Your security system is made up of different parts. Each plays a special role in the system’s operation. The panel is at the
heart of your system. It stores the intelligence to monitor all the sensors and devices in the system. The panel is the
piece of equipment that activates sirens and initiates a call to the central station in an alarm situation. Touchpads are
used to arm, disarm, and program your system. Keychain touchpads are also wireless and are handy for simple arming
and disarming functions. Keychain touchpads can be carried off-site. Door and window sensors protect the perimeter of
your home by alerting the panel when a door or window is opened. Motion detectors in hallways or rooms detect a
person moving across the field of detection. Environmental sensors such as smoke and heat detectors remain alert for
the presence of fire or carbon monoxide 24 hours a day.
Arming and Disarming the System
Arming Your System
Since your security needs may vary throughout the day, the system was designed with three arming levels. By arming
your system to a particular level, only those sensors programmed to detect in that arming level will report alarms.
Level 1 - OFF
Use Level 1 when intrusion detection is not necessary. For example, on an active Saturday morning—kids playing inside
and out; someone working in the garage; various house projects going on. Even though Level 1 disarms the system, your
system continues to monitor for fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, and/or panic alarms if your system has these devices
installed. Here are some other situations in which you’d set the system to Level 1 - OFF:
Upon entering your armed home or business. When entering the armed premises through a designated delay
door, the entry delay time begins. Entry Delay beeps remind you to disarm the system.
Before opening a door or window while inside or outside the armed home or business. When you wake up in
the morning and want to get your newspaper, you must disarm the system before opening the door to prevent
an accidental alarm.
To stop sirens and cancel an alarm. When an alarm condition occurs, disarming the system turns off any sirens.
To disarm to Level 1—OFF using a touchpad:
1. Press [1]. Touchpads display “Enter Code.”
2. Enter your access code. Touchpads display date and time or programmed text.
3. The system sounds one long beep.
Arming Level 2 - STAY
There are times when you want intrusion protection, but still want the freedom to move around within your house
without setting off an alarm, for example, in the evening when your family is inside for the night. In this and similar
situations, arm your system to 2—STAY. To arm to Level 2 - STAY using a touchpad:
1. Close all protected perimeter doors and windows.
2. Press 2 at any touchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3. Enter your access code. Touchpads display, ”Armed to STAY.”
4. The system sounds two short beeps.
5. If leaving the premises, exit through a designated delay door immediately.
Arming Level 3 - STAY
At other times, you want every sensor to be alert: When the family is away from home, or, in a business, after closing
time. In this and similar situations, set your system to 3—AWAY for maximum protection. All sensors are active—
perimeter door and window sensors, and interior motion detectors. To arm to Level 3—AWAY using a touchpad:
1. Close all perimeter doors and windows.
2. Press 3 at any touchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3. Enter your access code. Touchpads display, ”Armed to AWAY.”
4. The system sounds three short beeps.
5. Exit through a designated delay door immediately.
Keychain Touchpad Arming
To disarm your system with a keychain touchpad, press the Unlock button. Your installer can set up your keychain
touchpad to arm the system in one of two ways:
1. Press the Lock button to arm the system directly to Level 3 with no Exit delay. Using this method, you would not
be able to arm to Level 2.
2. Press the Lock button to increase the arming level each time it is pressed (Level 1 to Level 2, or Level 2 to Level
3). The Exit delay time would be applied.
Quick Arm
Your system may be set up so that you’re able to arm the system without using an access code. To use Quick Arm,
increase the arming level by simply pressing [2] or [3] at any touchpad. Decreasing the arming level requires that the
user enter a code.
Quick Exit
Note: In UL Listed systems, this feature is disabled.
Your system may be set up so that when your system is armed to Level 2—STAY, you’re able to press D on any touchpad
and simply walk out of the door without having to disarm and rearm the system.
This is useful when your system is armed and you want to quickly pop outside to pick up the newspaper without
disarming your system.
Important: If you step outside and are planning to come back in, do not close the door behind you!
To use Quick Exit:
1. When the system is armed to 2 - STAY, press D at any touchpad. Opening the door without pressing D will cause
an alarm.
2. Open the door and go outside. Leave the door open if you are planning to come back in!
3. Come back in within two minutes and close the door. The system will rearm to 2 - STAY.
Using the Chime Feature
Turning on the Chime feature is like having bells on every protected door and window. When this feature is on, sirens
and speakers sound 2 beeps whenever anyone opens a protected door or window. The Chime feature works only in
Level 1—OFF.
To turn Chime on/off: while in Level 1 - OFF, from any touchpad, press [7][1]. While the Chime feature is on, touchpads
display, “CHIME ON” or “CHIME IS OFF.” When the system is armed again, Chime deactivates.
The Chime-On-Close feature works like the regular Chime feature, but in addition to the double beeps heard upon
opening a protected door or window, the system sounds one long beep when the door or window is closed again. You
can turn the Chime-On-Close feature on or off from the programming menu.
Arming while a Door or Window is Open
It is possible to arm your system while leaving a door or window open. This is useful if, for example, you like to sleep at
night with the window open. If the door or window has a sensor installed on it, the system must be told to ignore, or
bypass, that sensor when it’s open. All other sensors will remain active. There are two methods for bypassing a sensor:
Directly - After arming the system, bypass door/window sensors before you open them. You must know the
sensor number of the door or window you wish to bypass. To bypass directly, the user code must have been
given the Direct Bypassing attribute.
Indirectly - As you are arming, bypass sensors on already-open doors and window. This method should not be
used in UL-listed installations.
Bypassing a Sensor Directly
To bypass sensors directly:
1. Close all doors and windows.
2. Arm your system to the desired level.
3. At any touchpad, press [#]+ Code + sensor number ([#] is labeled Bypass).
4. Touchpads display, “Bypassed Zones 01,” or “SENSOR 01 BYPASSED,” for example. If the touchpad displays
“INVALID,” or if the touchpad sounds one long beep, make sure that you entered a valid sensor number. Heat
and smoke sensors cannot be bypassed.
5. Bypass other sensors, if necessary, by repeating Step 3.
6. The bypassed door or window can now be opened.
To arm bypassed sensors, arm the system again.
Note: You cannot bypass sensors directly using a keychain touchpad.
Bypassing a Sensor Indirectly
Use this method if you are arming the system and would like to bypass doors and windows already open.
To bypass sensors indirectly:
1. Leave open only those doors and windows that are to remain open. Close all others.
2. Arm your system to the desired level. The touchpad emits protest beeps and displays “PROTEST,” because of the
open sensor(s).
3. At any touchpad. press BYPASS. Touchpads with displays show, “Bypassed Zones 01,” or “SENSOR 01
BYPASSED,” for example.
4. The system sounds arming level beeps to indicate that the system is armed and open sensors have been
successfully bypassed.
To arm bypassed sensors, arm the system. To bypass sensors indirectly using a keychain touchpad, press the Lock button
once to arm the system and again to bypass the open sensors.
Was the Bypass Successful?
To confirm whether or not a sensor was bypassed, press the Status [*] button on the touchpad. Touchpads with displays
list bypassed sensors or zones.
Panic Alarms
Panic alarms are easily activated from any touchpad to quickly alert the central monitoring station to a Fire, Police, or
Auxiliary emergency. A panic alarm can be activated at any time, regardless of the current arming level: 1 - OFF, 2 - STAY,
or 3 - AWAY.
This system is designed to inform a central monitoring station of the nature of the emergency so the correct personnel
can be dispatched immediately.
Fire Panic
The Fire panic alarm sounds from all interior and exterior sirens. On monitored systems, the central monitoring station
responds by calling the fire department. To activate a Fire panic alarm from a touchpad, press and hold both Fire
buttons for 2 seconds.
Police Panic Alarm
The Police panic alarm sounds from all interior and exterior sirens, scaring off any intruder and alerting neighbors to the
trouble. On monitored systems, the central monitoring station responds by calling the police.
To activate a Police panic alarm using a touchpad, press and hold the Police button(s) for 2 seconds. To activate a Police
panic alarm from a keychain touchpad, press and hold the Lock and Unlock buttons at the same time for 2 seconds.
Auxillary Panic Alarm
The Auxiliary panic alarm sounds from interior sirens only. It is typically set up by your security dealer, based on your
specific needs. On monitored systems, the central station responds by calling the service or agency you specified
through your dealer.
To activate an Auxiliary panic alarm from a touchpad, press and hold the Auxiliary button(s) for 2 seconds. To send an
Auxiliary panic alarm from a keychain touchpad, press and hold the Lock and Unlock buttons at the same time for 2
Siren Time-Out
If the system is not disarmed after an alarm, the sirens will continue to sound until the time-out period is reached. The
time-out period can be programmed only by your installer or dealer. Even though reaching the end of the time-out
period stops the sirens, if your system is monitored, the central station will consider the alarm in progress until the
system is manually disarmed.
Fire Alarm System
Fire and Smoke Alarms
If your system contains smoke and fire sensors, it monitors the premises for smoke and fire alarms 24 hours a day and in
all arming levels.
These alarms cannot be cancelled or aborted and are always reported to the central station. Since many communities
charge for dispatching the fire department in error, your dealer may give you specific instructions to follow in the event
of an accidental smoke or fire alarm.
Clearing Smoke Sensors
Once a smoke sensor has been in alarm, it is considered “Open” or in “Trouble” until it is reset:
1. Press [1] Code, once to silence the alarm.
2. Press [1] Code, twice to reset the smoke alarm.
Trouble Conditions
Your security system uses a variety of different alarm sirens, status beeps, and trouble beeps to communicate with you.
The next few pages describe the different sounds and what they mean. Try to familiarize yourself with the differences.
You will hear some sounds each time you tell your security system to do something, like arm or disarm. Some sounds
you will hear only when there is a problem with the system, like a low battery. Other sounds you will only hear in an
emergency. Getting to know your system sounds allows you to react quickly and appropriately.
Trouble Beeps and Trouble Messages
Trouble beeps are a series of five short beeps, once a minute. When your system detects a problem, it lets you know by
sounding trouble beeps from touchpads and sirens, and by trouble messages on touchpad displays.
Silencing Trouble Beeps
If possible, correct the situation which is causing the trouble beeps. If this is not possible, call for service. If the problem
is not corrected, trouble beeps and messages start again 4 to 10 hours later. To stop trouble beeps:
1. Perform a system status check by pressing [*] on a touchpad
2. Change the arming level
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