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Important Information
The DAQArb 5411 is warranted against def ects in mate rials and wor kmanship for a peri od of one year fr om the date
of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace
equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty period. This warranty includes parts and labor.
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng
instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced
by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace soft ware media that do
not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period. National Instrument s does not war rant that the oper ation of the softwar e shall be un interr upted or error free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside
of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. National Instruments will pay the shipping
costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully
reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves
the right to make ch anges to subsequent editions of this document without prior not ice to holders of th is edition. The
reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for
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Instruments will apply regardles s of the fo rm of acti on, whether i n contract or tort, incl uding neg lig ence. Any acti on
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shall not be liable for any delay in performan ce due to causes beyo nd it s reasonable cont rol. The warranty pr ovided
herein does not cover damages, defects, malf unctio ns, or s ervice fai lures caused by owne r’s fail ure to fol low the
National Instruments in sta llat ion, o perat ion, or ma inte na nce instr uct ions; owner ’s modif icat ion of the p roduct;
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, N
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LabVIEW®, NI-DAQ®, CVI™, DAQArb™, RTSI™, SCXI™, and Virtu alBench™ are tradem arks of Natio nal
Instruments C orporation.
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
National Instruments products are not design ed with comp onents and testing in tend ed to ensure a level o f reliabi lity
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medical or clinical treatment must be performed by properly trained and qualified medical personnel, and all traditional
medical safeguards, equipment, and procedures that are appropriate in the particular situation to prevent serious injury
or death should always continue to be used when National Instruments prod ucts ar e being used. National Instruments
products are NOT intended to be a substitute f or any for m of establ ished pr ocess, proce dure, or equi pmen t used to
monitor or safegua rd huma n he alth and sa fety in med ical or clin ical t reat ment .
About This Manual
Organization of This Manual........................................................................................ix
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................ x
The DAQArb 5411 User Man ual de scribe s the fe ature s, f unctions, an d
operation of the DAQArb 5411. The DAQArb 5411 is a high-speed
arbitrary wav ef or m generatin g de vi ce with performance compar ab l e t o
standalone instruments.
Organization of This Manual
The DAQArb 5411 User Manual is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the DAQArb 5411, lists the
optional software and op tion al equipm en t, a nd e xplai ns how to
unpack your DAQArb 5411.
•Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration, describes how to install
and configure your DA QAr b 5411 .
•Chapter 3, Signal Connections, describes the I/O co nnectors, signal
connections, and digital interface to the DAQArb 5411.
•Chapter 4, Arb Operation, describes how to use your
DAQArb 5411.
•Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications of the
DAQArb 5411.
•Appendix B, Waveform S ampling and I nter polation, describes the
basics of waveform sampling and interpolation.
•Appendix C, Customer Communication, co ntain s f orm s y ou ca n
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
products and manuals.
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms
used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronym s, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
•The Index cont ains a n al phabe tical list o f key te rms a nd topic s in
this manual, including the page whe re you can fin d ea ch on e.
National Instruments CorporationixDAQArb 5411 User Manual
About This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
<>Angle brackets enclose the name of a key on the keyboard (for example,
<option>). Angle brackets containing numbers separated by an ellipsis
represent a range of values associated with a bit or signal name (for
example, DBIO <3.. 0>).
arbArb is a generic term that denotes one or more of the PCI-5411 and
AT-5411 arbitrary wa ve form ge nera ting device s.
boldBold text denotes the names of menus, menu items, parameters, dialog
box, dialog box buttons or o ptions, ico ns, window s, Windo ws 95 tabs,
or LEDs.
bold italicBold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
DAQArb 5411DAQArb 5411 is a generic term that denotes one or more of the
PCI-5411 and AT-54 11 arbitra ry w avef orm gen erating devic es .
italicItalic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept. This font also deno tes text from which y ou supply the
appropriate word or v alue, as in Wind ow s 3 .x .
italic monospace
monospaceText in this font denotes text or characters that should literally enter
Italic text in this font denotes that you must enter the appropriate words
or values in the place of these items.
from the keyboard, sections of co de, pro gramming ex ample s, and
syntax examples. This font is also used for the pro per names of disk
drives, paths, directories, programs, subprogram s, subroutines, device
names, functions, operations, variables, file names and exten sions, and
for statements and c omm en ts take n from p rogra ms.
The Glossary lists abbreviations, acronym s, metric prefixes,
mnemonics, symbols, and ter ms.
Customer Communication
National Instruments wants to rece ive you r com ments o n ou r prod ucts
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and
configuration forms for you to complete. These for ms are in
Appendix C, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
This chapter describes the DAQA rb 5411, lists the op tional sof tware
and optional equipment, and explain s how to unpack you r
DAQArb 5411.
About Your DAQArb 5411
Thank you for buying a National Instrument s DAQArb 5411 device.
The DAQArb 5411 fa mily co nsists o f two dif fere nt d evice s f or you r
choice of bus: the PCI-5411 for the PCI bus and the AT- 5411 for the
ISA bus. Your 5411 devic e ha s th e follow ing f eature s:
•One 12-bit resolution analog output chan nel
•Up to 16 MHz sine a nd TT L wav ef orm o utpu t
•Software selectable output impedances of 50 Ω and 75 Ω
•Output attenuation levels from 0 to 73 dB
•Phase-locked loop (PLL) syn chron iza tion to e xterna l cl ocks
•Sampling rate of 610 S/s to 40 MS/s
•2,000,000-sample onboa rd waveform memory
•Waveform linking and looping for arbitra ry wavefor m genera tion
•Digital and analog filters
•32-bit direct digital synthesis ( DDS) for stan dard fun ction
•External trigger input
•Marker output as trigger output
•16-bit digital pattern generation with clock
•Real-Time System Integration (RTSI) triggers
All 5411 devices follow industry-standard Plug and Play specifications
on both buses and offer seamless integration with compliant systems. If
your application requires more than one channel of arbitrary waveform
generation, you can synchronize multiple devices on all platforms using
There are several op tions to choo se from whe n programm ing your
National Instruments DAQ hardware . You can use LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, or Vir tualBenc h.
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI are innovative program development
software packages for data acquisition and control applications.
LabVIEW uses graphic al pro gra m ming, w her ea s La bWind ows/CV I
enhances traditional pr ogr am ming la ngu ages. B oth p acka ges includ e
extensive libraries for data acquisition, instrument control, data
analysis, and graphic al data p res entation .
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and a po werf ul g raphic al progr am ming langua ge. The
LabVIEW Data Acquisition V I Libr ary, a se ries of vir tual instrum ents
(VIs) for using LabVIEW with National Instrum ents DAQ hardwa re, is
included with LabVIEW.
Note:DAQArb 5411 devices can use only the Advanced Analog Output VIs in
LabVIEW for analog output functions.
Chapter 1Introduction
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and uses th e ANSI standa rd C pr ogr am ming la nguage . The
LabWindows/CVI Data Ac quisition Lib rary, a se ries of fun ctions f or
using LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is
included with the NI-DAQ software kit.
Using LabVIEW or La bWin d ows/ CVI so ftware will greatly reduce the
development time fo r you r data ac quisition an d con trol ap plicat ion.
VirtualBench is a suite of VIs that allows you to use your data
acquisition products just as you use standalone instruments, but you
benefit from the processing, display, and storage capabilities of PCs.
VirtualBench instrume nts load and sa ve w avef orm d ata to disk in the
same forms used in popular spreadsheet programs and word processors.
A report generation capability complements the raw data storage by
adding timestamps, measurements, user name, and comments.
The complete Vi rtual Ben ch suit e con tains Virt ualB ench- Arb,
VirtualBench-Func tion Gener ator, Virt ualBen ch-Sc ope,
VirtualBench-DSA, VirtualBench-DMM, and VirtualBench-Logger.
National Instruments Corporation1-3DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
Your DAQArb 5411 kit conta ins a free copy of Virtua lBenc h-Arb a nd
VirtualBench-Function Generator. VirtualBench-Arb is a turn-key
application you can u se to g ener ate wa vefor ms as yo u wo uld with a
standard arbitrary waveform generator.
NI-DAQ Driver Software
The NI-DAQ driver sof tware is included at no ch ar ge with all National
Instruments DAQ hardware. NI-DAQ is not packaged with accessory
products. NI-DAQ has an extensive library of functions that you can
call from your application pr ogr amming e nvir onmen t.
Whether you are u sing co nventiona l p rogra mm ing lang uage s,
LabVIEW, LabWindow s/CV I, or Vi rtualBe nch, you r applica tion uses
the NI-DAQ driver software, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.
Programming Environment
DAQ or
SCXI Hardware
Figure 1-1.
The Relationship between the Programming Environment,
National Instruments offers a var iety of pr odu cts to use w ith yo ur
DAQArb 5411, incl ud ing pro bes , cable s, an d o ther ac cessor i es, a s
•Shielded and unshielde d I/O con nector b locks (SCB-6 8, TB X-68 ,
•RTSI bus cables
For more specific information about these products, refer to your
National Instruments catalogue or web site, or call the office
nearest you.
The following list gives recommended part numbers for cables that you
can use with your 5 411 devic e:
•BNC male to BNC male, 50 Ω cable from ITT Pomona E lectro nics
(part number BNC-C-xx)
•BNC male to BNC male, 75 Ω cable from ITT Pomona E lectro nics
(part number 2249-E-xx)
•BNC female to RC A ph ono plug ada pter, fr om ITT Pom ona
Electronics (part number 5319)
•BNC 50 Ω fe ed -throug h te rminato r adapt er from IT T Pom ona
Electronics (part number 4119-50)
•BNC female -f ema le ad ap te r fr om ITT P om ona El ec tro ni cs
(part number 3283)
National Instruments Corporation1-5DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
Your device is shipped in an antistatic package to prevent electrostatic
damage to the device . Ele ctros tatic disc harg e can da mage seve ral
components on the device. To avoid such damage in handling the
device, take the following prec autions:
•Ground yourself via a ground ing strap or by holdin g a grounded
•Touch the anti-static package to a metal part of your computer
chassis before rem oving the d evic e f rom the pack age .
•Remove the device from the package and inspect the device for
loose components or any other sign of d amag e. Notify Na tiona l
Instruments if the device appear s damaged in any way. Do not
install a damaged dev ice into yo ur comp uter .
This chapter descr ibes how to in stall and conf igure your DAQArb 5411.
You should install your driver software before installing your hardware.
Refer to the
installation information.
If you have an older version of NI-DAQ already in your system, that
software will not work with your device. Install NI-DAQ from the NI-DAQ
software CD shipped with yo ur DAQArb 54 11.
You can install the PCI-5411 in any PCI slot and the AT-5411 in any ISA
slot in your comput er. Ho we ver, f or be st n oise perf or manc e, leav e as
much room as p ossi ble b etwee n th e DAQAr b 5 411 and oth er har dwar e.
Before installing your 5411 device, consu lt your PC user man ual or
technical reference manual for specific instructions and warnings.
Follow these general instructions to install your DAQArb 5411:
1.Write down the DAQArb 5411 serial number on the DAQArb 5411
2.Turn off your computer.
3.Remove the top cover or access port to the I/O channel.
4.Remove the expansion slot cover on the back pan el of the
5.For the PCI-5411, insert the card into a PCI slot. For the AT-5411,
6.Screw the mounting bracket of the DAQArb 5411 to the back panel
7.Visually verify the installation.
DAQArb 5411 R ea d Me Fir st
Hardware and Software C onfigur ation For m in Appe ndix C,
Customer Communication. You may need this seri al number fo r
future reference if you need to contact technical support.
insert the card into a 16-bit ISA slot. It may be a tight fit, but do not
force the device into place.
National Instruments Corporation2-1DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Chapter 2Installation and Configuration
8.Replace the cover.
9.Plug in and turn o n y our com puter.
The PCI-5411 or AT-5 411 is now in stalled .
Hardware Configuration
The DAQArb 5411 is a fully software-con figur able, Plug a nd Play
device. Configuration information is stored in nonvolatile memory. The
Plug and Play services que ry the d evi ce, rea d the in forma tion, a nd
allocate resources for items such as base address, interrupt level, and
DMA channel. After assigning these resources, the operating system
enables the de vice fo r ope ratio n.
Installing the Optional Memory Module
The standard onboard memory for the DAQArb 5411 is 4 MB. You can
upgrade to a 16 MB memory mod ule to store large wa veform buffer s
directly on the card. Perform the following steps to install the new
memory module:
1.Turn off the co mpu ter and remo ve the top c over or ac cess port to
the I/O channel.
2.Unscrew the bracket and remove the DAQArb 5411 from the slot it
has been plugged into.
3.Gently place your DAQArb 5411 on a flat surface with the
component and memory module side facing up.
4.Unfasten the two scre ws on the sid e of the m emor y modu le.
5.Gently unplug the memory modu le from the ma in board and store
the old memory module in an antistatic bag to avoid damage to the
6.Properly align the new 16 MB memory module over the connectors
and plug it into the connectors.
7.Fasten the two sc rew s y ou re mo ved in ste p 4.
8.Follow the regular installation steps described in the Installation
section earlier in this chapter.
National Instruments Corporation3-1DAQArb 5411 User Manual
DAQArb 5411 I/O Connector
Chapter 3Signal Connections
ARB Connector
The ARB connector p rov ides the w ave for m outp ut. The ma ximu m
output levels on this connector depend on the type of load termination.
If the output of a DAQArb 5411 terminates into a 50 Ω load, the output
levels are ±5 V, as shown in Figure 3-2. If the output of DAQArb 5411
terminates into a high impedance load (HiZ), the output levels are
±10 V. If the output terminates into any other load, the levels are:
= ±x 10 V
RL + R
where V
impedance in ohms, and R
DAQArb 5411. By default, R
is the maximum output voltage level, RL is the load
is the output impedanc e on the
= 50 Ω, but the software can also set it
to 75 Ω.
Note:Software will set the voltage output levels based on a 50 Ω load termination.
For more information o n w ave fo rm ge nera tion an d ana log ou tput
operation, refer to Cha pte r 4 , Arb Operation. For specifications on the
waveform output signal, see Appendix A, Specifications.
DAQArb 5411
±5 V
±10 V
RO =
50 Ω Load
DAQArb 5411
Figure 3-2.
DAQArb 5411 User Manual3-2
Output Levels and Load Termination Using a 50 Ω Output Impedance
The SYNC c onn ec tor i s a tr an sis to r-t r ans is to r- lo gic (T TL ) versi on o f
the sine waveform being generated at the output. You can think of the
SYNC output as a very high f reque ncy re solution,
software-programmable cloc k source for m an y app lica tions. You ca n
also vary the duty cycle of SYNC output on the fly by software control,
as shown in Figure 3-3. t
generated and t
x 100 %.
is (t
ARB Output
SYNC Output
(50% Duty Cycle)
SYNC Output
(33% Duty Cycle)
is the pulse width of the SYNC output. The duty cycle
is the time period of the sine wave being
PLL Ref Connector
Note:You can also lock the DAQArb 5411 to o ther National Instruments cards
over the RTSI bus using the 20 MHz RTSI clock signal.
Figure 3-3.
SYNC Output and Duty Cycle
You can route the SYNC output to the RTSI lines over the RTSI bus.
The SYNC output is derived from a comparator connected to the analog
waveform and is intend ed to be use d w hen th e wave form is a sine
function. The SYNC output will provide a meaningful waveform only
when you are ge nera ting a sine w ave on the ARB ou tput. For m ore
information on SYNC output, see Chapter 4, Arb Operation.
The PLL Ref connector is a phase-locked loop (PLL) input connector
that can accept a referen ce clock from an e xternal so urce and p hase lock
the DAQArb internal clock to this external clock. Th e refere nce clock
should not deviate more than ±100 ppm of its no minal frequenc y. The
minimum amplitude levels of 1 V
are required on this clock. You can
lock reference clock frequen cies of 1 MHz and 5–2 0 MHz in 1 MHz
National Instruments Corporation3-3DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Chapter 3Signal Connections
Dig Out Connector
If no external reference clock is available, the DAQArb 5411 will
automatically tune the internal clock to the best accuracy possible. For
more information on PLL operation, refer to Chapter 4, Arb Operation.
Dig Out is a 16-bit digital I/O connector that contains the 16-bit digital
pattern outputs, digital pattern clock outp ut, marke r ou tput, exter nal
trigger input, and power output.
Connector Pin Assignments
Figure 3-4 shows the DAQArb 5411 50-pin digital connector.
National Instruments Corporation3-5DAQArb 5411 User Manual
Chapter 3Signal Connections
Table 3-1.
Digital Output Connector Signal Descriptions
Signal NameTypeDescription
DGND–Digital ground
EXT_TRIGInputExternal trigger—The external trigger input signal is a
TTL-level signal that you c an use to sta rt or step thr ough a
waveform generation. For more information on trigger sources
and trigger mode, see Chapter 4, Arb Operation .
MARKEROutputMarke r—A marker is a TTL-level output signal that you can set
up at any point in the waveform being gene rated. You can use
this signal to synchronize or trigge r o ther d ev ices a t a c erta in
time within waveform generation.
NC–Not connected.
PA<0..15>OutputDigital pattern generator—The 16-bit dig it al re pr ese nta tio n of
the analog waveform is available as digital pattern outputs
along with the clock to which it is synchronized. This data is
available directly from the memory after some sample clocks
pipeline delay. The digital pattern outputs are available as TTL
output levels.
PCLKOutputDigital pattern clock —The digital pattern clock output
synchronizes the digital pattern output. This data is available
directly from the memory after some sample clocks pipeline
delay. The clock output is available as a TTL output level.
RFU–Reserved for future use. Do not connect signals to this pin.
+5VOutput+5 V p ow er —A +5 V ou tput signal is availa ble on the DAQArb
to power external devices. The maximum current you can draw
is 100 mA.
SHC50-68 50-Pin Cable Connector
You can use an optional SHC50-68 50-pin to 68-p in cable for pattern
generator output. The cable connects to the digital outpu t connector on
the DAQArb 5411. Figure 3-5 shows the 68-pin connector pin
assignments on the SHC50-68 ca ble.
This chapter describes how to use your DAQArb 5411.
Figure 4-1 shows the DAQArb 5411 block diagram.
Data Path
Memory Connector
Filter, and
PLL and
Digital Connector
ISA/PCI Channel
Figure 4-1.
DAQArb 5411 Block Diagram
The DAQArb 5411 consists of a bus interface that communicates with
the ISA bus for the AT-5411 or the PCI bus for the PCI -54 11. The bus
interface block handles Plug and Play protocols for assigning resources
to the device and providing drivers for the data and address bus that are
local to the device. The waveform sequencer performs multiple