mycom i125S, i160S, i125L, i160L, i160M Instruction Manual

i-Series Screw Compressor Instruction Manual
i125S / i125L
Before operating, servicing, or inspecting this product, read this manual thoroughly to fully understand the cont ents. Keep this instruction manual in a safe, designated place for future reference whenever the manual is needed.
Specifications of this product and contents of this manual are subject to change without
prior notice due to technical im pr ovements, and the like.
This manual is applied to each compressor after the serial number
shown below. i125S: 8750303 i125L: 8770301
i160S: 8710055 i160M: 8720018 i160L: 8730030
Screw Compressor i-series
Thank you for purchasing our
i-series screw compressor (hereinafter referred to as "this product"). This instruction manual (hereinafter referred to as "this manual") provides safety information and operation and maintenanc e procedures , so that users correct ly understand how t o handle this pr oduct and, as a result, can use it safely and efficiently.
Before installing or using this product, make sure you read this manual. Keep this manual in a safe place near this product for quick reference.
Revision History
Title Document No. First edition issue date
i-Series Screw Compressor
Instruction manual
April 28, 2014
Issue Date Major contents of revisions
/ approved by:
00 April 28, 2014
Newly is
sued as applicable to the product after May
2014, due to modification of the i-series specifications.
Muta / Ikeda, Hirao
01 Sep. 24, 2014 Added models for IEC motor flange specifications.
Amanuma, Kato / Ikeda, Hirao
June 01, 2015
Modified the constitution of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.
Added the basic multi-packaging points using plural
i-sereis compressors.
Fujimoto / Ikeda
April 30, 2017
Corrected 2.3.1 Standard Specifications, 2.4.3 Parts Configuration Table . Deleted Contact Information.
Takenouchi, Ito / Kato
Warranty and Disclaimer
Screw Compressor i-series
Warranty and Disclaimer
Warranty Clauses
MAYEKAWA shall repair or replace parts of this product for no charge if any failure resulting from defects in design or m anufacture occurs, und er normal use with th e purpose and method t hat are in accordance with the specifications of this product and this manual, within the warranty period.
The warranty period is "12 months from factory shipment of this product". If there is a separate agreement, that agreement shall prevail in principle.
MAYEKAWA is not liable for production or m an-made disaster compensation due to malfunction or damage of this product.
Disclaimer of Warranty
Although MAYEKAWA warrants the clauses mentioned above, the following clauses are exempted.
Malfunction or damage of this product caused b y natural disaster, or other accidental forces
(such as fire, thunderbolt, windstorm, intense rainfall, flood, tidal wave, earthquake, land subsidence, etc.).
Malfunction or damage caused by misusage described below.
Malfunctions, damage, or deteri oration of this product due to abn ormal or improper use (including improperly storing this product outdoors or under too hot/humid conditions, unexpected inspections , tests, operations, too frequent liquid flow-back operation*, and too frequent start-stop cycles, etc.).
Malfunction or damage c aused by devices or equipm ents not provided by MAYEKAWA including operation control methods of those devices.
Malfunction or damage c aused by refrigerants, gases, or refr igerant oils, and operating conditions (design conditions) not approved for this product.
Malfunction or damage caused by maintenance or inspection not recommended by MAYEKAWA.
Malfunction or damage caused by parts that are not
Malfunction or damage caused by remodeling the product without approval of MAYEKAWA.
Malfunction or damage caused by unexpected misusage
"Liquid flow-back operation" is ・・・ Normally, while the compressor suc ks in the refrigerant liquid only after vaporizing it in th e
evaporator, it may directly sucks it in because of the faulty adjustment or failure of the expansion valve. We call this state of compressor operation "liquid flow-back operation".
No compressor can compress a liquid. The compressor may be damaged should the liquid be sucked in.
Important Information
Screw Compressor i-series
Important Information
Intended Use of this Product
This product is a general-p ur pose s c rew compressor for refrigeratio n and c o ld sto r age. Do not use this product for any other purpos es that are not intended for or which depart f rom the specifications. For specifications of this product, refer to "2.3 Compressor Specifications". Please perform the maintenance items described in this manual by using safe and assured procedures.
Important Information for Safe Use of this Product
Although MAYEKAWA has paid a lot of attention to safety measures for this product, all hazards including potential ha zards caused by human errors, or due to environmental cond itions can not be anticipated. As there are too many items to be strictly observed or prohibited when using this product, it is impossible to inform all of them through t his m anual or war ning lab els. Theref ore, when operat ing this product, pay extreme caution on personnel safety as well as on items described in this manual. Important rules for safety work with this product that apply to all workers including managers and supervisors are listed below. Please read this manual b efore using this product. Fully understand the instructions provided there, and be sure to perform the safety procedures described in this manual.
Operation, maintenance, and inspection of this product should be performed by qualified
personnel educated about the fundamentals of this product and trained about hazards involved and measures to avoid danger.
Do not allow any person other than those educated on the fundamental expertise of this
product and trained about hazards invol ved and m eas ures to avoid dangers to ap proach this product while it is operating or during maintenance.
Observe all related federal/national and local codes and regulations. To prevent accidents, do not carry out any operation or maintenance other than those
described in this manual. Do not use this product for any purpose other than intended.
Replace the parts with the
genuine parts.
Not only workers but also m anagers should acti vely participate saf ety and health activities in
the workplace to prevent accidents.
When closing or opening a valve during work , make sure to apply lock out/tagout to prevent
the valve from being accidentally closed or opened during the work.
[Lockout] To lock with a key in order to keep people, except the workers involved, from
operating the product.
“Lockout” m eans disc onnec ting or k eepi ng disc onnec ted m ac hines and d evices b y lock ing their energy (po wer) sources. Lockout is not just simpl y turning off the power switches to stop the supply of power, but includes immobilizing them with a key or similar device to keep any blocked switches from being operated. Lockout devices are devices such as keys, covers, and latches, to immobilize switches, valves, opening and closing levers, etc., with a state of being locked.
Important Information
Screw Compressor i-series
[Tagout] To prevent any inappropriate work by hanging tag plates indicating "work in
“Tagout” means to clearly indicate, by hanging tag plates, that a device is in lockout and that operation of the device is prohibited. Tag plates forbidding operation, starting, opening, etc. are warnings clearl y stating to not operate energ y (power) sources, and ar e not for stopping block ing devices.
Observe the following precautions when performing maintenance work on electrical control.
Electrical maintenanc e of the pr oduct m ust be perform ed by certif ied/qual ified p ersonnel a nd
only those educated about the electrical control of the product.
Before servicing or insp ecti ng the el ectrical equipm ent or devices , turn "OFF" th e m otor main
power and control power, and perform lock out/tagout to prev ent the power from bein g turned on during work.
Even when the motor main power and control power are turned "OFF", this product may be turned on if the power is supplied from outside the package unit in which this product is used. Make sure the power supply on the power source sid e is shut off, and perform lock out/tagout to prevent the product from being turned on during work.
About This Manual
This product may be modified without prior notice. Therefore, the appearance of actual
machine may differ fr om the descriptions in th is manual. If you have any questions, contact our sales offices or service centers. F or each sight of MAYEKAWA, refer to following URL.
This manual is in English. I f an y other lan guage is requ ired, it is th e customers responsibility
to prepare a manual for safety education and operation instructions.
This manual is copyrighted. Drawings and technical references including this manual shall not,
in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, or reproduced into any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior permission from MAYEKAWA.
Photographs or drawings i ncluded in this manual may differ from the appear ance of actual
If this manual is lost or dam aged, immediately request to one of our local sales offices or
service centers for a new m anual. Us ing this pr oduct without the m anual m ay res ult in saf ety issues.
When you resell this product, be sure to transfer this manual to the next owner.
Important Information
Screw Compressor i-series
Structure of This Manual
Chapter/Section Title Description
Preface Describes the outline of this manual and how to read this manual.
Warranty and Disclaimer
Describes what MAYEKAWA warrants and what
are covered by the
warranties. Warranty exemption is stated as disclaimer.
Important Information Describes important information related to this product and this manual.
1. Safety
Describes safety information for the worker, safety rules for this product,
and management details regar ding the work safety that is r equired for
handling this product.
2. Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Describes the main com ponents of this product, func tional
specification, operating limits, drawings, and parts list.
3. Installation Describes the installation procedure of this product.
4. Compressor and Package
Unit Operation
Describes the precautions for operating this product
and the package
5. Maintenance and
Describes sections and period for inspecting, and assembly and
disassembly of this product.
6. Troubleshooting
Describes troubl
eshooting methods for this product in case problems
occur during operation of this product.
7. Related Documents List of disassembly tools for i-series compressor, and other information
Appendix 1 : Packaging Points 1
Describes basic points for the design and manufacture of a i-
compressor package unit.
Appendix 2: Packaging Points 2
Describes basic multi-packaging points using plural i-sereis compressors.
Table of Contents
Screw Compressor i-series
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................. ⅰ
Revision History ................................................................................................... ⅰ
Warranty and Disclaimer ...................................................................................... ⅱ
Important Information .......................................................................................... ⅲ
Intended Use of This Product ...........................................................................................
Important Information for Safe Use of This Product ..........................................................
About This Manual .............................................................................................................
Structure of This Manual ....................................................................................................
Table of Contents ................................................................................................. ⅵ
1 Safety
1.1 Strict Requirements and Prohibitions ....................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Strict Requirements (Do's) ................................................................................... 1-1 Do's on Operation ........................................................................................ 1-1 Do's on Maintenance ................................................................................... 1-1 Do's on Lockout/Tagout after Shutting Off the Power ................................. 1-2 Do's about Personal Protective Gear .......................................................... 1-2 Do's about the Handling of Hazardous and Toxic Substances.................... 1-2 Do's about Handling Emergency Situations ................................................ 1-2 Do's about Waste Oil, Fluid, and Materials ................................................. 1-2 Other Do's .................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Prohibitions (Don'ts) ............................................................................................ 1-3
1.2 Warnings ..................................................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Residual Risks ............................................................................................ 1-4
1.4 Safety Devices ............................................................................................ 1-6
1.4.1 Emergency Stop Button ....................................................................................... 1-6
1.4.2 Circuit Breakers of Motor Main Power and Control Power
(with Lockout/Tagout Mechanism) ....................................................................... 1-6
1.4.3 Compressor Protective Devices ................................................................ 1-7
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
2.1 Features of
i-Series Compressor ........................................ 2-1
2.2 Model Designation of the Compressor ..................................................... 2-1
2.3 Compressor Specifications ....................................................................... 2-2
2.3.1 Standard Specifications ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.3.2 Operation limits .................................................................................................... 2-3
Table of Contents
Screw Compressor i-series
2.3.3 Alarm Set Values ................................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.4 Outer Dimensions ................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4 Configuration of Compressor .................................................................. 2-18
2.4.1 Secti ona l Vie ws ................................................................................................. 2-18
2.4.2 Exploded Views ................................................................................................. 2-24
2.4.3 Parts Configuration Table .................................................................................. 2-26
2.5 Mechanisms .............................................................................................. 2-33
2.5.1 Basics of the Screw Compressor ...................................................................... 2-33
2.5.2 Sucti on Pr oces s ................................................................................................. 2-33
2.5.3 Compression Process ........................................................................................ 2-34
2.5.4 Disc har ge Proc es s ............................................................................................. 2-34
2.5.5 About Volume Ratio (Vi) .................................................................................... 2-34
2.5.6 Capac ity Control Mechanism ............................................................................. 2-36
Chapter 3 Installation
3.1 General Precautions for Installation ......................................................... 3-1
3.2 Installation Works....................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Unpacking ............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2.2 Storage ................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2.3 Transportation ...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.4 Preparation for Installation ................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.5 Installation ............................................................................................................ 3-3 Piping Connection ....................................................................................... 3-3 Equipment and Devices for Protection of the Compressor ......................... 3-4
3.2.6 Airtightness Test .................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.7 Lubricating Oil Charge ......................................................................................... 3-4 Initial Charge of Lubricating OIL .................................................................. 3-5 Additional Charge of Lubricating Oil ............................................................ 3-5
3.2.8 Charge of Refrigerant .......................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.9 Check after Installation ........................................................................................ 3-5
Chapter 4 Compressor and Package Unit Operation
4.1 Lubricating Oil (Refrigerant Oil) ................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Precautions for Selecting the Lubricating Oil....................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Recommended Lubricating O ils .......................................................................... 4-2 Recommended Lubricating Oils for Ammonia Refrigerant .......................... 4-2 Oils for Systems Using Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Refrigerants .................. 4-3
4.1.3 Change of Lubricating Oil Brand ......................................................................... 4-3
4.1.4 Precautions for Handling Lubricating Oil ............................................................. 4-4
4.1.5 Lubricating Oil Management Criteria ................................................................... 4-4
4.1.6 Lubricating Oil Replacement Timing .................................................................... 4-5
Table of Contents
Screw Compressor i-series
viii After Starting the Initial Operation .............................................................. 4-5 During Normal Operation ........................................................................... 4-5
4.2 Precautions for Operation ......................................................................... 4-6
4.2.1 Prevention of Liquid Flow-back ........................................................................... 4-6
4.2.2 Purging of Non-Condensable Gases ................................................................... 4-6
4.3 When Stopping the Compressor for a Long Time .................................... 4-7
Chapter 5 Maintenance and Inspection
5.1 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection ........................................... 5-1
5.2 Maintenance and Inspection List .............................................................. 5-3
5.2.1 Dai l y Management ............................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.2 Periodic Inspection .............................................................................................. 5-5
5.2.3 Guidelines for Compressor Overhaul Interval ..................................................... 5-6
5.3 Compressor Disassembly Preparation ..................................................... 5-7
5.3.1 Disassembly Tools and Work Place .................................................................... 5-7
5.3.2 Replacement Parts .............................................................................................. 5-8
5.3.3 Refrigerant Gas Treatment ................................................................................ 5-10 Valves Used ............................................................................................... 5-10 Refrigerant Gas Recovery ......................................................................... 5-10
5.3.4 Removing Parts Connected to the Unit ............................................................. 5-11
5.3.5 Removing and Lifting the Compressor .............................................................. 5-11
5.3.6 Removing Oil from Compressor ........................................................................ 5-11
5.4 Disassembly and Inspection ................................................................... 5-12
5.4.1 Shaft Seal Block ................................................................................................ 5-12 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-12 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-13
5.4.2 Bear ing Co ver .................................................................................................... 5-14 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-14 Inspection ................................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.3 Balanc e Pist on ................................................................................................... 5-15 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-15 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-15
5.4.4 End Cover .......................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.5 Thrust Bearing Block ......................................................................................... 5-16 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-16 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-16
5.4.6 Bear ing Hea d ..................................................................................................... 5-17 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-17 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-17
5.4.7 Rotors ................................................................................................................ 5-17 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-17 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-17
5.4.8 Radial Be ar ings ................................................................................................. 5-18 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-18
Table of Contents
Screw Compressor i-series
ix Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-18
5.4.9 Sucti on Str ai ner and Check Valve ..................................................................... 5-18 Disassembly (i125*) ................................................................................... 5-18 Disassembly (i160*) ................................................................................... 5-18 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-19
5.4.10 Unloader ............................................................................................................ 5-19 Disassembly .............................................................................................. 5-19 Inspection .................................................................................................. 5-19
5.5 Reassembly .............................................................................................. 5-20
5.5.1 Unloader ............................................................................................................ 5-21
5.5.2 Rotor and Inner Race of Radial Bearing ............................................................ 5-21
5.5.3 Bear ing Hea d ..................................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.4 Outer Race of Radial Bearing ............................................................................ 5-22
5.5.5 Suction Strainer and Check Valve ..................................................................... 5-23 i125*........................................................................................................... 5-23 i160*........................................................................................................... 5-23
5.5.6 Adjustment of Thrust Bearing and End Clearance ............................................ 5-24 End Clearance Measurement .................................................................... 5-26 End Clearance Adjustment ........................................................................ 5-27 Tightening after End Clearance Adjustment .............................................. 5-27
5.5.7 Balanc e Pist on ................................................................................................... 5-28
5.5.8 Bear ing Co ver .................................................................................................... 5-28
5.5.9 Shaft Seal Block ................................................................................................ 5-29
5.5.10 End Cover .......................................................................................................... 5-31
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
01: Compressor does not start up ................................................................................ 6-1
02: Compressor stops immediately after startup .......................................................... 6-1
03: Abnormally low pressure (decrease of suction pressure) ...................................... 6-2
04: Low oil pressure (low oil supply pressure) ............................................................. 6-2
05: Abnormally high pressure (abnormal discharge pressure) .................................... 6-3
06: Discharge temperature is abnormally high ............................................................. 6-4
07: Leak from mechanical seal part ............................................................................. 6-6
08: Squeaking sound from mechanical seal ................................................................ 6-6
09: Capacity control malfunction .................................................................................. 6-6
10: Compressor generates abnormal vibration and/or sound ...................................... 6-6
Table of Contents
Screw Compressor i-series
Chapter 7 Related Documents
7.1 Tightening Angles for Lock Nuts .............................................................. 7-1
7.2 Disassembly Tools ..................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Flange Motor and Connection Flange Size ............................................. 7-3
Appendix 1: Basic Points for Design and Manufacturing for the Compressor Package
1-1 Basic Flow of the Package Unit ........................................................... Appendix 1-1
1-2 Basic Flow of the Oil Cooler ................................................................ Appendix 1-2
1-3 Oil Temperature Control ...................................................................... Appendix 1-3
1-4 Economizer .......................................................................................... Appendix 1-3
1-5 Oil Separator ....................................................................................... Appendix 1-4
1-6 Protection Devices ............................................................................... Appendix 1-4
1-7 Power Supply and Control Devices ..................................................... Appendix 1-5
Appendix 2: Basic Points for Design and Manufacturing for the Compressors Multi-package
2-1 Preface ................................................................................................ Appendix 2-1
2-2 Reference Flow and Configuration Components for Multi-package ... Appendix 2-1
2-2-1 Package Flow Representative Example ......................................... Appendix 2-1
2-2-2 Oil Separator ................................................................................... Appendix 2-2
2-2-3 Pressure Regulator for Differential Oil Supply Press ure ............... Appendix 2-2
2-2-4 Oil Cooler ........................................................................................ Appendix 2-2
2-2-5 Oil Filter and Oil Line ....................................................................... Appendix 2-2
2-2-6 Stop Valves and Safety Valves ....................................................... Appendix 2-2
2-3 Economizer .......................................................................................... Appendix 2-3
2-4 Protection Devices and Control Devicess ........................................... Appendix 2-3
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.1 Strict Requirements and Prohibitions
Chapter 1 Safety
1.1 Strict Requirements and Prohibitions
1.1.1 Strict Requirements (Do’s) Do’s on Operation
Make sure to attach safety and protective devices to the package unit. The safety devices and protection systems must be regularly checked for their normal
If any safety device or protection system does not function normally or this product operates in
an abnormal manner, immediately stop the work and contact your supervisor. When the system is to be restarted, you must observe the decision and instruction of the supervisor.
If this product has stopped operation due to an unknown cause, immediately contact your
supervisor. Before restarting the system , you must seek the decision and instruction of the supervisor.
Depending on the type of refrigerant used, its leakage may generate a bad smell or poisonous
gas. Be sure to sufficiently ventilate the room while the machine is operated.
Regarding the characteristics of the refrigerant and lubricating oil, e.g., corrosiveness,
degradability, and toxicity, be sure to obtain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the m and follow the instructions given.
When this produc t is not to be used for some peri od of time, close the suction (side) and
discharge (side) stop valves and shut off the m otor power source, heat er power, and control power. Do’s on Maintenance
Prepare work procedures based on a work plan. Be sure to perform danger forecasting before
starting the work.
If two or more peo ple are to work together, be sure to mutuall y check the work details and
procedures before the work. During the work, always keep track of the other workers’ actions.
Before working on any troubleshooting during operation, before setting up this product, before
cleaning work, and before conducting maintenance or inspec ti on wor k, be sure to shut off the motor power source, control power, and power to other equipment, perform lock-out and tag-out procedur es, and take effective measures to p revent any accidental power -on during the work.
Before working on any troubleshooting during operation, before setting up this product, before
cleaning work, and bef ore conducting m aintenance or inspection work, be sure t o check that the internal pressure of this product and the refrigeration/cold storage unit is at the atmospheric pressure.
Depending on the t ype of refrigerant used, it ma y generate a bad smell or poiso nous gas or
could cause an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Before starting the work , measure the ox ygen content in the work area, as appropriate, and provide sufficient ventilation. The ventilation must be continued steadily until the work is completed.
For the properties of refrigerant and lubricating oil (corrosiveness, decomposability or toxicity),
be sure to obtain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and follow the relevant information.
After work, the tools us ed must be returned to the predefined locat ion. Be sure not to leave
them inside the package unit.
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.1 Strict Requirements and Prohibitions
1-2 Do’s on Lockout/Tagout afte r Shutting Off the Power
A lock-out/tag-out mechanism must be installed for the main circuit breakers that supply power
to the motor and po wer to the control system . T he lock-out/tag-out after power do w n is a v er y effective means to ensur e t he s af et y wh en two or more work ers ar e work ing on t he system at the same time, as it can prevent p ossible i njury of workers t hat ma y be caused b y accidenta l power-on of the driving source by one of the workers.
If there is a risk of danger, especially during cleaning, maintenance/inspection, or
troubleshooting work , be sure to l et the work ers per form the lock -out/tag-out pr ocedures after the motor main power and control power has been shut off.
Because the workers m ay neglect to perform the lock-out/tag-out proced ures or cut-off the
power in the following situations, be sure to instruct them to strictly follow the correct procedure by clearly identifying the work that require lock-out/tag-out and the reasons why it is needed.
As it is a cumbers ome task for the workers to cut off the motor m ain power and control power and use lock -out/tag-out devices before starting the w ork , they m ight negl ec t to do it.
The workers m ight determ ine by th em selves th at it sh ould b e OK j ust to c ut off th e m otor main power and control power, and not use any lock-out/tag-out devices. Do’s about Personal Protective Gear
Prepare and use protective gear com pl ying wit h the safety standards of the regulations. Check the function of each protective gear before using. Wear designated clothes such as work outfits, with their cuffs tightly closed. Do not wear an y neck ties or jewelry as there is a ris k of being entangled by a movable part or
rotating part. Put on a helmet as your hair may get entangled.
Do not have anything in your pocket to prevent objects from falling into the machine. Do’s about Handling of Hazardous and Toxic Substances
Obtain Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from manufacturers of hazardous and toxic substances.
Check the MSDS and fol low the han dling instr uctions recomm ended b y the manuf acturers to handle and store those substances. Do’s about Handling Emergency Situations
Formulate an emer gency action plan complying with the regulatio ns, and post it on a safe
place. Do’s about Waste Oil, Fluid, and Materials
Disposing of refrigerant and oil used for this product are subject to a number of regulations for
the environmental protecti on purposes. Follow the local, state, federal acts and regula tions and your company's rules when disposing of such waste oil, fluid and materials. Other Do’s
Keep clean the floor around the entire package unit. Provide a safety passage. Walk only on the areas set up as a work f loor. Also, do not lea ve too ls and c lea ning sol utions
in that area.
If water or oil is spi lled on this pr oduct or the f loor, immediately wipe it off to pr event work ers
from slipping and getting injured.
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.2 Warnings
1.1.2 Prohibitions (Don’ts)
Do not remove or relocate any safety device, including electrical interfaces. Do not disable any safety device by short-c irc ui tin g or bypassing with out any permission. Do not leave this pro duct unsafe and unattended, b y removing a safet y cover or some other
Do not touch, clean or lubricate any part of this product which is moving. Do not touch rela ys or electr ic systems such as terminal b lock with bare hands when t urning
on the power.
1.2 Warnings
The warning messages described in this manual warn dangerous situations that may arise during work by using the following four categories.
Neglecting such warnings may cause accidents, resulting in personal injury or even death. Also, this product or its auxili ary equipment may be heavily damaged. T herefore, be sure to always
observe the instructions of the warnings.
Table 1-1
Types and Meanings of Warnings
Symbol Meaning
Indicates that there is a high risk of death or severe injury if it is not avoided.
Indicates that there is a potential risk of death or severe injury if it is not avoided.
Indicates that there is a risk of light or medium injury if it is not avoided.
Indicates that there is a potential risk of property damage if it is not avoided.
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.3 Residual Risks
1.3 Residual Risks
The following inform ation assumes that this pr oduct is operated or i nspected/maintained as part of a general package unit for refrigeration/cold storage. It is impossible to predict all the risk sources involved in actual use of the package unit.
Devise appropriate countermeasures for hazardous sources in your systems.
Table 1-2
Hazardous Sources
Predicted hazard
Measures to be taken
in operation
Countermeasures in
cleaning, inspection,
and parts replacement
Motor and
compressor coupling
Caught in or entangled in
due to contact
Install cover on the
opening of coupling, or prohibit opening.
Keep away.
Turn off motor main
power and control power, and conduct
Electric shock caused by
contact with live wires or electrical leakage
Keep away.
Do not open terminal
Do not touch
terminal boxes.
Turn off motor main
power and control power, and conduct lockout/tagout.
suction casing
Frostbite due to contact
Contact with or inhalation
of hazardous substances generated by leakage of
refrigerant or the like
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Detect gas leakage.
Wear protective
Work under room
economizer and/or liquid injection port around and
Burn injury due to contact
Contact with or inhalation of hazardous substances generated by leakage or spout of refrigerant or the
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Detect gas leakage.
Wear protective
Work at a
temperature of not higher than 40°C.
discharge casing and discharge piping
Burn injury due to contact
Contact with or inhalation of hazardous substances generated by leakage or spout of refrigerant or the
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Detect gas leakage.
Wear protective
Work at a
temperature of not higher than 40°C.
Solenoid valve
for controlling compressor capacity
Electric shock caused by
contact with live wires or electrical leakage
Install protective
cover on terminals, and prohibit opening.
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Turn off each
breaker and the control power, and conduct lockout/tagout.
Wear protective
Package Unit
Check valve, service valve and joint in each section
Contact with or inhalation
of hazardous substances generated by mishandling or leakage
Frostbite or burn due to
Sufficient ventilation
Indicate valve
open/close state.
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Sufficient ventilation
Wear protective
Tagout for controlled
Package Unit
Solenoid valve or motor operated valve
Electric shock caused by
contact with live wires or electrical leakage
Pinched due to contact
with driving part
Install protective
cover on terminals, and prohibit opening.
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Turn off each
breaker and the control power, and conduct lockout/tagout.
Wear protective
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.3 Residual Risks
Predicted hazard
Measures to be taken
in operation
Countermeasures in
cleaning, inspection,
and parts replacement
Package Unit
Electric components in each part (oil heater, protective device, etc.)
Electric shock caused by
contact with live wires or electrical leakage
Pinched due to contact
with driving part
Install protective
cover on terminals, and prohibit opening.
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Turn off each
breaker and the control power, and conduct lockout/tagout.
Wear protective
Package Unit
Oil drain
Contact with hazardous
substances generated by leakage or spout
Burn caused by contact
with high-temperature
Sufficient ventilation
Keep away and do
not touch.
Wear protective
Sufficient ventilation
Wear protective
Work at a
temperature of not
higher than 40°C.
Damage caused by noise
Wear protective
i125L with Spacer for NEMA i160L with Spacer for NEMA (example) (example)
Figure 1-1 Locations of Hazardous sources (Compressor)
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.4 Safety Devices
1.4 Safety Devices
For safe use and protection of this produc t, make sure to attach safet y devices to this produc t in accordance with the regulations and the following instructions.
Safety devices cannot be kept in normal condition unless inspected and maintained at regular intervals. Their maintenance and inspection need to be performed as an important part of the maintenance/inspectio n work project. Provide users of this product with necessary information on the safety devices, for example, types of the safety devices, installation position, function, and inspection method of safety related devices.
Check the safety devices after turning on the power and before operation of this
product. If they do not operat e normally, immediately take countermeasures.
1.4.1 Emergency Stop Button
The emergency stop buttons are used for emergency shutdown of this product when an emergency situation arises.
Installation Positions
On the control board and in the operation control room
Stop/Restoration Methods
The operating procedures for the emergency stop button, i.e., how to stop the operation and restore the normal operatin g c ondit io n, must be clearly defined and the inf ormation provided to the user of this product.
Inspection Method/Interval
The emergency stop buttons mus t be tested befor e commissioning a nd must also be periodicall y re-tested after that. The inspection procedures and the inspection interval for the emergency stop button must be clearly defined and the information provided to the user of this product
1.4.2 Circuit Breakers of Motor Main Power and Control Power (with Lockout/Tagout Mechanism)
Turn off the main motor and control power, and if there is an y possibility of danger during work (especially during cle aning, maintenance, inspection, or tr oubleshooting), lockout/tagout devices must be used on the br eak ers of the m ain m otor and cont rol po wers t o prevent injuries to work ers in case the power is turned on accidentally during work .
Methods of Performing and Releasing Lockout/Tagout
Make sure to clearly notify methods of performing and releasing lockout/tagout referring to the regulations created by Occupational Safet y & Health Administration (OSHA) or local governing body.
Inspection Method/Interval
The inspection procedures and the inspection interval for the lockout/tagout devices must be clearly defined and the information provided to the user of this product.
Chapter 1 Safety
Screw Compressor i-series 1.4 Safety Devices
1.4.3 Compressor Protective Devices
Be sure to adjust the set values and check operation of the protective devices before
the commissioning.
Install necessary protection devices shown in section 2.3.3 "Alarm Set Values" in this manual chapter 2. Also, install the following protection devices that are not indicate in section 2.3.3, as occasion demands.
Protection from motor over current (OCR) This device activates an d applies appropr iate contro l when the c urrent e qual to or higher t han
the set level flows. In some cases, this device stops the compressor operation. For more information about setting and installation of this device, please refer to the instruction
manual of the motor.
Protection from oil level decrease In case of the oi l supp ly by different ial pr essure, install a prot ection device to the oil separator
for protect form oil level decrease. Since there is a possibility that alarm for protection from lubricating differential press ure decr ease do es not act ivat e even if the amount of lubricat ing oil is insufficient.
No Water Alarm If you use water cooling oil cooler and/or water cooling condenser, a suspension of water
supply protection is necessary. For more inform ation about setting and install ation of this protectio n d ev ice, pl eas e r ef er to the
instruction manual of the motor or the like used in the cooling water system.
Connection Positions and Settings
Specify the connection position and set ting f or e ach co m pressor protecti ve de vice, an d m ake s ure to provide users of this product with them.
Inspection Method/Interval
Compressor protect ive devices require operat ion tests and co nfirmation of the settings c alibration before commissioning as well as at regular intervals.
Specify the inspect ion methods/inter vals of the com pressor protect ion devices, and m ake sure to provide users of this product with such information.
In the operation test, check that alarms and switches operate normally by using
devices such as pressure tester. Do not operate the compressor with all the valves closed, or in any other dangerous conditions.
If the protection from oil pressure (OP) or high pressure (HP) activates, do not restar t
operation until the cause of activation is remove d.
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.1 Features of i-Series Compressor
Chapter 2 Compressor Specif i c a t ions and Configuration
2.1 Features of
i-series Compressor
i-series compressor enables designers to design highly reliable and most compact refrigerating unit. It has a lot of features.
Centering is made unnecessary by mounting the motor using a flange.
By mounting the motor using a flange eliminates the need of the troublesome motor centering before starting the equipment.
Suction strainer and check valve built-in compressor
This compressor has built-in suction strainer and check valve which enable easy maintenance.
No oil pump required in differential pressure oil supply system
This compressor em ploys roller bearings which let lubrication oil res erved in part even when the machine is stopped. Ac cordingly, no lubrication failure will occur ev en with differential press ure oil supply system which has no oil pump installed.
3-step (100%, 75%, 50%) unloader
As it has a 3-step (100%, 75%, 50%) unloader built-in, flow adjustment can be done easily. In addition, inverter-controlled speed control is available.
High efficiency, and low vibration and noise
Use of original screw rotor profile attains high efficiency, and low vibration and noise.
2.2 Model Designation of the Compressor
This manual describes i125*-* and i160*-* models. The meaning of the type designation, which is engraved on the MODEL column of the compressor nameplate, is as follows.
i 1 2 5 * - *
Specifications of Vi (volume ratio) of the discharge port, which is L (Vi=2.63), M (Vi=3.65)
or H (Vi=5.80)
Specifications of rotor length, which is S or L (i125) and S, M or L (i160) Rotor diameter, which is 125 or 160 Indicates i-series.
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2.3 Compressor Specifications
2.3.1 Standard Specifications
Table 2-1 Specifications of i-series Compressor
Flange motor connection
NEMA 3**C, 40*C 3**D, 4**D IEC FF400 FF500 FF500 / FF600
Product mass (Compressor only)
330 350 520 560 600
Mass of
compressor with motor spacer
for NEMA
490 510 670 710 750
440 — — — —
kg — 480
kg — —
Standard speed 50Hz/60Hz min-1 2950/3550 Rotation direction Clockwise as viewed from motor
Swept volume 50Hz/60Hz
CFM 116/139 174/210 244/294 305/367 366/441
R717 / R404A / R507A / R134a
Design pressure *Note MPa
(Applies to i-series compressors manufactured
and shipped in May 2014 or after.)
Capacity control 3-step (100%, 75%, 50%) unloader
Connected pipe size
Suction flange
MYCOM 100A (4")
ANSI 300 5"
Discharge flange
Oil inlet port
Rc1/2 MYCOM 65A
Economizer Rc3/8 Rc3/4
Aquamizer (Liquid injection)
Rc1/4 Rc1/2
Unless otherwise noted, the pressure unit MPa represents the gauge pressure in this manual.
For limits of working temperature and pressure, see Section 2.3.2 "Operation Limits" in this
*Note: The design pressure varies according to each area, laws and ordinances of the country. The design pressure of this list is the maximum value of the compressor. Therefore, the
real design pressure may become less than this value according to the law. Please confirm real pressure on a name plate and individual specifications.
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2.3.2 Operation Limits
Table 2-2 Operation Limits of i-series Compressor
Normal operation range
*Note 1
Permissible limit
2950 @50 Hz 3550 @60 Hz
125S, 160S: Max. 4500 *Note 2 125L, 160M, 160L : Max. 3550
Discharge pressure
1.0 to 1.9 Max. 1.9
Suction pressure
0.02 to 0.35
Max. 0.6 Min. -0.05
Differential pressure for lubrication (Po - Ps)
≥ 0.5 Min. 0.5 *Note 4
Discharge gas temperature
Condensing temperature +
15 to 90
Max. 90
Superheating degree of suction gas
5 to 20
Oil supply temperature
30 to 60
Max. 80 BBSE
*Note 2
Min. 30
Supply oil viscosity
(kinematic viscosity)
13 to 40
Min. 13
Max. 300 (At start-up time)
Vibrat ion standar d value at
(Half amplitude) 20
Noise standard value at
dB (A)
125S, L, 160S, M: 84
160L: 85
Unless otherwise noted, the pressure unit MPa represents the gauge pressure in this manual.
*Note 1: For operations outside the normal operation ranges, consult our compressor manufacturing
*Note 2: When performing a speed-increasing operation by inverter at 70 °C or a bove oil temperature,
contact our compressor manufacturing division to confirm the temperature on the mechanical seal sliding surface.
*Note 3: Po = Oil supply pressure, Ps = Suction pressure *Note 4: This value excludes the start-up of the compressor. Refer to Note 2 in the next section.
Repeated startup and stop in a short period is harmful not for the startup devices and
electric machinery but also for the compressor itself. For information on the start/stop limitations, refer to each instruction manual. Wait at least 15 mi nutes after sto pping the compressor before restarting i t .
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2.3.3 Alarm Set Values
To protect the compressor, please set the alarm shown in the table below.
Table 2-3 Application Limits of i-series Compressor *
Note 1
Unit Alarm
Rotation speed min-1
i125S, i160S: 4550 (0 sec.)
i125L, i160M, i160L: 3650 (0 sec.)
Low 1450 (0 sec.)
Discharge pressure MPa
1.9 (0 sec.)
2.0 (0 sec.)
Suction pressure MPa
0.6 (30 sec.)
0.6 (60 sec.)
Low -0.05 (30 sec.) -0.05 (60 sec.)
Differential pressure for lubrication
(Po - Ps) *Note 2
Low 0.6 (30 sec.) 0.5 (30 sec.) *Note 3
Discharge temperature °C
90 (5 sec.)
95 (0 sec.)
Suction temperature °C
60 (60 sec.)
Low -58 (30 sec.) -60 (30 sec.)
Discharge superheat °C
Low 15 (60 sec.) 10 (60 sec.)
Suction superheat °C
High —
Low 0 (30 sec.) 0 (60 sec.)
Lubrication temperature °C
80 (60 sec.)
85 (60 sec.)
Low 30 (60 sec.) 25 (60 sec.)
Unless otherwise noted, the pressure unit MPa represents the gauge pressure in this manual.
*Note 1: The values in the parentheses are the maximum operation delay times.
The values have been set to protect the compressor.
*Note 2: Po = Oil supply pressure, Ps = Suction pressure
*Note 3: This alarm stop is set for normal operation. At the time of the start-up of the compressor,
it is not necessary to perform this alarm monitoring after start until 300 seconds.
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2.3.4 Outer Dimensions
2-1 i125S Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (NEMA)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-2 i125S Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (IEC FF400)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-3 i125L Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (NEMA)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-4 i125L Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (IEC FF500)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-5 i160S Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (NEMA)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-6 i160S Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Motor Flange (IEC FF500)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-7 i160S Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (IEC FF600)
Chapter 2 Compressor Specifications and Configuration
Screw Compressor i-series 2.3 Compressor Specifications
2-8 i160M Outer Dimensions with a Spacer for Flange Motor (NEMA)
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