From our family to yours
With 30 years in the hearth industry, we offer you a wide range of products, all proudly carrying the President’s Limited Lifetime Warranty.
The years of experience, care and quality results in the creation of hearth products that possess a timeless and enduring style, worthy of a
place in your home.
As the largest, private family owned hearth products and gas grill manufacturer in North America, we invite you to experience the
complete family line-up of Napoleon wood, gas, electric and oil burning fi replaces, inserts and stoves. Our products are available for
viewing at a dealer nearest you or online at www.napoleonfi replaces .com.

Making your life easier...
Napoleon® gas stoves are desi gned to pr ovid e you absolute comf ort and con trol at th e tou ch of your fi ng ertips .
It's that easy. When you install a Napoleon® direct vent gas stove, you can rest assured that you will enjoy a
lifetime of instant ambiance with reliable performance year after year.
An investment you can count on...
Your new Napoleon® gas stove adds value to your home while at the same time giving you uncompromising
comfort and a reliable heating source. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Create your personal design statement...
Surround yourself with a home environment that makes you feel good, relaxed and proud to refl ect your
decorating style. Thousands of designer options are available to create the exact statement you have been
looking for.
Highest efficiencies, maximum comfort...
Years of research, design and testing have enhanced optimum performance allowing Napoleon® products to
achieve some of th e highest heater r ating effi ciencies on the market. N apoleon® continuously surpasses in dustry
standards not only in appearance but in effi ciency and performance.
Beautiful fires, best flame in the industry...
With advanced burner technology and innovative design, Napoleon®'s fl ame and exclusive PHAZER™ log sets
are so realistic it's hard to tell the difference from a real wood burning fi re.
Authorized dealer support network...
With over 3,000 reputable authorized dealers acr oss North America an d Europe , Napoleon® provi des professi onal
and consistent training and technical support to ensure your stove is installed by a certifi ed, reputable
installation technician.
Outstanding Reliable Warranty...
Each and every Napoleon® gas stove is designed and manufactured to strict quality testing standards and
backed by the Presi den t's Limited Lifetime W arr anty, gu aran teed to give you th e solid perf orman ce you deserve .
(Registered under the world recognized ISO 9001-2000)
Wolf Steel Manufacturing Napoleon Appliance Corp. Wolf Steel Montreal
Wolf Steel USA Wolf Steel Corporate Offi ces
30 Years of Customer