Dispersive Delay Line
(CDDL) DS1804C
Version 5.00
Document Information
nanoNET CDDL DS1804C Datasheet
Document Information
Document Title: nanoNET CDDL DS1804C Datasheet
Document Version: 5.00
Published (yyyy-mm-dd): 2007-08-21
Current Printing:2007-8-21, 12:46 pm
Document ID: NA-04-0143-0276-5.00
Document Status: Released
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Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inadequately shielded, designed, or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility.
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CAUTION! Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Precaution should be used when handling the device in order to prevent permanent damage.
The Complementary Dispersive Delay Line (CDDL) uses a highly sophisticated SAW (Surface
Acoustic Wave) filter device that incorporates two filters within a single device. It is required for
the operation of the nanoNET TRX Transceiver.
While most devices have two ports, the CDDL consists of three ports, as shown below.
Port A = Pin B + Pin H
Pin APin B
Pin M
Port C
Pin L
Pin KPin JPin HPin G
Figure 1: Complementary Dispersive Delay Line schematic
Pin C Pin D
Pin E
Port B
Pin F
Upchirp and Downchirp
Port A is the common input port. The group delay of the filter from the input to one of the outputs
is characteristic for these filters.
The respective impulse response for the dispersive Delay Line 2 (DL2) is an Upchirp (Linear frequency modulation, where frequency increases in time).
The other output is complementary to this, meaning that the impulse response for Delay Line 1
(DL1) is a Downchirp (Linear frequency modulation, where frequency decreases in time).
Within the nanoNET system, the CDDL is responsible for distinguishing between two possible
incoming signals generated by another nanoNET TRXTransceiver. This received signal is either
an Upchirp or a Downchirp. Both of these signals have the same center frequency and the same
bandwidth so that the difference occurs only in the phase information.
This phase information is enough for the CDDL to compress a pulse at one output po rt and
expand it at the other (that is, to extend the incoming signal to the doubled duration). In this way
the CDDL acts like a matched filter for one of the possible transmitted pulses.
Balanced Mode
Also, within the nanoNET system, the CDDL is directly connected to an RF transceiver. As this
transceiver has a differential output and input, the filter is used in a balanced mode.
According to this balanced mode, the housing has 6 signal pins – two on each side and two in
the center on opposite sides. The detailed pinning is described on the Balanced Filter (BottomView) on page 3 and Pad Landing (Top View) – Proposal on pa ge 4. All other pins are co nnected
to ground and at least one of them should be connected with the ground of the PC board.