- Automatically erases any one of the sectors or the
whole chip with Erase Suspend capability
- Automatically programs and verifies data at specified
• Status Register feature for detection of program or
The MX29L3211 is a 32-mega bit pagemode Flash
memory organized as either 4M word x 8 or 2M byte x 16.
The MX29L3211 includes 32 sectors of 64K words.
MXIC's Flash memories offer the most cost-effective
and reliable read/write non-volatile random access
memory and fast page mode access. The MX29L3211
is packaged 44-pin SOP and 48-pin TSOP. It is designed
to be reprogrammed and erased in-system or in-standard
EPROM programmers.
The standard MX29L3211 offers access times as fast as
100ns,allowing operation of high-speed microprocessors
without wait. To eliminate bus contention, the MX29L3211
has separate chip enable CE, output enable (OE), and
write enable (WE) controls.
MXIC's Flash memories augment EPROM functionality
with in-circuit electrical erasure and programming. The
MX29L3211 uses a command register to manage this
erase cycle completion
• Low VCC write inhibit is equal to or less than 1.8V
• Software data protection
• Page program operation
- Internal address and data latches for 256 bytes/128
words per page
- Page programming time: 5ms typical
• Low power dissipation
- 50mA active current
- 20uA standby current
• Two independently Protected sectors
• Industry standard surface mount packaging
- 44 pin SOP (500mil)
- 48 TSOP(I)
To allow for simple in-system reprogrammability, the
MX29L3211 does not require high input voltages for
programming. Three-volt-only commands determine
the operation of the device. Reading data out of the
device is similar to reading from an EPROM.
MXIC Flash technology reliably stores memory contents
even after 10,000 cycles. The MXIC's cell is designed
to optimize the erase and programming mechanisms. In
addition, the combination of advanced tunnel oxide
processing and low internal electric fields for erase and
programming operations produces reliable cycling. The
MX29L3211 uses a 3.3V ± 10% VCC supply to perform
the Auto Erase and Auto Program algorithms.
The highest degree of latch-up protection is achieved
with MXIC's proprietary non-epi process. Latch-up
protection is proved for stresses up to 100 milliamps on
address and data pin from -1V to VCC +1V.
A0 - A20INPUTADDRESS INPUTS: for memory addresses. Addresses are internally
latched during a write cycle.
Q0 - Q7INPUT/OUTPUTLOW-BYTE DATA BUS: Input data and commands during Command Interface
Register(CIR) write cycles. Outputs array,status and identifier data in the
appropriate read mode. Floated when the chip is de-selected or the outputs
are disabled.
Q8 - Q14INPUT/OUTPUTHIGH-BYTE DATA BUS: Inputs data during x 16 Data-Write operations.
Outputs array, identifier data in the appropriate read mode; not used for status
register reads. Floated when the chip is de-selected or the outputs are
Q15/A -1INPUT/OUTPUTSelects between high-byte data INPUT/OUTPUT(BYTE = HIGH) and LSB
CEINPUTCHIP ENABLE INPUTS: Activate the device's control logic, Input buffers,
decoders and sense amplifiers. With CE high, the device is deselected and
power consumption reduces to Standby level upon completion of any current
program or erase operations. CE must be low to select the device.
OEINPUTOUTPUT ENABLES: Gates the device's data through the output buffers
during a read cycle OE is active low.
WEINPUTWRITE ENABLE: Controls writes to the Command Interface Register(CIR).
WE is active low.
BYTEINPUTBYTE ENABLE: BYTE Low places device in x8 mode. All data is then input
or output on Q0-7 and Q8-14 float. AddressQ15/A-1 selects between the high
and low byte. BYTE high places the device in x16 mode, and turns off the Q15/
A-1 input buffer. Address A0, then becomes the lowest order address.
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
Flash memory reads, erases and writes in-system via the local CPU . All bus cycles to or from the flash memory
conform to standard microprocessor bus cycles.
Table 2.1 Bus Operations for Word-Wide Mode (BYTE = VIH)
1. X can be VIH or VIL for address or control pins.
2. A0 and A1 at VIL provide manufacturer ID codes. A0 at VIH and A1 at VIL provide device ID codes. A0 at VIL, A1 at VIH and
with appropriate sector addresses provide Sector Protect Code.(Refer to Table 4)
3. Commands for different Erase operations, Data program operations or Sector Protect operations can only be successfully
completed through proper command sequence.
4. VID = 11.5V- 12.5V.
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
Commands are written to the COMMAND INTERFACE
REGISTER (CIR) using standard microprocessor write
timings. The CIR serves as the interface between the
microprocessor and the internal chip operation. The
CIR can decipher Read Array, Read Silicon ID, Erase
and Program command. In the event of a read command,
the CIR simply points the read path at either the array or
CIR will only respond to status reads. During a sector/
chip erase cycle, the CIR will respond to status reads
and erase suspend. After the write state machine has
completed its task, it will allow the CIR to respond to its
full command set. The CIR stays at read status register
mode until the microprocessor issues another valid
command sequence.
the silicon ID, depending on the specific read command
given. For a program or erase cycle, the CIR informs the
write state machine that a program or erase has been
requested. During a program cycle, the write state
Device operations are selected by writing commands
into the CIR. Table 3 below defines 32 Mbit flash family
machine will control the program sequences and the
CommandRead/SiliconPage/Byte ChipSectorEraseEraseReadClear
SequenceResetID ReadProgramEraseEraseSuspendResume Status Reg. Status Reg.
Bus Write444663343
Cycles Req'd
First BusAddr5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H
Write CycleData55H55H55H55H55H55H55H55H55H
Third BusAddr5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H5555H
Write CycleDataF0H90HA0H80H80HB0HD0H70H50H
Fourth BusAddrRA00H/01HPA5555H5555HX
Fifth BusAddr2AAAH2AAAH
Write CycleData55H55H
Sixth BusAddr5555HSA
Write CycleData10H30H
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
CommandSectorSectorVerify SectorAbort
Bus Write6643
Cycles Req'd
First BusAddr5555H5555H5555H5555H
Write CycleData55H55H55H55H
Third BusAddr5555H5555H5555H5555H
Write CycleData60H60H90HE0H
Fourth BusAddr5555H5555H*
Read/Write CycleDataAAHA AHC2H*
Fifth BusAddr2AAAH2AAAH
Write CycleData55H55H
Sixth BusAddrSA**SA**
Write CycleData20H40H
1. Address bit A15 -- A20 = X = Don't care for all address commands except for Program Address(PA) and Sector Address(SA).
5555H and 2AAAH address command codes stand for Hex number starting from A0 to A14.
2. Bus operations are defined in Table 2.
3. RA = Address of the memory location to be read.
PA = Address of the memory location to be programmed. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of the WE pulse.
SA = Address of the sector to be erased. The combination of A16 -- A20 will uniquely select any sector.
4. RD = Data read from location RA during read operation.
PD = Data to be programmed at location PA. Data is latched on the rising edge of WE.
SRD = Data read from status register.
* Refer to Table 4, Figure 12.
** Only the top and the bottom sectors have protect- bit feature. SA = (A20,A19,A18,A17,A16) = 00000B or 11111B is valid.
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
The Silicon ID Read mode allows the reading out of a
binary code from the device and will identify its
manufacturer and type. This mode is intended for use
by programming equipment for the purpose of
automatically matching the device to be programmed
with its corresponding programming algorithm. This
mode is functional over the entire temperature range of
the device.
To activate this mode, the programming equipment
must force VID (11.5V~12.5V) on address pin A9. Two
identifier bytes may then be sequenced from the device
outputs by toggling address A0 from VIL to VIH. All
addresses are don't cares except A0 and A1.
The manufacturer and device codes may also be read
via the command register, for instances when the
MX29L3211 is erased or programmed in a system
without access to high voltage on the A9 pin. The
command sequence is illustrated in Table 3.
During the "Silicon ID Read" Mode, manufacturer's code
(MXIC=C2H) can be read out by setting A0=VIL and
device identifier (MX29L3211=F9H) can be read out by
setting A0=VIH.
To terminate the operation, it is necessary to write the
read/reset command sequence into the CIR.
Table 4. MX29L3211 Silion ID Codes and Verify Sector Protect Code
Manufacturer CodeXXXXXVI L VILC2H*11000010
MX29L3211 Device Code XXXXXVIL VIH F9H*11111001
Verify Sector ProtectSector Address***VIH VIL C2H**11000010
* MX29L3211 Manufacturer Code = C2H, Device Code = F9H when BYTE = VIL
MX29L3211 Manufacturer Code = 00C2H, Device Code = 00F9H when BYTE = VIH
** Outputs C2H at protected sector address, 00H at unprotected scetor address.
***Only the top and the bottom sectors have protect-bit feature. Sector address = (A20, A19, A18,A17,A16) = 00000B or 11111B
A19A18A17A16A1A0Code(HEX) Q7Q6Q5Q4Q3Q
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
The read or reset operation is initiated by writing the
read/reset command sequence into the command
register. Microprocessor read cycles retrieve array data
from the memory. The device remains enabled for reads
until the CIR contents are altered by a valid command
The device will automatically power-up in the read/reset
state. In this case, a command sequence is not required
for "read operation". Standard microprocessor read
cycles will retrieve array data. This default value ensures
that no spurious alteration of the memory content occurs
during the power transition. Refer to the AC Read
Characteristics and Waveforms for the specific timing
The MX29L3211 is accessed like an EPROM. When CE
and OE are low and WE is high the data stored at the
memory location determined by the address pins is
asserted on the outputs. The outputs are put in the high
impedance state whenever CE or OE is high. This dual
line control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus
Note that the read/reset command is not valid when
program or erase is in progress.
After three-cycle command sequence is given, a
byte(word) load is performed by applying a low pulse on
the WE or CE input with CE or WE low (respectively) and
OE high. The address is latched on the falling edge of
CE or WE, whichever occurs last. The data is latched by
the first rising edge of CE or WE. Maximum of 128 words
of data may be loaded into each page by the same
procedure as outlined in the page program section
BYTE(word) loads are used to enter the 128 words(256
bytes) of a page to be programmed or the software
codes for data protection. A byte(word load) is performed
by applying a low pulse on the WE or CE input with CE
or WE low (respectively) and OE high. The address is
latched on the falling edge of CE or WE, whichever
occurs last. The data is latched by the first rising edge
of CE or WE.
Either word-wide load or byte-wide load is
determined(BYTE = VIL or VIH is latched) on the falling
edge of the WE (or CE) during the 3rd command write
The MX29L3211 offers "fast page mode read" function.
The users can take the access time advantage if keeping
CE, OE at low and the same page address (A3~A20
unchanged). Please refer to Figure 5-2 for detailed
timing waveform. The system performance could be
enhanced by initiating 1 normal read and 7 fast page
reads(for word mode A0~A2) or 15 fast page reads(for
byte mode altering A-1~A2).
To initiate Page Program mode, a three-cycle command
sequence is required. There are two "unlock" write
cycles. These are followed by writing the page program
Any attempt to write to the device without the three-cycle
command sequence will not start the internal Write State
Machine(WSM), no data will be written to the device.
Any page to be programmed should have the page in the
erased state first, i.e. performing sector erase is
suggested before page programming can be performed.
The device is programmed on a page basis. If a
byte(word) of data within a page is to be changed, data
for the entire page can be loaded into the device. Any
byte(word) that is not loaded during the programming of
its page will be still in the erased state (i.e. FFH). Once
the bytes of a page are loaded into the device, they are
simultaneously programmed during the internal
programming period. After the first data byte (word) has
been loaded into the device, successive byte(word) are
entered in the same manner. Each new byte(word) to
be programmed must have its high to low transition on
WE (or CE) within 30us of the low to high transition of WE
(or CE) of the preceding byte(word). A7 to A20 specify
the page address, i.e., the device is page-aligned on 128
word(256 byte)boundary. The page address must be
valid during each high to low transition of WE or CE. A1 to A6 specify the byte address within the page, A0 to
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
A6 specify the word address withih the page. The byte
(word) may be loaded in any order; sequential loading is
not required. If a high to low transition of CE or WE is not
detected whithin 100us of the last low to high transition,
the load period will end and the internal programming
period will start. The Auto page program terminates
when status on Q7 is '1' at which time the device stays
at read status register mode until the CIR contents are
altered by a valid command sequence.(Refer to table
3,6 and Figure 1,7,8)
Chip erase is a six-bus cycle operation. There are two
"unlock" write cycles. These are followed by writing the
"set-up" command-80H. Two more "unlock" write cycles
are then followed by the chip erase command-10H.
Chip erase does not require the user to program the
device prior to erase.
The automatic erase begins on the rising edge of the last
WE pulse in the command sequence and terminates
when the status on Q7 is "1" at which time the device
stays at read status register mode. The device remains
enabled for read status register mode until the CIR
contents are altered by a valid command sequence.(Refer
to table 3,6 and Figure 2,7,9)
Sector erase is a six-bus cycle operation. There are two
"unlock" write cycles. These are followed by writing the
set-up command-80H. Two more "unlock" write cycles
are then followed by the sector erase command-30H.
The sector address is latched on the falling edge of WE,
while the command (data) is latched on the rising edge
of WE.
Sector erase does not require the user to program the
device prior to erase. The system is not required to
provide any controls or timings during these operations.
The automatic sector erase begins on the rising edge of
the last WE pulse in the command sequence and
terminates when the status on Q7 is "1" at which time the
device stays at read status register mode. The device
remains enabled for read status register mode until the
CIR contents are altered by a valid command
sequence.(Refer to table 3,6 and Figure 3,4,7,9)
This command only has meaning while the the WSM is
executing SECTOR or CHIP erase operation, and
therefore will only be responded to during SECTOR or
CHIP erase operation. After this command has been
executed, the CIR will initiate the WSM to suspend erase
operations, and then return to Read Status Register
mode. The WSM will set the Q6 bit to a "1". Once the
WSM has reached the Suspend state,the WSM will set
the Q7 bit to a "1", At this time, WSM allows the CIR to
respond to the Read Array, Read Status Register, Abort
and Erase Resume commands only. In this mode, the
CIR will not resopnd to any other comands. The WSM
will continue to run, idling in the SUSPEND state,
regardless of the state of all input control pins.
This command will cause the CIR to clear the suspend
state and set the Q6 to a '0', but only if an Erase Suspend
command was previously issued. Erase Resume will
not have any effect in all other conditions.
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
The MXIC's 32 Mbit flash family contains a status
register which may be read to determine when a program
or erase operation is complete, and whether that
operation completed successfully. The status register
may be read at any time by writing the Read Status
command to the CIR. After writing this command, all
subsequent read operations output data from the status
register until another valid command sequence is
written to the CIR. A Read Array command must be
written to the CIR to return to the Read Array mode.
The status register bits are output on Q3 - Q7(table 6)
whether the device is in the byte-wide (x8) or word-wide
(x16) mode for the MX29L3211. In the word-wide mode
the upper byte, Q(8:15) is set to 00H during a Read
Status command. In the byte-wide mode, Q(8:14) are
tri-stated and Q15/A-1 retains the low order address
function. Q0-Q1 is set to 0H in either x8 or x16 mode.
It should be noted that the contents of the status register
are latched on the falling edge of OE or CE whichever
occurs last in the read cycle. This prevents possible bus
errors which might occur if the contents of the status
register change while reading the status register. CE or
OE must be toggled with each subsequent status read,
or the completion of a program or erase operation will not
be evident.
The Erase fail status bit (Q5) and Program fail status bit
(Q4) are set by the write state machine, and can only be
reset by the system software. These bits can indicate
various failure conditions(see Table 6). By allowing the
system software to control the resetting of these bits,
several operations may be performed (such as
cumulatively programming several pages or erasing
multiple blocks in squence). The status register may
then be read to determine if an error occurred during that
programming or erasure series. This adds flexibility to
the way the device may be programmed or erased.
Additionally, once the program(erase) fail bit happens,
the program (erase) operation can not be performed
further. The program(erase) fail bit must be reset by
system software before further page program or sector
(chip) erase are attempted. To clear the status register,
the Clear Status Register command is written to the CIR.
Then, any other command may be issued to the CIR.
Note again that before a read cycle can be initiated, a
Read command must be written to the CIR to specify
whether the read data is to come from the Array, Status
Register or Silicon ID.
The Status Register is the interface between the
microprocessor and the Write State Machine (WSM).
When the WSM is active, this register will indicate the
status of the WSM, and will also hold the bits indicating
whether or not the WSM was successful in performing
the desired operation. The WSM sets status bits four
through seven and clears bits six and seven, but cannot
clear status bits four and five. If Erase fail or Program fail
status bit is detected, the Status Register is not cleared
until the Clear Status Register command is written. The
MX29L3211 automatically outputs Status Register data
when read after Chip Erase, Sector Erase, Page Program
or Read Status Command write cycle. The default state
of the Status Register after powerup and return from
deep power-down mode is (Q7, Q6, Q5, Q4) = 1000B.
Q3 = 0 or 1 depends on sector-protect status, can not be
changed by Clear Status Register Command or Write
State Machine.
1 = READY, 0 = BUSY
These bits are reserved for future use ; mask them out when polling the Status Register.
2. PROGRAM STATUS is for the status during Page Programming or Sector Unprotect mode.
3. ERASE STATUS is for the status during Sector/Chip Erase or Sector Protection mode.
4. SUSPEND STATUS is for both Sector and Chip Erase mode .
5. FAIL STATUS bit(Q4 or Q5) is provided during Page Program or Sector/Chip Erase modes respectively.
6. Q3 = 0 or1 depends on Sector-Protect Status.
REV. 0.3, NOV. 06, 2001
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