1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................2
2. INSTALLATION OF THE DETECTION LOOP...............................................................................4
3. INSTALLATION OF THE AMBRC DECODER .............................................................................10
4. INSTALLATION OF THE DIRECT POWERED TRANSPONDER..............................................12
5. INSTALLATION OF THE RECHARGEABLE TRANSPONDER.................................................13
6. CHARGING THE TRANSPONDER................................................................................................. 14
7. OPERATING THE SYSTEM / TROUBLE SHOOTING................................................................15
8. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................................................................................................17
9. EC AND FCC REGULATIONS .........................................................................................................18
AMB i.t.
All rights reserve d
This publication is to be used for the standard model of the product of the type given on the cover page.
This publication has been written with great care. However, the manufacturer cannot be held responsible, either for any
errors occurring in this publication or for their consequences.
AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 1
Manual number: AMBrc/Rev. 1.1b

AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 2

1. Introduction
The AMBrc system is specially designed to time and score RC model car races. The
signal sent by an AMBrc transponder mounted on each RC model car is picked up by the
detection loop, which is installed in the track. This detection loop is connected to the
AMBrc decoder, via a coax cable. The decoder timestamps the received transponder
signals and sends this data via a RS232 cable to a connected computer. The decoder is
powered by a 12V mains adapter. Two types of transponders are available: a battery
powered transponder and a direct powered transponder. These transponders each
generate a unique number, which enables you to identify each RC car on the track. An
AMBrc transponder is always active when charged or powered by the RC car receiver
(in case of the direct powered transponder).
System components
1. AMBrc rechargeable transponder (part number 1301)
2. AMBrc direct powered transponder (part number 1302)
3. Detection loop, coax cable and connection box(part number 4701)
4. AMBrc decoder (part number 3301)
5. Adapter for AMB decoder (part number 6501)
6. Connection cable RS232 (part number 6201)
7. Headphones for decoder (part number 6701)
Not in picture: charger rack (part number 2421)
AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 3

2. Installation of the Detection loop
The AMB detection loop is made of a special water-resistant wire to guarantee durability
and has the resistor already installed. Keep the resistor opposite to the connection box
(the box that connects the coax cable to the loop).
Loops installed in re-enforced concrete may suffer from a noticeable loss of sensitivity
(less reach of the transponders) especially at wider tracks, since the steel underneath the
loop forms short-circuited loops. This weakens the signal from the loop. If unavoidable,
put the loop where the track is the least wide and put the loop wire in no deeper than
Installing the loop:
1. The detection loop must be positioned in such a way that the transponder is in the
middle of the two loop wires when the front of the RC model car is above the finish
line. If there is a possibility of RC model cars running outside the track, you may need
to extend the loop, but at all times keep the loop within 10 m / 33ft maximum width.
Keep the extensions as short as possible.
2. Cut the slots in the track
maximum 2 cm / 3/4” deep
30 cm / 1 ft apart
, with a
suitable cutting disc/saw. To ensure one hundred percent detection, make sure RC
model cars can not pass outside the detection loop.
3. Put the wires of the detection loop in the slots and cut the excess length of the
detection loop wires.
4. Put the heat shrinkage sleeves over both of the detection loop wire ends.
wire ends to the short wires of the connection box. Put both the shrinkage sleeves over
the solder connections and shrink them by holding them over a heat source.
5. Fill the slot with silicon. Make sure the silicon is fully under the surface of the track,
otherwise the tires may pull out the silicone. For OFF-ROAD use cover the loop with
carpet or similar. The carpet can be covered with sand.
6. The detection loop is sensitive to interference, possibly emitted by nearby cables. To
avoid possible interference keep all cables 3 m / 10 ft or more away.
AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 4

7. All loop wires must be installed according to the drawing in order to avoid a serious
degradation in performance (excess loop wire must be cut).
8. As the reach of AMBrc loop can be up to 90 cm / 3", especially when the noise
(interference) level is low, transponders on other parts of the track should not be able
to get closer to the loop than 90cm / 3".
9. If the coax cable from the loop to the decoder has to pass underneath the track (pit
lane), please make sure the coax cable is at least 2,5 cm / 1” underneath the track, to
avoid detection of passing transponders over the cable.
AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 5

AMB i.t. B. V. Installation Manual AMBrc - Rev. 1.1b 6