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Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP
of 58 10JUN16
1.! PTBT1 Layout and Features ........................................ 4!
2.! PTBT2 Layout and Features ........................................ 5!
3.! PTBT3 Layout and Features ........................................ 6!
4.! Main Measurement Screen .......................................... 7!
5.! Feature Navigation Bar ................................................ 8!
6.! Specification Tables .................................................. 10!
7.! Displaying the ULTRAPEN Connect screen. ........... 13!
8.! Pairing the ULTRAPEN to the Mobile Device .......... 14!
9.! Reopening APP ßà ULTRAPEN link. ..................... 14!
10.! Unpairing the ULTRAPEN ......................................... 15!
11.! Deleting ULTRAPEN's from the Pen List ................. 15!
12.! Operating Modes ........................................................ 16!
13.! Making Measurements – General ............................. 17!
14.! Making Measurements – HOLD mode ...................... 18!
15.! Using the Scoop ......................................................... 18!
16.! Making Measurements in LIVE Mode ....................... 19!
17.! General ........................................................................ 20!
18.! Ultrapen Name: ........................................................... 22!
19.! PTBT1 Solution Mode Selection ............................... 23!
20.! LIVE Mode Activation ................................................ 24!
21.! Screen Lock Switch ................................................... 25!
22.! Email Format .............................................................. 30!
23.! Date and Time Format ............................................... 31!
24.! The Demo ULTRAPEN. .............................................. 32!
25.! Temperature Units ..................................................... 33!
26.! Help Link ..................................................................... 33!
27.! About ........................................................................... 33!
28.! Creating and Displaying Data Records ................... 34!
29.! Adding a Note to a Data Record ............................... 36!
30.! Replacing the Data in a Record ................................ 37!
31.! Editing the Record List. ............................................ 38!
32.! Clearing/Deleting Data Records ............................... 39!
33.! Sorting the Data Records List .................................. 41!
34.! Filtering the Data Records List ................................ 43!
35.! Exporting Data Records ............................................ 44!
36.! General Calibration Information ............................... 45!
37.! Calibration Preparation: ............................................ 46!
38.! Entering Calibration Mode ........................................ 47!
39.! Wet Calibration - Single Point Calibration PTBT1 .. 48!
40.! Wet Calibration - Single Point Calibration PTBT2 .. 49!
41.! Wet Calibration - Multipoint PTBT2. ........................ 50!
42.! Wet Calibration - Single Point Calibration PTBT3 .. 52!
43.! Factory CAL ............................................................... 53!
44.! Calibration Records .................................................. 54!
45.! Battery Replacement ................................................. 56!
46.! Routine Maintenance PTBT1 .................................... 56!
47.! Routine Maintenance PTBT2 and PTBT3 ................ 57!
48.! pH/ORP Sensor Replacement .................................. 57!
49.! Accessories ............................................................... 58!
50.! Troubleshooting the APP. ........................................ 59!
51.! End User License Agreement ...................................... i!
52.! Data Use Liability Agreement .................................... iii!
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
of 58 10JUN16
The Myron L® Company ULTRAPEN™ PTBTx™, Bluetooth® enabled, test pens, when paired with a mobile device, are designed to be extremely accurate, fast and simple to use in diverse water quality applications when paired with a mobile device. A free App provide easy-to-read displays and user-intuitive, Graphical User Interface (GUI). The Bluetooth wireless connection means that there are no bothersome wires getting in the way when moving quickly between samples and that the paired mobile device can be located safely away from liquids.
Advanced features include: Automatic temperature compensation; stable microprocessor-based circuitry and; a rugged, waterproof housing.
Available Models:
PTBT1 - Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Salinity, and Temperature measurement with three, selectable solution
Modes that model the most commonly encountered water types.
PTBT2 – pH and Temperature measurement with 1, 2, and 3 point calibration options.
PTBT3 - ORP & Temperature measurement.
Coming Soon: PTBT4 - Free Chlorine Equivalent (FCE™) & Temperature measurement.
PTBT5 – Dissolved Oxygen & Temperature measurement.
Using the mobile device’s touch screen:
Each ULTRAPEN PTBTx can be given a unique name so it is easily identifiable no matter what mobile device is used with it.
Measurement locations can be programmed as: GPS locations that are automatically selected when the user is close to a specific measurement local, or;
Non-GPS locations for applications where test sites are too close together for the GPS to differentiate.
Measurements can be saved to the mobile device's memory including measurement data, ULTRAPEN settings, sample
temperature, ULTRAPEN name and measurement location.
Records can be exported via the mobile device’s email function as either .csv, .xls, .xlsx formatted files or using
Myron L Company's .mlc, proprietary, encrypted format (requires Myron L Company U2CI software to read).
Recorded measurements can be sorted or; filtered and then emailed or deleted without affecting other records stored in memory.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
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Minimum System requirements: Mobile device running Apple iOS 8.1 or later operating system.
Android™ compatible App. coming soon.
To download the mobile App:
Go to the App Store on your mobile device.
Search for the iPhone App "ULTRAPEN™ PTBTx™".
If the App store search feature doesn’t find this App, make sure your App store search parameters are set to search for
iPhone Apps and not iPad apps.
Although this is classified as an iPhone App, it has been fully tested on and runs on all Apple iOS devices
Open the +GET button
ULTRAPEN™ PTBTx™ is a free App.
Tap the INSTALL button.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
of 58 10JUN16
This section describes:
Basic Features and Layout of the ULTRAPEN and the PTBTX mobile app.
Set up of Preferences and Settings.
1. PTBT1 Layout and Features
Figure 1
ULTRAPENPTBT1 (Conductivity, TDS and Salinity) Features (seeFigure!1).
1. Push button– turns instrument on; selects mode and unit preferences.
2. Battery Cap– provides access to battery for replacement.
3. Clip– holds ULTRAPEN to pocket for secure storage.
4. Wireless Transceiver Window — Bluetooth antenna is located here.
5. LED Indicator– cues the user when to dip and swirl the ULTRAPEN during measurements and when instrument is in Configuration/Calibration Mode.
6. Cap Stop – Shows how far to push the protective cap when putting it on the PTBT1. DO NOT push Protective Cap (not shown) past this point.
7. Electrodes– measure electric current of solution.
8. Cell–contains flux field in defined area for accurate current measurement.
9. Scoop– contains sample solution for measurement when sampling from a vertical stream. Refer to the section titled:Using the Scoop.
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10. Protective Cap – protects Cell from damage and dirt when ULTRAPEN PTBT1 is not in use.
2. PTBT2 Layout and Features
Figure 2
ULTRAPEN PTBT2(pH) Features (seeFigure!2).
1. Push button- turns PTBT2 on; enters Calibration Mode, opens preference menus.
2. Battery Cap - provides access to battery for replacement.
3. Pocket Clip - holds ULTRAPEN to shirt pocket for secure storage.
4. Wireless Transceiver Window — Bluetooth antenna is located here.
5. LED Indicator Light - tells the user when to dip & swirl PTBT2 during measurements and calibration. Indicates PTBT2 is in Configuration mode.
6. pH Sensor - measures hydrogen ion concentration of solution.
7. Soaker Cap - contains pH Sensor Storage Solution to maintain sensor hydration. To remove, twist the cap while pulling off. Use caution not to spill solution. To replace, fill the cap half full ONLY with storage solution. Twist the cap while pushing on. Be careful, excess solution may squirt out.
CAUTION: DO NOT push the soaker cap beyond the Cap Stop as this WILL damage the sensor. NOTE: The formation of KCl crystals around the soaker cap is normal and will not affect the sensor life, performance, or accuracy
provided they are rinsed off with water prior to a test.
8. Cap Stop - shows how far to push the soaker cap when putting it on the PTBT2.
9. Scoop- contains sample solution for measurement when sampling from a vertical stream. Refer to the section titled:Using the Scoop.
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3. PTBT3 Layout and Features
Figure 3
ULTRAPEN PTBT3 (ORP) Features (seeFigure!3).
1. Push button- turns PTBT3 on; enters Calibration Mode, opens preference menus.
2. Battery Cap - provides access to battery for replacement.
3. Pocket Clip - holds ULTRAPEN to shirt pocket for secure storage.
4. Wireless Transceiver Window — Bluetooth antenna is located here.
5. LED Indicator Light - tells the user when to dip & swirl PTBT3 during measurements and calibration. Indicates PTBT3 is in Configuration Mode.
6. ORP Sensor - measures Oxidation-Reduction Potential or redox of solution.
7. Soaker Cap - contains ORP Sensor Storage Solution to maintain sensor hydration. To remove, twist the cap while pulling off. Use caution not to spill solution. To replace, fill the cap half full ONLY with storage solution. Twist the cap while pushing on. Be careful, excess solution may squirt out.
CAUTION: DO NOT push the soaker cap beyond the Cap Stop as sensor damage WILL occur.
8. Cap Stop - shows how far to push the soaker cap when putting it on the PTBT3
9. Scoop - contains sample solution for measurement when sampling from a vertical stream. Refer to the section titled:Using the Scoop.
10. ORP Electrode Cleaning Paper - for deep cleaning the platinum electrode.
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4. Main Measurement Screen
This is the main screen that displays upon initial startup andwhenever the application is actively displaying measurements made by an ULTRAPEN(Figure 4).
1. Mobile Device Status Bar — standard Status Bar for your mobile device.
2. Measurement Value Field — displays the measured value of the solution. When the ULTRAPEN turns off, displays the message "ULTRAPEN is Offline" and the values gray out.
3. Units of Measure — displays correct units for chosen measurement type.
4. ULTRAPEN Battery Level — Displays the current charge level of the ULTRAPEN Instrument's battery.
Flashes RED when ULTRAPEN battery is 25%.
5. Solution Temperature — measured temperature of the solution.
6. Memory Store button(MS)— tap here to record the measurement in the App's database.
7. Memory Replace button (MS Replace) —tap here to replace a previously stored measurement with data from a new measurement.
8. Feature Navigation Bar — these buttons activate various App features.
Figure 4
Figure 5
NOTE: The Measurement screen can also be viewed in Landscape mode (seeFigure 5)
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5. Feature Navigation Bar
This bar appears at the bottom of all screens. The buttons in this bar are used to navigate between the various main functional sections of the application.
The graphic of the button corresponding to the currently active functional section of the App will switch from WHITE to BLUE.
Figure 6
The Feature Navigation Bar (Figure 6) contains the following buttons:
Measurement:Tapping this button returns the application to the main Measurement Screen. This is the Home screen for the App.
Memory Recall (MR):Tapping this button opens a list of all data records previously stored: This list may be sorted or filtered to highlight specific sets of records(seeSorting the Data Records).
Retrieving individual data records. Adding notes to data records. Data export (seeExporting Data Records).
Calibration (CAL):Tapping this button opens the Calibration sub-section (see ULTRAPEN CALIBRATION) of the App and allows you to:
Calibrate a PTBTx instrument using calibration reference solutions.
Calibration constants derived from these calibrations are stored in the ULTRAPEN's memory and are applied to
subsequent measurements.
Use the FAC CAL feature to return anULTRAPEN to its original Factory Calibration settings.
Connect/Disconnect:Tapping this button takes you to a screen that facilitates:
Pairing and connecting to anULTRAPEN (seePairing to and Unpairing from an ULTRAPEN).
This is a context sensitive button. Whenever anULTRAPEN is currently paired to the mobile device via the PTBT Application:
The button name changes to Disconnect.
The button symbol changes from to
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
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PreferencesTapping this button opens the main Settings section of the App where the user is able to: Change settings for the currently paired ULTRAPEN instrument including:
Renaming it.
Select a Solution Mode (only applies to PTBT1).
Select a LIVE or HOLD Measurement Modes (only applies toPTBT2and PTBT3).
Displays the ULTRAPEN firmware revision.
Set application preferences, including:
Temporarily deactivated the mobile device's Screen Lock orSleep Mode.
Program measurement locations.
Select a file format for emailing/exporting data.
Select date and time formats.
Chose which version of the PTBTx you wish the Demo Pen feature to emulate.
Choose between displaying Temperature data as either °C or °F. Access Help files. Access the About Page.
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6. Specification Tables
ULTRAPEN PTBT1 (Conductivity, TDS, Salinity)
PTBTx App Requirements:
Apple iOS 8.1 or later Optimized for iOS 9.
Measurement Range:
1 - 9999 µS or ppm (0.0010 - 9.999 ppt salinity)
Accuracy (After Wet Calibration):
± 1% of reading
< 1000 µS or ppm ± 1 Count 1000 µS or ppm ± 0.3% of reading
Conductivity and TDS: 0.1 for 1.0 - 99.9 µS or ppm;1 for 100 - 9999 µS or ppm Salinity:0.0001 for 0.0010 - 0.0999 ppt;0.001 for 0.100 - 9.999 ppt Temperature: 0.1 ºC or ºF
Time to Reading Stabilization:
10 - 20 seconds
Power Consumption:
Active Mode : 30 - 140 mA:Sleep Mode2 µA
Temperature Measurement Range:
0 - 71° C or 32 - 160° F
Temperature Accuracy Displayed
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Compensation Method:
Automatic to 25ºC
Physical Dimensions:
Dimensions: 17.15 cm L x 1.59 cm D or 6.75 in. L x .625 in. DWeight: 54 g or 1.94 oz
54 g or 1.94 oz
Case Material:
Anodized Aluminum with Protective Coating
Battery Type:
N type, Alkaline
Battery Voltage:
1.5 V(N-Type Battery)
Calibration Solution Point:
1800 µS KCl; 3000 ppm 442™ (2027 ppm NaCl)
Operating/Storage Temperature:
0 - 55ºC or 32 - 131ºF
Water Resistance:
IP67 and NEMA 6
EN61236-1: 2006 - Annex A: 2008 1999/5/EC Annex III
Electrostatic discharge to case of instrument may cause PTBT1 to spontaneously power on. In this case, the PTBT1 will power off after several seconds
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in FCC public Notice DA00-1407.
Canada (IC), license: IC: 216Q-PAN17
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in RSS-GEN.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
of 59 10JUN16
PTBTx App Requirements:
Apple iOS 8.1 or later Optimized for iOS 9.
Measurement Range:
00.00 – 14.00 pH;
Accuracy (After Wet Calibration):
± 0.01 pH
± 0.01 pH
± 0.01 pH
Time to Reading Stabilization:
10 - 30 seconds
Power Consumption:
Active Mode : 30-140 mA: Sleep Mode2 µA
Temperature Measurement Range:
0 - 71° C or 32 - 160° F
Temperature Accuracy:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Resolution:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Repeatability:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Compensation Method:
Automatic to 25ºC
Physical Dimensions:
Dimensions: 17.15 cm L x 1.59 cm D or 6.75 in. L x .625 in. D
54 g or 1.94 oz
Case Material:
Anodized Aluminum with Protective Coating
Battery Type:
N type, Alkaline
Battery Voltage:
1.5 V (N-Type Battery)
Calibration Solution Point:
4.0 pH, 7.0 pH and 10.0 pH
Operating/Storage Temperature:
0 - 55ºC or 32 - 131ºF
Water Resistance:
IP67 and NEMA 6
EN61236-1: 2006 - Annex A: 2008 1999/5/EC Annex III
Electrostatic discharge to case of instrument may cause to spontaneously power on. In this case, the will power off after several seconds
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in FCC public Notice DA00-1407.
Canada (IC), license: IC: 216Q-PAN17
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in RSS-GEN.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Features and Specifications
of 59 10JUN16
PTBTx App Requirements:
Apple iOS 8.1 or later Optimized for iOS 9.
Measurement Range:
-1000mV to +1000mV
Accuracy (After Wet Cal):
± 10 mV
1 mV ORP
Time to Reading Stabilization:
10 - 45 seconds
Power Consumption:
Active Mode 30-140 mA, Sleep Mode 2 µA
Temperature Measurement Range:
0 - 71° C or 32 - 160° F
Temperature Accuracy:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Resolution:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Repeatability:
± 0.1 ºC or ± 0.1 ºF
Temperature Compensation:
Automatic In Calibration Mode From 15ºC to 30ºC
Physical Dimensions:
17.15 cm L x 1.59 cm D or 6.75 in. L x .625 in. D
54 g or 1.94 oz
Case Material:
Anodized Aircraft Aluminum with Protective Coating
Battery Type:
N type, Alkaline 1.5 V
Calibration Standard Solution:
80.0 mV, 260.0 mV, and 470.0 mV
Operating/Storage Temperature:
0 - 55ºC/32 - 131ºF
Water Resistance:
IP67 and NEMA 6
EN61236-1: 2006-Annex A: 2008; 1999/5/EC Annex III
Electrostatic discharge to case of instrument may cause PTBT3 to spontaneously power on. In this case, the PTBT3 will power off after several seconds
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in FCC public Notice DA00-1407.
Canada (IC), license: IC: 216Q-PAN17
The Bluetooth transceiver device meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in RSS-GEN.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP Pairing and Unpairing
of 59 10JUN16
7. Displaying the ULTRAPEN Connect screen.
To pair to and connect the instrument to your mobile device:
1. Open the PTBTx App.
2. Tap the Connect button in the Feature Navigation Bar.
3. Press the push button on the end of the ULTRAPEN.
4. When the ULTRAPEN's name appears on the Connect Screen, tap that line.
The Connect/Disconnect screen will appear (seeFigure 7).
This screen will list ULTRAPEN's that: Have been previously paired to this mobile device.
Are awake and within broadcast range will appear on the list.
If a ULTRAPEN stops broadcasting or goes out of range it will disappear from the list.
Each ULTRAPEN on the list will appear with: The UltraPen’s Name: The default name for all ULTRAPEN PTBTx instruments is, "MLC-PTBTx."
This name can be edited (see Ultrapen Name:). Its model type. If it is awake and broadcasting, a GREEN glow dot will appear to the left of the name.
ULTRAPEN goes in and out of Sleep mode to conserve battery power. If the green dot
does not appear next to the Paired ULTRAPEN, press the button on the end of the ULTRAPEN.
If no ULTRAPEN is currently paired to the mobile device, there will be no checkmark or Unpair
Once an ULTRAPEN has been paired to the App, it will remain on the list even if it is not the
currently paired ULTRAPEN or awake and within broadcast range.
Even if it is not awake or if it is not within broadcast range, the currently paired ULTRAPEN will:
Always be at the top of the list.
Have a checkmark and a RED Unpair button will appear next to its name.
If it is not awake or if it is not within broadcast range, it will not have a GREEN glow dot.
Figure 7
! !
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP Pairing and Unpairing
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8. Pairing the ULTRAPEN to the Mobile Device
Refer Figure 7 as a reference for the following instruction.
Once successfully paired with an instrument, the application stays paired with it until it is manually unpaired by the user.
If there is no currently paired ULTRAPEN:
1. Tap the line on which the ULTRAPEN you wish to connect to is listed.
The checkmark and a RED Unpair button will appear next to its name.
If there is a currently paired ULTRAPEN other than the one you wish to use.
1. Tap the line on which the ULTRAPEN you wish to connect to is listed.
2. The App will display a message warning that, "This action will break the current connection. Continue?"
Tap Cancel and leave the connection as is. Tap Disconnect to unpair the current ULTRAPEN and continue.
3. The App will automatically pair and connect to the new ULTRAPEN.
9. Reopening APP ßà ULTRAPEN link.
The App ßà ULTRAPEN connection uses a special, low-power protocol that must be re-opened once the App is completely shut down.
When the App re-opens after being completelyshut down,it checksto see if a specific ULTRAPEN is listed as being Connected / Paired a dialogue box will appear (see Figure 8):
To Re-start the APP ßà ULTRAPEN connection and take a measurement:
1. Tap the Cancel button in the dialogue box.
2. Place the ULTRAPEN in the sample to be tested.
3. Turn the Pen ON by pushing the pen button.
4. Tap the Connect / Disconnect button on the Feature Navigation Bar.
The Bluetooth symbol in the Apple Status Bar will begin to blink.
5. You can now return to the Measurement screen and complete the measurement.
Figure 8
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP Pairing and Unpairing
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10. Unpairing the ULTRAPEN
To unpair to an ULTRAPEN without pairing to another ULTRAPEN:
1. Tap Unpair button on the line on which the ULTRAPEN you wish to unpair and disconnect to is listed.
2. The App will display a message warning that, "This action will break the current connection. Continue?"
Tap Cancel to leave the connection as is. Tap Disconnect to unpair the current ULTRAPEN and continue.
NOTE: ALWAYS unpair a specific ULTRAPEN from its currently connected mobile devise BEFORE pairing it with different device.
Each ULTRAPEN should only be paired with one mobile device at a time. It is NOT necessary to delete the ULTRAPEN from the paired history list (see Section 11).
11. Deleting ULTRAPEN's from the Pen List
If you wish to remove a ULTRAPEN from the paired list:
1. Tap the Edit button in the upper right corner of the Connect/Disconnect screen.
2. A RED circle containing a “-“ symbol at the left edge of each ULTRAPEN name.
The Edit button will change to say Done.
3. Tap the RED circle next to any ULTRAPEN name.
The RED Circle will rotate 90°. A RED Delete button will appear in the key field.
4. Tap the Delete button.
The ULTRAPEN will disappear from the list. The next time the ULTRAPEN is active and within broadcast range it will reappear on the list.
6. Tap the Done button to exit the Edit Mode.
You will not be able to pair with another PTBTx ULTRAPEN until you exit the Edit Mode.
Figure 9
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Measurements
of 59 10JUN16
12. Operating Modes
Measurement Mode
This is the standard mode for the application when it is paired with an actively measuring ULTRAPEN instrument.
Stand Alone Mode
This operating mode allows you to access the previous measurement data stored in mobile device when: The application isnot currently paired with an instrument.
The currently paired instrument is asleep or out of broadcast range.
At startup:When the application starts up and is already paired to an ULTRAPEN instrument that is currently inactive: If the App is not paired to an ULTRAPEN the main Measurement screen will display, "No Paired ULTRAPEN".
If the App is paired to an ULTRAPEN the main Measurement screen will display, "Paired ULTRAPEN is offline."
Continuing use: Once the application has been operating and has received measurements from an active ULTRAPEN that is
currently inactive, the Stand Alone screen will:
Display "Paired ULTRAPEN is Offline" in the Measurement display area. Display the most recent measured value taken with the currently paired ULTRAPEN.
This measurement values are dimmed/grayed out and remains on the display until the application is closed or new data
is received from an ULTRAPEN.
The message, "Pen is Offline" will appear to the upper right of the measurement value.
Tapping the Memory Store button will create data record using the currently grayed out measurement values.
Date/Time stamp for the record will be the date and time that the measurement was made.
Operation Manual – ULTRAPENPTBTx and iOS APP ULTRAPEN Measurements
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13. Making Measurements – General
Before you take a reading, make sure the ULTRAPEN sensor is clean, and the instrument is calibrated in the appropriate Measurement mode and connected to the App.
The sample solution must also be within the specified measurement range. Keep all foreign material away from the sample to
avoid contamination.
NOTE: If you cannot dip the ULTRAPEN in the sample solution, pour the sample into a clean container. If you don’t have a sample container and need to test a vertical stream of solution, use the scoop (see the section titled:Using the Scoop).
PTBT2 and PTBT3: When measuring a solution at the extremes of the specified temperature, allow the pen to equilibrate by
submerging the cell in the sample solution of the same temperature for 1 minute prior to taking a measurement.
PTBT3 ONLY: When moving from solutions with high to low ionic strength, allow the pen to equilibrate by submerging the cell in
the sample solution of the same temperature for 1 minute prior to taking a measurement. In some applications you may want to allow the sensor to soak longer, until equilibrium with the solution is reached.
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14. Making Measurements – HOLD mode
In HOLD mode, during the measurement process the LED on the ULTRAPEN will flash at different rates. The following table explains what the LED Indicator signals mean and gives the duration of each signal.
LED Indicator Signal
Rapid Flashing
Dip ULTRAPEN in solution
6 sec
6 sec
6 sec
Slow Flashing
Swirl ULTRAPEN. Measurement in process
10-20 sec
10-30 sec
10-45 sec
Solid ON Light
Measurement Completed and measurement value appears on App screen.
6 sec
6 sec
6 sec
1. Rinse the sensor by swirling it around in fresh sample solution(see Caution in Section 13 above).
2. Open the PTBTx App. If it does not open to the Measurement screen, tap the Measurement button in the Feature Navigation Bar. The Measurement screen will say, "Paired ULTRAPEN is Offline."
3. Grasp the ULTRAPEN near the battery cap to avoid sample contaminating the current sample.
4. Remove ULTRAPEN from the rinse solution, then press and release the ULTRAPEN's push button.
5. When the LED flashes rapidly, IMMEDIATELY dip the ULTRAPEN in fresh sample so that the cell is completely submerged.
If you do not submerge the cell in solution before the flashing slows, allow the ULTRAPEN to power off. Retake the reading.
6. When the LED flashes slowly, swirl the ULTRAPEN around to remove bubbles, keeping the cell submerged.
Keep the ULTRAPEN at least 1 inch (2½ cm) away from sides/bottom of container, if possible.
7. When the LED turns Solid ON, remove the ULTRAPEN from solution.
The App display will show the measurement and temperature values.
8. The ULTRAPEN will turn off once the measurement is completed.
9. The value will be held on the App Measurement Screen.
The value will be grayed out. "Pen is Offline" will appear to the upper right of the measured value.
15. Using the Scoop
NOTE: If you cannot dip the pen in the sample solution, pour the sample into a clean container. If you don’t have a sample container or need to test a vertical stream of solution, use the scoop.
To use the scoop:
Slide open end of scoop over bottom of ULTRAPEN shifting from side-to-side until the neck of the scoop is flush with the top of the
Hold scoop under stream and perform the measurement as normal. Avoid bubbles.
We recommend calibrating the ULTRAPEN using the scoop to retain ±1% accuracy.
To remove, pull the scoop off while shifting side-to-side.
If the sensor is not fully seated in the PTBT4, reinstall per pH Sensor Replacement (seepH/ORP Sensor Replacement).
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16. Making Measurements in LIVE Mode
Some ULTRAPEN models, such as the ULTRAPEN have a LIVE mode measurement available (see LIVE Mode Activation). In LIVE mode, during the measurement process the LED on the ULTRAPEN will flash at different rates. The following table explains what the LED Indicator signals mean and gives the duration of each signal.
LED Indicator Signal
Rapid Flashing
Dip ULTRAPEN in solution
6 sec
6 sec
Slow Flashing
Swirl ULTRAPEN. Measurement in process. Live measurement values appear on App screen.
5 minutes
5 minutes
Solid ON Light
Measurement Completed
6 sec
6 sec
1. Rinse the cell 3 times by swirling it around in fresh sample solution (see Caution in Section 13 above).
2. Open the PTBTx App. If it does not open to the Measurement screen, tap the Measurement button in the Feature Navigation Bar. The Measurement screen will say, "Paired ULTRAPEN is Offline."
3. Grasp the ULTRAPEN near the ULTRAPEN cap to avoid sample contamination.
4. Remove ULTRAPEN from the rinse solution, then press and release the ULTRAPEN's push button.
5. When the LED flashes rapidly, IMMEDIATELY dip the ULTRAPEN in fresh sample solution so that the cell is completely submerged.
If you do not submerge the cell in solution before the flashing slows, allow the ULTRAPEN to power off and retake the
6. When the LED flashes slowly, swirl the ULTRAPEN around to remove bubbles, keeping the cell submerged.
Keep the ULTRAPEN at least 1 inch (2½ cm) away from sides/bottom of container, if possible. Allow the ULTRAPEN to remain in solution while the LED flashes slowly. The App display will show a live reading for the measurement and temperature. LIVE measurement will time out.
Alternatively, push and release the ULTRAPEN's push button to power the ULTRAPEN off at any time during LIVE
7. When the LED turns solid ON, remove the ULTRAPEN from solution.
The App display will show the last measurement and temperature values.
8. The ULTRAPEN will turn off once the measurement is completed.
9. The value will be held on the App Measurement Screen.
The value will be grayed out. "Pen is Offline" will be displayed next to the measured value.
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