National Instruments 5102 User Manual

NI 5102


Introduction............................................................................................. 2
What Is Calibration? ........................................................................ 2
Why Should You Calibrate? ............................................................ 2
How Often Should You Calibrate?.................................................. 2
Equipment and Other Test Requirements ...............................................3
Test Equipment ................................................................................ 3
Recommended Equipment........................................................3
Alternative Equipment.............................................................. 4
Connectors ................................................................................4
Documentation................................................................................. 4
Software ........................................................................................... 5
Test Conditions ................................................................................ 5
Calibration Procedures............................................................................ 6
Connecting Your Calibrator, DMM, and NI 5102........................... 6
Running the Calibration Executive Procedure................................. 6
Viewing the Calibration Report....................................................... 7
Technical Support Resources.................................................................. 8
NI Web Support ............................................................................... 8
Worldwide Support.......................................................................... 8
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323070A-01 Copyright © 2001 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. April 2001


This document contains information and step-by-step instructions for loading and running the calibration procedure for the NI 5102 using Calibration Executive.

What Is Calibration?

Calibration consists of verifying the measurement accuracy of a device and correcting for any measurement error. Verification is measuring the performance of a device and comparing the results to the factory specifications of the device. National Instruments calibrates every 5102 device at the factory. During the factory calibration process, the calibration constants are stored on the EEPROM. These values are loaded from memory and used as needed by the device.

Why Should You Calibrate?

The accuracy of electronic components drifts with time and temperature, which can affect measurement accuracy as the device ages. Calibration restores your device to its specified accuracy and ensures that it still meets National Instruments standards.

How Often Should You Calibrate?

The measurement accuracy requirements of your application determine how often you should externally calibrate your NI 5102 device. National Instruments recommends that you perform a complete calibration at least once every year. You can shorten this interval to 90 days or six months based on the demands of your application.
You can also use the verification procedure at a regular interval to determine if your oscilloscope needs adjustment.
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive 2

Equipment and Other Test Requirements

This section describes the equipment, documentation, software, and test conditions needed for calibration.

Test Equipment

Tables 1 and 2 list specifications for equipment you can use to calibrate your NI 5102 with Calibration Executive.

Recommended Equipment

Table 1 lists the equipment that National Instruments recommends for this procedure.
Table 1. Required Equipment Specifications for NI 5102 Calibration
Scope Calibrator Wav ete k 95 00
Active Head Wav ete k 95 10
Scope Calibrator
Active Head or better
If you do not have the recommended instruments, use the accuracy requirements listed above to select a substitute calibration standard. Refer to Table 2 for a list of alternative instruments you can use for the calibration procedure. Although these instruments are acceptable, National Instruments recommends that you use the instruments from Table 1.
Ve r t i c a l O f f s e t 0 VDC ±0.1 mV
Ve r t i c a l G a i n DC ±40 mV to ±4.5 V, ±0.1%
AC Coupling sine wave 9–13 Hz ±100 ppm,
Bandwidth 1.5% amplitude flatness
Input Impedance 2-wire resistance accuracy of
Necessary Specifications
into 1 M
1.8 Vpp ±2%into1M
for leveled sine wave 100 kHz–15 MHz ±50 ppm,
0.2–1.9 Vpp ± 2% into 1 M
0.25% for 1 Mmeasurement
© National Instruments Corporation 3 Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
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