Nabertherm LHT 17 LB, LHT 17 LB Speed, LHT 01/17, LHT 01/17 LB Speed, LHT 02/17 LB Speed Original Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
High-Temperature Bottom Loading Furnaces
LHT ../17 LB LHT ../17 LB Speed
Original instructions
Copyright by Nabertherm GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 20 28865 Lilienthal Federal Republic of Germany
Reg: M01.0086 ENGLISCH Rev: 2017-12
No responsibility is accepted for the correctness of this information. We reserve the right to make technical alterations.
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Product Description ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Overview of the Complete Furnace ................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Safeguarding against Dangers from Excess Temperatures ............................................................................. 10
1.4 Key to the Model Names ................................................................................................................................. 11
1.5 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 11
2 Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Warranty and Liability ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4 Safety .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Defined Application ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 Requirements for the Furnace Operator .......................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Requirements for the Operating Personnel ...................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Protective Clothing .......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Basic Measures During Normal Operation ..................................................................................................... 19
4.6 Basic Measures in Case of Emergency ........................................................................................................... 19
4.6.1 What to Do in an Emergency ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.7 Basic Measures for Servicing and Maintenance.............................................................................................. 20
4.8 Environmental Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.9 Explanation of the Symbols and Warnings ..................................................................................................... 22
4.10 General Risks with the Furnace....................................................................................................................... 25
5 Transportation, Installation and Initial Start-Up ............................................................................................. 27
5.1 Delivery ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Unpacking ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Transport Securing Device/Packaging ............................................................................................................ 32
5.4 Constructional and Connection Requirements ................................................................................................ 32
5.4.1 Installation (Furnace Location) ................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 Assembly, Installation, and Connection .......................................................................................................... 35
5.5.1 Venting Exhaust Fumes .............................................................................................................................. 35
5.5.2 Connecting the Furnace to the Power Supply ............................................................................................. 36
5.5.3 Placing the Insulation in the Base Shell of the Lift Bottom ........................................................................ 37
6 Initial Start-Up .................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1 Recommendations for Heating Up the Furnace for the First Time ................................................................. 39
7 Operation ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
7.1 Controller ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
7.2 Operation, Display and Switch Elements (depending on design) ................................................................... 42
7.2.1 Turning on the Controller/Furnace ............................................................................................................. 42
7.2.2 Turning off the Controller/Furnace ............................................................................................................. 43
8 Pre-Set Programs................................................................................................................................................. 43
8.1 Pre-Set Programs for Furnace Models with Speed Function........................................................................... 43
8.2 Pre-Set Programs for Furnace Models with and without Speed Function ....................................................... 47
8.2.1 Over-Temperature Limiter with Manual Reset and Adjustable CutoutTemperature (Additional Equipment)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3 Loading/Charging ........................................................................................................................................... 50
8.4 Stackable Saggar ............................................................................................................................................. 51
9 Servicing, Cleaning, and Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 54
9.1 Furnace Insulation ........................................................................................................................................... 55
9.2 Shutting the System Down for Maintenance ................................................................................................ ... 55
9.3 Separate the Snap-In Coupling (Plug) from the Furnace Housing .................................................................. 56
9.4 Regular Maintenance of the Furnace ............................................................................................................... 56
9.5 Regular Maintenance Tasks – Electrical Testing ............................................................................................ 58
9.6 Regular Maintenance Tasks – Documentation ................................................................................................ 58
9.7 Checking the Heating Element Screws ........................................................................................................... 59
9.8 Cleaning Products ........................................................................................................................................... 61
10 Malfunctions ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
10.1 Error Messages of the Controller .................................................................................................................... 63
10.2 Warnings of the Controller .............................................................................................................................. 65
10.3 Malfunctions of the Switchgear ...................................................................................................................... 67
10.4 Controller Check List ...................................................................................................................................... 68
10.5 Lowering the Lift Unit - Emergency Hole ...................................................................................................... 70
11 Spare Parts/Wearing Parts ................................................................................................................................. 72
11.1 Electrical Schematics/Pneumatic Schematics ................................................................................................. 77
11.2 Removing and Installing Heating Elements .................................................................................................... 77
11.2.1 Tightening Torque for Screw Connections on Heating Elements .......................................................... 82
11.3 Replacing a Thermocouple .............................................................................................................................. 82
11.4 Repairing the Insulation .................................................................................................................................. 85
11.4.1 Replacing the Collar Insulation .............................................................................................................. 85
11.5 Separate the Snap-In Coupling (Plug) from the Furnace Housing .................................................................. 86
12 Accessories (Options) .......................................................................................................................................... 86
12.1 Electrical Schematics/Pneumatic Schematics ................................................................................................. 87
13 Nabertherm Service............................................................................................................................................. 87
14 Shut-Down, Dismantling, and Storage............................................................................................................... 88
14.1 Transportation/Return Transportation ............................................................................................................. 89
15 Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................................................. 90
16 For Your Notes .................................................................................................................................................... 91
These documents are intended only for buyers of our products and may not be copied or disclosed to third parties without our written consent. (Law governing copyright and associated protective rights, German Copyright Law from Sept. 9, 1965)
Protective Rights
Nabertherm GmbH owns all rights to drawings, other documents and authorizations, also in case of applications for protective rights.
All the figures in the instructions have a descriptive character; in other words, they do not represent the exact details of the furnace.
The pictures contained in the instruction manual may contain inaccuracies in terms of the function, design and furnace model.
Pos: 1 /TD/Einleitung/Überschrift - Einl eitung 1 @ 0\mod_1167823212238_51. docx @ 5139 @ 1 @ 1
1 Introduction
Pos: 2 /TD/Einleitung/Einleitung_Öfen mit Luftaufnahmebild 2017 @ 151\mod _1490190055052_51.docx @ 626352 @ @ 1
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a quality product from Nabertherm GmbH. You can be proud that you have chosen a furnace which has been especially tailored to suit
your manufacturing and production conditions. This product is characterized by
professional workmanship high performance due to its high efficiency high-quality insulation low power consumption low noise level simple installation easy to maintain high availability of spare parts
Your Nabertherm Team
Pos: 3 /TD/Einleitung/Die in der Anleitu ng gezeigten Abbildungen können abhängi g von Funktion, ... Ofenmodell abweichen @ 24\mod_1337854352242_51.doc x @ 161605 @ @ 1
These electrically heated furnaces are a high-quality product which will give you many years of reliable service if they are properly cared for and maintained. One basic prerequisite is that the furnace is used the way it was designed to be used.
During development and production a high priority was placed on safety, functionality and economy.
Pos: 4 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Überschrift - Produktbeschrei bung 1.1 @ 0\mod_1167821943807_51.doc x @ 5103 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Product Description
Pos: 5 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung-Bei dies en elektrisch beheizten Öfen handelt es sic h um ein Qualitätsprodukt ... @ 15\m od_1305707254935_51.docx @ 117576 @ @ 1
Pos: 6 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Durch d en elektrisch angetriebenen Hubtisch wird die ..M01.0086 - Katalog @ 176\ mod_1511863833264_51.docx @ 721545 @ @ 1
The electrically operated lift bottom simplifies charging of high-temperature furnaces considerably. The all-round heating inside the furnace ensures very even temperature distribution. The sinter material is placed in saggars made from technical ceramic material. Since the saggars can be stacked on top of each other, this guarantees a high degree of
Pos: 7 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Beim Ofenmodell LHT 01/17 können Chargenbehälter stapelbar für Beschic kung in bis zu zwei @ 184\ mod_1519289808530_51.docx @ 742270 @ @ 1
Pos: 8 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Aufgrund geringer Speicher wärme sind kurze Prozesszeiten realisierb ar. Diese Hochtemperatur-... @ 176\mo d_1511864826875_51.docx @ 721571 @ @ 1
Pos: 9 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibu ng/Öfen/Überschrift - Ofenmodell LHT .. /17 LB Speed (Einzug Mitte) @ 184\m od_1519295264148_51.docx @ 742608 @ @ 1
Pos: 10 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Grund aufbau-Dieses Modell eignet sich aufgr und seiner speziellen Heizelemente @ 17 6\mod_1511865061863_51.docx @ 721 597 @ @ 1
Pos: 11 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschr eibung/Öfen/Überschrift - Zusätzlich zeic hnet sich dieses Produkt aus durch: @ 15\ mod_1305713428306_51.docx @ 11772 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 12 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Hoch temperatur-Hubbodenofen - M01.0086 @ 184\mod_1519290482834_51.docx @ 742322 @ @ 1
Pos: 13 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschr eibung/Öfen/Überschrift - Zusatzausstattu ng (Einzug Mitte) @ 39\mod_1364984085 402_51.docx @ 221200 @ @ 1
Pos: 14 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Te mperaturwählbegrenzer mit einstellbarer Abs chalttemperatur ... @ 116\mod_14593 32570794_51.docx @ 459785 @ @ 1
Pos: 15 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Zubeh ör: Prozesssteuerung und -dokumentatio n über VCD-Softwarepaket zur Überw a @ 116\mod_1459332710604_51.doc x @ 459839 @ @ 1
productivity. With the furnace model LHT 01/17, saggars can be stacked for charging on up to two
levels. With furnace model LHT 02/17, up to three levels. Low storage heat allows short process times. These high-temperature bottom loading
furnaces reach a maximum temperature of 1650 °C (3002 °F).
Furnace model LHT ../17 LB Speed
Because of their special heating elements, these models are ideal for sintering translucent zirconia. The electrically operated lift bottom simplifies charging of the furnace considerably. The all-round heating inside the furnace ensures very even temperature distribution. The furnaces also have a forced cooling feature. To cool the furnace, it is opened gradually by the controller in relation to the program. Depending on the charge and the saggar, overall cycle times of less than two hours can be achieved with this high­temperature furnace.
Other Characteristics of this Product are:
Tmax 1650 °C (3002 °F) High quality molybdenum disilicide heating elements offer the best possible
protection against chemical interactions between the charge and the heating elements
Only insulation materials that are not classified as carcinogenic according to
TRGS 905, Class 1 or 2 are used
Outstanding temperature uniformity due to the all-round heating inside the furnace Precise, electric tooth belt drive of the lift bottom with button controls; the furnace can
be opened automatically for forced cooling
Housing made of sheets of textured stainless steel Exhaust air opening in the roof Type S thermocouples Controller P480 Equipped with an optional drying function. At the start of the program, the bottom
moves to the drying position and closes automatically at 500 °C (932 °F)
Delivery includes a starter set saggar for charging zirconia work (starter set included
with delivery of model LHT ../17 LB Speed)
Additional Equipment
Over-temperature limiter with adjustable cutout temperature for thermal protection
class 2 in accordance with EN 60519-2 as temperature limiter to protect the furnace and load
Process control and documentation via VCD software package for monitoring,
documentation and control
Pos: 16 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung - Zusatz ausstattung: Ethernet Schnittstelle für Üb erwachungssoftware VCD @ 150\mod _1489393775988_51.docx @ 623916 @ @ 1
Pos: 17 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Überschrift - Zubehör (Einzug Mit te) @ 36\mod_1359971094458_51. docx @ 208406 @ @ 1
Pos: 18 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Produktbeschreibung-Zubehör - Chargenbehälter stapelbar für Beschic kung in mehreren Ebenen @ 176\mod_ 1511871442772_51.docx @ 721675 @ @ 1
Ethernet interface for VCD monitoring software
Stackable charge saggars for multilevel loading
Pos: 19 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrift - Gesamtübersicht der Anl age @ 1\mod_1174302636992_51.doc x @ 11332 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Overview of the Complete Furnace
Pos: 20 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Gesamtübersicht LHT - Hochtemperat ur-Hubbodenofen LHT ../.. LB Speed - M 01.0086 @ 176\mod_1511872528176 _51.docx @ 721701 @ @ 1
Fig. 1: Complete overview: The figure shows a model with over-temperature limiter and Ethernet interface as accessories (similar to picture)
Exhaust air tube
Thermocouple type S
Oven chamber
Heating elements made from molybdenum disilicide
Rectangular saggar with lid for model LHT 01/17
Round saggar with spacer ring for model LHT 02/17
Collar insulation
Lift bottom with floor insulation
Over-temperature limiter with manual reset for thermal protection class 2 in accordance with EN 60519-2 as a temperature limiter to protect the furnace and the load (accessory)
Rocker switch to control the lift bottom
Controller P480
USB interface
Power switch (ON/OFF)
Ethernet interface (accessory)
Power plug with snap-in coupling
Rectangular saggars
For optimum utilization of the furnace chamber, the material is placed in ceramic saggars. Saggars can be stacked in several levels, depending on the furnace model. The saggars have slits to allow the air to circulate. The top saggar should be closed with a ceramic lid.
Pos: 21 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Gesamtübersicht_M01.0086_Tabelle Nr. und Benennung der verbauten Teile für LHT../.. LB Speed @ 184\mod_1519 290628074_51.docx @ 742348 @ @ 1
Pos: 22 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Überschrift - Zubehör (Einzug li nks) @ 53\mod_1389868020284_51.doc x @ 263175 @ @ 1
Pos: 23 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrift - Ofenmodell LHT 01/17 ( Einzug links) @ 184\mod_1519290967 565_51.docx @ 742374 @ @ 1
Furnace model LHT 01/17
Pos: 24 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrif - (Starterset im Lieferumf ang bei Modell LHT ../17 LB Speed enthalt en) (Einzug links) @ 184\mod_1519291 669272_51.docx @ 742426 @ @ 1
(Starter set included with delivery of model LHT ../17 LB Speed)
Pos: 25 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Gesamtübersicht Zusatzausstattung_Zub ehör: Eckige Chargenbehälter mit Deckel @ 179\mod_1515761890235_51.d ocx @ 730938 @ @ 1
Fig. 2: Rectangular saggar with lid (similar to picture)
Round saggar
Saggars are recommended when working with zirconium oxide. A saggar consists of the sintering bowl as the bottom part and the spacer ring with ventilation openings. The material is very resistant to temperature changes and can also be used with short heating and cooling times.
• Danger caused by incorrectly entered cut-off temperature at the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset
Risk of fatal injury
If, as a result of over-temperature from the charge and/or the
operating equipment, a charge is likely to be damaged at this pre­set cut-off temperature of the over-temperature limiter/over­temperature limiter with motor driven reset, or if the charge itself becomes a source of danger for the furnace or its surroundings, the cut-off temperature must be reduced on the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset to the maximum permissible value.
Pos: 26 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrift - Ofenmodell LHT 02/17 ( Einzug links) @ 184\mod_1519291012 848_51.docx @ 742400 @ @ 1
Furnace model LHT 02/17
Pos: 27 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrif - (Starterset im Lieferumf ang bei Modell LHT ../17 LB Speed enthalt en) (Einzug links) @ 184\mod_1519291 669272_51.docx @ 742426 @ @ 1
(Starter set included with delivery of model LHT ../17 LB Speed)
Pos: 28 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/ Öfen/Gesamtübersicht Zusatzausstattung _Zubehör: Runde Chargenbehälter @ 1 45\mod_1481117570454_51.docx @ 6 07622 @ @ 1
Fig. 3: Round saggar (similar to picture)
Pos: 29 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Überschrift - Absicherung von Gefahren bei Übertemperatur @ 37\mo d_1362489730884_51.docx @ 213987 @ 2 @ 1 Safety control circuit
1.3 Safeguarding against Dangers from Excess Temperatures
Pos: 30 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Sicherheitseinrichtung - Über wachung der Ofenraumtemperatur (T WB-TWW) - Beschreibung @ 37\mod_1362 491214270_51.docx @ 214092 @ @ 1
Over-temperature limiters and over-temperature limiters with automatic reset to protect against over-temperature in the furnace are available for Nabertherm GmbH furnaces either as a standard feature (depending on the model series) or as additional equipment (customized design).
Over-temperature limiters and over-temperature limiters with automatic reset monitor the furnace temperature. The display shows the most recently set cut-off temperature. If the furnace temperature rises above the pre-set cut-off temperature, the heating is shut down to
Pos: 31 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitssymbol e/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Warnsymb ol_Gefahr - Absicherung von Gefahren b ei Übertemperatur am TWB-TWW @ 37\ mod_1362490404893_51.docx @ 2140 67 @ @ 1
protect the furnace, the charge and/or the operating equipment.
Pos: 32 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Vor Inbetri ebnahme des Ofens ist die Bedienungsa nleitung... (TWB-TWW) - Text @ 37\ mod_1362494080225_51.docx @ 2 14142 @ @ 1
Read the operating instructions of the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with automatic reset before starting the furnace. The safety sticker must be removed from the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with automatic reset. When a change is made in the heat treatment program, the maximum permissible cut-off temperature (alarm trigger temperature) on the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with
Pos: 33 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/die m aximale Solltemperatur des Wärmeprogram ms Controller zwischen 5 °C und 30 °C (TW B-TWW) @ 39\mod_136378461037 1_51.docx @ 218500 @ @ 1
automatic reset must be checked or re-entered. Depending on the physical characteristics of the furnace, we recommend that you set the
maximum target temperature of the heating program in the controller between 5 °C and 30 °C below the trigger temperature of the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with automatic reset. This prevents unwanted triggering of the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with automatic reset.
Description and function, see the Operating Instructions of the over­temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with automatic reset.
LHT 01/17 LB
LHT = Laboratory High-Temperature bottom loading furnace tabletop model
LHT 01/17 LB
01 = 1-liter furnace chamber (volume in liters) 02 = 2-liter furnace chamber (volume in liters)
LHT 01/17 LB
17 = Tmax 1650 °C (3002 °F)
LHT 01/17 LB
LB = Lift Bottom
LHT 01/17 LB Speed
Speed = Model is equipped with forced cooling
System components
High-temperature bottom loading furnace
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Allen key
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Saggar (starter set), rectangular or round depending on furnace model
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Power cable1)
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Pos: 34 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Aufkleber vom TWB/TWW abziehen - Grafi k @ 37\mod_1362492020088_51.docx @ 2 14117 @ @ 1
Pos: 35 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Überschrift - Entschlüsselung der Modellbezeichnung @ 2\mod_1184 245078907_51.docx @ 19775 @ 2 @ 1
Fig. 4: Removing the sticker (similar to picture)
1.4 Key to the Model Names
Pos: 36 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Entschlüssellung der Modellbez eichnung Hochtemperatur-Hubbuden ofen - M01.0086 @ 184\mod_15192919 48379_51.docx @ 742452 @ @ 1
Pos: 37 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreib ung/Öfen/Typenschild Hochtemperatur-H ubbodenofen - M01.0086 @ 177\mo d_1512378981532_51.docx @ 723642 @ @ 1
Pos: 38 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Überschrift - Lieferumfang @ 0\mod _1167822508130_51.docx @ 5112 @ 2 @ 1
Fig. 5: Example model designation (type plate)
1.5 Scope of Delivery
Pos: 39 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öf en/Lieferumfang - Hochtemperatur-Hubb odenofen - M01.0086 @ 184\mod_1519 292346382_51.docx @ 742478 @ @ 1
The scope of delivery includes:
System components
Process documentation VCD software package2
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH Other components, variable depending on the
- - -
See shipping documents
Document type
Instruction manual for high-temperature bottom loading furnace
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH Operating manual for controller
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Operating manual for over-temperature limiter1)
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Operating instructions for VCD software package2)
1 x
Nabertherm GmbH
Other documents, variable depending on the particular design
1 x
Store all documents carefully. All the functions of this furnace were tested during manufacturing and prior to shipping.
The documents included do not always contain the electrical schematics and pneumatic diagrams.
If you need the respective diagrams, they can be ordered from Nabertherm Service.
Electrical specifications are on the type plate located on the side of the furnace.
Inner dimensions
in mm
Outer dimensions
in mm
Work space in mm (corresponds to saggar
with spacer 20 mm above the floor)
°C w d h W D H
w1 Ø d1
LHT 01/17 LB
75 110
LHT 02/17 LB
115 105
LHT 01/17 LB Speed
75 110
LHT 02/17 LB Speed
115 105
Made in Germany
Controltherm MV
Pos: 40 /TD/Betrieb_Bedienung/Die mitg elieferten Unterlagen beinhalten nicht z wangsläufig elektrische Schaltpläne bzw. P neuma ... @ 47\mod_138002807461 6_51.docx @ 247668 @ @ 1
Pos: 41 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Dat en/Öfen/Überschrift - Technische Daten - mit Hinweis @ 0\mod_1167822840737 _51.docx @ 5121 @ 1 @ 1
2 Specifications
Pos: 42 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Dat en/Öfen/Modell-Tabelle für Hochtemperatur- Hubbodenofen - M01.0086 - 1 @ 18 4\mod_1519292775469_51.docx @ 742 504 @ @ 1
included with delivery depending on design/furnace model
included with delivery if required, see shipping documents
quantity depends on furnace model
quantity as required, see shipping documents
starter set included with delivery of model LHT ../17 LB Speed
Minutes to Tmax
Area of lift bottom
in L
in kg
LHT 01/17 LB
LHT 02/17 LB
LHT 01/17 LB Speed
LHT 02/17 LB Speed
Electric current
in V
in A
in Hz
LHT 01/17 LB
1-phase: (1/N/PE)
220 - 240
LHT 02/17 LB
1-phase: (1/N/PE)
220 - 240
LHT 01/17 LB Speed
1-phase: (1/N/PE)
220 - 240
LHT 02/17 LB Speed
1-phase: (1/N/PE)
220 - 240
Thermal protection class
according to DIN EN 60519-2
without safety controller: Class 0 with safety controller: Class 2
Protection type
Ambient conditions for electrical equipment
Temperature: Humidity:
+5 °C to + 40 °C max. 80% non-condensing
Furnace with accessories
Depends on design (see shipping documents)
Continuous sound pressure level:
< 80 dB(A)
h H d w w2
Pos: 43 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten /Öfen/Modell-Maße für Hochtemperatur- Hubbodenofen - M01.0086 - Grafik @ 177\mod_1512383801723_51.docx @ 72 3720 @ @ 1
Fig. 6: Dimensions
Pos: 44 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten /Öfen/Tabelle techn. Daten für alle Hochte mperatur-Hubbodenofen - M01.0086 - 1 @ 184\mod_1519293798063_51.docx @ 742530 @ @ 1
Pos: 45 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten /Öfen/Tabelle techn. Daten für alle Hochte mperatur-Hubbodenöfen - M01.0086 - 2 @ 177\mod_1512389194706_51.d ocx @ 723772 @ @ 1
Pos: 46 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten /Öfen/Tabelle Dauerschalldruckpegel < 80 dB(A) - 2 @ 1\mod_1170750985488 _51.docx @ 8913 @ @ 1
As regards warranty and liability, the normal Nabertherm warranty terms apply, unless individual terms and conditions have been agreed. However, the following conditions also apply:
The Nabertherm furnace was designed and built in conformance with a careful selection of the applicable harmonized standards and other technical specifications. Hence, it corresponds to the state of the art and assures the greatest degree of safety.
Only materials whose characteristics and melting temperatures are known may be heated. Consult any available safety-related material data sheets.
Pos: 47 /TD/Einleitung/Gewährleistung_Ha ftung/Überschrift - Gewährleistung und H aftung 1.1 @ 0\mod_116782297949 2_51.docx @ 5130 @ 1 @ 1
3 Warranty and Liability
Pos: 48 /TD/Einleitung/Gewährleistung_Ha ftung/Öfen und Schaltanlagen - Gew ährleistung und Haftung @ 0\mod_11 57536440972_51.docx @ 1569 @ @ 1
Warranty and liability claims for personal injury or damage to property shall be excluded if they are attributable to one or more of the following causes:
All persons involved in operation, installation, maintenance, or repair of the furnace
must have read and understood the operating instructions. No liability will be accepted for damage or disruption to operation resulting from non-compliance with the operating instructions.
Not using the furnace as intended Improper installation, start-up, operation, or maintenance of the furnace, Operation of the furnace with defective safety equipment or improperly installed or
non-functioning safety and protective equipment
Not observing the information in the operating instructions with respect to
transportation, storage, installation, start-up, operation, maintenance, or equipping the furnace
Making unauthorized changes to the furnace Making unauthorized changes to the operating parameters Making unauthorized changes to the parameterization, the settings, or the program Nabertherm accepts absolutely no liability for damage caused by using parts that are
not original Nabertherm parts. Original parts and accessories are designed especially for Nabertherm furnaces. Replace parts only with original Nabertherm parts. Otherwise the warranty will be void.
Pos: 49 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Sic herheit @ 0\mod_1158843961540_51.doc x @ 3103 @ 1 @ 1
Catastrophes due to third-party causes and force majeure
4 Safety
Pos: 50 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - B estimmungsgemäße Verwendung @ 0\ mod_1167823503921_51.docx @ 5148 @ 2 @ 1
4.1 Defined Application
Pos: 51 /TD/Sicherheit/Bestimmungsgem äße Verwendung allgemeiner Ofen-A nlagen_Materialien - Teil 1 @ 24\mod_13 37938775936_51.docx @ 161920 @ @ 1 Safety
Pos: 52 /TD/Sicherheit/Bestimmungsgem äße Verwendung zum Sintern von Technisc her Keramik ... Brücken und Kronen aus Zirkonox @ 46\mod_13777647087 84_51.docx @ 243590 @ @ 1
Pos: 53 /TD/Sicherheit/Der Einsatz vo n Färbelösungen kann zu einem überpro portionalen Verschleiß der Heizelement e führen... @ 43\mod_1371115299588_51.d ocx @ 233530 @ @ 1 it
Furnaces in this series are suitable for sintering technical ceramic pieces such as bridges and crowns made of zirconium oxide.
The use of paint solvents can lead to accelerated wear of the heating elements. If solvents are used, good pre-drying is necessary to minimize their impact on the heating elements.
The furnace must not be operated with explosive gases or mixtures or with explosive gases or mixtures that form during the process. This furnace has no safety technology for processes in which combustible mixtures can form, such as debinding. If the furnace is to be used for such processes, the concentration of organic gases must never exceed 3 % of the lower explosive limit (LEL) in the furnace. This requirement not only applies to normal operation, but also especially to exceptions, such as process malfunctions (e.g. due to the breakdown of a unit, etc.). Ensure adequate extraction and ventilation of the furnace.
Nabertherm offers a wide range of furnaces that were especially developed for processes with flammable gases.
Operation with power sources, products, operating equipment, auxiliary materials, etc., which are listed as hazardous or which may in any way harm the health of the operator is prohibited.
The furnace must not be filled with materials or substances that release explosive gases or vapors. Only materials and substances whose properties are known may be used.
Continuous operation at maximum temperature can lead to increased wear of the heating elements and the insulation material. We recommend operating at approx. 50 °C below the maximum temperature.
- This furnace was designed for commercial use. The furnace is not designed
for heating food, animals, wood, grain, etc.
- The furnace must not be used to heat the workplace.
- Do not use the furnace to melt ice or for similar purposes.
- Do not use the furnace as a clothes dryer.
Pos: 54 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Dieser Ofen verfügt über keine Sicherheitstechnik für Pr ozesse, ..- Zeitpunkt 3 % der @ 8\mo d_1235038699771_51.docx @ 51483 @ @ 1
Pos: 55 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Nic ht bestimmungsgemäß ist: (Einzug Mitte) @ 80\mod_1418806747958_51.docx @ 347220 @ @ 1
Pos: 56 /TD/Sicherheit/Eine andere oder darüber hinausgehende Benutzung, wie z. B. die Verarbeitung ... @ 45\mod_137 7242071687_51.docx @ 242040 @ @ 1 Safety
Pos: 57 /TD/Sicherheit/Von den im Ofen eingesetzten Materialien bzw. Ausgasunge n können sich unter Umständen Schadst offe .. @ 45\mod_137724339 2217_51.docx @ 242065 @ @ 1
Pos: 58 /TD/Sicherheit/Bei Öfen mit T emperaturwählbegrenzer muss die Abschal ttemperatur so eingestellt werden ... @ 45\ mod_1377244417122_51.docx @ 2 42390 @ @ 1
Pos: 59 /TD/Sicherheit/Geht von der Charg e durch Übertemperatur die Gefahr aus , dass bei dieser voreingestellten ... TWB @ 53\mod_1389787246569_51.docx @ 262755 @ @ 1
Pos: 60 /TD/Sicherheit/Die Aufstellhinw eise und Sicherheitsbestimmungen sind ei nzuhalten, andernfalls gilt der Ofen als ... @ 45\mod_1377243410507_51.docx @ 242 265 @ @ 1
Pos: 61 /TD/Sicherheit/Der Betrieb mit Kr aftquellen, Produkten, Betriebsmitteln, Hilfss toffen usw., ... - mit Symbol @ 45 \mod_1377241083975_51.docx @ 2 41990 @ @ 1
Improper furnace operation:
Any other use, such as processing of products other than those for which the furnace
was intended as well as handling hazardous materials or materials dangerous to health is deemed IMPROPER and such uses must be approved in writing by Nabertherm.
Under certain circumstances gases or materials may be released from the materials in
the furnaces that settle on the insulation or the heating elements and destroy them. If
applicable, read the labels and instructions on the packaging of materials that you use.
Furnaces with over-temperature limit controllers must have their shut-down
temperatures set to prevent any overheating of the material.
If as a result of excessive heat the batch is likely to be damaged by the pre-set cut-out
temperature of the over-temperature limit controller or that the batch itself becomes a source of danger for the furnace or its surroundings, the temperature setting on the over-temperature limit controller must be reduced to the maximum permissible value.
The set-up instructions and safety regulations must be followed, otherwise the furnace
will be considered improperly used, effectively cancelling any claims against Nabertherm GmbH.
Pos: 62 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Dauerhafter Betrieb bei maximaler Temperatur kann z u erhöhtem Verschleiß an Heizelementen @ 17\mod_1310050610942_51.doc x @ 123376 @ @ 1
Pos: 63 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Dieser Ofen ist für die gewerbliche Anwendung ... Der O fen ist nicht für die Erwärmung ... @ 19\ mod_1315980979500_51.docx @ 13454 8 @ @ 1
Applicable safety instructions are contained in individual chapters.
Depending on use, wearing parts, such as heating elements and insulation material, can be subject to increased wear. Service life, the process, and the type of use are also dependent on the usage frequency and can, therefore, cause increased wear of heating elements and insulation material. Heating may discolor stainless steel sheet (especially if the furnace is opened while hot), but this does not impair the functionality of the furnace.
Note This product does not comply with the ATEX Directive and may not be used in
ignitable atmospheres. The system must not be operated with explosive gases or mixtures and it must be ensured that explosive gases or mixtures do not form during the process.
The set-up instructions and safety regulations must be followed, otherwise the furnace will be deemed to have been used improperly, effectively cancelling any claims against Nabertherm GmbH.
This level of safety when operating the furnace can be achieved only if all the necessary measures have been taken. It depends on the furnace operator's diligence in planning these measures and controlling how they are carried out.
Pos: 64 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Für hieraus resultierende Schäden haftet der Betreiber (Einzug Mitte) @ 10\mod_125 6731411117_51.docx @ 68223 @ @ 1
Pos: 65 /TD/Sicherheit/Das Betreiben des Ofens ist nur nach der in dieser Betriebs anleitung beschriebenen Vorgehensweise .. @ 53\mod_138978730580 4_51.docx @ 262855 @ @ 1
Pos: 66 /TD/Sicherheit/Veränderungen a m Ofen, müssen mit Nabertherm schriftlich abgestimmt werden ... @ 45\mod_13 77243398694_51.docx @ 242240 @ @ 1
Pos: 67 /TD/Sicherheit/Es dürfen nur die M aterialien eingesetzt werden, deren Eige nschaften und Schmelztemperaturen ... @ 49\mod_1385394498752_51.doc x @ 254350 @ @ 1
Pos: 68 /TD/Sicherheit/Das Öffnen des O fens im heißen Zustand über 200 °C (392 °F) kann zu einem erhöhtem Verschleiß . .. @ 39\mod_1364289911635_51.doc x @ 219945 @ @ 1
Pos: 69 /TD/Sicherheit/Dieser Ofen ist NICH T dafür bestimmt durch Personen (einschli eßlich Kinder) mit eingeschränkten ... @ 45\mod_1377501786408_51.docx @ 2 42490 @ @ 1
Pos: 70 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inbetrieb nahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Hinweis - Verschleißteile wie Heizelemente und Isoli ermaterialien unterliegen in Abhängigkeit der je @ 166\mod_1505112276697_5 1.docx @ 677058 @ @ 1
The operator is liable for any resulting damages.
The furnace may only be operated in the manner described in these operating
instructions, i.e., the operating instructions must be completely read and understood.
The set-up instructions and safety regulations must be followed, otherwise the furnace
will be considered improperly used, effectively cancelling any claims against Nabertherm GmbH. The EC Declaration of Conformity will cease to be valid if any modifications are made to the machine without our approval.
Only materials whose characteristics and melting temperatures are known may be
heated. Consult any available safety data sheets of the materials. Any other use beyond this is improper, including the processing of products other than those for which the furnace was intended as well as handling hazardous materials or materials dangerous to health, and must be approved in writing by the manufacturer Nabertherm GmbH.
Opening the furnace while it is still hot, over 200 °C (392 °F), can lead to increased
wear of the following components: insulation, door seal, heating elements and furnace housing. No liability shall be accepted for any damage to the goods or the furnace resulting from non-compliance with this warning.
This furnace is NOT used by certain persons (including children) with restricted
physical, sensorial or mental capabilities or who have insufficient experience and/or insufficient knowledge, unless they are supervised by a person who is responsible for their safety or are instructed in how to use the furnace. Children should be supervised to make sure that they do not play with the furnace.
Pos: 71 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Dieses Produ kt entspricht nicht der ATEX-Richtlinie un d darf nicht ..-nicht brennbare Gase @ 2\ mod_1184228756893_51.docx @ 1968 6 @ @ 1
Pos: 72 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - A nforderungen an den Betreiber der Anlage @ 0\mod_1167823775531_51.docx @ 5157 @ 2 @ 1
4.2 Requirements for the Furnace Operator
Pos: 73 /TD/Sicherheit/Anforderungen an d en Betreiber der Anlage - RHTH, RHTC , LHT, RT - Rohröfen @ 2\mod_1184 570280797_51.docx @ 19913 @ @ 1
In Germany, the general accident protection guidelines must be observed. The accident prevention regulations applicable in the country where the furnace is installed must be observed.
All persons involved in operation, installation, maintenance, or repair of the furnace must have read and understood the operating instructions. No liability will be accepted for damage or disruptions to operation resulting from non-compliance with the operating instructions.
Pos: 74 /TD/Sicherheit/Der Einsatz vo n Färbelösungen kann zu einem überpro portionalen Verschleiß der Heizelemente f ühren... @ 43\mod_1371115299588_51.d ocx @ 233530 @ @ 1 it
Pos: 75 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - In Deutschla nd ist die allgemeine Unfallverhütungsvorschrif t zu beachten. @ 3\mod_119366780 1739_51.docx @ 26122 @ @ 1 a
The Operator must ensure that
all harmful gases are removed from the workplace, for example by an extraction
the extraction system is switched on, the workplace is properly ventilated, the furnace is operated only in a perfect operating condition and, in particular, that the
functions of the safety components are checked regularly.
the required personal protective equipment is available for and used by the operating,
maintenance, and repair personnel.
these operating instructions, including the supplier documentation, are kept near the
furnace. These instructions must be available at all times for anyone working with or on the furnace;
all the safety and operating instruction signs on the furnace can be read properly.
Damaged or unreadable signs must be replaced immediately,
furnace personnel are informed regularly about all issues involving occupational
safety and environmental protection and are familiar with all the operating instructions, especially those involving safety,
a risk assessment is carried out (in Germany, covered of the Occupational Safety Act)
to determine any other hazards that may result from the working conditions particular to the furnace's location,
all other instructions and safety guidelines that have been determined in a risk
assessment for the workplace are compiled in an operation manual (in Germany, covered of the Ordinance Regulating the Use of Operating Equipment).
Only sufficiently qualified and authorized personnel may operate, maintain and repair
the system. This personnel must be trained in how to operate the furnace and must confirm their participation in the training with a personal signature. The training program must be documented in detail. In case an operator is replaced, additional training must also take place. The additional training may only be performed by authorized, trained individuals familiar with the system. The additional training must be painstakingly documented and participation must be evidenced by the names and signatures of the participating employees.
The use of paint solvents can lead to accelerated wear of the heating elements. If solvents are used, good pre-drying is necessary to minimize their impact on the heating elements.
Pos: 76 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - A nforderungen an das Bedienpersonal @ 0\mod_1167825643423_51.docx @ 516 6 @ 2 @ 1
4.3 Requirements for the Operating Personnel
Pos: 77 /TD/Sicherheit/Anforderungen an d as Bedienpersonal @ 0\mod_115821 8663482_51.docx @ 2155 @ @ 1
Only adequately qualified and authorized persons may operate, maintain, and repair the system. These personnel are informed regularly about all issues involving occupational safety and environmental protection and are familiar with all the operating instructions, especially those involving safety,
• Danger caused by incorrectly entered cut-off temperature at the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset
Risk of fatal injury
If, as a result of over-temperature from the charge and/or the
operating equipment, a charge is likely to be damaged at this pre­set cut-off temperature of the over-temperature limiter/over­temperature limiter with motor driven reset, or if the charge itself becomes a source of danger for the furnace or its surroundings, the cut-off temperature must be reduced on the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset to the maximum permissible value.
Wear protective clothing
Wear a full face protection visor that is resistant to heat or splattering
Pos: 78 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitssymbol e/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Warnsymb ol_Gefahr - Absicherung von Gefahren b ei Übertemperatur am TWB-TWW @ 37\ mod_1362490404893_51.docx @ 2140 67 @ @ 1
Only trained personnel may operate the control and safety equipment.
The Operator Should Complete these Details:
The furnace may only be transported by
The furnace may only be installed by
The furnace may only be commissioned by
Initial instructions may only be given by
Malfunctions may only be rectified by
The furnace may only be maintained by
The furnace may only be cleaned by
The furnace may only be serviced by
The furnace may only be repaired by
The furnace may only be shut down by
Pos: 79 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Sc hutzkleidung @ 0\mod_1167825795750 _51.docx @ 5175 @ 2 @ 1
4.4 Protective Clothing
Pos: 80 /TD/Sicherheit/Schutzkleidung - Schutzkleidung tragen @ 5\mod_122 0274995030_51.docx @ 42108 @ @ 1
Pos: 81 /TD/Sicherheit/Schutzkleidung - Gesichtsschutz- (Schutz vor Hitze un d Spritzer) @ 95\mod_1434960421391_51.d ocx @ 390332 @ @ 1
Wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.
Risks during Normal Operation!
Before switching the furnace on, check and ensure that only authorized persons are in the working area of the furnace and that no one can be injured as a result of operating the furnace.
The power plug is to be pulled out to stop the furnace in case of an emergency. Therefore, the power plug must be accessible at all times when the furnace is operating so that it can be pulled out quickly in case of an emergency.
Pos: 82 /TD/Sicherheit/Schutzkleidung - Hitzebeständige Handschuhe tragen @ 9\mod_1246542013306_51.docx @ 624 73 @ @ 1
Pos: 83 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Gru ndlegende Maßnahmen bei Normalbetri eb @ 0\mod_1167825919827_51.docx @ 5184 @ 2 @ 1
4.5 Basic Measures During Normal Operation
Pos: 84 /TD/Sicherheit/Grundlegende Maß nahmen bei Normalbetrieb (LHT ../..-Tisc hmodell) @ 32\mod_13522951916 92_51.docx @ 191520 @ @ 1
Before starting production each time, check and ensure that all the safety equipment works properly.
Before starting production each time, check the furnace for obvious damage and ensure that it is operated only in a perfect condition. Report any defects to a supervisor immediately.
Before starting production each time, remove all materials and objects that are not needed for production from the working area.
At Least once every Day (see also Servicing and Maintenance) Check the Following:
Check the furnace for obvious external damage, Check all hydraulic or pneumatic hoses, make sure that they are not leaking and that
they are connected properly (if applicable),
Check all gas and oil lines, make sure that they are not leaking and that they are
connected properly (if applicable),
Pos: 85 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Gru ndlegende Maßnahmen im Notfall @ 1\m od_1170943369267_51.docx @ 9093 @ 2 @ 1
Check that the fan works properly (if applicable)
4.6 Basic Measures in Case of Emergency
Pos: 86 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - V erhalten im Notfall @ 1\mod_11709499048 55_51.docx @ 9123 @ 3 @ 1
4.6.1 What to Do in an Emergency
Pos: 87 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Hinweis - Das Stillsetze n im Notfall ist vorgesehen durch Ziehen d es Netzsteckers. @ 6\mod_12220628 36860_51.docx @ 42829 @ @ 1
Pos: 88 /TD/Sicherheit/Grundlegende Maß nahmen im Notfall - Netzstecker zie hen (alle Anleitungen) - Grafik @ 36\mo d_1360079722854_51.docx @ 208920 @ @ 1
Fig. 7: Pull the power plug (similar to picture)
Risks during Normal Operation!
Switch the furnace off immediately in case of unexpected occurrences in the furnace (e.g. a lot of smoke or unusual smells). Wait until the furnace has cooled naturally to room temperature.
Warning - General hazards!
If unusual processes are occurring in the furnace (e.g., emission of heavy smoke or strong odors), do not open the furnace. Doing so creates a fire or explosion hazard. Wait until the furnace has naturally cooled down to room temperature.
Warning – Danger of Electric Shock!
Work on the electrical equipment may be done only by qualified, authorized electricians.
Maintenance work must be performed only by authorized persons, observing the maintenance instructions and the accident prevention regulations. We recommend that maintenance and repair work be carried out by the service team of Nabertherm GmbH. Non-compliance may cause injuries, death, or considerable damage to property.
Pos: 89 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unerwarteten Vorgä ngen im Ofen (z.B. starke Rauchentwic klung oder Geruchsbelästigung) @ 4\m od_1205306579737_51.docx @ 34218 @ @ 1
Pos: 90 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unerwart eten Vorgängen darf der Ofen nicht geöffn et werden @ 7\mod_1232553819617_5 1.docx @ 48258 @ @ 1
Pos: 91 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Warnung - Bei unerwart eten Vorgängen darf der Ofen nicht geöffn et werden - M01.0086 - Grafik @ 178\m od_1512996929131_51.docx @ 7261 03 @ @ 1
Pos: 92 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für all e Anleitungen)/Warnung - Arbeiten an d er elektrischen Ausrüstung dürfen nur vo n ... @ 2\mod_1184228021019_51.doc x @ 19673 @ @ 1
Pos: 93 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Gru ndlegende Maßnahmen bei Wartung und Instandhaltung @ 0\mod_1167826060 620_51.docx @ 5193 @ 2 @ 1
4.7 Basic Measures for Servicing and Maintenance
Pos: 94 /TD/Sicherheit/Grundlegend e Maßnahmen bei Wartung und Instandhalt ung @ 0\mod_1158222458436_51.doc x @ 2188 @ @ 1
Pos: 105 /TD/Sicherheit/Grundlegende Maß nahmen bei Wartung und Instandhaltung @ 0\mod_1158222458436_51.doc x @ 2188 @ @ 1
Switch off the system and make sure it cannot be switched on again inadvertently (lock the main switch and secure it with a padlock), or pull out the power plug.
Clear an adequate area around the system to facilitate the repair work. Suspended loads are dangerous. Working beneath a suspended load is prohibited. There is a risk of fatal injury. Relieve the pressure on hydraulic and pneumatic equipment before carrying out maintenance or repair work. (if applicable).
When cleaning furnaces, control cabinets, or electrical equipment housings, never spray them with water.
When maintenance or repair work has been completed, before recommencing production
The operator must ensure that national environmental regulations are observed.
ensure the following:
Check that loosened screw connections have been re-tightened, Reinstall protective equipment, screens, and filters, Remove all material, tools, and other equipment used for the maintenance or repair
work from the working area of the system,
Remove any liquids that have leaked, Check that all safety functions (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP button) work properly,
Pos: 95 /TD/Sicherheit/Lüfter auf Fun ktion prüfen (wenn bei Anlage vorhanden) @ 5 0\mod_1385451942691_51.docx @ 254780 @ @ 1
Pos: 96 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Um weltschutzvorschriften @ 0\mod_116782 6189237_51.docx @ 5202 @ 2 @ 1
Power cables may be replaced only with similar, approved cables Check that the fan works properly (if applicable)
4.8 Environmental Regulations
Pos: 97 /TD/Sicherheit/Umweltschutz vorschriften Schmierfette-Hydrauliköl-Kühl mittel @ 0\mod_1158223424304_51.doc x @ 2199 @ @ 1
All statutory duties regarding waste avoidance, proper recycling, and disposal must be observed when work is carried out on and with the furnace.
Problem materials that are no longer needed, such as lubricants or batteries, must not be placed in normal waste disposal systems or allowed to enter the sewage system.
During installation, repair, and maintenance work, substances that are hazardous to water, such as
lubricating grease and oils hydraulic oils refrigerants solvent-based cleaning fluids must not be allowed to contaminate the soil or enter the
sewage system.
These substances must be stored, transported, collected, and disposed of in suitable containers.
Pos: 98 /TD/Sicherheit/Umweltschutz vorschriften Elektronische Bauteile-Isolieru ng-Altmetall @ 4\mod_1205143314853 _51.docx @ 32563 @ @ 1
When it is delivered, this furnace contains no substances that make a hazardous waste classification necessary. However, residues of process materials may accumulate in the furnace insulation during operation. These may be hazardous to health and/or the environment.
Dismantle the electronic components and dispose of them as electric scrap. Remove the insulation and dispose of it as hazardous waste (see “Servicing, Cleaning,
and Maintenance with Ceramic Fiber Material”).
Dispose of the housing as scrap metal. Contact the responsible disposal company to dispose of the materials listed above.
In the following operating instructions, specific warnings are given to draw attention to residual risks that cannot be avoided when the furnace is operating. These residual risks include dangers for humans/products/ the furnace, and the environment.
The symbols used in the operating instructions are especially intended to draw attention to safety information.
The symbols used cannot replace the text of the safety information. Therefore, always read the entire text.
Graphic symbols correspond to ISO 3864. In accordance with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z535.6 the following warning information and words are used in this document:
The general hazard symbol, in combination with the words CAUTION, WARNING and DANGER warns about the risk of serious injury. Observe the following information to prevent injury or death.
Refers to a hazard that could damage or destroy the equipment.
Refers to a hazard with a minor or medium risk of injury.
Refers to a hazard that could cause death, serious or irreversible injury.
Refers to a hazard that could directly cause death, serious or irreversible injury.
• Type and source of the danger
• Consequences of non-compliance
Action to prevent danger
Hazard Symbol Indicates the risk of injury
Signal Word Classifies the danger
Graphical Symbols (optional) According to ISO 3864:
Consequences, measures, and prohibitions
Reference Texts:
• Type and source of the danger
• Possible consequences of non-
• Measures/Prohibitions
Pos: 99 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitssymbol e/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Erläuteru ng ANSI Z535.6 @ 8\mod_124332355888 1_51.docx @ 57444 @ 2 @ 1
4.9 Explanation of the Symbols and Warnings
Structure of the Warning: All Warnings are Structured as Follows
Type and source of the danger
• Consequences of non-compliance
Action to prevent danger
Below this symbol you will find instructions and particularly useful information.
Rule - Rule Sign
This symbol draws attention to important rules that must be observed. Rule signs protect people against injury and show what is to be done in certain situations.
Rule – Important Information for Operators
This symbol draws the operator's attention to important information and operating instructions that must be observed.
Rule – Important Information for Maintenance Personnel
This symbol draws the maintenance personnel's attention to important operating and maintenance instructions (service) that must be observed.
Rule – Pull Out the Power Plug
This symbol tells the operator to pull out the power plug.
Graphical Symbols (optional) According to ISO 3864:
Consequences, measures, and prohibitions
Reference Texts:
• Type and source of the danger
• Possible consequences of non-compliance
• Measures/prohibitions
Graphical Symbols (optional) According to ISO 3864:
Instructions or prohibitions
Hazard Symbol Indicates the risk of injury
Signal Word Classifies the danger
Pos: 100 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Überschrift - Hinweissymbole in der Anleitung (Einz ug Mitte) @ 9\mod_1247053429626_5 1.docx @ 62751 @ @ 1
Pos: 101 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Hinweis - Unter diesem Symbol erhalten Sie Anweis ungshinweise und ... @ 9\mod_124 7053932311_51.docx @ 62785 @ @ 1
Information Symbols in the Instructions:
Pos: 102 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gebot - Gebotszeich en - Wichtige Gebote sind zu befolgen @ 9\mod_1247056175982_51.docx @ 62 853 @ @ 1
Pos: 103 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gebot - Wichtige Infor mation für den Bediener @ 9\mod_ 1247053200729_51.docx @ 62717 @ @ 1
Pos: 104 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gebot - Wichtige Infor mation für das Wartungspersonal @ 9\mod_1247053206042_51.docx @ 62734 @ @ 1
Pos: 105 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gebot - Netzstec ker ziehen @ 9\mod_1247055471526_51.d ocx @ 62836 @ @ 1
Rule – Lift only with Several People
This symbol draws the personnel's attention to the fact that this device may only be lifted and moved to its final destination by several people.
Warning – Hot Surface, Do Not Touch
This symbol warns the operator that the surface is hot and should not be touched.
Warning – Danger of Electric Shock
This symbol warns the operator that there is a risk of an electric shock if the following warnings are not heeded.
Warning – Risk of Device Toppling Over
This symbol tells the operator that there is a risk of the device toppling over if the following warnings are not heeded.
Warning – Suspended Load
This symbol warns the operator of potential dangers of suspended loads. Working below a suspended load is strictly forbidden. Ignoring this can lead to fatal injury.
Warning – Danger if Heavy Loads are Lifted
This symbol warns the operator of the potential dangers of lifting heavy loads. Ignoring this can lead to injury.
Warning – Risk to the Environment
This symbol warns the operator of the risk to the environment if the following information is not heeded. The operator must ensure that national environmental regulations are observed.
Warning – Fire Danger
This symbol warns operators of the danger of fire if the following information is not followed.
Warning – Suffocation from Lack of Oxygen
This symbol warns the operator of the possibility of suffocating from lack of oxygen. Ignoring this can lead to suffocation
Warning – Risk of Explosive Substances or Explosive Atmosphere
These symbols warn the operator of explosive substances or an explosive atmosphere
Pos: 106 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gebot - Anheben mit mehreren Personen @ 9\mod_12470 63058002_51.docx @ 62938 @ @ 1
Pos: 107 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Heiße O berfläche - Oberfläche nicht berühren @ 9\ mod_1247054774780_51.docx @ 628 02 @ @ 1
Pos: 108 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - elektrisch er Schlag - zur Vermeidung Anweisung folgen @ 9\mod_1247055093892_51.d ocx @ 62819 @ @ 1
Pos: 109 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Umkippe n des Gerätes @ 9\mod_124705919837 2_51.docx @ 62870 @ @ 1
Pos: 110 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Sch webende Lasten @ 9\mod_1251450500309 _51.docx @ 65454 @ @ 1
Pos: 111 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Heben sc hwerer Lasten @ 9\mod_12470598913 58_51.docx @ 62887 @ @ 1
Pos: 112 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Umweltge fährdung @ 9\mod_1247060443419_ 51.docx @ 62904 @ @ 1
Pos: 113 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Brandg efahr @ 9\mod_1251445272822_51.doc x @ 65437 @ @ 1
Pos: 114 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Ersticku ngsgefahr @ 16\mod_1307435027242_5 1.docx @ 118628 @ @ 1
Pos: 115 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - Explosi onsgefährliche Stoffe @ 9\mod_12470611 48859_51.docx @ 62921 @ @ 1
Prohibited – Important Information for Operators
This symbol warns the operator that water or cleaning products must NOT be poured over the objects. A high-pressure cleaning device must also not be used.
Warning – Hot Surface, Danger of Burning – Do Not Touch
You may not always realize that surfaces, such as furnace components, furnace walls, doors and materials, and even liquids are hot. Do not touch the surface.
Warning – Danger of Electric Shock!
Warning, dangerous electric voltage
Warning – General hazards
Risk of burning on the furnace housing Risk of burning on the exhaust tubes Risk of crushing from moving parts (lift bottom) Live parts contain dangerous electrical voltages. Operate the furnace only with fully installed and closed cover panels. No objects should be inserted into openings in the furnace housing, exhaust tubes or
cooling slits of the switchgear or furnace. Ignoring this warning can result in electric shock.
Risk of fire if using an extension cable:
If an extension cable or a power board is used, its maximum electrical load must not be exceeded. Do not operate the furnace with an extension cable if you are not sure if grounding is guaranteed.
Risk of crushing when the lift bottom is being lowered
Risk of burning at the exhaust tubes on the top of the furnace
Pos: 116 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Gefahr - nicht mit W asser überschütten @ 9\mod_12478264 10886_51.docx @ 63819 @ @ 1
Pos: 117 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Überschrift - Warnhinweissymbole an der Anlag e @ 9\mod_1247053700273_51.docx @ 62 768 @ @ 1
Pos: 118 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m an der Anlage - Warnung - Gefahr vor heißer Oberfläche und Verbrennung @ 9\ mod_1247052957145_51.docx @ 627 00 @ @ 1
Pos: 119 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m an der Anlage - Warnung - Gefahren durch elektrischen Strom @ 9\mod_1247 052639824_51.docx @ 62683 @ @ 1
Pos: 120 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Allgemeine Gefahren an der Anlage @ 0\ mod_1168596796288_51.docx @ 6014 @ 2 @ 1
Warning Signs on the Furnace:
4.10 General Risks with the Furnace
Pos: 121 /TD/Sicherheit/Allgemeine Gefa hren (Verbrennung, Quetschen, Strom) - LHT ../17 LB Speed @ 178\mod_1 512998598431_51.docx @ 726129 @ @ 1
Pos: 122 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Allgemeine Gefahren a m Hochtemperatur-Hubbodenofen - M 01.0086 - Grafik @ 178\mod_15130002 37878_51.docx @ 726255 @ @ 1
Warning – General Hazards
No objects may be placed or set down on the furnace or switchgear. There is a risk of fire or explosion.
Warning – Influence on Implants from Electromagnetic Fields
It can be assumed that there is no risk from electromagnetic fields. Deviating from this, there may be a risk for people with active implants (such as a pacemaker, insulin pump) and passive implants, as the function of the implant may be affected also with a field strength below the permissible threshold. Proper function must be ensured on the basis of the technical specifications of the implant through an individual assessment by a suitable expert (for example, an occupational physician).
• Danger from electrocution
• If there is no earth connection, or the
earth connection is poorly connected, the result may be a deadly electrical shock.
Do not insert any metallic objects such as thermocouples, sensors or tools into the furnace chamber without having previously ensured that the plant has been correctly earthed. Entrust the job of making a earth connection between the object and the furnace housing to a qualified electrical technician. Any objects inserted into the furnace must be inserted only through those openings intended for this purpose.
Pos: 123 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen)/Warnung - Es dürfe n keine Gegenstände auf den/der Ofe n/Schaltanlage abgelegt/abgestellt werden... @ 4\mod_1203924555465_51.doc x @ 31568 @ @ 1
Pos: 124 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Piktogram m in der Anleitung - Warnung - vor elektro magnetische Felder (Implantat-Herzschri ttmacher) @ 116\mod_14594946685 52_51.docx @ 460673 @ @ 1
Pos: 125 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Warnsym bol_Gefahr - Gefahr durch fehlende oder nicht korrekt angeschlossene Erdung a n ... @ 85\mod_1423745935634_51.docx @ 359461 @ @ 1
• Danger caused by incorrectly entered cut-off temperature at the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset
Risk of fatal injury
If, as a result of over-temperature from the charge and/or the
operating equipment, a charge is likely to be damaged at this pre­set cut-off temperature of the over-temperature limiter/over­temperature limiter with motor driven reset, or if the charge itself becomes a source of danger for the furnace or its surroundings, the cut-off temperature must be reduced on the over-temperature limiter/over-temperature limiter with motor driven reset to the maximum permissible value.
Risks during Normal Operation!
Suspended loads are dangerous. Working beneath a suspended load is prohibited. There is a risk of fatal injury.
Pos: 126 /TD/Sicherheit/Sicherheitss ymbole/Warnhinweise-ISO-ANSI/Warnsym bol_Gefahr - Absicherung von Gefahren bei Übertemperatur am TWB-TWW @ 3 7\mod_1362490404893_51.docx @ 214 067 @ @ 1
Pos: 127 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inb etriebnahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Überschrift - Transport, Montage und Erstinbetrie bnahme @ 0\mod_1158844227416_51.d ocx @ 3112 @ 1 @ 1
5 Transportation, Installation and Initial Start-Up
Pos: 128 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inb etriebnahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Überschrift - Anlieferung @ 0\mod_116782653488 9_51.docx @ 5220 @ 2 @ 1
5.1 Delivery
Pos: 129 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inb etriebnahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Anlieferung - (Hinweise allgemein) @ 0\mod_11 58233508887_51.docx @ 2223 @ @ 1
Check that Everything is Complete
Compare the delivered items with the delivery note and the purchase order documents. Immediately notify the carrier and Nabertherm GmbH of any missing or damaged parts, as complaints at a later date cannot be acknowledged.
Danger of Injury
When the furnace is being lifted, parts of the furnace or the furnace itself could topple over, slip, or fall. Before the furnace is lifted, make sure no one is in the working area. Wear safety footwear and a hard hat.
Safety Instructions
Forklifts must be operated only by authorized personnel. The operator bears sole
responsibility for safe operation and the load
When the furnace is being lifted, make sure that the ends of the forks or the load do
not catch on neighboring goods. Use a crane to move tall parts, such as control cabinets.
Use only lifting equipment with sufficient load-bearing capacity Lifting gear must be attached only to positions that have been designated for this
Attachments, piping, or cable conduits must never be used to affix lifting gear Unpackaged parts should only be lifted with ropes or straps Attach transportation equipment only to positions intended for this purpose. Lifting and securing equipment must conform to the provisions contained in accident
prevention regulations
Consider the weight of the furnace when choosing lifting and securing equipment.
(see Specifications)
Stainless steel parts (including mounting elements) must always be kept separate from
unalloyed steel parts
Do not remove corrosion protection until immediately prior to assembly
Safety and accident prevention guidelines applicable for forklift trucks must be followed.
This symbol is to be attached to fragile goods. Goods marked like this are to be handled carefully and must not be thrown or tied up.
This side up
The freight must be transported, transshipped, and stored in such a way that the arrows point upward. The freight must not be rolled, folded, or stored on edge. However, the package does not have to be packed on top of other freight.
Pos: 130 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inb etriebnahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Anlieferung - Öfen mit einem Hubwagen transpor tieren @ 2\mod_1184672460200_51.doc x @ 20000 @ @ 1
Transportation with a Pallet Truck
Observe the maximum permitted capacity of the pallet truck.
1. Our furnaces are delivered ex works on wooden frames to facilitate unloading. Transport the furnace in its original packaging and with suitable equipment to prevent any damage. Remove the packaging only when the furnace is in its final location. When transporting the furnace, make sure it is secured against sliding, toppling over, and damage. The furnace should be transported and installed by at least two persons. Do not store the furnace in damp rooms or outdoors.
2. Push the pallet truck underneath the transportation frame. Make sure that the pallet truck is completely beneath the frame. Pay attention to neighboring goods.
Pos: 131 /TD/Transport_Montage_Inb etriebnahme/Erstinbetriebnahme/Legende für P ackstücke z.B. zerbrechlich @ 1\mo d_1173776713307_51.docx @ 10746 @ @ 1
Fig. 8: Pallet truck is pushed completely beneath the transportation frame
3. Lift the furnace carefully and pay attention to its center of gravity. When the furnace is being lifted, make sure that the ends of the forks or the load do not catch on neighboring goods.
4. Make sure that the furnace is balanced safely; if not, attach securing equipment. Push the furnace carefully, slowly and with the pallet truck at its lowest position. Do not transport the furnace on inclines.
5. Carefully lower the furnace at its final position. Pay attention to neighboring goods. Try not to set it down too abruptly.
The symbols for handling packaging are defined in ISO R/780 (International Organization for Standardization) and in DIN 55 402 (German Institute for Standardization).
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