S t e r eo Pre a m p l i f i e r
Date of manufacture : Jul 90 - Dec 92
Please note that this document contains the text from the original product brochure, and some technical statements may now be out of date
Behind its elegant and uncluttered front panel, the circuitry in the NAD 1000 provides performance
equal to pre-amplifiers costing up to twice the price, The 1000 incorporates inputs for CD, tuner tape
and video, plus separate phono pre-amp circuitry, using discrete transistors in an optimised circuit. The
‘Tone Defeat’ button provides a ‘straight through’ signal path, by-passing the tone control circuits.
NAD’s resourceful engineering has resulted in a high performance control unit for use with single or
multiple power amplifiers (bi-amping) and active loudspeakers at a remarkably low cost.

Phono input
Input impedance (R and C) 47kΩ / 200pF
Input sensitivity, 1kHz MM 1.25mV ref. 0.5V
MC 0.08mV
Input overload at 20Hz / 1kHz / 20kHz 20 / 200 / 1700mV
Signal/Noise ratio (A-weighted with cartridge connected) MM 76dB ref. 5mV
MC 76dB ref. 0.5mV
THD (20Hz - 20kHz) <0.2%
RIAA response accuracy MM ±0.2dB (20Hz - 20kHz)
MC ±0.2dB (50Hz - 20kHz)
Line level inputs
Input impedance (R and C) 20kΩ / 450pF
Input sensitivity ref. 0.5V 80mV
Maximum input signal >10V
Signal/Noise ratio (A-weighted ref 0.5V) 98dB
Frequency response ±0.2dB
THD 0.01%
Line level outputs
Output impedance Pre-amp 220Ω
Tape Source Z + 2kΩ
Phones 120Ω
Maximum output level Pre-amp >12V
Tape >10V
Phones >8V into 600Ω
>250mV into 8Ω
Tone controls
Treble ±7dB at 10kHz
Bass ±10dB at 50Hz
Remote No
NAD Link No
Dimensions (W x H x D) 435 x 81 x 263mm
Net weight 3.7kg
Shipping weight 4.4kg
Power consumption (120 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz) 20W
Dimensions are of unit’s cabinet without attached feet; add up to 18mm for total height.
Dimension depth excludes terminals, sockets, controls and buttons.
© NAD Electronics. All rights reserved. E & OE