MySQL Workbench 5.1
Visual Database Design on Windows, Linux, MacOS
“MySQL Workbench SE is a powerful visual design tool. I have tried other modeling tools, but the learning curve was too steep. With Workbench, I was up-and-running within minutes. From now on, MySQL Workbench will be an integral part of my development toolkit.”
David Alsbury
Alsbury Media Group
MySQL Workbench is a cost­effective visual database design and modeling tool that enables
developers and DBAs to:
Deliver database applications faster
by reducing the time it takes to design and implement a new physical database
Deploy high performance database applications
using a modeling tool to create a robust database design
Significantly reduce the time and cost
of managing change between different iterations of data designs
Improve database consistency and data quality
using a model-driven approach to metadata management.
Visual Database Design
MySQL Workbench simplifies database design and mainte­nance, automates time-consuming and error-prone tasks, and improves communication among DBA and developer teams. It enables data archi­tects to visualize requirements, com­municate with stakeholders, and resolve design issues before a
Visual MySQL data modeling, change management and database documentation.
Visual Data Modeling
Forward/Reverse Engineering
Change Management
Database & Documentation
Windows, Linux, Mac OS
major investment of time and resources is made. It enables model-driven database design, which is the most efficient methodology for creating valid and well-performing data-bases, while providing the flexibility to respond to evolving business requirements. All objects can be modeled and maintained inside of MySQL Workbench including tables, indexes, views, stored procedures, triggers, and security privileges.
MySQL Workbench is offered in the following Editions:
MySQL Workbench Community Edition – available under the open source GPL license.
MySQL Workbench Standard Edition – requires purchase of annual subscrip­tion. Includes additional modules and plugins to improve DBA productivity.
MySQL MySQL Workbench Workbench Community Standard
Software License GPL Commercial
Visual Data Modeling
ER Diagramming Yes Yes Choice of Diagramming Notation Yes Yes Auto Layout Yes Yes Model Tables, Indexes, Views Yes Yes Model Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions Yes Yes Model User Security Yes Yes
Reverse Enginnering
Reverse Engineer from SQL Script Yes Yes Reverse Engineer from Live Database Yes Yes
Forward Engineering
Forward Engineer from SQL Script Yes Yes Forward Engineer from Live Database Yes Yes
Schema Synchronization
Schema Diff Yes Yes Schema Synch to SQL Script Yes Yes Schema Synch to Live Database Yes Yes
Schema & Model Validation
General Schema Validation Yes MySQL-specific Schema Validation Yes Model Validation Yes
Document database schemata Yes Document all SQL object types Yes Document output in multiple formats Yes
Utility Functions
Unlimited Undo/Redo Yes Yes Import from DBDesigner4 Yes Yes Advanced Find Yes Yes Export Model Diagrams Yes Yes Print Model Diagrams Yes Yes
Scripting & Plugins
Generic Runtime (GRT) Environment Yes Yes Lua Shell with Debugging Palattes Yes Yes User Plugins Yes Yes
Commercial Subscription
Self Help Support using Knowledge Base Yes Software Upgrades, Updates, Fixes Yes
1 Commercial Software License for perpetual (lifetime) use. 2 Commercial Subscription term (1 year) during which customer can obtain the latest upgrades, updates, fixes, and
access the Knowledge Base.
Forward and Reverse Engineering
MySQL Workbench provides capabilities for forward engineer­ing of physical database designs. A visual data model can easily be transformed into a physical data­base on a target MySQL Server
with just a few mouse clicks. MySQL Workbench also enables you to reverse engineer an exist­ing database or packaged applica­tion to get better insight into its database design.
Change Management
Database change management is a difficult and complex process, which involves maintaining differ­ent versions of database schemas and manually modifying existing databases. To help DBAs and developers with change manage­ment, MySQL Workbench includes Schema Synchronization and Comparison utilities.
Database Documentation
Documenting database designs can be a time-consuming process. MySQL Workbench includes DBDoc that enables a DBA or developer to deliver point-and­click database documentation. Models can be documented in either HTML or plain text format, and includes all the objects and models in a current MySQL Workbench session.
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