MXIC MX98728EC Datasheet

The purpose of this application note is to describe the Implementation of a generic bus 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet node using MXIC highly integrated single chip Fast Ethernet controller MX98728EC series. Most de­scription in this application note applied to both MX98728EC and MX98728AEC unless specifically de­scribed for different chips. MX98728EC in this applica­tion note refer to both MX98728EC and MX98728AEC for common descriptions. This document presents prod­uct overview , programming guide and hardware design guidelines. It is recommended that you are familiar with the data sheet of MX98728EC or MX98728AEC before using this guide.
The MX98728EC implements the 10/100Mbps MAC and Physical layer on single chip in accordance with the IEEE
802.3 standard.
The MX98728EC highly integrates with direct host bus interface, including host bus slave with burst read trans­fer, direct EEPROM interface ( optional), and large on chip transmit/receive FIFOs. Also , the MX98728EC is equipped with intelligent IEEE802.3u compliant Nway auto-negotiation capability allowing a single RJ-45 con­nector to link with the other IEEE802.3u compliant de­vice without re-configuration. For detailed product speci­fication information, please refer to the Data sheet of MX98728EC.
MII (Media Independent Interface) Connection is provided by MX98728EC and MX98728AEC as an option to work with third party 10/100 fast Ethernet tranceiver or ev en Home PNA tranceiv er . P ossible system application can allow integration of both Ethernet and Home PNA network in a single system.
REV. 0.6, JUN. 22, 2000
3.1 System Application Block Diagram
A System block diagr am for the MX98728EC based F ast Ethernet is shown as following.:
Host memory
Host Customer Applicatio
Packet buffer
Typical Application
Customer Application
Host Memory
Local DMA
TP cable
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Combo Application
Host Memory
Customer Application
Local DMA
3.2 System Through Put Considerations
Total system through put is determined by several fac­tors, namely, packet memory through put, host bus through put, and local DMA through put. MX98728EC is designed to achieve maximum network through put pos­sible in a 100 TX mode with full duplex operation. The maximum data rate of a full line speed 100M bits /s Ethernet is roughly 12.5MB/s in half duplex mode and 25MB/s for full duplex mode when IPG is 960ns and all ethernet packet length is 1518 bytes.
To achieve such high through put, bandwidth require­ments for packet memory are as follows :
1.Host <- GMAC <- P acket Memory >=12.5MB/s for RX
2.Host -> GMAC -> P ac k et Memory ( or TX FIFO ) >= 12.5MB/s for TX
3.Network -> GMAC -> Pac k et Memory >= 12.5MB/s for RX channel
4.Network <- GMAC <- P ack et Memory ( or TX FIFO ) >= 12.5MB/s for TX channel
The total maximum bandwidth of pac k et memory is
50Mhz/2 x 2B = 50MB/s for 16-bit mode 50Mhz/2 x B = 25MB/s for 8-bit mode
10M 8PHY
If we use TX DMA mode for transmission, then to achieve full duplex line speed, it will need 12.5MB x 4 = 50MB for all host DMA and GMAC's local DMA. Obvi­ously, 8-bit packet memory does not have so much throughput. Instead, we must use TX FIFO mode for transmission, which will require only 12.5MB x 2 of packet memory to achieve RX's line speed ( assuming that soft­ware can deliver the same throughput as well ).
TX FIFO mode does not use packet memory to store TX pac ket for transmission, therefore RX DMA can use all 8-bit packet memory bandwidth which is 25MB. Since GMAC can do "seamless" local DMA cycles, i.e. every 40ns one packet memory transfer is processed, no cycle is wasted for bus arbitrations. Also the on-chip burst read buffer will constantly filling up the 4 word ( 4 dword ) buffer whenever this buffer is not full ( 4 word, or 4 dword ).
Also to maximize TX FIFO throughput will re­quire some serious software intelligence. i.e. software must fill up TX FIFO as much as possible during the IPG time ( 960ns ) in order to achieve more outgoing data.
Phone Line
TP cable
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3.3 CPU Bus connection
The MX98728EC provides direct Generic b us interface to host bus. Hardware designers should especially take care of the D[31:0], A[15:0], SRDY, RDB, WRB, INTB, DREQB, D ACKB, RSTB , CSB, and H16_32.
CKREF (X1), and X2: The MX98728EC is designed to operate with 25MHz oscillator or crystal module. The clock specification of this oscillator or crystal should meet 25Mhz +/- 30PPM. See Appendix A for more de­tails.
3.5 Optional Serial EEPROM
The MX98728EC provides pins EECS, MA2(EEDO), MA1(EEDI), MA0(EECK), and C46/C66 for directly ac­cessing the serial EEPROM. The contents of EEPROM includes MAC the ID information of the MX98728EC and the configuration parameters for software dr iver. The EEPROM contents should follow the definition in this application note.
3.6 LED support
The MX98728EC provides two pins LED0 and LED1 to control display LEDs. Displayed messages are as fol­lows: LED0: Speed LED , which light is on, it indicates 100Mbps speed. When off indicates 10Mbps speed.
3.7 Network interface to Magnetic component
For isolating and impedance matching purpose, an iso­lating transformer with 1:1 transmit and 1:1 receive turns ratio is required for transmit and receive twisted pair in­terface. In Appendix A, several transformers that we had verified successfully.
3.8 MII Interface
MDC and MDIO pin should be both externally pull down (4.7K) for application that use MII interface to connect to external tranceiver. If MII interface is not used, both
MDC and MDIO must be grounded or pulled down.
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4.0 Driver Programming Guide
4.1 Hardware reset.
The hardware reset is applied to the MX98728EC's RSTB pin. The MX98728EC starts to access the commands from Host after 400ms. In other hands, MX98728EC starts to access the commands after 400ms from RSTB pin goes high. Because that it takes time for the analog transceiver to be initialized.
4.2 Registers Initialization
The MX98728EC must be initialized prior to transmis­sion or reception of packets from the network. The de­fault register content after hardware reset are listed be­low :
Reg3h:00h(T est Register , not used by software)
Reg4h:xxh(Read only)
Reg5h:xxh(Read only)
Reg0D ,0Ch:x000h
Reg2Eh:07h(tranceiver option bits)
Reg30h:84h(NWAY is in automatic mode)
Reg31h:a valid network mode (Read only)
Reg37~34h:xxxxxxxxh(write only port)
Reg3B:Link Partner's Status(read only)
Reg40~4h:xxxxxxxxh(write only) Reg45,44h:"MX"(read only) Reg47,46:"0001"(read only) Reg4B~4h:xxxxxxxxh(write only) Reg4F~4h:xxxxxxxxh(write only) Reg50h:00h Reg53,52h:0000h(read only)
Set the value in Register IMR Reg08h, for desirable in­terrupts.
4.3 T ransmit Initialization
1.Allocate the memory for Transmit buffer r ing by pro­gramming TLBP and to desired page within the packet memory. Set TWP and TRP to TLBP page.
2.Set the threshold level which is defined by GCB regis­ter TTHD[1:0] or use the def ault value .
4.4 Transmission
1.Write a packet into either the transmit buffer ring or
transmit FIFO.
4.6 Receive Initialization
1.Allocate the memory for receive buffer ring by pro­gramming RHBP page register to desired page. Set RWP and RRP to BP page.
2.Set the threshold level which is defined by RTHD[1:0] or use the default setup.
3.Set up MAC address in register Reg20-25h if no EEPROM is used during hardware reset, set up regis­ter 26-2Dh for multicast hash table.
4. Programming the desired network address filtering modes through register 01h.
4.7 Reception
1.Set register bit reg0h.SR bit to enable the reception of packet.
2.When the first packet begin arriving the MX98728EC begins to store packet at the location pointed by the RWP.
2.Issue appropriate transmit command through reg 0h.ST0 and ST1 bits.
3. If a packet transmission is completed, the OWN bit of current packet's descriptor will be cleared to zero, and ST0, ST1 bits are internally reset by MX98728EC.
4. F or successful transmission, an interrupt is asserted by interrupt register bit TI of interrupt register . Driver can now check Reg04h for last transmission status or use IORD , IORDP register to read status from trans­mit descriptor.
4.5 Collision recovery
If the collision is detected before the first 64 bytes of packet has been transmitted, The FIFO will restore the necessary FIFO pointers to retransmit the same packet without fetching the transmitted data from packet memory.
If After 64 bytes of data transmitted, An out-of window collision is occurred. This packet will be aborted with interrupt asserted. OWC bit of transmit descriptor is set and device driver needs to resolve such situation. And reissue a transmit command so that MX98728EC can fetch the entire packet from packet memory again for retransmission.
3. If a packet is successfully received, MX98728EC will store the receive status, packet length and next packet pointer in the receive descriptor located at the begin­ning of the first page of packet. The status of last de­scriptor is also stored in the LRPS ( reg05h) .
4.8 Receive Buffer Ring Full
In a heavily loaded network which may cause overflow of the receive buffer ring, when the last available page is exhausted and more data needs to be stored for the current packet then the receive buffer ring is full but GMAC will continue receiving until RX FIFO is also over­flow . At this point, GMAC will do the following actions :
1. Close current received packet with the FO bit ( bit 3 )
and the BF bit ( bit 0 ) of the receive descriptor being set if a minimum of one page is used by this packet.
2. An interrupt may be asser ted if the RBFI ( register
09h bit 7 ) interrupt bit is set and the RBFIM bit ( register 08h bit 7 ) is also set.
3. If AUTORCVR is set, then the last packet with FO,
BF error will be discarded from the packet memory and from RX FIFO as well and receiving is resumed for next packet.
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4. If AUTORCVR is reset, then GMAC can not receive any more packet. All following packets will be lost and MPC ( Missed Packet Counter ), registers 07h and 06h, will be increment automatically. MPC can be reset by the device driver .
If device driver choose AUTORCVR = 0, the following procedure is suggested for the device driver to recover from such an error situation manually .
1. Issue the SR=0 ( NCRA register bit 3 ) which will stop RX channel to prevent new data from coming into RX FIFO.
2. Issue RX FIFORST to clean RX FIFO.
3. Remo ve all the received pac kets in the packet memory . When buffer ring is empty, RRP=RWP.
4. Clear all receive related interrupt flags and then set the SR bit=1 to resume the receive operation.
4.9 Loopback Diagnostics
Three forms of local loopback are provided on the chip. The user has the ability to loopback through the internal FIFO, through the internal NW AY logic and through the internal PMD transceiver. There is also a 4th loopback which is widely used for board level diagnostic test which is called external loopback ( off the chip ) using a real cable with TX end wired back to RX end. The chip is set up in a full duplex mode to support this external loopback.
The loopback capabilities are provided to allow customer to do in site diagnostic or production tests.These loopbacks verify the following:
1. Internal FIFO loopback ( mode 1 loopback ): V erify integrity of data path and FIFOs. Receiv ed data is checked against transmitted data.
Set up loopback operations in MX98728EC:
1.FIFO loopback ( mode 1 ): Initialize MX98728EC. Set LB[1:0] = [0,1] in reg 0h. FIFO loopback.
Set up interrupt IMR register.
Fill the pattern to Transmitted buffer . Enable the Transmission. Check reception buffer is completed. Compare the data of reception with Transmitted buff er.
2. NWA Y loopbac k ( mode 2 ): Initialize MX98728EC. Set LB[1:0] =[1,0] in reg 0h for internal NWAY loopback.
Set up interrupt IMR register.
Fill the pattern to Transmitted buffer . Enable the Transmission. Check reception buffer is completed. Compare the data of reception with Transmitted buff er.
3. Internal PMD loopback ( mode 3 ) : Initialize MX98728EC. Set network speed first. Set LB[1:0] = [1,1] in reg0h for internal PMD loopback.
Set up interrupt IMR register.
Fill the pattern to Transmitted buffer . Enable the Transmission. Check reception buffer is completed. Compare the data of reception with Transmitted buff er.
4. External loopback ( normal mode in full duplex ) : Initialize MX98728EC. Set network speed first. Set LB[1:0] = [0,0] in reg0h for normal mode. Set FD bit =1 in register30.0 for full duplex.
Set up interrupt IMR register.
Fill the pattern to Transmitted buffer . Enable the Transmission. Check reception buffer is completed. Compare the data of reception with Transmitted buff er.
2. Internal NW AY loopback ( mode 2 loopback ): V erify 5B/4B interface , scramb le/descr amble logic ,
serial to parallel interface logic.
3. Internal PMD loopback ( mode 3 loopback): V erify tranceiver's functionality and fundamental trans­mit and receive logic.
4. External loopback ( normal mode in full duplex):
Verify FIFO, Nwa y and PMD all at the same time.
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5.0 Serial ROM ( EEPROM ) Interface
Serial ROM Connection
EEDO - Serial ROM (EEPROM) Data Out = Register 1Ch, bit 3
EEDI - Serial ROM (EEPROM) Data In = Register1Ch,
EECK - Serial ROM (EEPROM) Serial Clock = register
1Ch, bit 1
EECS - Serial ROM (EEPROM) Chip Select = register
1Ch, bit 0
EESEL - must be set to enable the EEPROM access
by register 1Ch, bit 4
5.1 Software Programming Interface
A read operation consists of three phases :
1. Command phase - 3 bits ( binary code of "110")
2. Address phase - 6 bits for 256- to 1K-bit ROMs ( C46/ C66 pin is high), 8 bits for 2K- to 4K-bit ROMs ( C46/ C66 is forced low )
3. Data phase - 16 bits for all type of EEPROMs.
Serial ROM
(Micro Wire) SK
These phases are generated through a sequence of writes to 1Ch. In certain action, the driver must wait until the minimum timing requirement for the serial ROM opera­tion is met in order to advance to the next action.
The software sequence is available in the C source code from MXIC.
A typical read cycle can look like this(EESEL bit is set )
Write register 1Ch 10H ( >= 30ns ) Write register 1Ch 11H ( >= 50ns )
Write register 1Ch 13H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 11H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 15H ( >= 150ns ) Write register 1Ch 17H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 15H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 17H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 15H ( >= 100 ns ) Write register 1Ch 11H ( >= 150 ns ) Write register 1Ch 13H ( >= 250 ns ) Write register 1Ch 11H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 150 ns ) Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 250 ns ) Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 03H ( >= 100ns ) Read register 1Ch.3 = DX ( >= 150ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 100ns )
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A Write operation consist of three phases :
1. Command phase - 3 bits ( binary code of "110" )
2. Address phase - 6 bits for 256- to 1K-bit ROMs, 8 bits
for 2K- to 4K-bit ROMs.
3. Data phase - 16 bits.
These phases are generated through a sequence of writes to 1Ch. In certain action, the driver must wait until the minimum timing requirement for the serial ROM opera­tion is met in order to advance to the next action. A typical driver sequence can look like this
(from eeprom)
Register 1Ch
Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 30ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 50ns )
Write register 1Ch 03H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 05H ( >= 150ns ) Write register 1Ch 07H ( >= 250ns )
Write register 1Ch 05H ( >= 100ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 150ns )
Write register 1Ch 03H ( >= 250 ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 100 ns ) Write register 1Ch 05H ( >= 150 ns ) Write register 1Ch 07H ( >= 250 ns ) Write register 1Ch 05H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 150 ns ) Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 250 ns ) Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 100ns )
Write register 1Ch 03H ( >= 150ns ) Write register 1Ch 0XH ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 0XH ( >= 100ns )
(to eeprom)
Auto Load
Serial ROM Interface Block Diagram
Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 250ns ) Write register 1Ch 01H ( >= 250ns )
*Read register 1Ch.3 if register 1Ch.3 = 1 then go on Write register 1Ch 00H ( >= 250ns ) else Wait 1 ms then go to *Read register 1Ch.3 END
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5.2 Autoload Function
The Autoload Function is executed only once after the hardware reset pin RSTB from low to high. At that time the Serial ROM interface is driven by the internal circuit to load the data of the Serial ROM.
5.3 EEPROM Content ( suggested )
Location Content 00H Physical Address Byte 0 : PAR[7:0] ( MSB ) 01H Physical Address Byte 1: PAR[15:8] 02H Physical Address Byte 2 : PAR[23:16] 03H Physical Address Byte 3 : PAR[31:24] 04H Physical Address Byte 4 : PAR[39:32] 05H Physical Address Byte 5 : PAR[47:40] 06 H GMAC Configuration A Register : GCA[7:0]
bit 0 : BPSCRM bit 1 : PBW bit 2 : SLOWSRAM bit 3 : ARXERRB bit 4 : MIISEL bit 5 : A UT OPUB bit 6 : TXFIFOCNTEN
bit 7 : RESER VED 07H reserved 08H-END Reserved for Software application
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