Update 1

Ensure that the machine is switched OFF and disconnected from the mains supply
before commencing any work.
To maintain safety and minimise the risk of injury to personnel or damage to the
machine follow the Instructions for Replacement precisely
Some of the parts to be removed are heavy. Ensure that at least two people are available
to remove these items.
The air line connectors design is such that the more the tube is pulled, the tighter the
connection becomes, so it is imperative that the blue locking ring is pushed towards the
connector when removing the air tubes.
The compressor used in this machine has a reservoir tank and a loud hissing noise will
be heard as the air is released when the first air tube is disconnected.
Take care not to squash or bend any of the air tubes during disassembly or reassembly.
If there are any doubts or queries please telephone Technical Service on 0181-324-6120
for advice before continuing.
Ratchet Handle
Ratchet Handle Extension Bar
Hex Sockets ............... 10mm
Spanner ..................... 13mm
Pozi Driver ................. No.2
Hex Wrench ............... 8mm
Security Wrench for M5 Security Button Head Screws
Rosta Spring Shaft Assembly ....... Part No 46000088A (Supplied)
10ml Loctite 242............................ Part No 95000004 (Supplied)
Castrol LM Grease ........................ Part No - - - - - - - (Supplied)

1. Remove 4off Hex Head Screws (M8x60). Raise the level
adjusters on the Ride Assembly and separate the ride assembly
from the monitor cabinet only sufficiently enough to disconnect
the connectors and air line.
Note: Ensure that the blue locking ring is pushed towards the
connector when removing the air tube. There may be a loud
“hissing” noise as the air in the compressor tank is released,
2. Move the ride assembly away from the monitor cabinet to give
sufficient room to work and lower the level adjusters to keep the
ride assembly stationary whilst working.
3. Remove 8off Security Screws
(M5x30), 4ea side, and remove
the rubber skirts, complete with
fixing brackets and lay on the
Main Base Assy.
Note: Take care not to bend or
distort the long fixing brackets.
4. Remove 8off Security screws
(M5x16), 4ea side, and remove
the Vac-Form Closing Bracket.
5. Remove 4off Security Screw
(M5x16) and 4off Security Screw
(M5x20) and remove the Tank
Note: Lift the Vac-Form and turn it
through 90° to remove it from the
Control Arm assembly.
6. Remove 4off Security Screw
(M5x16) and 4off Security Screw
(M5x20) and remove the StandOn Vac-Form.
7. Remove 6off Security Screw
(M5x16), 3 screws each side, and
remove the Side Vac-Forms.
8. Remove 2off Security Screw
(M5x16) and remove the Rear