Nabertherm L 3/11, L 5/11, L 9/11, L 15/11, L 24/11 Instruction Manual

Operating Instructions
Laboratory Furnaces (Muffle Furnaces)
L / LE / LT / LV / LVT -SKM -SW -HA
Original instructions
Copyright by Nabertherm GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 20 28865 Lilienthal Federal Republic of Germany
Reg: M01.0032 ENGLISCH Rev: 2011-01
No responsibility is accepted for the correctness of this information. We reserve the right to make technical alterations.
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Product Description ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Overview of the Complete Oven ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Key to the Model Names ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Scope of Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2 Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Warranty and Liability .................................................................................................................................... 16
3 Safety .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Intended Use.................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Requirements for the Oven Operator .............................................................................................................. 18
3.3 Requirements for the Operating Personnel ...................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Protective Clothing .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Basic Measures During Normal Operation ..................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Basic Measures in Case of Emergency ........................................................................................................... 20
3.6.1 What to do in an Emergency ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.7 Basic Measures for Servicing and Maintenance.............................................................................................. 21
3.8 Environmental Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 22
3.9 Explanation of the Symbols and Warnings ..................................................................................................... 23
3.10 General Risks with the Oven ........................................................................................................................... 26
4 Transportation, Installation, and Commissioning ............................................................................................ 27
4.1 Delivery ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Unpacking ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Transportation Securing Equipment/Packaging .............................................................................................. 31
4.4 Constructional and Connection Requirements ................................................................................................ 32
4.4.1 Installation (Oven Location) ....................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 Assembly, Installation, and Connection .......................................................................................................... 33
4.6 Assembly of a Vent ......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.6.1 Waste Gas System ...................................................................................................................................... 35
4.6.2 Connecting the Oven to the Power Supply ................................................................................................. 36
4.6.3 Insertion of the Base Plate .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.7 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................... 41
4.8 Recommendations for Heating the Oven for the First Time ........................................................................... 41
4.9 Loading/charging ............................................................................................................................................ 42
5 Operation ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
5.1 Operating Controller B 180/P 330 ................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Operating Controller R 6 ................................................................................................................................. 45
5.3 Over-Temperature Limit Controller with Manual Reset and Adjustable Cut-Off Temperature ..................... 46
5.4 Air Inflow Lever ............................................................................................................................................. 47
6 Servicing, Cleaning, and Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 48
6.1 Shutting the system down for maintenance ..................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Regular Maintenance of the Oven ................................................................................................................... 50
6.3 Operating and Auxiliary Materials .................................................................................................................. 50
6.4 Cleaning Products ........................................................................................................................................... 50
7 Faults .................................................................................................................................................................... 52
7.1 Replacing a Fuse ............................................................................................................................................. 53
7.2 Separate the Snap-In Coupling (Plug) from the Furnace Housing .................................................................. 54
8 Spare Parts/Wearing Parts ................................................................................................................................. 55
9 Nabertherm Service ............................................................................................................................................ 56
10 Electrical Connections (Circuit Diagram) ......................................................................................................... 56
11 Shut-Down, Dismantling, and Storage............................................................................................................... 57
11.1 Environmental Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 57
11.2 Transportation/Return Transportation ............................................................................................................. 58
12 Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................................................. 59
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1 Introduction
Pos: 2 /TD/Einleitung/Öfen @ 0\mod_1158157227533_51. d oc @ 2084 @ @ 1
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a quality product from Nabertherm GmbH.
You can be proud that you have chosen an oven which has been especially tailored to suit your manufacturing and production conditions.
This product is characterized by
professional workmanship high performance due to its high efficiency high-quality insulation low power consumption low noise level simple installation easy to maintain high availability of spare parts
Your Nabertherm Team
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These documents are intended only for buyers of our products and may not be copied or disclosed to third parties without our written consent.
(Law governing copyright and associated protective rights, German Copyright Law from Sept. 9, 1965)
Protective Rights
Nabertherm GmbH owns all rights to drawings, other documents and authorizations, also in case of applications for protective rights.
All the figures in the instructions have a descriptive character; in other words, they do not represent the exact details of the oven.
Pos: 4 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Öfen/ Überschrift - Produktbeschreibung 1.1 @ 0\mod_116 7821943807_51.doc @ 5103 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Product Description
Pos: 5 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/Öfen/ Laborofen L-LE-L(T)-LV(T)-SKM-SW-HA - Pr oduktbeschreibung @ 14\mod_1299596880427_51.doc @ 113276 @ @ 1
These laboratory furnaces are a high-quality product which will give you many years of reliable service if they are properly cared for and maintained. One basic prerequisite is that the furnace is used the way it was designed to be used.
During development and production a high priority was placed on safety, functionality and economy.
Laboratory Furnaces are attractive thanks to their many advantages. These furnaces are all-rounders for research and laboratory applications. They are made from expertly finished, high-quality materials and are easy to operate. These furnaces are optimally designed for incinerating and heat treatment. The very best insulation materials permit energy-saving operation and fast heating times thanks to low heat storage and thermal conductivity. Laboratory furnaces attain furnace chamber temperatures of max. 1100 °C (2012 °F), 1200 °C (2192 °F) or 1300 °C (2372 °F).
Other characteristics of this product are:
All the models have a high-quality, multi-layered and energy-saving thermal
Double-wall housing means low outer temperatures and solid stability. All
Good temperature uniformity provided by special air supply and exhaust system
There are furnaces with drop-down doors or lift doors Ceramic heating plates with integrated heating wire, protected against splattering
Model L/LT …/…/SW with scale and software (Controltherm MV) for annealing
All the models are equipped with a controller which provides considerable safety
Additional Equipment
Vent, vent with fan or catalytic converter. Over-temperature limit controller with adjustable shut-down temperature for
Manual or automatic protective gas system Protective gas connection on the back
Digital interface RS 422, for example, for process control and documentation
Base plates and catch basins to protect of the furnace and to enable easy charging Rectangular container, stackable for charging on several levels
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furnaces have housings made of textured stainless steel sheet.
for models LV/LVT .../… and LT …/…HA. For models LV/LVT .../… the system delivers more than 6 air changes a minute. The incoming air is pre-heated, so that a good temperature uniformity is ensured.
and exhaust-air for models L/LT …/… and LV/LVT .../…
loss specifications
against operator mistakes. The furnace chamber temperature is measured and regulated by a long-life thermocouple (NiCr-Ni Tmax < 1100 °C or PtRh-Pt Tmax > 1100 °C).
thermal protective class 2 as specified in EN 60519-2 to protect the furnace and the ware against overheating.
side of the furnace
provided by Controltherm MV software package.
Pos: 7 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Übersc hrift - Gesamtübersicht der Anlage @ 1\mod_11743026 3699 2_51.doc @ 11332 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Overview of the Complete Oven
Pos: 8 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Gesa mtübersicht Laborofen L-LE-L(T)-LV(T)-SKM-SW -HA @ 14\mod_1295003962965_51.doc @ 111859 @ @ 1
Furnace door
Air for the regulation of fresh air
Furnace chamber
Exhaust-air system
Power switch (ON/OFF)
Power switch (ON/OFF)
Heating (ON/OFF)
Gas supply system (additional equipment)
Vent, vent with fan or catalytic converter (accessories)
Support plate in the furnace chamber
Ceramic die
Support die
Backup power connection (lock for backup power connection) for example, for vent with fan or gas supply system (additional equipment)
Fig. 1: Example: Complete overview of various laboratory furnaces
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Digital interface RS 422 (option)
Power line
Switchgear fan
Pos: 10 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/ Öfen/Überschrift - Entschlüsselung der Modellbez ei chnung @ 2\mod_1184245078907_51.doc @ 19775 @ 2 @ 1
1.3 Key to the Model Names
Pos: 11 /TD/Einleitung/Produktbeschreibung/ Öfen/Entschlüssellung der Modellbezeichnung Labor ofen L-LE-L(T)-LV(T)-SKM-SW-HA @ 14\mod_1299593606 987_51.doc @ 113253 @ @ 1
Example Explanation LT 9/11SKM
LT 9/11SKM
LT 9/11SKM
LT 9/11SKM
L = Laboratory furnace with drop-down door LE = Laboratory furnace economy series LT = Laboratory furnace with lift door LV = Laboratory incinerator with drop-down door LVT = Laboratory incinerator with lift door
1 = 1-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 2 = 2-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 3 = 3-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 4 = 4-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 5 = 5-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 6 = 6-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 9 = 9-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 14 = 14-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 15 = 15-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 24 = 24-liter furnace chamber (volume in L) 40 = 40-liter furnace chamber (volume in L)
11 = Tmax 1100 °C (2012 °F) 12 = Tmax 1200 °C (2192 °F) 13 = Tmax 1300 °C (2372 °F)
HA = Laboratory furnace with recirculating air fan in the back wall SKM = Furnace chamber made of ceramic muffle SW = Scale furnace with support frame and scale
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LT 9/11SKM
LC011H6SN 1100 °C 2011
230 V 1/N/PE~ 15.2 A 50/60 Hz 3.5 kW Made in Germany
Fig. 2: Example: Model designation (type plate)
SN xxxxxx
Pos: 13 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Über schrift - Lieferumfang @ 0\mod_1167822508130_51. doc @ 5112 @ 2 @ 1
1.4 Scope of Delivery
Pos: 14 /TD/Einleitung/Lieferumfang/Öfen/Labor ofen L-LE-L(T)-LV(T)-SKM-SW-HA - Liefer umfang @ 14\mod_1299662508331_51.doc @ 113310 @ @ 1
The scope of delivery includes:
Furnace components Quantity Comment
Laboratory furnace 1) 1 x Nabertherm GmbH Power cable 1)
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
Vent ) 2)
1 x Vent with fan 1) 2) Catalytic converter 1) 2)
Ceramic ribbed plate
4) Ceramic ceramic catch basin Steel catch basin
Gas supply system 2)
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
Scale 2)
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
Process documentation
B e
t r
s a
n l
e i
Controltherm MV software package 1) 2)
P r
o z e
s s d
k u
m e
n t
a t
o n t
r m
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
a d
e i
n G
e r
n y
Other components, variable depending on the particular furnace
- - - Consult the shipping papers
Pos: 15 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.doc @ 2983 @ @ 1
Document type Quantity Comment
Instruction Manual Laboratory Furnace 1) 1 x Nabertherm GmbH Operating Instructions for Controller 1) 1 x Nabertherm GmbH Operating Instructions
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
gas supply system 1) Operating Instructions
1 x Nabertherm GmbH
Controltherm MV software package 1)
Other documents, variable depending on
- - -
the particular furnace
1) = in scope of delivery depends on design/furnace model
2) = in scope of delivery depend on need, see shipping papers
3) = quantity depends on furnace model
4) = quantity depends on on need, see shipping papers
Make sure that all documents are carefully stored. All the functions of this furnace were tested during manufacturing and prior to shipping.
Pos: 16 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Üb er schrift - Technische Daten - mit Hinweis @ 0\mod_1167822840 737_51.doc @ 5121 @ 1 @ 1
2 Specifications
Pos: 17 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen Klapptür -Tabelle für L 3/11 - L 40/11 bis L 1/ 12 - L 40/12 @ 14\mod_1294910652628_51.doc @ 111513 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace
Electrical specifications are on the type plate located on the side of the oven.
Model Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d h
Dimensions Outer in mm W D
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
L 3/11 1100 160 140 100 380 370 420 3 1.2 20 60 L 5/11 1100 200 170 130 440 470 520 5 2.4 35 60 L 9/11 1100 230 240 170 480 550 570 9 3.0 45 75 L 15/11 1100 230 340 170 480 650 570 15 3.6 55 90 L 24/11 1100 280 340 250 560 660 650 24 4.5 75 95 L 40/11 1100 320 490 250 600 790 650 40 6.0 95 95
L 1/12 1200 90 115 110 250 265 340 1 1.5 10 25 L 3/12 1200 160 140 100 380 370 420 3 1.2 20 75 L 5/12 1200 200 170 130 440 470 520 5 2.4 35 75 L 9/12 1200 230 240 170 480 550 570 9 3.0 45 90 L 15/12 1200 230 340 170 480 650 570 15 3.6 55 105 L 24/12 1200 280 340 250 560 660 650 24 4.5 75 110 L 40/12 1200 320 490 250 600 790 650 40 6.0 95 110
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
Pos: 18 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen Hubtür -Tabelle für LT 3/11 - LT 40/11 bis LT 3/12 - LT 40/ 12 @ 14\mod_1294933924209_51.doc @ 111553 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Lift Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LT 3/11 1100 160 140 100 380 370 420+165 3 1.2 20 60 LT 5/11 1100 200 170 130 440 470 520+220 5 2.4 35 60 LT 9/11 1100 230 240 170 480 550 570+290 9 3.0 45 75 LT 15/11 1100 230 340 170 480 650 570+290 15 3.6 55 90 LT 24/11 1100 280 340 250 560 660 650+335 24 4.5 75 95 LT 40/11 1100 320 490 250 600 790 650+335 40 6.0 95 95 LT 3/12 1200 160 140 100 380 370 420+165 3 1.2 20 75 LT 5/12 1200 200 170 130 440 470 520+220 5 2.4 35 75 LT 9/12 1200 230 240 170 480 550 570+290 9 3.0 45 90 LT 15/12 1200 230 340 170 480 650 570+290 15 3.6 55 105 LT 24/12 1200 280 340 250 560 660 650+335 24 4.5 75 110 LT 40/12 1200 320 490 250 600 790 650+335 40 6.0 95 110
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. opened lift door
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Pos: 20 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen Klapptür -Tabelle für L 5/13 - L 15/13 @ 14\ mod_12 9499 1083275_51.doc @ 111629 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d h
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
L 5/13 1300 200 170 130 440 470 520 5 2.4 45 45 L 9/13 1300 230 240 170 480 550 570 9 3.0 50 50 L 15/13 1300 230 340 170 480 650 570 15 3.6 60 60
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
Pos: 21 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen Hubtür -Tabelle für LT 5/13 - LT 15/13 @ 14\mod_12949 91040209_51.doc @ 111583 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Lift Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LT 5/13 1300 200 170 130 440 470 520+220 5 2.4 42 45 LT 9/13 1300 230 240 170 480 550 570+290 9 3.0 60 50 LT 15/13 1300 230 340 170 480 650 570+290 15 3.6 70 60
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. opened lift door
Pos: 22 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Kompakt-Muffelofen Klapptür -Tabelle für LE 1/ 11 - LE 14/11 @ 14\mod_1294992044264_51.doc @ 111652 @ @ 1
Compact Muffle Furnace Model
Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d h
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LE 1/11 1100 90 115 110 250 265 340 1 1.5 10 10 LE 2/11 1100 110 180 110 275 380 350 2 1.8 10 25 LE 4/11 1100 170 200 170 335 400 410 4 1.8 15 35 LE 6/11 1100 170 200 170 510 400 320 6 1.8 18 35 LE 14/11 1100 220 300 220 555 500 370 14 2.9 25 40
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
Pos: 23 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Veraschungsofen Klapptür -Tabelle für LV 3/11 - LV 15/ 11 @ 14\mod_1294992766140_51.doc @ 111675 @ @ 1
Incinerator Model
Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d h
Dimensions Outer in mm W D Hb+2)
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LV 3/11 1100 160 140 100 380 370 750 3 1.2 20 120 LV 5/11 1100 200 170 130 440 470 850 5 2.4 35 120 LV 9/11 1100 230 240 170 480 550 900 9 3.0 45 120 LV 15/11 1100 230 340 170 480 650 900 15 3.6 55 120
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. exhaust air pipe (Ø 80 mm)
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Pos: 25 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Veraschungsofen Hubtür -Tabelle für LVT 3/11 - LVT 15/11 @ 14\ mod_1294992895007_51.doc @ 111698 @ @ 1
Incinerator Model
Lift Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D Hb+2)
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LVT 3/11 1100 160 140 100 380 370 750 3 1.2 20 120 LVT 5/11 1100 200 170 130 440 470 850 5 2.4 35 120 LVT 9/11 1100 230 240 170 480 550 900 9 3.0 45 120 LVT 15/11 1100 230 340 170 480 650 900 15 3.6 55 120
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. exhaust air pipe (Ø 80 mm)
Pos: 26 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen mit Keramikmuffel Klapptür/Hubtür -Tabelle für L 9/11/SKM - LT 9/11/SKM @ 14\mod_1294994910658 _51. doc @ 111721 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Drop-Down Door/ Lift Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d h
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H+Ha 2)
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
L 9/11/SKM 1100 230 240 170 480 550 570 9 3.0 50 90 LT
1100 230 240 170 480 550 570+290 9 3.0 50 90
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. opened lift door
Pos: 27 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen mit Klapptür und Waage -Tabelle für L 9/11/ SW - L 9/12/SW @ 14\mod_1294995752712_51.doc @ 111744 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
L 9/11/SW 1100 230 240 170 480 550 800 9 3.0 55 75 L 9/12/SW 1200 230 240 170 480 550 800 9 3.0 55 90
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
Pos: 28 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen mit Hubtür und Waage -Tabelle für LT 9/11/SW - LT 9/12/SW @ 14\mod_1294996314888_51.doc @ 111767 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Drop-Down Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LT 9/11/SW 1100 230 240 170 480 550 800+290 9 3.0 55 75 LT 9/12/SW 1200 230 240 170 480 550 800+290 9 3.0 55 90
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. opened lift door
Pos: 29 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Waage für Muffelofen L/LT 9/11-12/SW -Tabelle für EW -1500/3000/6000 @ 14\mod_1294996701851_51.doc @ 111790 @ @ 1
Scale Type Readability
in g
Weight Range
in g
Stamp Weight
in g
n Value
in g
in g
EW-1500 0.01 1500 incl. stamp 850 0.1 0.5 EW-3000 0.01 1500 incl. stamp 850 0.1 0.5 EW-6000 0.10 1500 incl. stamp 850 1.0 5.0
Pos: 30 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll Muffelofen Hubtür -Tabelle für LT 5/11HA - LT 15/11HA @ 14\ mod_ 1294 997879629_51.doc @ 111813 @ @ 1
Muffle Furnace Model
Lift Door
Tmax °C
Dimensions Interior in mm w d
Dimensions Outer in mm W D H
Volume in l
Capacity kW max.
Weight kg
Minutes to Tmax 1)
LT 5/11HA 1100 200 160 130 440 470 520+220 5 2.4 36 60 LT 9/11HA 1100 230 230 170 480 550 570+290 9 3.0 46 60 LT 15/11HA 1100 230 330 170 480 650 570+290 15 3.6 56 75
1) = for connection to 230 V 1/N/PE or 400 V 3/N/PE
2) = incl. opened lift door
Pos: 31 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Mo de ll-Tabelle für Laboröfen L-LE-L(T)-LV(T)-SKM- SW -HA - Grafik - 1 @ 14\mod_1300087573327_51.doc @ 113363 @ @ 1
Fig. 3: Dimensions
Pos: 32 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Tabe lle für Laboröfen L/LT/LE/LV/LVT/ - Öfen - 1 @ 14\mod_1295001 050844_51.doc @ 111836 @ @ 1
Electrical connection
Power plug
1-phase: (1 N/PE) 3-phase: (3 N/PE)
to 3.6 kW from 4.5 kW
Protective contact plug
(with snap-in socket)
CEE plug
110 V – 240 V
380 V – 480 V
220 V – 240 V
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Thermal protection class
Protective type Ambient conditions for electrical
Pos: 33 /TD/Einleitung/Technische Daten/Öfen/ Tabe lle Dauerschalldruckpegel < 80 dB(A) - 2 @ 1\mod_1170750985 488_51.doc @ 8913 @ @ 1
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Heating output in kW: see section "Specifications" or type plate on the
as specified in DIN EN 60519-2
without safety controller Class 0
Furnaces: IP20
Temperature: Humidity: +5 °C to + 40 °C max. 80 % not
Continuous sound pressure
< 80 dB(A)
Pos: 35 /TD/Einleitung/Gewährleistung_Haftu ng/ Überschrift - Gewährleistung und Haftung 1.1 @ 0\mod_11 67822979492_51.doc @ 5130 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Warranty and Liability
Pos: 36 /TD/Einleitung/Gewährleistung_Haftung/ Öfen und Schaltanlagen - Gewährleistung und Haftung @ 0\m od_1 157536440972_51.doc @ 1569 @ @ 1
As regards warranty and liability, the normal Nabertherm warranty terms apply, unless individual terms and conditions have been agreed. However, the following conditions also apply:
Warranty and liability claims for personal injury or damage to property shall be excluded if they are attributable to one or more of the following causes:
Everyone involved in operation, installation, maintenance, or repair of the oven
must have read and understood the operating instructions. No liability will be accepted for damage or disruptions to operation resulting from non-compliance with the operating instructions.
Not using the oven as intended,
Improper installation, start-up, operation, or maintenance of the oven,
Operation of the oven with defective safety equipment or improperly installed or
non-functioning safety and protective equipment,
Not observing the references in the operating instructions to transportation,
storage, installation, start-up, operation, maintenance, or equipping the oven,
Making unauthorized changes to the oven,
Making unauthorized changes to the operating parameters,
Making unauthorized changes to the parameterization, the settings, or the program,
Original parts and accessories are designed especially for Nabertherm ovens.
Replace parts only with original Nabertherm parts. Otherwise the warranty will be void. Nabertherm accepts absolutely no liability for damage caused by using parts that are not original Nabertherm parts.
Catastrophes due to third-party causes and force majeure.
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Pos: 38 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Sicher heit @ 0\mod_1158843961540_51.doc @ 3103 @ 1 @ 1
3 Safety
Pos: 39 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Bestimmung sge mäße Verwendung @ 0\mod_1167823503921_51.doc @ 5148 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Intended Use
Pos: 40 /TD/Sicherheit/Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendun g LHT-Hochtemperaturöfen (Tischmodell) @ 2\mod_118 234 7443948_51.doc @ 18724 @ @ 1 Safety
This Nabertherm system was designed and manufactured after careful selection of the harmonized standards to be observed as well as other technical specifications. It therefore corresponds to the state of the art, ensuring the highest possible degree of safety.
Only materials with known characteristics and melting temperatures may be used. Check the material safety data sheets if necessary.
Use of the furnace for any other purpose whatsoever such as processing products other than those intended or handling hazardous substances or substances posing a health hazard constitutes improper use and must be agreed upon with Nabertherm in writing.
Whether or not the materials used in the furnace can potentially corrode or destroy the insulation or heating elements must be ascertained.
For furnaces with over-temperature limit controllers, the cutoff temperature must be set to prevent overheating of the material.
Modifications to system equipment must be agreed upon with Nabertherm in writing. It is not permitted to remove, bypass, or shut down safety devices.
The installation instructions and safety guidelines must be observed. Otherwise, the furnace will not be considered as being used as designated, and all claims against Nabertherm GmbH will be void.
Opening the furnace when hot (temperature greater than 200/392 °C/°F) can lead to accelerated wear of the following components: insulation, heating elements, and furnace housing.
Operating with power sources, products, operating equipment, additives, etc. that are subject to the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances or cause risks to the health of operating personnel in any way is not permitted.
Pos: 41 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen) /Hinweis - Dieser Ofen verfügt über keine Sicherheit stechnik für Prozesse, in denen zündfähige Gem @ 8\mod_123 5038699771_51.doc @ 51483 @ @ 1
Pos: 42 /TD/Allgemeine Hinweise (für alle Anleitungen) /Hinweis - Dieses Produkt entspricht nicht der ATEX- Richtlinie und darf nicht ... @ 2\mod_1184228756893_5 1. doc @ 19686 @ @ 1
- This furnace is designed for commercial use. The furnace must not be used
for heating food, animals, wood, grain, etc.
- The furnace must not be used as a workplace heater.
- Do not use the furnace to melt ice or similar materials.
- Do not use the furnace as a clothes dryer.
See safety instructions in the individual sections.
The oven must not be operated with explosive gases or mixtures and it must be ensured that explosive gases or mixtures do not form during the process.
This oven has no safety technology for processes in which ignitable mixtures could form,
e.g. debinding.
If the oven is to be used for such processes, the concentration of organic gases must never exceed 3% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) in the oven. This requirement not only applies to normal operation, but also especially to exceptions, such as process faults (e.g. due to the failure of a unit, etc.).
Nabertherm offers a wide range of ovens and furnaces that were especially developed for processes with ignitable gases.
This product does not
comply with the ATEX Directive and may not be used in ignitable
atmospheres. It must not be operated with explosive gases or mixtures or during processes where explosive gases or mixtures are produced.
Pos: 44 /TD/Sicherheit/Überschrift - Anfor derungen an den Betreiber der Anlage @ 0\mod_1167823775531_51.doc @ 5157 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Requirements for the Oven Operator
Pos: 45 /TD/Sicherheit/Anforderungen an den Betreiber der Anlage - RHTH, RHTC, LHT, Rohröfen @ 2\mod_1184570280797_ 51. doc @ 19913 @ @ 1
The set-up instructions and safety regulations must be followed, otherwise the oven will be deemed to have been used improperly, effectively cancelling any claims against Nabertherm GmbH.
This level of safety when operating the oven can be achieved only if all the necessary measures have been taken. It depends on the oven operator's diligence in planning these measures and controlling how they are carried out.
The operator must ensure that
all harmful gases are removed from the workplace, for example by an extraction
the extraction system is switched on, the workplace is properly ventilated, the oven is operated only in a perfect operating condition and, in particular, that
the functions of the safety components are checked regularly.
the required personal protective equipment is available for and used by the
operating, maintenance, and repair personnel.
these operating instructions, including the supplier documentation, are kept near
the oven. These instructions must be available at all times for anyone working with or on the oven;
all the safety and operating instruction signs on the oven can be read properly.
Damaged or unreadable signs must be replaced immediately,
oven personnel are informed regularly about all issues involving occupational
safety and environmental protection and are familiar with all the operating instructions, especially those involving safety,
a risk assessment is carried out (in Germany, covered by Section 5 of the
Occupational Safety Act) to determine any other hazards that may result from the working conditions particular to the oven's location,
all other instructions and safety guidelines that have been determined in a risk
assessment for the workplace are compiled in an operation manual (in Germany, covered by Section 6 of the Ordinance Regulating the Use of Operating Equipment).
operating personnel still in training initially perform their work at the oven under
the supervision of an experienced person. Successful completion of the training period must be confirmed in writing.
Pos: 46 /=== Seitenumbruch === @ 0\mod_1158819844943_0.doc @ 2983 @ @ 1
In Germany, the VBG and BGZ accident prevention regulations must be followed. The accident prevention regulations applicable in the country where the oven is installed must be followed.
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