MTD492 Revision 3.5 01/07/1997
RX+,RX- O 3,6 4,12
Reception Data Output.
A balanced differential output dr ives the
recov er ed from t he network to the MCC. These output s are also open
sources, and pull-down resistors of 510Ω to VEE are required. These
pins are biased at -2V during idle time. When an ext ended per iod of
collision condition happens, the receiving path is di sabl ed. Any
interruption of collision will re-enable the receivi ng path.
TXO O 15 28
Transmission Output.
Should be connected to the coaxi al cable via
either one (Cheapernet) or 2 serial i sol ation diodes (Ethernet).
GND 10 17
Positive Supply Pin(Ground).
Should be connected to the COAX
VEE 4,5,135, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10,
11, 20,
21, 22,
23, 24,
Negative Power Supply.
-9 Volts. A 0.1µF decoupli ng c apac itor
must be connected across GND and VEE as close to the device as
3.1. Transmission Path
The transmission data is input from TX+/ - pins differentially. In general, this differential signal is coupled
through an AUI i sol ation transfor mer. In the M A U desi gn, it is preferable that an equivalent 78 Ohm load be
placed across these 2 pins for pr oper loading for the signal source. Improper load terminati on may cause
excess undershoot at the end of the packet, whic h c auses the dribble bit t o be transmitt ed er r oneousl y .
The transmission signal is first checked against t he on- c hip DC/AC squelch condi tion. If the signal i s
greater than the squel c h threshold (-175 to -300 mV) and the width is wider t han 17 nsec, the squelch is
turned off. The squelch r emains off until the DC squelch condition is not met or an end- of-packet I DL is
detected (at the end of the packet, data remains at 1 for l onger than 175 nsec). Once IDL i s detec ted,
MTD492 provides a 0.8 usec reject ion window that prev ents dribble bit transmission at the A UI interface.
When the squelch is off, the transmission path is enabled and dat a is fed into a waveform shaping circuit
followed by the transmission out put buff er . The waveform shaping function contr ols the output rise/fall time
between 20nsec and 30 nsec, and mini mizes the m ismatch between the rise/fall time. MTD492 provides a
current source output that should be connected to the coaxial cable through at least one isolati on diode.
When data is high, the out put current is virtually zero (ther e is approximately less than 1mA output in t his
state to maintain the linearity of the output buffer) ; when data is low, the output cur r ent peaks at around 80
mA. T his provi des an approximat e 2V peak to peak swing on a 25 Ohm load. Due to the nature of
Manchester code, the average output DC c ur r ent is half of the peak - 40 mA, i.e. 1V DC average on the
cable 25 Ohm load.
3.2. Reception Path
The signal on the c oaxial cable is fi r st buffered. The DC aver age of the signal is extracted by a low pass
filter. When the DC average exceeds the carrier sense threshold (Vcs), the reception data path is turned
on. The signal goes thr ough a high pass filt er for equali z ation of high frequency loss on the cable and then
is compared wit h its center value. The comparator output is amplified by the A UI driver to provide adequate
driving for the RX+/- output.
The end of t he pac k et is determined by 2 conditi ons. If the received dat a is high longer than 175nsec or t he
DC average does not meet the carrier sense threshold, the recept ion data path is turned off. M TD492 then
appends the IDL pulse to the end of the packet. A r ejection window of 1 usec t hat blocks the data reception
path is also turned on.