National 400, 400TBL, 405TBL, 400TL Instructions Manual

National Optical & Scientific Instrument Inc.
6508 Tri-County Parkway
Schertz, Texas 78154
Phone (210) 590-9010 Fax (210) 590-1104
400TL 400TBL 405TBL
Copyright © 1/2/01
National Optical & Scientific Instrument Inc.
Rubber eyeshields
Eyepieces (ocular lens)
Knurled diopter
Post locking
Focusing knob
Head of microscope
Objective lens
Incidental (top) illumination
Stage clips
Stage plate
Light control
Power switch
405TBL series has 45° inclined head
(included on all models except #400)
(Illustrated is #400TBL having both incidental (top) and transmitted (bottom) illumination)
Plain base on non-illuminated #400 Base on top illuminated #400TL
Stereoscopic mic roscopes are used for viewing 3-dimensional objects , inspection or assembly of small parts, and for dissection of biological specimen. They provide an upright, unreversed image which permits easy manipu lation of the object being view ed while looking through the m icroscope. They are designed for viewing solid objects at low magnification, but they will also permit viewing of some transparent specimen slides.
Carefully read this manual and familiarize yourself with the components and controls identified in the diagram provided.
Do not touch any of the lens s urfaces while han dling the m icroscope. Dus t, dirt, fingerprin ts can dam age the delicate lens surfaces or adversely affect image quality.
Remove microsc ope stand and head assem bly from carton. Remove rub ber eyeshields, dustcov er and warranty card. Remove “L hex wrench” (used to remove lock ing set screw on stage plates), and “pin spanner wrench” (used to adjust focusing tension).
Microscope models having both inci dental (top) an d transmitted (bot tom) illumina tion are supplied with a frosted glass stage plate (80mm diameter) already mounted in the microscope base. They are also supplied with an accessory black/white contrast plate packed in the styrofoam container. 405 Series purchased after 1/1/10 will be supplied with contrast plates, one black and one white.
Models with no illumination , or top illumination only, are s upplied only with a black/white plast ic contrast plate (60mm diameter) already mounted in the base of microscope.
Install rubber eyepiece shi elds over top of eyepieces with the flared portion of the shields positioned at the outside edge of eyepieces.
Observe that the main voltage of your microscope is labeled on the back of the base. Make certain that the main voltage of yo u r microscope corresponds to the voltage of your power outle t.
Examine packing material before you discard it. Retain the styrofoam container in case you need to transport, store, or return t he microscope f or service. If it becom es necessar y to ship the microscope f or any reason, pack it in the styrofoam container, and then pack the styrofoam in another corrugated shipping container for optimum protection. Use of the styrofoam alone will not provide adequate protection in transit, and will void your war ranty.
The 400 and 405 series have the same features, function and procedures for operation. The only difference is that the 40 0 series has a ver tica l viewing head (e yepiec es are s tr aight u p a nd do wn) a nd the 405 series has a 45° inclined viewing hea d. The inc lined vie wing he ad perm its mor e comfortable viewing angle when user is seated.
Microscope magnificat ion is determ ined by multiplying the number on the e yepiece times the number on the objective lens. T hese numbers are incorporated i n the model number of your particular microscope purchase. For example, 400TBL-10
-2 has 10x eyepieces and 2x objectives, which provide 20x
magnification. Model 400-10-2 (no illuminatio n) is availab le only with the 2x objective opt ion, and sinc e the 2x objec tive
is fixed permanently in place, there is no 2x marking on the objective.
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