua ge. The
LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI L ibra r y, a se ries of V Is fo r using
LabVIEW with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with
LabVIEW. The LabVIEW D ata A cquisitio n VI Libr ar y is functiona lly
equivalent to the NI-DAQ software.
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and uses th e ANSI standa rd C pr ogr am ming la nguage . The
LabWindows/CVI Data Ac quisition Lib rary, a se ries of fun ctions f or
using LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is
included with the NI-DAQ software kit. The LabWindow s/CVI Data
Acquisition library is functionally equivalent to the NI-DAQ software.
However, the DAQCard-4050 works only with the Easy I/O functions.
For full functionality, you can use the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050
Instrument Driver with LabWindows/CVI.
Using LabVIEW or La bWin d ows/ CVI so ftware will greatly re d uc e th e
development time fo r you r data ac quisition an d con trol ap plicat ion.
VirtualBench is a suite of VIs that allow you to use your data
acquisition products just as you use stand -alone instrume nts, b ut yo u
benefit from the processing, display, and storage capabilities of PCs.
VirtualBench instrume nts load and sa ve w avef orm d ata to disk in the
same forms that can be us ed in po pular sp readsh eet pr ogram s and wor d
processors. A report generation capability complements the raw data
storage by adding timestamps, measurements, user name, and
The complet e V i rtua lB en ch su it e c on ta ins Vir tua lB en ch- S co pe,
VirtualBench-DSA, VirtualBench-Function Generator,
VirtualBench-FG, VirtualBench-Arb, VirtualBench-AODC,
VirtualBench-DIO, VirtualBench-Board Calibrator,
VirtualBench-DMM, and VirtualBench-Logger. Your DAQCard-4050
kits contains a copy of VirtualBench-DM M. VirtualBenc h-DMM is a
turn-key application that allows you to make mea sureme nts as you
would with a standard benchtop multimeter.
DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Instrument Driver and NI-DAQ
The DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Instrument Driver provides flexibility
and programmability in a standard instrument driver format.
The instrument driver application pro gramm ing interface (A PI) is
designed after a classical, full-featured digital multimeter instrument
driver. The instrument driver lets you avoid making low-level software
calls. The DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Instrument Driver works with
National Instruments Corporation1-3DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or conventional programming languages
such as C and Visual Basic.
While you can do most programming at the instrument driver level, you
can use NI-DAQ for complete control over the card’s functionality as
well as for integrating your system into larger National Instr uments data
acquisition systems.
Whether you are using the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Instrument
Driver, LabVIEW, or La bW indows/CV I, y our app lica tion u ses the
NI-DAQ driver software, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.
DAQ or
SCXI Hardware
(Windows 95, 3.1)
(Windows 95, 3.1, or NT)
Computer or
Driver Software
Instrument Driver
Programming Languages
(C, Visual Basic)
(Windows 95 or NT)
(Windows 95, 3.1, or NT)
*Easy I/O functions only
Figure 1-1. The Relationship between the Programming Environment,
National Instruments offers a var iety of pr odu cts to use w ith yo ur
DAQCard-4050, includ ing c able s, conne cto r bl ocks, a nd othe r
accessories, as follows:
•Current shunt modules fo r ma king c urr ent m eas urem en ts
•Additional test probes and ac cessor ies to simplify ma king
For more specific information about these products, refer to your
National Instruments catalogue or website, or call the office nearest
Your DAQCard-4050 is shipped in an antistatic vinyl box. Whe n you
are not using your D AQC ard-4 050 , sto re it in this box . Bec ause yo ur
DAQCard-4050 is enclosed in a fully shielded case, no additional
electrostatic precautions are n ecessar y. Howe ver, fo r your o wn sa fety
and to protect your DAQCard-4050, never attempt to touch the
connector pins.
National Instruments Corporation1-5DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
Installation and
This chapter explains safety instructions and describes how to install
and configure a DAQMeter DAQCard-4050.
Safety Instructions
Equipment described in this document must be used in an Installation
Category II environment per IEC 664. This category requires local level
supply mains-connected installation.
To prevent safety hazards, the maximum voltage between either of the
inputs and the ground of the computer should never exceed ±250 VDC
or 250 V
features built into this device can become impaired if the device becomes
damaged in any way. If the device is damaged, do not use until
service-trained personnel can check its safety. If necessary, return the
device to National Instruments for service and repair to ensure that its
safety is not compromised.
Do not operate this equipment in a manner that contradicts the
information specified in this document. Misuse of this equipment could
result in a shock hazard.
the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install unauthorized
parts or modify the device. Return the device to National Instruments for
service and repair to ensure that its safety is not compromised.
National Instruments Corporation2-1DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
Chapter 2Installation and Configuration
Connections that exceed any of the maximum signal ratings on the
DAQCard-4050 can create a shock or fire hazard or can damage any or all
of the devices connecte d to the DAQ Car d-4 050. N atio nal Instrum ents is
incorrect signal connections.
Clean devices and acce ssories b y brushing off light dust with a so ft,
nonmetallic brush. Remove other contaminants with a stiff nonmetallic
brush. The unit must be completely dry and free from c ontaminants before
returning to service.
Note:You should install your driver software before installing your hardware.
Refer to the DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 Read Me First docum ent for
software installation instructions.
There are t wo b asi c ste ps t o in s tall ing a D AQCa rd -40 50:
1.If you have Windows 3.1, you must have C ard & Sock et Ser vices
2.0 (or a later version) software installed on your computer. If you
have Windows 95, you do not need Card & Socket Services. These
services are built into the Windows 95 operating system.
2.Insert the DAQCard-4050 and attach the DAQCard-4050 accessory
The DAQCard-4050 ha s two co nnec tors—a 6 8-pin PC MCI A bus
connector on one e nd and a 4- pin I/O c on nector on the other en d.
Insert the PCMCIA bus connector into any available Type II
PCMCIA slot until the connector is seated firmly. Notice that the
DAQCard-4050 and th e DAQCar d-4050 accessory cable are bo th
keyed so that the cable ca n b e inse rted o nly one wa y.
Be careful not to put strain on the DAQCard-4050 accessory cable
when inserting it into and removing it from the DAQCard-4050.
Always grasp the cable by the connec tor you are pluggin g or
unplugging. Never pull directly on the DAQCard-4050 accessory
cable to unplug it from the DAQCard-4050.
The DAQCard-4050 kit contains the DAQCard-4050 accessory cable,
which connects the DAQCard-4050 to a pair of test probes with
shrouded banana plugs. These probes are also included in the kit. Bo th
the DAQCard-4050 accessory cable and the test probes meet
international safety requirements including U L 3111 and IEC 1010-1
for the full ranges of applications supp orted by the DAQC ard-4 050.
Before using any probe s or acc essorie s no t supplied by Na tiona l
Instruments, ensure that they meet applicable safety requirements for
the signal levels you may en co unter.
To use the DAQCard-4050 acce ssory cable an d probe s with the
DAQCard-4050, first connect the cable to the card as shown in
Figure 2-1. The accessory cable connector is p olari zed so that it cann ot
be plugged in incorrectly.
National Instruments Corporation2-3DAQMeter DAQCard-4050 User Manual
Installing the DAQCard-4050 and Cables
Chapter 2Installation and Configuration
The test probes connect to the DAQCard-4050 accessory cable via
shrouded banana jack s. Th e shrouds a round the bana na ja cks p re vent
you from contacting poten tially h azardo us voltages c onnec ted to the
test probes. You can also connec t the cable to standard (un shroude d)
banana jack probes or accessories; however, use unshrouded probes or
accessories only when the vo ltages are less than 30 V
You can use the measurement ends of the test probes in either of two
ways, as shown in Figure 2-2. With the plastic covers over the ends, you
can use the probes to directly probe the circuit or device to be tested.
With the plastic tip covers removed, the test probes can accept standard
banana jack accessories (such as spade lugs, alligator clips, or spring
clips), which are available from National Instruments.
or 42 V
Standard Banana
Jack Accessories
Hardware Configuration
The DAQCard-4050 is a fully softw are -conf igur able, Plug an d Play
device. Configuration information is stored in nonvolatile memory. The
Plug and Play services que ry the d evi ce, rea d the in forma tion, a nd
arbitrate resource a llocation for it ems such as base address a nd interrupt
level. After assigning these resources, the operating system enables the
device for operation.