• Single Po wer Supply Operatio n
- 2.7 to 3.6 volt for read, erase, and program operations
• Configuration
- 8,388,608 x 8 / 4,194,304 x 16 switchable (for
MX29L V640M H/L)
- 4,194,304 x 16 (fo r MX29L V641M H/L)
• Sector structure
- 64KB(32KW) x 128
• Sector Protection/Chip Unprotect
- Provides sector group protect function to prevent
program or erase operation in the protected sector
- Provides chip unprotect function to allow code
- Provides temporary sector group unprotect function
for code changes in previously protected sector groups
• Secured Silicon Sector
- Pro vides a 128-wo rd/256-byte area f o r co de o r data
that can be permanently protected.
- Once this sector is protected, it is prohibited to program or erase within the sector again.
• Latch-up protected to 250mA from -1V to Vcc + 1V
• Low Vcc write inhibit is equal to o r less than 1.5V
• Compatible with JEDEC standard
- Pin-out and software compatible to single power supply Flash
• High Perf ormance
- Fast access time: 90ns
- Page read time: 25ns
- Sector erase time: 0.5s (typ.)
- 4 word/8 b yte page read buffer
- 16 word/ 32 b yte write buffer: reduces pro gramming
time fo r multiple-wo rd/byte updates
• Low Pow er Consumptio n
- Active read current: 18mA(typ.)
- Active write current: 20mA(typ.)
- Standby current: 20uA(typ.)
• Minimum 100,000 erase/program cycle
• 20-years data retention
• Support Commo n Flash Interf ace (CFI)
- Flash device parameters stored on the device and
provide the host system to access.
• Program Suspend/Pro gram Resume
- Suspend progr am operatio n to read o ther sectors
• Erase Suspend/ Erase Resume
- Suspends sector erase operatio n to read data/program o ther sectors
• Status Reply
- Data# polling & Toggle bits pro vide detectio n o f program and erase operation completion
• Ready/Busy (RY/BY#) Output (fo r MX29LV640M H/L
- Provides a hardware method of detecting program
and erase operation completion
• Hardware Reset (RESET#) Input
- Provides a hardware method to reset the internal
state machine to read mode
• WP#/ACC input
- Write protect (WP#) functio n allows pro tectio n highest or lowest sector, regardless of sector protection
- ACC (high voltage) accelerates programming time
for higher throughput during system
• 48-pin TSOP (for MX29L V641M H/L)
• 56-pin TSOP (for MX29L V640M H/L)
The MX29LV64xM H/L is a 64-mega bit Flash memo ry
organized as 8M bytes of 8 bits or 4M words of 16 bits
(for MX29LV640M H/L), or 4M words of 16bits (for
MX29LV641M H/L). MXIC's Flash memories offer the
most cost-effective and reliable read/write non-volatile
rando m access memory . The MX29L V64xM H/L is packaged in 48-pin TSOP and 56-pin TSOP. It is designed to
P/N:PM1093REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
be reprog rammed and er ased in system or in standard
EPROM pro grammers.
The standard MX29LV64xM H/L offers access time as
fast as 90ns, allowing operation of high-speed microprocessors without wait states. To eliminate bus contention, the MX29LV64xM H/L has separate chip enable
MX29LV64xM H/L
(CE#) and o utput enable (OE#) co ntrols .
MXIC's Flash memories augment EPROM functionality
with in-circuit electrical erasure and prog ramming. The
MX29L V64xM H/L uses a co mmand register to manage
this functionality.
MXIC Flash technology reliably stores memory contents
even after 100,000 er ase and program cycles. The MXIC
cell is designed to optimize the erase and program
mechanisms. In addition, the combination of advanced
tunnel oxide processing and low internal electric fields
for erase and programming operations produces reliable
cycling. The MX29LV64xM H/L uses a 2.7V to 3.6V
VCC supply to perform the High Reliability Erase and
auto Progr am/Erase algorithms.
The highest degree of latch-up protection is achieved
with MXIC's proprietary non-epi process. Latch-up protection is proved for stresses up to 100 milliamperes on
address and data pin from -1V to VCC + 1V.
The MX29L V64xM H/L is byte/wo rd/page pro grammable
using the Auto matic Pro gramming algo rithm. The Automatic Programming algorithm makes the external system do not need to ha ve time o ut sequence no r to verify
the data prog rammed.
MXIC's Automatic Programming algorithm require the user
to only write program set-up commands (including 2 unlock write cycle and A0H) and a program command (program data and address). The de vice automatically times
the programming pulse width, provides the program verification, and counts the number of sequences. A status
bit similar to DATA# polling and a status bit to ggling between consecutive read cycles, provide feedback to the
user as to the status of the programming operation.
The entire chip is bulk erased using 50 ms erase pulses
according to MXIC's A utomatic Chip Er ase algorithm. The
Automatic Erase algorithm automatically programs the
entire array prio r to electrical erase. The timing and veri-
fication o f electrical erase are co ntro lled internally within
the device.
The MX29L V64xM H/L is secto r(s) erasable using MXIC's
Auto Secto r Erase algo rithm. Secto r erase mo des allo w
sectors o f the arra y to be erased in o ne erase cycle. The
Auto matic Sector Er ase algorithm auto matically progr ams
the specified sector(s) prio r to electrical erase. The timing and verificatio n of electrical erase are co ntrolled internally within the device.
MXIC's Automatic Erase algorithm requires the user to
write commands to the command register using standard micropro cesso r write timings. The de vice will automatically pre-prog r am and verify the entire array. Then
the device automatically times the erase pulse width,
provides the erase verification, and counts the number
of sequences. A status bit toggling between consecutive read cycles provides feedback to the user as to the
status of the programming operation.
Register contents serve as inputs to an internal statemachine which controls the erase and programming circuitry . During write cycles, the co mmand register internally latches address and data needed for the programming and erase operations. During a system write cycle,
addresses are latched on the falling edge, and data are
latched on the rising edge o f WE# .
MXIC's Flash technology combines years of EPROM
experience to pro duce the highest le vels of quality, reliability, and cost effectiveness. The MX29LV64xM H/L
electrically erases all bits simultaneously using FowlerNordheim tunneling. The bytes are pro grammed b y using the EPROM programming mechanism of hot electron injection.
During a program cycle, the state-machine will control
the program sequences and command register will not
respond to any command set. During a Sector Erase
cycle, the command register will only respond to Erase
Suspend command. After Erase Suspend is completed,
the device stays in read mode. After the state machine
has completed its task, it will allow the command register to respond to its full command set.
Acceleration input
RY/BY#Read/Busy Output
BYTE#Selects 8 bit or 16 bit mode
VC C+3.0V single power supply
VI/OOutput Buffer P ower
GN DDevice Ground
N CPin Not Connected Internally
Output DisableLHHHXXXHigh-ZHigh-ZHigh-Z
Sector Group ProtectLHLV
HXSector Addresses, (Note 4)XX
(Note 2)A6=L,A3=L, A2=L,
Chip unprotectLHLV
HXSector Addresses, (Note 4)XX
(Note 2)A6=H, A3=L, A2=L,
A1=H, A0=L
Temporary SectorXXXV
HXAIN(Note 4) (Note 4)High-Z
Group Unprotect
L=Logic LOW=VIL, H=Logic High=VIH, VID=12.0±0.5V, VHH=12.0±0.5V, X=Don't Care, AIN=Address IN, DIN=Data IN,
=Data OUT
No tes:
1. Address are A21:A0 in word mo de; A21:A-1 in byte mo de . Secto r addresses are A21:A15 in bo th mo des.
2 . The sector gro up pro tect and chip unpro tect functio ns may also be implemented via pro gramming equipment. See
the "Sector Gro up Pro tectio n and Chip Unpro tect" section.
3. If WP#=VIL, the first sectors remain protected. If WP#=VIH, the highest or lowest sector protection depends on
whether they were last pro tected o r unpro tect using the metho d described in "Secto r/ Secto r Blo ck Pro tectio n and
4. DIN or D
as required by co mmand sequence, Data# po lling or secto r pro tect algo rithm (see Figure 15).
Legend: L = Logic Low = VIL, H = Logic High = VIH, SA = Sector Address, X = Don't care.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
To read array data from the outputs, the system must
drive the CE# and OE# pins to VIL. CE# is the power
control and selects the device. OE# is the output control
and gates array data to the o utput pins . WE# should remain at VIH.
The internal state machine is set for reading array data
upon device power-up, or after a hardware reset. This
ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory content occurs during the power transition. No command is
necessary in this mode to obtain array data. Standard
micropro cesso r read cycles that assert valid address on
the device address inputs produce valid data on the device data outputs . The de vice remains enabled fo r read
access until the command register contents are altered.
The MX29L V64xM H/L o ffers "fast page mo de read" function. This mode provides faster read access speed for
random locations within a page. The page size of the
device is 4 words/8 bytes. The appropriate page is selected by the higher address bits A0~A1(Wo rd Mo de)/A1~A1(Byte Mode) This is an asynchro nous o peratio n; the
microprocessor supplies the specific word location.
The system perfo rmance could be enhanced by initiating
1 normal read and 3 fast page read (for word mode A0A1) or 7 fast page read (for byte mode A-1~A1). When
CE# is deasserted and reasserted fo r a subsequent access, the access time is tACC or tCE. Fast page mode
accesses are obtained by keeping the "read-page addresses" constant and changing the "intra-read page"
T o pro gram data to the device o r erase secto rs of memo ry ,
the system must drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to
An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sectors, or the entire device. Table indicates the address
space that each sector occupies. A "sector address"
consists o f the address bits required to uniquely select a
sector . The "Writing specific address and data commands
or sequences into the co mmand register initiates de vice
operations. Table 1 defines the valid register command
sequences. Writing inco rrect address and data values o r
writing them in the improper sequence resets the device
to reading array data. Section has details on erasing a
sector or the entire chip, or suspending/resuming the erase
After the system writes the Automatic Select command
sequence, the device enters the Automatic Select mode.
The system can then read Automatic Select codes from
the internal register (which is separate from the memory
array) on Q7-Q0. Standard read cycle timings apply in
this mode. Refer to the Automatic Select Mode and Automatic Select Command Sequence section for more
ICC2 in the DC Characteristics table represents the active current specification for the write mode. The "AC
Characteristics" section contains timing specification
table and timing diagrams for write operations.
Write Buffer Programming allows the system to write a
maximum of 16 words/32 bytes in one programming operatio n. This results in faster eff ective pro gramming time
than the standard programming algorithms. See "Write
Buffer" for more information.
The device offers accelerated program operations through
the ACC function. This is one of two functions provided
by the ACC pin. This function is primarily intended to
allow faster manuf acturing throughput at the f actory .
If the system asserts VHH on this pin, the device automatically enters the aforementioned Unlock Bypass
mode, temporarily unprotects any protected sectors, and
uses the higher voltage on the pin to reduce the time
required for program operatio ns . The system w ould use
a two-cycle program command sequence as required by
the Unloc k Bypass mo de. Remo ving VHH fro m the A CC
pin must not be at VHH for operations o ther than accelerated programming, or device damage may result.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
When using both pins o f CE# and RESET#, the de vice
enter CMOS Standby with bo th pins held at VCC ± 0.3V .
If CE# and RESET# are held at VIH, but not within the
range o f VCC ± 0.3V , the device will still be in the standby
mode, b ut the standby current will be larger. During Auto
Algorithm o peratio n, Vcc active current (ICC2) is required
even CE# = "H" until the operation is completed. The
device can be read with standard access time (tCE) from
either of these standby modes, before it is ready to read
The automatic sleep mode minimizes Flash device energy consumptio n. The de vice auto matically enables this
mode when address remain stab le for tA CC+30ns . The
automatic sleep mo de is independent of the CE#, WE#,
and OE# control signals. Standard address access timings pro vide new data when addresses are changed. While
in sleep mode, output data is latched and always available to the system. ICC4 in the DC Characteristics table
represents the automatic sleep mode current specification.
With the OE# input at a logic high level (VIH), output
from the de vices are disabled. This will cause the output
pins to be in a high impedance state.
but not within VSS±0.3V, the standby current will be
The RESET# pin may be tied to system reset circuitry.
A system reset would that also reset the Flash memo ry ,
enabling the system to read the boot-up firmware from
the Flash memory.
If RESET# is asserted during a program or erase
operatio n, the R Y/BY# pin remains a "0" (busy) until the
internal reset operation is complete, which requires a time
of tREADY (during Embedded Algo rithms). The system
can thus monito r RY/BY# to determine whether the reset
operation is complete. If RESET# is asserted when a
program or erase operation is completed within a time of
tREAD Y (not during Embedded Algo rithms). The system
can read data tRH after the RESET# pin returns to VIH.
Refer to the AC Characteristics tables for RESET#
parameters and to Figure 3 for the timing diagram.
The MX29LV64xM H/L features hardware sector gro u p
protection. This feature will disable both program and
erase operations for these sector group protected. In
this device, a sector group consists of four adjacent sectors which are protected or unprotected at the same time.
T o activ ate this mode, the pro gramming equipment must
fo rce VID o n address pin A9 and contro l pin OE#, (suggest VID = 12V) A6 = VIL and CE# = VIL. (see Tab le 2)
Programming of the protection circuitry begins on the
falling edge of the WE# pulse and is terminated on the
rising edge. Please refer to sector group protect algorithm and waveform.
The RESET# pin provides a hardware method of resetting
the device to reading arra y data. When the RESET# pin
is driven low for at least a period of tRP, the device
immediately terminates any operation in progress,
tristates all output pins, and ignores all read/write
commands for the duration of the RESET# pulse. The
device also resets the internal state machine to reading
array data. The o peratio n that was interrupted should be
reinitiated once the device is ready to accept another
command sequence, to ensure data integrity
Current is reduced for the duration of the RESET# pulse.
When RESET# is held at VSS±0.3V, the device draws
CMOS standby current (ICC4). If RESET# is held at VIL
MX29L V64xM H/L also pro vides ano ther method. Which
requires VID on the RESET# only. This method can be
implemented either in-system or via programming equipment. This method uses standard microprocessor bus
cycle timing.
T o v erify programming o f the pro tection circuitry , the programming equipment must fo rce VID o n address pin A9
( with CE# and OE# at VIL and WE# at VIH). When
A1=1, it will produce a logical "1" code at device output
Q0 fo r a pro tected sector . Otherwise the device will produce 00H for the unprotected sector. In this mode, the
addresses, except for A1, are don't care. Address locations with A1 = VIL are reserved to read manufacturer
and device codes. (Read Silicon ID)
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
It is also possib le to determine if the gro up is protected
in the system by writing a Read Silicon ID command.
Perf o rming a read operatio n with A1=VIH, it will produce
a logical "1" at Q0 for the protected sector.
The MX29L V64xM H/L also f eatures the chip unpro tect
mode, so that all sectors are unprotected after chip
unprotect is completed to incorporate any changes in
the code. It is recommended to protect all sectors before
activating chip unprotect mode.
T o activ ate this mode , the programming equipment m ust
force VID on control pin OE# and address pin A9. The
CE# pins must be set at VIL. Pins A6 must be set to
VIH. (see Table 2) Refer to chip unprotect algo rithm and
wavef o rm for the chip unpro tect algo rithm. The unprotect
mechanism begins on the f alling edge o f the WE# pulse
and is terminated on the rising edge.
MX29L V64xM H/L also pro vides ano ther metho d. Which
requires VID on the RESET# only. This method can be
implemented either in-system or via programming equipment. This method uses standard microprocessor bus
cycle timing.
It is also possible to determine if the chip is unprotect in
the system by writing the Read Silicon ID command.
Perf orming a read o peratio n with A1=VIH, it will pro duce
00H at data outputs (Q0-Q7) f o r an unpro tect sector . It is
noted that all sectors are unprotected after the chip
unprotect algorithm is completed.
The write protect function provides a hardware method
to protect sector witho ut using VID.
unprotect. That is, sector protection or unprotection for
these two sectors depends on whether they were last
protected or unprotect using the method described in
"Sector/Secto r Gro up Pro tection and Chip Unpro tect".
Note that the WP# pin must no t be left flo ating o r unco nnected; inconsistent behavior of the device may result.
This feature allows temporary unprotect of previously
protected secto r to change data in-system. The Temporary Sector Unprotect mode is activated by setting the
RESET# pin to VID(11.5V -12.5V). During this mo de, fo rmerly protected sectors can be programmed or erased
as unprotect sector. Once VID is remove from the RESET# pin, all the previously protected sectors are protected again.
Flash memories are intended for use in applications where
the local CPU alters memory contents. As such, manufacturer and device codes must be accessible while the
device resides in the target system. PROM programmers typically access signature codes by raising A9 to
a high vo ltage. Howe ver , m ultiplexing high v o ltage onto
address lines is not generally desired system design practice.
MX29L V64xM H/L pro vides hardware metho d to access
the silicon ID read o peratio n. Which metho d requires VID
on A9 pin, VIL on CE#, OE#, A6, and A1 pins. Which
apply VIL o n A0 pin, the de vice will output MXIC's manufacture co de of which apply VIH o n A0 pin, the device will
output MX29LV64xM H/L device code.
If the system asserts VIL on the WP# pin, the device
disables program and erase functions in the first
(MX29LV64xMH) or last (MX29LV64xML) sector independently of whether those sectors were protected or
unprotect using the method described in Sector/Sector
Group Pro tectio n and Chip Unpro tect".
If the system asserts VIH on the WP# pin, the device
reverts to whether the first (MX29LV64xMH) or last
(MX29LV64xML) secto r were last set to be protected or
MX29L V64xM H/L provides hardware metho d f o r sector
group protect status verify. Which method requires VID
on A9 pin, VIH on WE# and A1 pins, VIL on CE#, OE#,
A6, and A0 pins, and secto r address on A16 to A21 pins.
Which the identified sector is protected, the device will
output 01H. Which the identified sector is no t pro tect, the
device will o utput 00H.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
The MX29LV64xM H/L is designed to offer protection
against accidental erasure or programming caused by
spurious system level signals that may exist during power
transition. During power up the device automatically resets the state machine in the Read mode. In addition,
with its control register architecture, alteration of the
memory contents only occurs after successful completion of specific command sequences. The device also
incorpo rates sev eral features to prev ent inadvertent write
cycles resulting from VCC power-up and pow er-down transition or system noise.
The MX29LV64xM H/L features a OTP memory region
where the system may access through a command sequence to create a permanent par t identification as so
called Electronic Serial Number (ESN) in the device.
Once this region is programmed, any further modificatio n on the regio n is impo ssible. The secured silicon sector is a 128 words in length, and uses a Secured Silicon
Sector Indicator Bit (Q7) to indicate whether or not the
Secured Silicon Sector is locked when shipped from the
factory. This bit is permanently set at the factory and
cannot be changed, which prevent duplication of a factory locked part. This ensures the security of the ESN
once the product is shipped to the field.
The MX29LV64xM H/L offers the device with Secured
Silicon Sector either factory locked or customer lockable. The f actory-lo cked versio n is alwa ys protected when
shipped from the factory , and has the Secured Silicon
Sector Indicator Bit permanently set to a "1". The customer-lockable version is shipped with the Secured Silicon Sector unprotected, allowing customers to utilize that
sector in any form they prefer. The customer-lockable
version has the secured sector Indicator Bit permanently
set to a "0". Theref ore, the Secured Silico n Sector Indicator Bit pre v ents custo mer, lo ckab le device from being
used to replace devices that are factory locked.
The system access the Secured Silicon Sector through
a command sequence (refer to "Enter Secured Silicon/
Exit Secured Silicon Secto r co mmand Sequence). After
the system has written the Enter Secured Silicon Secto r
command sequence, it may read the Secured Silicon
Sector by using the address normally occupied by the
first sector SA0. Once entry the Secured Silicon Secto r
the operatio n o f boo t secto rs is disabled but the o peratio n
of main sectors is as normally. This mode of operation
continues until the system issues the Exit Secured Silicon Secto r co mmand sequence, o r until power is remo ved
from the device. On power-up, or following a hardware
reset, the device rev erts to sending co mmand to secto r
Secured SiliconESN factoryCustomer
Sector addresslockedlockable
000000h-000007hESNDetermined by
FACTORY LOCKED:Secured Silicon Sector
Programmed and Protected At the Factory
In device with an ESN, the Secured Silicon Sector is
protected when the device is shipped from the factory.
The Secured Silicon Sector cannot be modified in any
way. A f actory lo cked de vice has an 8-wo rd rando m ESN
at address 000000h-000007h.
Sector NOT Programmed or Protected At the
As an alternative to the factory-locked version, the device
may be ordered such that the customer may program
and protect the 128-word Secured Silicon Sector.
Programming and protecting the Secured Silicon Sector
must be used with caution since, once protected, there
is no procedure available for unprotected the Secured
Silicon Sector area and none of the bits in the Secured
Silicon Sector memory space can be modified in any
The Secured Silicon Sector area can be protected using
one of the following procedures:
Write the three-cycle Enter Secured Silicon Sector Region
command sequence, and then follow the in-system
sector protect algorithm as shown in Figure 15, except
that RESET# may be at either VIH or VID . This allo ws insystem protection of the Secured Silicon Sector without
raising any device pin to a high voltage. Note that method
is only applicab le to the Secured Silico n Secto r.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
Write the three-cycle Enter Secured Silicon Secto r Regio n
co mmand sequence, and then alternate method of secto r
protectio n described in the :Secto r Group Pro tectio n and
Unprotect" section.
Once the Secured Silicon Sector is programmed, locked
and verified, the system must write the Exit Secured
Silicon Sector Region command sequence to return to
reading and writing the remainder of the arra y .
When VCC is less than VLKO the device does not accept any write cycles. This protects data during VCC
power-up and power-do wn. The command register and
all internal program/erase circuits are disabled, and the
device resets. Subsequent writes are igno red until VCC
is greater than VLKO . The system must pro vide the proper
signals to the control pins to prevent unintentional write
when VCC is greater than VLK O.
In order to reduce power switching effect, each device
should have a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor connected between its VCC and GND .
Noise pulses of less than 5ns (typical) on CE# or WE#
will not initiate a write cycle.
Writing is inhibited by holding any one of OE# = VIL,
CE# = VIH or WE# = VIH. To initiate a write cycle CE#
and WE# must be a logical zero while OE# is a logical
The MX29L V64xM H/L powers up in the Read o nly mo de.
In addition, the memory contents may only be altered
after successful completion of the predefined command
If WE#=CE#=VIL and OE#=VIH during power up, the
device does not accept commands on the rising edge of
WE#. The internal state machine is automatically reset
to the read mode on power-up.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
Erase Resume (30H) commands are valid only while the
Sector Erase operation is in progress. Either of the two
Device operations are selected by writing specific address and data sequences into the command register.
reset command sequences will reset the device (when
Writing incorrect address and data values or writing them
in the improper sequence will reset the device to the
read mod e. Table 3 defines the valid register command
sequences. Note that the Erase Suspend (B0H) and
All addresses are latched on the f alling edge of WE# or
CE#, whichever happens later. All data are latched on
rising edge of WE# o r CE#, whichev er happens first.
First BusSecond Bus Third Bus Fourth BusFifth BusSixth Bus
CommandBus Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle
Cycles Addr Data Addr Data Addr Data AddrDataAddr Data Addr Data
Read (Note 5)1RAR D
Reset (Note 6)1XXX F0
Automatic Select (Note 7)
Manufacturer IDWord4555AA2AA55555 90X00C2H
X=Don't care
RA=Address of the memory location to be read.
RD=Data read from location RA during read operation.
PA=Address o f the memo ry lo catio n to be pro grammed.
Addresses are latched on the f alling edge o f the WE# or
CE# pulse, whichever happen later .
DDI=Data of device identifier
C2H for manufacture code
1. See Table 1 f o r descriptions o f b us oper ations .
2. All values are in hexadecimal.
3. Except when reading array or auto matic select data, all bus cycles are write o peratio n.
4. Address bits are do n't care f or unloc k and co mmand cycles , e xcept when PA or SA is required.
5. No unlo ck o r co mmand cycles required when de vice is in read mo de.
6. The Reset co mmand is required to return to the read mo de when the device is in the auto matic select mo de o r if
Q5 goes high.
7. The fourth cycle of the auto matic select command sequence is a read cycle.
8. The device ID m ust be read in three cycles. The data is 01h fo r top bo o t and 00h f or bottom bo o t.
9. If WP# protects the highest address sectors, the data is 98h for factory locked and 18h for not factory locked. If
WP# protects the low est address sectors, the data is 88h for facto ry lo c k ed and 08h f or not factor locked.
10. The data is 00h fo r an unpro tected secto r/secto r blo c k and 01h for a pro tected secto r/secto r blo c k.
11. The total number o f cycles in the co mmand sequence is determined by the n umber o f words written to the write
buffer . The maximum number o f cycles in the co mmand sequence is 21(W ord Mo de) / 37(Byte Mo de).
12 . Command sequence resets device f or ne xt command after abo rted write-to-buffer o peration.
13. The system may read and prog ram functions in no n-erasing secto rs, o r enter the auto matic select mo de, when in
the erase Suspend mo de. The Erase Suspend co mmand is v alid only during a secto r erase o peratio n.
14. The Erase Resume command is v alid o nly during the Erase Suspend mode .
15. Command is v alid when de vice is ready to read arra y data o r when de vice is in automatic select mo de.
PD=Data to be programmed at location PA. Data is
latched on the rising edge o f WE# o r CE# pulse .
SA=Address of the sector to be erase or verified (in
autoselect mode).
Address bits A21-A12 uniquely select any secto r .
WBL=Write Buffer Location. Address must be within the
same write buffer page as PA.
WC=Word Count. Number of write buffer locations to load
minus 1.
BC=Byte Count. Number of write buffer locations to load
minus 1.
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
The device is automatically set to reading array data
after device power-up. No commands are required to retrieve data. The device is also ready to read array data
after completing an Automatic Program or Automatic
Erase algorithm.
After the device accepts an Erase Suspend command,
the device enters the Erase Suspend mode. The system can read array data using the standard read timings, except that if it reads at an address within erasesuspended sectors, the device outputs status data. After completing a programming operation in the Erase
Suspend mode, the system may once again read array
data with the same exception. See Erase Suspend/Erase
Resume Commands for more information on this mode.
The system must issue the reset command to re-enable the device for reading array data if Q5 goes high, or
while in the automatic select mode. See the "Reset Command" section, next.
array data (also applies during Erase Suspend).
The SILICON ID READ command sequence allows the
host system to access the manufacturer and devices
codes, and determine whether or not a sector is protected. T ab le 2 shows the address and data requirements.
This method is an alternative to that shown in Table 1,
which is intended for PROM programmers and requires
VID on address bit A9.
The SILICON ID READ command sequence is initiated
by writing two unlock cycles, followed by the SILICON
ID READ command. The device then enters the SILICON ID READ mode, and the system may read at any
address any number of times, without initiating another
command sequence. A read cycle at address XX00h
retrieves the manufacturer code. A read cycle at address
XX01h returns the device code. A read cycle containing
a sector address (SA) and the address 02h returns 01h if
that sector is protected, or 00h if it is unprotected. Refer
to T a ble fo r valid sector addresses.
Writing the reset command to the device resets the device to reading array data. Address bits are don't care for
this command.
The reset command may be written between the sequence cycles in an erase command sequence before
erasing begins. This resets the device to reading array
data. Once er asure begins, howe ver , the device igno res
reset commands until the operation is complete.
The reset command may be written between the sequence cycles in a program command sequence before
programming begins. This resets the device to reading
array data (also applies to programming in Erase Suspend mode). Once programming begins, however, the
device ignores reset commands until the operation is
The reset command may be written between the sequence cycles in an SILICON ID READ command sequence. Once in the SILICON ID READ mode, the reset
command must be written to return to reading array data
(also applies to SILICON ID READ during Erase Suspend).
The system must write the reset command to exit the
automatic select mode and return to reading array data.
The command sequence requires four bus cycles, and
is initiated by writing two unlock write cycles, followed
by the pro gram set-up co mmand. The pro gram address
and data are written next, which in turn initiate the Embedded Program algorithm. The system is not required
to provide further controls or timings. The device automatically generates the program pulses and verifies the
progr ammed cell margin. Tab le 3 shows the address and
data requirements for the byte program command sequence.
When the Embedded Program algorithm is complete, the
device then returns to reading array data and addresses
are no longer latched. The system can determine the
status of the pro g ram o peratio n b y using Q7, Q6, or R Y/
BY#. See "Write Operation Status" for information on
these status bits.
If Q5 goes high during a program or erase operation,
writing the reset command returns the device to reading
Any commands written to the device during the Embedded Program Algorithm are ignored. Note that a hard-
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
MX29LV64xM H/L
ware reset immediately terminates the programming o peration. The Byte/Word Program command sequence
should be reinitiated once the device has reset to reading array data, to ensure data integrity.
Programming is allowed in any sequence and across
sector boundaries. A bit cannot be programmed from a
"0" back to a "1". Attempting to do so may halt the operation and set Q5 to "1", or cause the Data# Polling
algorithm to indicate the operation was successful. However, a succeeding read will show that the data is still
"0". Only erase operations can convert a "0" to a "1".
Write Buffer Programming
Write Buffer Programming allows the system write to a
maximum of 16 words/32 bytes in one programming operation. This results in faster eff ective pro gramming time
than the standard programming algorithms. The Write
Buffer Programming command sequence is initiated by
first writing two unloc k cycles. This is f ollowed b y a third
write cycle containing the Write Buffer Load command
written at the Sector Address in which programming will
occur. The fourth cycle writes the sector address and
the number of word locations, minus one, to be programmed. For example, if the system will program 6
unique address locations, then 05h should be written to
the device. This tells the device how many write buffer
addresses will be loaded with data and therefore when to
expect the Pro gram Buff er to Flash command. The number of locations to program cannot exceed the size of
the write buffer or the operation will abort.
The fifth cycle writes the first address location and data
to be progr ammed. The write-buff er-page is selected by
address bits A
must fall within the selected-write-buffer-page . The system then writes the remaining address/data pairs into
the write buffer. Write buffer locations may be loaded in
any o rder.
The write-buffer-page address must be the same for all
address/data pairs loaded into the write buffer. (This
means Write Buffer Programming canno t be performed
across m ultiple write-buffer pages. This also means that
Write Buffer Programming cannot be performed across
multiple sectors. If the system attempts to load programming data outside of the selected write-buffer page, the
operation will abo rt.
Note that if a Write Buffer address location is loaded
-4. All subsequent address/data pairs
multiple times, the address/data pair counter will be
decremented fo r ev ery data load oper ation. The host system must therefore account for loading a write-buffer location mo re than o nce. The co unter decrements f or each
data load operation, not for each unique write-buffer-address location. Note also that if an address location is
loaded mo re than o nce into the buffer , the final data loaded
for that address will be programmed.
Once the specified number of write buffer locations have
been loaded, the system must then write the Program
Buffer to Flash command at the sector address. Any
other address and data combination aborts the Write
Buffer Programming operation. The device then begins
programming. Data polling should be used while monitoring the last address locatio n lo aded into the write buff er.
Q7, Q6, Q5, and Q1 should be monitored to determine
the device status during Write Buff er Pro gramming.
The write-buffer programming operation can be suspended
using the standard program suspend/resume commands.
Upon successful co mpletio n of the Write Buffer Pro gramming operation, the device is ready to execute the next
The Write Buffer Pro gramming Sequence can be abo rted
in the following ways:
•Load a value that is greater than the page buffer size
during the Number of Locations to Program step.
•Write to an address in a sector different than the one
specified during the Write-Buffer-Lo ad co mmand.
•Write an Address/Data pair to a different write-bufferpage than the one selected b y the Starting Address
during the write buffer data loading stage of the operation.
•Write data other than the Confirm Command after the
specified number of data load cycles.
The abort condition is indicated by Q1 = 1, Q7 = D AT A#
(for the last address location loaded), Q6 = toggle, and
Q5=0. A Write-to-Buffer-Abo rt Reset command sequence
must be written to reset the device for the next operation. No te that the full 3-cycle Write-to-Buffer-Abo rt Reset command sequence is required when using WriteBuffer-Programming features in Unlock Bypass mode.
Program Suspend/Program Resume Command
The Program Suspend command allows the system to
interrupt a programming operation or a Write to Buffer
REV. 1.1, AUG. 11, 2005
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