Clone Looper Pedal
Whether you’re practicing at home, captivating
audiences with improvisational compositions
onstage, or weaving intricate sonic tapestries in the
studio, the Clone Looper Pedal has you covered.
Packed into a standard MXR housing that’s built like
a tank, it’s easier to use and delivers higher fidelity
signal reproduction than any other looper of its
type—hands down.

External Controls
1 REC/DUB footswitch controls loop
recording and clear loop quickly functions
2 VOLUME knob controls output level,
loop speed, loop direction and clear loop
quietly functions
3 PLAY/STOP footswitch controls loop
playback and undo/redo functions
4 CTR jack allows tap switch to control
loop speed, loop direction, and clear loop
quietly functions
5 EXP jack allows expression pedal to set
output level or tap switch to engage Play
Loop Once mode
M303 | Clone Looper™ 2