Numeric characters only. Minimum length is 4 digits and maximum is 10 digits. Please do not
forget your password.
Phone_Number1: (The MyKidsGPS will accept incoming calls from this number)
Maximum length is 16 characters including the character ‘+’ if needed.
Example: +61 418 123 456 or 0418 123 456
Phone_Number1 is necessary in the SMS message to enable the use of the MyKidsGPS .
Phone_Number2: (The MyKidsGPS will also accept incoming calls from this number)
Maximum length is 16 characters including the character ‘+’ if needed.
Example: +61 418 123 457 or 0418 123 457
If you are not programming any telephone number in Phone_Number2: Fill in ‘C’ to clear the
existing Phone_Number2.
Maximum length is 16 characters including the character ‘+’ if needed.
Example: +61 418 123 458 or 0418 123 458
If you are not programming any telephone number in Phone_Number2: Fill in ‘C’ to clear the
existing Phone_Number2.
Low _Battery_Setting:
This parameter is to enable the Low Battery Level Report to send an SMS to your phone.
0: Disabled, means no SMS report will be sent to the pre-set Phone_Number1
1: Enabled, means a “Low Batt” report will be sent to the pre-set Phone_Number1 via SMS.
Set up the local time for MyKidsGPS . The format is “+HHMM”. The original setting in MyKidsGPS
is the GMT time (England time).
+1000 (set up the local time for Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane)
+0930 (set up the local time for Adelaide)
+0800 (set up the local time for Perth)