Wheels and Casters20
Unit to Cart Mounting21
Tank Support Brackets (propane only)21
Assembly and Installation InstructionsPage#
Pedestal Model Only
Tank Support Bracket (propane only)22
Wheels and Casters22
Pedestal Panels23
Pedestal to Base Mounting23
Heatshield (propane only)24
Unit to Pedestal Mounting24
Side Shelf25
Side Burner (RSB unit only)26
Lid Handle26
Searplates, Grills, and Warming Rack27
Grease Tray27
Propane Tank28
Natural Gas28
Leak Testing29
Rotisserie Kit (optional)29
Parts List30
Parts Diagram32
Do not try to light this appliance without reading "LIGHTING" instructions section of this manual.
• Turn off main gas supply.
• Extinguish any open flame.
• Open lid.
• Immediately call your gas supplier, or your fire department if odour continues.
• Thisgas grillis notintended to beinstalled inor on recreational
vehicles and/or boats.
• This gas grill must only be used outdoors in a well-ventilated
space and must not be used inside a building, garage or any
other enclosed area.
• Keep any electrical supply cord and fuel supply hose away
from any heated surfaces.
• Inspect the fuel supply hose before each use. If there is evidence ofexcessive abrasionor wear or the hoseis cut,it must
be replaced, prior to using the gas grill, with a replacement
hose assembly specified by the manufacturer.
• When thepropane cylinder is not disconnected from the appliance, the gas grill and cylinder must be stored outdoors in a
well ventilated space.
• Do not locate in windy settings. High winds adversely affect
the cooking performance of the gas grill.
• Adultsand especiallychildren should bealerted tothe hazards
of high surface temperatures. Young childrenshould besupervised near the gas grill.
• Under no circumstances should this gas grill be modified.
• Gasmust beturned of fatthe propanecylinder or at the natural
gas supply valve when the gas grill is not in use.
• When the gas grill is to be stored indoors, the connection between the propane cylinder and the gas grill must be disconnected andthe cylinderremoved and stored outdoorsin a well
ventilatedspaceout of reachofchildren.Disconnectedcylinders
must notbe stored ina building, garageor any otherenclosed
area. Natural gas units must bedisconnected from thesupply
when being stored indoors.
• The top lid is to be closed during the gas grill preheat period
• Do not use the condiment tray to store lighters, matches or
other flammable materials.
• This gas grill is designed for outdoor use only.
NAPOLEON gas grills are manufactured under the strict Standard of the world recognized
ISO 9001-2000Quality Assurance Certificate.
NAPOLEON products are designed with superior components and materials, and are assembled by trained
craftsmen who take great pride in their work. The burner and valve assembly are leak tested and test-fired at a
quality test station, and thoroughly inspected by a qualified technician before packaging and shipping to ensure
that you, the customer, receive the quality product you expect from NAPOLEON.
NAPOLEON warrantsthe following materials and workmanship in your new NAPOLEON gas grill against
defects foras long as you own thegas grill. This covers: aluminum castings(excluding paint), SOLIDORside
shelves, wheels, knobs, stainless steel burners,stainless steel lidinserts, and lid handles. Subject to the
following conditions. During the first five yearsNAPOLEON will provide replacement parts at ouroption free
of charge. From the sixth year to lifetime NAPOLEON will provide replacement p arts at 50% of the current
Components suchas stainless steelsear plates, porcelain enamelledcooking grids, temperature gaugesand
brass valves are covered and NAPOLEON will provide parts free of charge during the first two yearsof the
limited warranty.
Components suchas regulators, casters, warming racks, hoses and connectors, igniters (excluding
batteries), fasteners and accessories are covered andNAPOLEON will provide parts free ofcharge during the
first year ofthe limited warranty.
NAPOLEON shall not be liable for anytransportation charges, labour costs or export duties.
"NAPOLEON warrants its products against manufacturingdefectsto the original purchaser only (ie.,the individual or legal entity(registeredcustomer) whose name
appears on the warrantyregistrationcard filed with NAPOLEON), providedthat the purchase was madethroughan authorized NAPOLEON dealer andis subject to
the following conditions and limitations:"
This factory warranty is non-transferable andmaynotbe extended what-so-ever by any of ourrepresentatives.
The gas grill mustbeinstalled by a licenced, authorizedservicetechnician or contractor. Installation must be doneinaccordance with the installation instructions
included with the productandall local and nationalbuildingand fire codes.
This limited warranty does notcover damages caused by misuse,lackof maintenance, grease fires, hostileenvironments,accident, alterations, abuse or neglect
and parts installed from other manufacturers willnullifythis warranty.
This limited warranty further doesnotcover any scratches, dents, paintedfinishes,corrosion or discolouring by heat,abrasiveand chemical cleaners, nor chipping
on porcelain enamel parts,norany components used in theinstallationof the gas grill.
Should deterioration of parts occur tothe degree of non-performance within thedurationof the warranted coverage, areplacementpart will be provided.
In the first year only, this warranty extendstothe replacement of warranted partswhicharedefective in material or workmanshipprovided that the product hasbeen
operated in accordance with the operationinstructionsand under normal conditions.
After the first year, with respectto this President's Limited LifetimeWarrantyNAPOLEON may, at its discretion, fullydischarge all obligations with respectto this
warranty by refunding to the originalwarrantedpurchaserthe wholesale price of any warrantedbutdefectivepart(s).
NAPOLEON will not be responsible fortheinstallation,labouror any other costs or expenses related to there-installationofawarranted part, and such
expenses are not covered by this warranty.
Notwithstanding any provision contained in thisPresident's Limited Lifetime Warranty NAPOLEON's responsiblityunder this warranty is definedasabove and it
shall not in any eventextendto any incidental, consequential, or indirectdamages.
This warranty defines theobligationand liability of NAPOLEONwithrespect to the NAPOLEONgasgrill and any otherwarrantiesexpressed or implied withrespect
to this product, its componentsoraccessoriesare excluded.
NAPOLEON neither assumes, norauthorizes any third party toassume, on its behalf, anyother liabilities with respect tothe sale of this product. NAPOLEON will
not be responsible for: overfiring,blow outs caused by environmentalconditionssuchas strong winds, or inadequateventilation,
Any damages to thegas grill due to weatherdamage, hail, rough handling,damagingchemicals or cleaners willnot be the responsibility ofNAPOLEON.
The bill of saleor copy will berequired together with aserial number and a modelnumber when making anywarranty claims from NAPOLEON. The warranty
registration card must be returned within fourteendaystoregister the warranty or you can register
NAPOLEON reserves the right tohave its representative inspect any productor part prior to honouring anywarrantyclaim.
NAPOLEON shall not be liablefor any transportation charges, labour costs,orexport duties.
This gas barbecue is certifiedunder Canadianand American nationalstandards, CAN/CGA-1.6b-2002andANSI Z21.58b- 2002 respectively for outdoorgas grills and should be installed to conform with local codes. In absence of local codes, install to the current National
Fuel GasCode CAN/CGA-B149.1or ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, natural gas and propane installationcode. When installed, the unit must be
electrically grounded in accordance with local codes or, in absence of local codes, with the current CSAC22.1 Canadian electrical code
in Canada or the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 in the United States.
Use only the pressure regulator and hose assembly provided with this barbecue. Replacement pressure regulators and hose
assemblies must be specified by the manufacturer. Do not store propane cylinder or spare cylinder on the shelf beneath the
barbecue. Never fill the cylinder beyond 80 percent full. If the preceding information is not followed exactly, a fire causing death or
serious injury may occur.
The regulator supplies a pressure of 11 inches water column to the gas grill and has a QCC1 type fitting. Cylinders to be used with
this unit must be supplied with a Sherwood #3349 QCC1 cylinder valve. A QCC1 cylinder has a positive seating connection, which will
not allow gas flow until a positive seal has been achieved. It is also equipped with an excess flow device. In order to attain full flow
to the barbecue, the gas grill valves must be in the off position when the cylinder valve is turned on.
PROPANE CYLINDER SPECIFICATIONS: A dented or rusty cylinder may be hazardous and should be checked by your propane
supplier.Never usea cylinderwith adamaged valve. Use only a propane supply cylinder constructed and marked in accordancewith the
specifications for LP-gas cylinders of the Canadian Transport Commission (CTC) or the US Department of Transportation (DOT). This
appliance has been designed for use with a 20lb. (9.1 kg) size propane cylinder only (not supplied). The propane cylinder must be
provided witha shut-off valve terminating in a propane cylindervalve type QCC1,and a safety relief device having direct communication
with the vapour space of the cylinder. The cylinder supply system must bearranged for vapour withdrawal and the cylinder shall include
a collar to protect the cylinder valve. The cylinder shall incorporate a listed OPD (overfill protection device).
Read the entire instruction manual before operating the
gas grill.
Maintain proper clearance to combustibles (20" to rear
of unit, 6" to sides). Additional clearance is recommended near vinyl siding or large panes of glass.
Leak test the unit before initial use, annually and
whenever any gas components are replaced.
Follow lighting instructions carefully when operating
grill. Burner controls must be off when turning supply
cylinder valve on.
Ensure sear plates are positioned properly according to
sear plate installation instructions.
Clean grease tray and sear plates regularly to avoid
build-up which may lead to grease fires.
Remove warming rack before lighting rear burner. (The
extreme heat will damage the warming rack.)
Do not attempt to use a tank which is not equipped with a
QCC-1 type connection.
Do not route hose behind front leg - hose must run
around front side of leg.
Do not use condiment tray to store lighters, matches or
any other combustibles.
Do not locate unit under unprotected combustible
Do not operate rear burner with main burners operating.
Do not leave grill unattended when operating.
Do not light burners with lid closed.
Do not move grill when hot or operating.
Do not allow cold water (rain, sprinkler, hose, etc.) to
come in contact with heated unit. A large temperature
differential can cause chipping in the porcelain.
CYLINDER CONNECTION: Ensure that the gas regulator hose is kinkfree. Remove thecap or plugfrom the cylinder fuel valve.
Insert the black QCC1 regulator nipple onto the QCC1 fuel valve. Hand tighten clockwise.
using the barbecue.
A leak test must be performed annually, and each time a cylinder is hooked up, or if a part of the gas system is
PROPANE CYLINDER INSTALLATION: Set cylinder into the groove of the lower tank mounting bracket. Ensure that tank
valve faces away from the barbecue. Lower the top tank mounting bracket onto the cylinder and tighten with wing nut.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the hose is routed around the front side of the cart leg to maintain proper clearance to the
underside of the unit.
NATURAL GAS HOOK-UP: This naturalgas grillis suppliedwith a 10ft supplyhose (completewith aquick disconnect)designed for
natural gas and certified for outdoor use. The gas grill is designed to operate at an inlet pressure of 7 inches water column. A regulator
must beinstalled if the house pressure is greater than 7 inches watercolumn. Piping and valves upstream ofthe quick disconnectare not
The quick disconnectmust notbe installed inan upwarddirection and areadily accessiblemanual shut-offvalvemust beinstalledupstream
of, and as close to,the quickdisconnect asis feasible. The flaredend of the hose must beconnected tothe unitas illustratedin the
Gas HoseAttachment
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the hose is routed around the front side of the cart leg to maintain proper clearance to the
underside of the unit.
diagram. These connections must be made bya licensedgas installer. Leak testall jointsprior tousing thegas grill.
Do not use tools. Leak test all joints prior to
NON-SIDE BURNER UNITS: Connect the flared end of the hose to the fitting on the end of the manifold tube. Wrench tighten. (
use thread sealer/pipe dope.)
SIDE BURNER UNITS: Connect the 20" hose from the manifold, to the side burner as illustrated in the
diagram. Connect the supply hose to the flare connection which faces down from the side burner. Tighten all connections using two
wrenches. (
Do not use thread sealer/pipe dope.)
Natural Gas Hose Attachment
Do not
Do not use a flame to leak test.
LEAK TESTING: This must be done before initial use, annually and whenever any gas components are replaced or serviced. No
smoking while performing this test, and remove all sources of ignition. See
1. Turn all burners controls to off. Turn supply valve on.
2. Brush a half and half solution of liquid soap and water onto all joints and connections of the regulator, hose, manifolds and valves.
3. Bubbles will indicate a gas leak. Either tighten the loose joint or replace the part with one recommended by the dealer.
Leak Testing Diagram
for areas to check.
4. If theleak cannot be stopped, shut off the gas supply, disconnect it and have the barbecue inspected by your gas supplieror dealer.
Do not use the appliance until the leak has been corrected.
5. Turn off gas supply.
Open lid.
Ensuring burner controls
are in the off postion, turn
on the gas supply valve.
Rear Burner Lighting
Remove warming
rack and hanging
Light match and hold
to ports on left side
of rear burner.
Turn rear burner
control to high
Main Burner Lighting
Turn left burner
control to high
Press and hold
igniter button until lit,
or light by match.
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
Side Burner Lighting
Open burner cover.
Turn side burner
control to high
Push igniter several
times or light by
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
The propane cylinder is equipped with an excess flow device. Unless
all burners are turned off prior to turning the cylinder on, only small
flames will be achievable.
Do not use rear burner while operating main burner.
With left burner
operating on high,
turn center or right
burner to high
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
When lit for the first time, the gas grill will emita slight odour.This is a normal temporary condition caused by the "burn-in" of internal
paints and lubricants used in the manufacturing process and will not occur again. Simply run the main burners on high for approximately ½ hour.
MAIN BURNER USE: When searing foods, preheating is recommended by operating all main burners in the high position with the
lid closed for approximately 10 minutes. Food cooked for a short period of time (fish, vegetables) may be grilled with the lid open.
Cooking with the lid closed will ensure higher, more even temperatures that will reduce cooking time and cook meat more evenly.
Food thathas acooking timelonger than 30 minutes, suchas roasts,may becooked indirectly(with the burner lit opposite to thefood
placement). When cooking very lean meats, such as chicken breasts, or lean pork, the grids can be oiled before pre-heating to
reduce sticking. Cooking meat with a high degree of fat content, may create flare-ups. Either trim some fat or reduce temperatures
to prevent this. Should a flare-up occur, move food away from flames, reduce heat. Leave the lid open.
rotisserie. This gas grill is equipped with a 14,000 BTU rear burner. The rear burner is designed to be used in conjunction with the
rotisserie kit (included with Prestige units) available from your dealer. See the rotisserie kit assembly instructions. To use the
counterbalance, remove the rotisserie motor from the gas grill. Place the spit with meat being cooked across the hangers inside the
grill. The meat will naturallyhang withthe heavy side down. Tightenthe counterbalance arm and weight,so thatthe arm is facing up.
Slide the counterweight in or out to balance the load, and tighten in place. Re-install the motor and begin cooking. Place a dish
underneath to collect drippings for basting and naturally delicious gravy. Basting liquid may be added as required. To seal in juices,
first operaterear burner on high untilbrown, thenreduce the heatto thoroughlycook foods. Keep thelid closed for best results. Your
roasts and fowl will brown perfectly on the outside and stay moist and tender on the inside. For example, a 3 pound chicken on the
rotisserie will be done in approximately 1½ hours on medium to high.
SIDE BURNER USE: The side burner can be usedlike any rangetop burner,for gravies, soupsetc. The gas grill should be located
so that the side burner is protected from the wind, because the wind will adversely affect it's performance.
Remove the warming rack prior to use.
Cooking grids should also be removed if they interfere with the
Ensure that the burners are turned off prior to cleaning. Avoid unprotected contact with hot surfaces. Clean grill in an area
where cleaning solutions will not harm decks, lawns or patios. Do not use oven cleaner to clean any part of this gas grill.
Do not use a self cleaning oven to clean cooking grids or any other parts of the gas grill. Barbecue sauce and salt can be
corrosive and will cause rapid deterioration of the gas grill components unless cleaned regularly.
GRIDS AND WARMING RACK - The grids and warming rack are best cleaned during the pre-heat period with a soft brass wire
brush. Steel wool can be used for stubborn stains. Stainless grids (optional) will discolour permanently from normal usage, due to
the high temperature of the cooking surface.
CLEANING INSIDE THE GAS GRILL - Remove cooking grids. Use a soft brass wire brush to clean loose debris from casting sides
and insides of the lid. Scrape sear plates with a putty knife or scraper, and use a wire brush to remove ash. Remove sear plates
and brush debris off of burners with a brass wire brush. Brush all debris from inside the gas grill into the drip pan. The pan should
be scraped out with a putty knife or scraper, and all the debris should be scraped into the disposable grease tray. This tray should
be replaced every two to four weeks, depending on gas grill usage. For supplies, see your NAPOLEON Gas Grill dealer. Ensure
that the sear plates are placed properly when they are reinstalled (Check assembly instructions for proper orientation).
CLEANING THE OUTSIDE OF THE GAS GRILL - Do not use abrasive cleaners to clean any painted, or stainless steel parts.
Exterior grill surfaces should be cleaned while warm to the touch, with warm soapy water. To clean stainless surfaces, use a
stainless steel cleaner or a non-abrasive cleaner. Always wipe in the direction of the grain. Do not use steel wool, as it will scratch
the finish. Stainless steel parts will discolour when heated, usually to a golden or brown colour. This discolouration is normal and
will not affect the performance of the grill.
SOLIDO SIDE SHELVES - Clean side shelves with warm soapy water, and a plastic bristle brush.
Turn off the gas at the source and disconnect unit before servicing. Maintenance should only be done when the grill is
cool, to avoid the possibility of burns. A leak test must be performed annually, and whenever any component of the gas
train is replaced.
COMBUSTION AIRADJUSTMENT - (This must be done by a qualified gas installer.) The air shutter is factory set and should
not have to be adjusted under normal conditions. However, some extreme field conditions may exist that require adjustment. When
the air shutter is adjusted correctly, the flames will be dark blue with light blue tips, and occasional yellow tips.
If the burner is getting too little air, the flames will be lazy yellow, and possibly produce soot. If the burner is getting too much air, the
flames will be lifting erratically from the burner and may cause difficulties when lighting.
1. To adjust the air shutter, remove cooking grids and sear plates and leave lid open. The back cover must be removed for back
burner air shutter adjustment.
2. Loosen air-shutter lock screw and open or close air shutter as required. The normal settings are:
Main BurnerPropane3/16"Back BurnerPropane3/8"
3. Light burners and set to high. Visually inspect burner flames. When shutters are set, turn burners off, tighten locking screw, and
replace removed parts.
HOSE - Check for abrasion, melting, cuts and cracks. If any of these conditions exist, do not use gas grill. Have part replaced by
your gas grill dealer, or qualified gas installer.
BURNER - The burner is made from heavy wall 304 stainless steel, but due to the
extreme heat and corrosive environment, surface corrosion will occur. Use a brass wire
brush to remove surface corrosion. Clean any blocked ports using an opened paper
clip. Do not enlarge the burner ports. Spiders and insects are attracted to the smell of
propane and natural gas. The burner is equipped with an insect screen on the air
shutter, which will reduce the likelihood of insects building nests inside the burner, but
does not entirely eliminate the problem. The nest or web will cause the burner to burn
with a soft yellow or orange flame or cause a fire (flashback) at the air shutter
underneath the control panel. To clean the inside of the burner, it must be removed
from the gas grill. Remove the 2 screws located above the burner to the left and right of
the centre of the burner. Lift back of burner upwards to remove. Use a flexible venturi
tube cleaning brush to clean out the inside of the burner. Shake any loose debris out of
the burner, through the gas inlet. Ensure that the insect screen is clean, tight, and free
of any lint or other debris. Check also that the valve orifices are clean. Do not enlarge
the orifices. Re-install the burner. Check that the valve enters the burner when
installing. Replace burner cover and mounting screws to complete installation.
ALUMINUM CASTINGS - Clean castings periodically with warm soapy water. Aluminum will not rust, but due to high temperatures
and weathering, oxidation can occur on aluminum surfaces. This will appear as white spots on the castings. To refinish the
castings, clean them and sand lightly with fine sandpaper. Wipe surface to remove any residue, and paint with high temperature
barbecue paint. Protect surrounding areas from over-spray. Follow curing directions found on the can.
ProblemPossible CausesSolution
Low heat / Low flame when
valve turned to high.
Excessive flare-ups/uneven
Burners burn with yellow
flame, accompanied by the
smell of gas.
Flames lift away from
burner, accompanied by the
smell of gas, and possibly
difficulties in lighting.
For propane - improper lighting
For natural gas - undersized
supply line.
For both gases - improper
Sear plates installed incorrectly.Ensure sear plates are installed correctly. The archs without
Improper pre-heating.Pre-heat grill with main burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes.
Excessive grease and ash build
up on sear plates and in drip
Possible spider web or other
debris, or improper air shutter
Improper air shutter adjustment.Close air shutter slightly according to combustion air
Ensure lighting procedure is followed carefully. All gas grill
valves must be in the off position when the tank valve is
turned on. Turn tank on slowly to allow pressure to equalize.
See lighting instructions.
Pipe must be sized according to installation code.
Pre-heat grill with main burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes.
slots should be located directly above the left and right
burners. When the sear plates are installed correctly, six of
the eight slots should be in valleys.
Clean sear plates and drip pan regularly. Do not line base
with aluminum foil. Refer to cleaning instructions.
Thoroughly clean burner by removing. See general
maintenance instructions. Open air shutter slightly according
to combustion air adjustment instructions.
adjustment instructions.
Burner will not light with the
igniter, but will light with a
Humming regulator.
Burners will not crosslight
each other.
"Paint" appears to be
peeling inside lid or hood.
Dead battery / or installed
Loose electrode wire.Check that electrode wire is firmly pushed onto the terminal
Wrong replacement igniter.One spark systems must use a one spark igniter.
Improper gap at electrode tip.Ensure that the collector box is tight, and the gap between the
Lifting flames on burner.Close air shutter slightly - see previous problem
Normal occurance on hot days.This is not a defect. It is caused by internal vibrations in the
Plugged ports along back of
Grease build up on inside
Replace with heavy duty 'AAA' battery. Install with positive
terminal down.
on the back of the igniter.
electrode end and the collector box is between 1/8 - 3/16".
The gap can be adjusted by bending the box in or out.
regulator, and does not affect the performance or safety of the
gas grill.
Clean burner ports. See burner maintenance instructions.
This is not a defect. The peeling is caused by hardened
grease, which dries into paint-like shards, that will flake off.
Regular cleaning will prevent this. See cleaning instructions.
Before contacting the customer service department, check the NAC web site for more extensive cleaning, maintenance, troubleshooting and
part replacement instructionsat Contact the factorydirectly for replacementparts and warrantyclaims. The customer
service department is available between 9 AM and 5 PM (Eastern standard time) at 1-866-820-8686 or fax at 1-705-727-4282. In order to
process a claim, we must be provided with the following information:
1. Model and serial number of the unit.
2. Part number and description.
3. A concise description of the problem ('broken' is not sufficient).
4. Proof of purchase (photocopy of the invoice).
In some cases the customer service representative may request to have the parts returned to the factory for inspection, before providing
replacement parts. The parts must be shipped prepaid to the attention of the customer service department with the following information:
1. Model and serial number of the unit.
2. A concise description of the problem ('broken' is not sufficient).
3. Proof of purchase (photocopy of the invoice).
4. SPC number - provided by the customer service representative.
Before contacting customer service, kindly note that the following items are not covered by the warranty:
-costs for transportation, brokerage or export duties
-labor costs for removal and re-installation
-costs for service calls to diagnose problems
-discoloration of stainless steel parts
-part failure due to lack of cleaning and maintenance, or use of improper cleaners (ovencleaner).
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