MySQL™ Connectors
Providing support for the widest range of
operating systems, languages, and standards
When selecting a database server, you want to be sure that it includes quality APIs and
rivers for the languages and platforms you require. MySQL™, the world’s most popular
open-source database, is a developer favorite in part because it includes more than 30
possible solutions based on 11 core technologies for more than 20 languages and platforms across
a multitude of oper
by MySQL or developed within the MySQL community, and all are reliable, cost-effective, tested,
and supported by Sun.
ating systems. Its core connectors are developed and maintained either directly
• Provides diversity of support,
including multi-language and
• Supports industry standards for
drivers and APIs
• Includes SSL support and other
security features
• Enjoys broad industry support
Delivers enterprise-grade reliability
and scale
velopment tool inte-
udes de
gration on many connectors
• Offers supported, low- to no-cost
• Offers ISV/OEM/Embedded
Other database platforms often don’t have the
breadth of connectivity options that are avail-
able from MySQL; they don’t support as many
operating systems, languages, or standards or
they only support them secondarily. A number
of database servers require the use of third-party
commercial connectivity products — which
can often lead to support issues between the
client API vendor and the database vendor,
leaving you with unsolved technical requests
or issues.
MySQL connectors provide connectivity to
the MySQL server for a wide range of client
programs. MySQL APIs deliver low-level access
o the MySQL protocol and MySQL resources.
Both the connectors and the APIs enable you
to connect and execute MySQL statements
from another language or environment,
including Java™ DataBase Connectivity (JDBC),
y, and native
ODBC, Perl, Py
C/C++ and embedded MySQL instances.
With MySQL, you can rest assured that what-
ever your current or future development
language, middleware, data management
tools, or platforms, MySQL offers database
connector technology that supports your needs.
thon, PHP
, Rub
Broad cross-platform support
Developers and administrators with platform-
specific skills can be productive immediately
because MySQL connectors run on more than
20 platforms including Linux, the Solaris™
Operating System, Windows, OS/X, HP-UX,
and AIX. In many cases, MySQL also includes
extensions that directly support specific devel-
opment tools and IDEs.
Simple, efficient connection handling
With MySQL’s optimized connection handling,
the database typically does not require complex
connection pooling to deliver scalability.
With many other databases, each connection
between applica
can heavily tax resources. As a result, creating
and destroying connections is slow. Developers
often resort to coding more advanced connec-
tion methods to r
frequency of connections, increasing code
complexity and costs. MySQL provides very
ast, low-
you to keep your code simple in most cases.
tions and the database server
educe the number and
overhead connections that allow

ySQL™ Connectors sun.com/mysql
High availability
MySQL ensures the highest levels of reliability,
security and uptime. With well-built code that
is tested both internally and by the community,
and is used on some on the most demanding,
high-traffic Web sites and products, MySQL is the
ost popular open-source database in the world.
Middleware framework support
MySQL has also become the database of choice
for a new generation of applications. Develop-
ment languages frameworks define data access
layers, contain extensions, or include additional
frameworks or abstraction layers that access
databases. MySQL supports the tools within
development languages that support database
access and management, whether it is a LAMP
stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python),
jdbc, jdo, jmx, linq, or PDO.
Proven for enterprise workloads
MySQL connectors are a proven commodity —
and MySQL is the primary database behind the
Web, which is increasingly being powered by
open-source software. Whether your goal is to
build scaled-up, high-traffic, traditional Web
sites or scaled-out Web 2.0 architectures,
support traditional ISV/OEM businesses for
ERP, CRM, or mission-critical financial or
health care systems, or build SaaS-based
, the latest c
loud computing
platforms, or the latest telecom application,
e the link between the
MySQL connect
ors ar
tions and the backend MySQL data-
base driving them.
Support for SSL-encrypted connections
For applications that require the security provided
by encrypted connections, MySQL supports
er (SSL), which provides
et La
e Soc
access to databases over a secure connection
and protects your data from unauthorized eaves-
dropping or end-user impersonation. MySQL
also gives you the ability to mix SSL and non-
SSL connections, thus minimizing overhead.
Affordable and supported
MySQL helps you to reduce licensing costs and
ut downtime through MySQL Enterprise support
provided by Sun. With MySQL, there is no need
to purchase expensive third-party connectivity
Secured connection access
Controls can limit database connections using
both user- and requesting-server identity.
MySQL’s GRANT statement enables you to
require SSL for certain data access, thus
ensuring protected data must be transferred
over encrypted sessions.
Connectors developed by MySQL are “dual-
licensed” products; that is, they support both
open-source licenses as well as commercially
licensed options for the OEM market. Community-
developed connectors use various open-source
MySQL connectors provide a full set of drivers
and APIs f
or connecting applications and plat-
forms with MySQL databases. From high-level
protocol support to low-level APIs, across a
variety of languages and environments, MySQL
connectors offer developers and architects the
solutions the
y need, regar
dless if they’re just
getting started, scaling up, or scaling out.
Learn more
To learn more about MySQL connectors,
visit http://www.mysql.com/products/
o find out more about MySQL develop-
ment, visit the MySQL Dev Zone at
http://dev. mysql.com/usingmysql/ or
MySQL Forge at http://forge.mysql.com/
wiki/Category: MySQLDevelopment
For more information
To keep up with the latest trends, register
and subscribe to our newsletter at
If you have questions, please contact us at
MySQL Connectors technical specifications
Industry Standards
• JDBC Type 4 — pure-Java implementation
of the MySQL protocol
• ADO.NET interfaces and integrates into
ADO.NET aware tools
ODBC API compliant
APIs and Interfaces
Ada, C, C++, Cocoa, D, Eiffel, Erlang, Haskell,
ava/JDBC, Kaya, Lua, .NET, Mono, Objective
Caml, Octave, ODBC, OpenOffice, Perl, PHP,
Python, Ruby, Scheme, SPL, Tcl, VB
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 1-650-960-1300 or 1-800-555-9SUN Web sun.com
© 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, MySQL, Java, Solaris, and “The Network is the Computer” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its
subsidiaries in the United S
tes and o
ther countries. Inf
ormation subject to change without notice. SunWIN #555237 Lit. #SWDS14767-0 01/09