Napoleon U405, UP405 PEDESTAL, Ultra Chef U405, Ultra Chef UP405 User Manual

SERIAL / SÉRIE / SERIENR#______________________
FAX:(705)725-2564 EMAIL: WEB SITE:
N415-0102CE / APR 03/06
Do not try to light this appliance without reading "LIGHTING"
instructions section of this manual.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance. An L.P. cylinder not connected for use must not be
stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. If the information in these
instructions is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result, causing
property damage, personal injury or death.
• Shut off gas to the appliance.
• Extinguish any open flame.
• Open lid.
• If odor continues, keep away from the appliance and immediately call your gas supplier or your fire department
• This gas grill is not intended to be installed in or on recreational vehiclesand/orboats.
• Thisgasgrillmust only be used outdoors in a well-ventilatedspace and must not be used inside a building, garage or any other enclosedarea.
• Keepany electrical supplycordand fuel supplyhoseaway from anyheatedsurfaces.
• Inspectthe fuel supply hosebeforeeachuse. If thereisevidence of excessive abrasion or wear or the hose is cut, it must be replaced, prior to using the gas grill, with a replacement hose assemblyspecifiedby the manufacturer.
• When the gas cylinder is not disconnected from the appliance, the gas grill and cylinder must be stored outdoors in a well ventilatedspace.
• Donot locate inwindysettings. Highwinds adversely affectthe cookingperformance of thegas grill.
• Turnoffthe gas supplyat the cylinderafter each use.
• Donot movethe appliance during use.
• Adultsand especially children should be alerted tothe hazards ofhigh surface temperatures. Keep young childrenaway.
• Underno circumstances should thisgas grill bemodified.
• Gas must be turned off at the propane cylinder or at the natural gassupply valve whenthegas grill isnot in use.
• When the gas grill is to be stored indoors, the connection be­tween the propane cylinder and the gas grill must be discon­nected and the cylinder removed and stored outdoors in a well ventilatedspaceoutof reach ofchildren.Disconnectedcylinders must not be stored in a building, garage or any other enclosed area. Natural gas units must be disconnected from the supply whenbeing stored indoors.
• Thetop lidis to be closed during the gasgrill preheatperiod
• Donot use the condimenttrayto store lighters,matchesor other flammablematerials.
• Thisgas grill isdesigned for outdooruseonly.
NAPOLEON gas grills are manufactured under the strict Standard of the world recognized
ISO 9001-2000 Quality Assurance Certificate.
NAPOLEON products are designed with superior components and materials, and are assembled by trained
craftsmen who take great pride in their work. The burner and valve assembly are leak tested and test-fired at a
quality test station, and thoroughly inspected by a qualified technician before packaging and shipping to
ensure that you, the customer, receive the quality product you expect from NAPOLEON.
NAPOLEON warrants the following materials and workmanship in your new NAPOLEON gas grill against defects for as long as you own the gas grill. This covers: aluminum castings (excluding paint), SOLIDORside shelves, wheels, knobs, stainless steel burners, stainless steel lid inserts, and lid handles. Subject to the following conditions. During the first five years NAPOLEON will provide replacement parts at our option free of charge. From the sixth year to lifetime NAPOLEON will provide replacement parts at 50% of the current retail price.
Components such as stainless steel sear plates, stainless steel cooking grids, igniters (excluding batteries), temperature gauges and brass valves are covered and NAPOLEON will provide parts free of charge during the first two years of the limited warranty.
Components such as regulators, casters, warming racks, hoses and connectors, fasteners and accessories are covered and NAPOLEON will provide parts free of charge during the first year of the limited warranty.
NAPOLEON shall not be liable for any transportation charges, labour costs or export duties.
"NAPOLEON warrants its products against manufacturing defects to the original purchaser only (ie., the individual or legal entity (registered customer) whose name appears on the warranty registration card filed with NAPOLEON), provided that the purchase was made through an authorized NAPOLEON dealer and is subject to the following conditions and limitations:"
This factory warranty is non-transferable and may not be extended what-so-ever by any of our representatives.
The gas grill must be installed by a licenced, authorized service technician or contractor. Installation must be done in accordance with the installation instructions included with the product and all local and national building and fire codes.
This limited warranty does not cover damages caused by misuse, lack of maintenance, grease fires, hostile environments, accident, alterations, abuse or neglect and parts installed from other manufacturers will nullify this warranty.
This limited warranty further does not cover any scratches, dents, painted finishes, corrosion or discolouring by heat, abrasive and chemical cleaners, nor chipping on porcelain enamel parts, nor any components used in the installation of the gas grill.
Should deterioration of parts occur to the degree of non-performance within the duration of the warranted coverage, a replacement part will be provided.
In the first year only, this warranty extends to the replacement of warranted parts which are defective in material or workmanship provided that the product has been operated in accordance with the operation instructions and under normal conditions.
After the first year, with respect to this President's Limited Lifetime Warranty NAPOLEON may,at its discretion, fully discharge all obligations with respect to this warranty by refunding to the original warranted purchaser the wholesale price of any warranted but defective part(s).
NAPOLEON will not be responsible for the installation, labour or any other costs or expenses related to the re-installation of a warranted part, and such expenses are not covered by this warranty.
Notwithstanding any provision contained in this President's Limited Lifetime WarrantyNAPOLEON's responsiblity under this warranty is defined as above and it shall not in any event extend to any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages.
This warranty defines the obligation and liability of NAPOLEON with respect to the NAPOLEON gas grill and any other warranties expressed or implied with respect to this product, its components or accessories are excluded.
NAPOLEON neither assumes, nor authorizes any third party to assume, on its behalf, any other liabilities with respect to the sale of this product. NAPOLEON will not be responsible for: over firing, blow outs caused by environmental conditions such as strong winds, or inadequate ventilation,
Any damages to the gas grill due to weather damage, hail, rough handling, damaging chemicals or cleaners will not be the responsibility of NAPOLEON.
The bill of sale or copy will be required together with a serial number and a model number when making any warranty claims from NAPOLEON. The warranty registration card must be returned within fourteen days to register the warranty or you can register on-line at
NAPOLEON reserves the right to have its representative inspect any product or part prior to honouring any warranty claim.
NAPOLEON shall not be liable for any transportation charges, labour costs, or export duties.
Read the entire instruction manual before operating the gasgrill.
Maintainproper clearanceto combustibles(510mm (20") to rear of unit,155mm (6") to sides). Additional clearance is recommended near vinyl siding or large panes ofglass.
Leak test theunit beforeinitial use,annually andwhenever any gas componentsare replaced.
Followlighting instructionscarefully whenoperating grill. Burner controls must be off when turning supply cylinder valveon.
Ensure sear plates are positioned properly according to searplate installationinstructions.
Clean grease trayand searplates regularlyto avoidbuild­up which may lead to grease fires.
Remove warming rack before lighting rear burner.(The extreme heat willdamage thewarming rack.)
Use protective gloves when handling any hot components.
Do not route hose behind front leg - hose must run around front side of leg.
Do not use condimenttray to store lighters, matchesor any other combustibles.
Do not locate unit under unprotected combustible construction.
Do not operate rearburner with main burners operating. Do not leave grill unattended when operating. Do not light burners with lid closed. Do not move grill when hot or operating. Do not allow coldwater (rain, sprinkler, hose,etc.) to come
in contact withheated unit. Alarge temperature differential can cause chipping in the porcelain.
Do not manipulate any partsthat have been sealed by the manufacturer.
Do not use the bottom shelf of the unit for spare cylinder storage.
Useonly gas cylinderswhich meetnational and regionalcodes. Ensurethat thecylinder can provideenough fuel tooperate the appliance. If in doubt, checkwith your local gas supplier.
• Alwaysset thecylinder vertically on level ground next to the grill. (UK only)
• Usecaution whenhandling the cylinder valve.
• Neverconnect a cylinder which does not meetlocal codes.
• Never store a spare cylinder in close proximity of an operating appliance. Cylinders must not be exposed to extreme heat or direct sunlight.
CYLINDER INSTALLATION: Set cylinder into hole in bottom shelf.
UK ONLY: Place cylinder on level ground next to grill below right side shelf. Do not use bottom shelf to store tank.
IMPORTANT:Ensure that the hose is routed to maintain proper clearance to the underside of the unit.
CYLINDER CONNECTION:Ensure that the gas regulatorhose is kink free. Removethe cap or plug from the cylinderfuel valve.
Tightenregulator to cylindervalve. a cylinder is hooked up, or if a part of the gas system is replaced.
Leaktest alljoints prior to using the barbecue.
Aleaktest must be performed annually,andeach time
• Ifthe hose and regulator are not includedby themanufacturer,thenonly hosesand regulatorswhich meet national and regionalcodes are to be used.
• Donot connectthe appliance to a permanent gas installation.
• Ensure that the hose does not come into contact with grease, other hot drippings, or any hot surfaces on the appliance.
• Checkhose regularily. In the case of rips, melting or wear, replace hose before using theappliance.
• The recommended hose length is 0.5m. The hose must not be longer than 1.5m.
• Ensurethat thehose is twist and kink free when installed.
• Replacethe hosebefore expirydate printedon thehose.
The following tablelists input values for the appliance.
I II (TOTAL) PROPANE BUTANE MAIN #60 1.45mm 13.2 kW 944 g/h 960 g/h BACK #58 1.5mm 4.1 kW 293 g/h 298 g/h SIDE #69 #57 2.3 kW 164 g/h 167 g/h
Certified Gases / Pressures - Check rating plate to ensure that it corresponds with following list.
Gas Cat egory I Orifice Sizes (see above) I I II II
Gases / Pressures Countries CZ , DK, FI, GR,
The regulators for both butane and propane must have a rating of at least 1200 g/h. Do not tamper with or modify regulator. Use only regulators which supply the pressurelisted inthe tableabove.
Butane 30mbar P ropane 30m bar
Butane28-30mbar Propane 37mbar
Natural Gas 20mbar Natural Gas 20m bar
LEAK TESTING: Thismust be donebefore initial use,annually andwhenever any gascomponents are replacedor serviced. No smoking
while performing this test, and removeall sourcesof ignition. See
1.Turnall burners controls to off. Turnsupply valve on.
Leak TestingDiagram
for areas to check.
2. Brush a half and half solution of liquid soap and wateronto alljoints and connections of the regulator, hose, manifolds and valves.
3. Bubbles willindicate agas leak.Either tightenthe loosejoint orreplace the part with one recommended by the dealer.
4.If theleak cannot be stopped, shutoff the gas supply,disconnect it and have thebarbecue inspectedby your gas supplier ordealer.Do not use theappliance untilthe leakhas beencorrected.
5.Turn off gas supply.
Open lid.
Ensuring burner controls
are in the off postion, turn
on the gas supply valve.
Rear Burner Lighting
Remove warming rack and hanging
Light match and hold
to ports on left side
of rear burner.
Turn rear burner
control to high
Main Burner Lighting
Turn left burner
control to high
Press and hold
igniter button until lit,
or light by match.
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
Side Burner Lighting
Open burner cover.
Turn side burner
control to high
Push igniter several
times or light by
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
The propane cylinder is equipped with an excess flow device. Unless all burners are turned off prior to turning the cylinder on, only small flames will be achievable.
Do not use rear burner while operating main burner.
With left burner operating on high, turn center or right
burner to high
If ignition is not
immediate, turn
burner control off.
Wait 5 minutes.
When lit for the first time, the gas grill will emit a slight odour. This is a normal temporary condition caused by the "burn-in" of internal paintsand lubricants usedin themanufacturing processand willnot occur again. Simply run the main burners on high for approximately ½ hour.
MAIN BURNER USE: When searing foods, preheating is recommended by operating all main burners in the high position with the lid closed for approximately 10 minutes. Food cooked for a short period of time (fish,vegetables) may be grilled with the lid open. Cooking withthe lidclosed willensure higher,more even temperatures that will reduce cooking timeand cookmeat moreevenly.Foodthat hasa cookingtime longerthan 30minutes, such as roasts, maybe cookedindirectly (with the burner lit opposite tothe foodplacement). When cooking very lean meats, such as chicken breasts, or lean pork, the grids can be oiled before pre-heating to reduce sticking. Cooking meat with ahigh degreeof fatcontent, maycreate flare-ups.Either trimsome fator reducetemperatures toprevent this.Should aflare­up occur, move food awayfrom flames, reduce heat. Leave the lid open.
rotisserie. The rear burner isdesigned to be used in conjunction withthe rotisseriekit available from your dealer. See the rotisserie kit assemblyinstructions. To use the counterbalance, remove the rotisseriemotor fromthe gasgrill. Place the spit with meat being cooked across the hangers inside the grill. The meatwill naturally hang with the heavy side down. Tighten the counterbalance arm and weight, so that the arm is facing up. Slide the counterweight in or out to balance the load, and tighten in place. Re-install the motor and begin cooking. Placea dishunderneath tocollect drippings for basting and naturally delicious gravy.Basting liquid may be added as required. To seal in juices, first operaterear burneron high until brown, then reduce theheat tothoroughly cookfoods. Keep the lid closed forbest results. Yourroastsand fowl will brown perfectlyon theoutside and staymoist andtender on the inside. For example,a 3 pound chicken on the rotisserie will be done in approximately 1½ hours onmedium to high.
SIDE BURNER USE: Theside burner can be used like any range top burner,for gravies,soups etc. The gas grill shouldbe locatedso that the side burner is protected from the wind, because the wind will adversely affect it's performance.
Remove the warming rack prior to use.
Cooking grids should also be removed if they interfere with the
Ensure that the burners are turned off prior to cleaning. Avoid unprotected contact with hot surfaces. Clean grill in an area where cleaning solutions will not harm decks, lawns or patios. Do not use oven cleaner to clean any part of this gas grill. Do not use a self cleaning oven to clean cooking grids or any other partsof the gas grill. Barbecue sauce and salt can be corrosive and will cause rapid deterioration of the gas grill components unless cleaned regularly.
GRIDSAND WARMING RACK - The grids and warming rack are best cleaned during the pre-heat period with a soft brass wire brush.
Steelwoolcan beused for stubborn stains. Stainlessgrids (optional) will discolour permanentlyfrom normalusage, due to the high temperatureof thecooking surface.
CLEANING INSIDE THE GAS GRILL -Remove cooking grids. Use a softbrass wirebrush to clean loose debris from castingsides and insides of the lid. Scrape sear plates with aputty knifeor scraper,anduse a wire brush to remove ash. Remove sear plates and brush debris off of burners with abrass wire brush. Brush alldebris from inside the gas grill into the drip pan. The pan should be scraped out witha puttyknife orscraper,and all thedebris shouldbe scrapedinto the disposable grease tray. This tray shouldbe replacedevery two to four weeks, depending ongas grillusage. For supplies,see yourNAPOLEON GasGrill dealer. Ensure that the sear plates are placedproperly whenthey are reinstalled(Check assembly instructionsfor properorientation).
CLEANING THE OUTSIDE OF THEGAS GRILL- Do not use abrasive cleaners toclean anypainted, or stainlesssteel parts. Exterior grillsurfaces shouldbe cleaned while warm tothe touch,with warm soapy water. To clean stainlesssurfaces, use a stainless steel cleaner or anon-abrasive cleaner. Alwayswipein thedirection ofthe grain. Do not use steel wool, as it will scratch thefinish. Stainless steel parts will discolour when heated, usually to a golden or brown colour. This discolouration is normal and will not affectthe perfor­manceof thegrill.
SOLIDO SIDE SHELVES - Clean side shelveswith warmsoapy water, and aplastic bristlebrush.
Turnoff the gas at the source and disconnect unit before servicing. Maintenance should only be done when the grill is cool, to avoid the possibility of burns. A leak test must be performed annually, and whenever any component of the gas train is replaced.
COMBUSTION AIR ADJUSTMENT - (This must be done by a qualified gas installer.) The air shutter is factory set and should not
haveto beadjusted undernormal conditions. However, some extremefield conditionsmay existthat require adjustment. When the air shutteris adjustedcorrectly,theflames will be dark bluewith lightblue tips, andoccasional yellowtips.
If the burneris gettingtoo littleair,the flames will be lazy yellow, and possiblyproduce soot. Ifthe burneris gettingtoo muchair,the flameswill beliftingerratically from the burner andmay cause difficultieswhen lighting.
HOSE - Check forabrasion, melting, cuts andcracks. If any of these conditions exist, donot usegas grill. Have part replaced by your gasgrill dealer,or qualifiedgas installer.
BURNER - The burner is madefrom heavywall 304 stainlesssteel, but due to theextreme heatand corrosive environment, surface corrosion will occur. Use a brass wire brush to remove surface corrosion. Clean any blocked ports using an openedpaper clip. Do not enlarge the burner ports. Spiders and insects are attracted tothe smell of propane and natural gas. The burner isequipped with an insectscreen onthe air shutter,whichwill reducethe likelihood of insects building nests inside the burner, but does not entirely eliminate the problem. The nest or web will cause the burner to burn with a soft yellow or orange flame or cause a fire (flashback)at theair shutter underneath the control panel. Toclean the inside of the burner,it mustbe removed from the gas grill. Remove the 2 screwslocated above the burner tothe left and right of the centre of the burner. Lift back of burner upwards to remove. Use a flexible venturi tube cleaning brush to clean out the inside of the burner. Shake any loose debris out of the burner, through the gas inlet. Ensure that the insect screen isclean, tight, and free of any lint or otherdebris. Check alsothat thevalve orifices are clean. Do notenlarge the orifices. Re-installthe burner. Check thatthe valveenters theburner when installing. Replaceburner coverand mountingscrews to completeinstallation.
ALUMINUM CASTINGS -Clean castingsperiodically with warm soapy water. Aluminum will not rust,but dueto hightemperatures and weathering,oxidation canoccur onaluminum surfaces. This will appear aswhite spotson the castings. To refinish the castings, clean themand sandlightly withfine sandpaper. Wipe surface to remove any residue, and paintwith high temperature barbecue paint. Protect surrounding areas from over-spray. Follow curing directions found on the can.
Problem Possible Causes Solution
Low heat / Low flame when valveturned tohigh.
For propane - improper lighting procedure.
Fornatural gas- undersized supplyline.
For both gases - improper preheating.
Ensurelighting procedureis followed carefully. All gasgrill valvesmust bein theoff position whenthe tankvalve is turned on. Turntank on slowly to allow pressureto equalize. See lightinginstructions.
Pipemust besized according to installation code.
Pre-heat grill with main burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes.
Problem Possible Causes Solution
Excessiveflare-ups/uneven heat.
Burners burn with yellow flame, accompanied by the smellof gas.
Flamesliftawayfromburner, accompaniedbythesmellofgas, andpossiblydifficultiesin lighting.
Burner will notlight withthe igniter,butwill lightwith a match.
Searplates installed incorrectly. Ensuresear platesareinstalledcorrectly. Thearchswithout slotsshould
belocateddirectly above theleftandrightburners. Whenthesearplates areinstalledcorrectly,sixoftheeightslotsshouldbeinvalleys.
Improperpre-heating. Pre-heat grill with main burners on high for 10 to 15 minutes.
Excessivegrease and ash build up on sear plates and in drip pan.
Possiblespider webor other debris,or improperair shutter adjustment.
Improperair shutteradjustment. Closeair shutterslightly according to combustion airadjustment
Deadbattery / or installedincorrectly. Replace with heavyduty 'AAA'battery. Install withpositive
Looseelectrode wire. Checkthat electrodewire isfirmly pushed onto the terminal on
Wrongreplacement igniter. Onespark systems must use a one sparkigniter. Impropergap atelectrode tip. Ensure that the collectorbox is tight, and the gap between the
Liftingflames onburner. Closeair shutterslightly -see previous problem
Cleansear platesand drippan regularly. Do not line basewith aluminumfoil. Refer to cleaning instructions.
Thoroughlyclean burnerby removing. See general maintenanceinstructions. Open air shutterslightly according tocombustion airadjustment instructions.
the back of the igniter.
electrode end and the collector box isbetween 3-5mm (1/8 - 3/ 16"). The gap can be adjusted by bending the box in or out.
Burners will notcrosslight each other.
"Paint"appears tobe peeling inside lid or hood.
Normal occurance on hotdays. Thisisnotadefect. Itiscausedbyinternalvibrationsintheregulator,
anddoesnotaffecttheperformance or safety ofthegasgrill.
Plugged ports along back of burner. Cleanburner ports. See burnermaintenance instructions.
Grease build upon insidesur­faces.
This is not a defect. The peelingis caused by hardened grease,which driesinto paint-like shards,that will flake off. Regularcleaning willprevent this. See cleaninginstructions.
Beforecontacting the customerservice department, check theNAC web sitefor more extensivecleaning, maintenance, troubleshootingand part replacementinstructions at Contact the factorydirectly for replacement partsandwarrantyclaims. The customer service departmentis available between 9AM and5 PM (Eastern standardtime)at 1-705-725-4258 orfax at 1-705-727-4282. In order toprocessa claim, wemust be provided withthe following information:
1.Model and serialnumber of the unit.
2.Part number anddescription.
3.Aconcise descriptionof the problem ('broken'is not sufficient).
4.Proof of purchase(photocopyof the invoice).
Insome cases the customer servicerepresentativemay request to have thepartsreturnedto the factory for inspection,beforeproviding replacement parts. The partsmust be shipped prepaidto the attention ofthe customer service departmentwith the following information:
1.Model and serialnumber of the unit.
2.Aconcise descriptionof the problem ('broken'is not sufficient).
3.Proof of purchase(photocopyof the invoice).
4.SPC number -providedby the customerservice representative.
Beforecontacting customer service, kindlynote that the followingitems are not coveredby the warranty:
-costsfor transportation, brokerage orexport duties
-laborcosts for removal andre-installation
-costsfor service calls todiagnose problems
-discolorationof stainless steel parts
-partfailure due to lackof cleaning and maintenance,or use of impropercleaners (ovencleaner).
Ne tentez pas d’allumer cet appareil avant d’avoir lu la section
Pour votre sécurité n'entreposez pas et n'utilisez pas d'essence ou autres liquides et vapeurs
inflammables à proximité de cet ou tout autre appareil. Une bonbonne de propane de
propane non branchée ne devrait pas être entreposée à proximité de cet ou de tout autre
appareil. Si ces instructions ne sont pas suivies à la lettre, un feu ou une explosion
pourraient s'ensuivre, causant des dommages à la propriété, des blessures corporelles ou
des pertes de vie.
• Fermez l’alimentation principale en gaz.
• Éteignez toute flamme nue.
• Ouvrez le couvercle.
• Si l’odeur persiste, appelez immédiatement votre fournisseur de gaz ou le service des incendies.
* Ce gril àgaz n’est pas conçu pourêtre installé dans ou sur des véhiculesrécréatifs et/ou desbateaux. *Ce grildoit être utilisé uniquement àl’extérieur,dans un endroit bienaéré etne doit jamaisêtre utiliséà l’intérieur d’un bâtiment, d’un garage ou de tout autre endroit fermé. *Gardez les fils électriques etles tuyaux d’alimentationen gaz éloignésdes surfaces chauffantes. *Inspectez letuyau d’alimentation engaz avant chaque utilisation.S’il montre des signes defendillement excessif, d’usure ou s’il est coupé, ildoit êtreremplacé parun ensemblede rechangespécifié par lefabricant avant d’utiliserle gril. * Lorsque la bonbonne de propane n’est pas débranchée du gril, labonbonne etle gril doiventêtre entreposésà l’extérieur, dans unendroit bienaéré. *N’installez pas legril dansun endroit venteux.Les ventsforts nuirontà laperformance decuisson devotre gril. *Lorsque legril n’est pasutilisé, l’alimentation engaz doit être fermée à la bonbonne de propane ou à la soupape d’alimentation dugaz naturel.
*Les adultes et particulièrement les enfants doiventêtre sensibilisésaux risquesque représentent les surfaces exposéesà destempératures élevées. Surveillez les jeunes enfantslorsqu’ils sont près dugril. *Ce gril ne devra êtremodifié en aucun cas. *Lorsque legril doit être entreposé à l’intérieur,la bonbonnede propanedoit être débranchéedu grilet entreposée àl’extérieur dans un endroit bien aéré, hors de la portée desenfants. Les bonbonnes de propane nedoivent en aucun temps être entreposéesà l’intérieurd’un bâtiment, d’un garage ou de tout autreendroit fermé.Les appareils augaz naturel doiventêtre
débranchésde leursource d’alimentation engaz lorsqu’ils sont entreposésà l’intérieur.
* Le couvercledoit êtrefermé lorsde lapériode de préchauffagedu gril. *N’utilisez pasle plateau àcondiments pour entreposerdes briquets,des allumettes ouautres matériaux inflammables. * Ce gril à gaz est conçu pour un usage extérieur seulement.
Les grils à gaz NAPOLÉON sont fabriqués conformément aux normes strictes du
Certificat d’assurance de qualité mondialement reconnues ISO 9001-2000.
Les produits NAPOLÉON sont conçus avec des composantes et des matériaux de qualité supérieure,
assemblés par des artisans qualifiés qui sont fiers de leur travail. Le brûleur et le montage de la soupape
subissent un test de détection de fuites et d’allumage à une station de test de qualité et sont soigneusement
inspectés par un technicien qualifié avant d’être emballés et expediés pour garantir que vous, le client,
recevez le produit de qualité dont vous vous attendez de NAPOLÉON.
NAPOLÉON garantit votre nouveau gril à gaz contre tous défauts concernant les matériaux et le procédé de fabrication tant et aussi longtemps que vous êtes propriétaire du gril. Cette garantie couvre : la fonte d’aluminium (excluant les finis peints), les tablettes latérales SOLIDOR, les roues, les boutons de contrôle, les brûleurs en acier inoxydable, les poignées de couvercle, et l’appliqué pour couvercle en acier inoxydable sous réserve des conditions suivantes. Pendant les dix premières années, NAPOLÉON fournira
gratuitement les pièces de rechange selon son choix. De la sixième année à vie, NAPOLÉON fournira les
pièces de rechange à 50 % du prix de détail courant.
Les composants tels que les plaques de brûleur en acier inoxydable, les grilles de cuisson en acier inoxydable, l’allumeur (excluant les piles), la jauge de température et les soupapes en laiton sont couverts et NAPOLÉON fournira les pièces gratuitement durant les deux premières années de la garantie limitée.
Les composants tels que les régulateurs, les roulettes, les grilles de réchaud, les tuyaux et les raccords, les pièces d’assemblage et les accessoires sont couverts et NAPOLÉON fournira les pièces gratuitement durant la première année de la garantie limitée.
NAPOLÉON n’assumera aucuns frais d’expédition, de main-d’oeuvre ou de taxes d’exportation.
“NAPOLÉON garantit ses produits contre tous défauts de fabrication à l’acheteur d’origine seulement (i.e. l’individu ou la personne morale (client inscrit) dont le nom apparaît sur la carte d’enregistrement de garantie déposée auprès de NAPOLÉON) àcondition que l’achat ait été fait par l’entremise d’un représentantautorisé NAPOLÉON et sous réserve des conditions et limitations suivantes.”
Cette garantie d’usine n’est pas transférable et nepeut être prolongée par aucun de nos représentants qu’ellequ’en soit la raison. Le gril à gaz doit être installé par un installateur ou entrepreneur qualifié. L’installationdoit être faite conformément aux instructions d’installation incluses avec le produit et à tous
les codes d’incendie et de construction locaux et nationaux.
Cette garantie limitée ne couvre pas les dommages causés parun usageimpropre, un manque d’entretien, feux de graisse, un environnementinadéquat, un accident, des
modifications, de l’abus ou de la négligence. L’installation de pièces d’autres fabricants annulera cette garantie.
Cette garantie limitée ne couvre pas non plus les éraflures, les bosselures, la corrosion ou la décoloration causés par la chaleur ou les produits d’entretien chimiques et abrasifs
ni l’écaillage des pièces de porcelaine émaillée ni les composantes utilisées dans l’installation du gril à gaz.
Dans le cas d’une détérioration des composantescausant un mauvais fonctionnement pendant la périodecouverte par la garantie, un remplacement partdes composantes
Au cours de la première année seulement, cette garantie s’applique à la réparation ou au remplacementdes pièces garanties dont les matériaux ou la fabrication sont
défectueux à la condition que le produit ait été utilisé conformément auxinstructions d’opération et dans des conditionsnormales.
Après la première année, selon cette Garantie à vie limitée du Président NAPOLÉON peut, à sa discrétion, se libérer complètement de toutes ses obligations en ce qui
concerne cette garantie en remboursant à l’acheteurd’origine le prix de gros de toutespièces garanties qui sont défectueuses.
NAPOLÉON ne sera pas responsable de l’installation,main-d’oeuvre ou autres coûts ou dépenses relatives à la réinstallationd’une pièce garantie car de telles
dépenses ne sont pas couvertes par cette garantie.
Nonobstant toutes les dispositions contenues dans cette Garantie à vie limitée du Président, la responsabilité de NAPOLÉON sous cette garantie est définie comme ci-dessus
et elle ne s’appliquera à aucun dommage accidentel, consécutif ou indirect.
Cette garantie définit les obligations et responsabilités de NAPOLÉON en ce qui concerne le gril à gaz NAPOLÉON. Toutautre garantie énoncée ou implicite en ce qui
concerne ce produit, ses composantes ou accessoires est exclue.
NAPOLÉON n’endosse ni n’autorise aucun tiers à assumer en son nom, tout autre responsabilitéconcernant la vente de ce produit. NAPOLÉON ne se tiendra pas responsable
d’une surchauffeou d’explosionscauséespardesconditions environnementalestelque des ventsfortsouuneventilation inappropriée.
T ousdommages causés au gril par la température, un usage abusif ou l’utilisation de produits d’entretien chimiques ou abrasifs ne seront pas la responsabilité de NAPOLÉON. La facture ou une copie sera requise ainsi que le numéro de série et de modèle du gril lors d’une réclamation auprès de NAPOLÉON. La carte d’enregistrement doit être
retournée dans les quatorze jours pour enregistrer la garantie ou enregistrer en ligne a :
NAPOLÉON se réserve le droit de demander à sonreprésentant d’inspecter tous produits ou pièces avant d’approuver les réclamations.
NAPOLÉON n’assumera aucun frais de transport, de main-d’oeuvre ou taxesd’exportation.
Lirele manuel d’instructions aucomplet avant d’utiliserle gril.
Respecterles dégagements recommandés des matériaux inflammables(20" à l’arrièredugril et 6"sur les côtés).Une distanceplusgrande est recommandéeà proximité d’un recouvrementde vinyle oud’unegrande surface vitrée.
Faireun test de fuitesavant la première utilisation, annuellementet à chaque fois qu’unecomposante de gaz estchangée.
Suivreles instructions d’allumage à lalettre lorsque vous utilisezvotre gril. Les soupapes des brûleurs doivent être ferméeslorsque vous ouvrez la soupaped’alimentation engaz.
S’assurerque les plaquesdu brûleur sontbien en place selonlelivre d’instructions.
Nettoyerle tiroird’égouttement et lesplaques dubrûleur régulièrementpour éviter les feux degraisse.
Enleverla grille-réchaud avantd’allumer lebrûleur arrière. (Lachaleur intensepourrait l’endommager).
Nepas tenter d’utiliser une bonbonne qui n’est pas équipée d’un raccord de type QCC1.
Nefaites paspasserle tuyau d'alimentationen gazderrière lapatte avant. Le tuyaudoit passerdevant la patteavant afinde respecterle dégagement recommandéentrele tuyau etle fondde l'appareil.
Nepas utiliser le plateau àcondiments pour entreposerdes briquets,des allumettes outout autrematériau inflammable.
Nepas placer le gril sousune constructioninflammable non­protégée.
Nepas utiliser le brûleur arrièreen mêmetempsque le brûleurprincipal.
Nepas laisser legril sans surveillancelorsqu’il est allumé. Nepas allumer legril avecle couvercle fermé.
Nepas déplacerle gril pendant qu’il fonctionne ou qu’il est chaud.
Nepas permettre àl’eau froide(pluie, arrosoir, boyeau d’arrosageetc) devenir encontacte avec legril chaud.Une grandedifférence de températurepourrait causer l’éclatementde la porcelaine.
N’utilisezque desbonbonnes de gaz qui rencontrent les exigencesdes normesrégionales et nationales.Assurez-vousque labonbonne puisse fournir suffisammentde combustible pour faire fonctionner l’appareil. Si vous êtes incertain, consultezvotre fournisseurde gaz.
• Placeztoujours labonbonne àla verticale sur une surface de niveau près du gril. (Royaume-Uni seulement)
• Soyezprudent lorsquevous manipulezla soupapede labonbonne.
• Nebranchez jamaisune bonbonnequi ne rencontre pasles exigencesdes normes locales.
• N’entreposezjamais debonbonne de rechange à proximité d’un appareilen fonction.Les bonbonnesne doivent pas être exposéesà la chaleur extrêmeou àla lumièredirecte dusoleil
INSTALLATIONDE LA BONBONNE : Placez la bonbonne dans le trou de la tablette inférieure.
ROYAUME-UNI SEULEMENT: Placez la bonbonne sur une surface deniveau prèsdu gril,sous latablette latérale droite. N’utilisez
pasla tablette inférieure pour installerla bonbonne.
IMPORTANT : Assurez-vous que le tuyau soit installé de façon à conserver le dégagement nécessaire avec le dessous de l’appareil.
BRANCHEMENT DELA BONBONNE:Assurez-vous que letuyau du régulateur de gazest sansanomalie. Enlevez lebouchon
surla soupapede gaz de la bonbonne. Serrez lerégulateur surla soupape de la bonbonne.
les raccords avant d’utiliser le gril.
branchée ou qu’une pièce du système de gaz est remplacée.
Un test de détection de fuites doit être fait annuellement et à chaque fois qu’une bonbonne est
Faitesun testde détectionde fuites sur tous
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