4 High and 4 Low Comparators
External IRQ Generator
Free Running Operation
x Three 8/10 bit DACs
x Two Variable Attenuators
x Selectable A/D Clock Frequencies
x Full Control via 4-wire Serial Interface
x Low Power 3.0 Operation
x PCS, Cellular, LMR, Wireless
Transceivers, and General Purpose
x Monitor and Control:
RSSI, Battery State, Temperature,
VSWR, and Error Voltages
x Digital Trim and Calibration:
VCOs, TCXO, Power Output, Bias,
Current, IF Gain, Deviation,
Modulation Depth, and Baseband
The MX839 is a low power CMOS µC peripheral device which provides digitally controlled calibration, trimming, and
monitoring functions for PCS, cellular, LMR, wireless transceivers, and general purpose applications.
Featuring a four input intelligent 10 bit A/D monitoring subsystem, an interrupt generator, three 8/10 bit DACs, and two
variable attenuator functions, the MX839 automatically monitors, produces, and trims up to nine analog signals via a
simple four wire serial control bus. The free running A/D intelligent monitoring subsystem includes independent high and
low limit comparators for each of four analog input signals which can be configured to generate external µC interrupts.
The MX839’s high level of integration reduces end product parts count, component size, and software complexity. MX839
digital trimming functions also reduce manufacturing costs by eliminating manual trimming operations.
Featuring an operating range of 3.0V to 5.5V the MX839 is available in 24-pin SSOP (MX839DS), 24-pin SOIC
(MX839DW), and 24-pin PDIP (MX839P) packages.
4 x 10 bit Free Run A/D
4 x Hi Comparator
4 x Low Comparator
IRQ on Compare
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.
Digitally Controlled Analog I/O Processor4MX839 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION
2 Signal List
Pin No.NameTypeDescription
2XTAL/CLOCKinputThe input to the on-chip oscillator inverter, for external Xtal circuit or clock.
3SERIAL CLOCKinputThe 'C-BUS' serial clock input. This clock, produced by the µC, is used for
4COMMAND DATAinputThe 'C-BUS' serial data input from the µC. Data is loaded into this device in
5REPLY DATAoutputThe 'C-BUS' serial data output to the µC. The transmission of REPLY DATA
8A/DIN1inputAnalog to digital converter input 1 (A/D1)
9A/DIN2inputAnalog to digital converter input 2 (A/D2)
10A/DIN3inputAnalog to digital converter input 3 (A/D3)
11A/DIN4inputAnalog to digital converter input 4 (A/D4)
14N/CNo internal connection. Do not make any connection to this pin.
15DACOUT1outputDigital to analog converter No. 1 output (DAC1)
16DACOUT2outputDigital to analog converter No. 2 output (DAC2)
17DACOUT3outputDigital to analog converter No. 3 output (DAC3)
18N/CNo internal connection. Do not make any connection to this pin.
20MOD1 INinputInput to MOD1 variable attenuator.
21MOD2 INinputInput to MOD2 variable attenuator.
22MOD1outputOutput of MOD1 variable attenuator.
23MOD2outputOutput of MOD2 variable attenuator.
outputThe output of the on-chip oscillator inverter.
transfer timing of commands and data to and from the device. See Figure 5.
8-bit bytes, MSB (B7) first, and LSB (B0) last, synchronized to the SERIAL
CLOCK. See Figure 5.
bytes is synchronized to the SERIAL CLOCK under the control of the
This tri-state output is held at high impedance when not sending data to the
µC. See Figure 5.
inputThe 'C-BUS' data loading control function. This input is provided by the µC.
Data transfer sequences are initiated, completed or aborted by the
CS signal.
See Figure 5.
outputThis output indicates an interrupt condition to the µC by going to a logic '0'.
This is a 'wire-ORable' output, enabling the connection of up to 8 peripherals
to 1 interrupt port on the µC. This pin has a low impedance pulldown to logic
'0' when active and a high-impedance when inactive. An external pullup
resistor is required.
The conditions that cause interrupts are indicated in the IRQ FLAG register
and are effective if not disabled.
powerNegative supply (ground) for both analog and digital supplies.
outputAn analog bias line for the internal circuitry, held at AVDD/2. This pin must be
bypassed by a capacitor mounted close to the device pins.
powerPositive analog supply. Analog levels and voltages are dependent upon this
supply. This pin should be bypassed to V
by a capacitor.
powerPositive digital supply. Digital levels and voltages are dependent upon this
1. These values should be determined in regard to the amount of supply filtering required for D/A outputs.
2. If an external clock is to be used, then it should be connected to Pin 2 and the components C1, C2, R1, and X1
omitted. The ADC clock frequency is derived from the crystal or external clock by means of internal programmable
dividers. See Section 6 for details of crystal or external clock frequency range.
3. For best results, a crystal oscillator design should drive the clock inverter input with signal levels of at least 40% of
, peak to peak. Tuning fork crystals generally cannot meet this requirement. To obtain crystal oscillator design
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.
Digitally Controlled Analog I/O Processor6MX839 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION
4 General Description
The device comprises four groups of related functions: variable attenuators, digital to analog converters, a multiplexed
analog to digital converter with multiplexer, clock generator and four 8-bit magnitude comparators with variable reference
levels. These functions are all controlled by the 'C-BUS' serial interface and are described below:
4.1 Variable Attenuators
The two variable attenuators have a range of 0 to -12dB and 0 to -6dB respectively and may be controlled independently.
4.2 Digital to Analog Converters
Three DACs are provided with default resolutions of 8 bits, which are defined at the initial chip reset. In this mode the
'C-BUS' data is transferred in a single byte. An option is provided to define any one or more of the DAC resolutions to be
10 bits, then the DAC requires the transfer of two 'C-BUS' data bytes.
The upper and lower DAC reference voltages are defined internally as AV
expressed as:
= AVDD x (DATA / 2n) [Volts]
Where, n is the DAC resolution (8 or 10 bits) and DATA is the decimal value of the input code. For example: n = 8 and
binary code = 11111111 therefore DATA = 255
= AVDD x (255 / 256) [Volts]
Any one of the three DAC input latches might be loaded by sending an address/command byte followed by one or two
data bytes to the 'C-BUS' interface. The data is then latched and the static voltage is updated at the appropriate output.
When a DAC is disabled, its output is defined as open-circuit.
and VSS respectively. The output voltage is
4.3 Analog to Digital Converter and A/D Clock Generator
A single successive approximation A/D is provided with four multiplexed inputs. After a general reset command $01, the
A/D converter subsystem is disabled. To start conversions the Clock Control ($D0) and A/D control ($D7) registers must
be written (refer to Tables 2,6, and 8). Please note that A/D channel 1 must be active for any other channel to work. Also
note that A/D control register bit 5 (
conversions so the data being read does not change during the read which could otherwise result in erroneous data being
read. To re-enable conversions the A/D control register bit 5 (
The internal A/D clock frequency (f
control of this clock signal via the Clock Control Register ($D0), DIVIDER set per Table 6, and the choice of an external
system clock signal or a dedicated crystal. f
Since the typical application is for monitoring slowly changing control voltages, a Sample and Hold circuit is not included
at the input of the A/D. Thus, for the analog to digital conversion to be accurate, the input signal should not change
significantly during the conversion time. For ‘n-bit’ accuracy (with a maximum error of 1LSB) the maximum signal ‘linear
rate of change,’ ‘S,’ is defined by:
where: n is the number of bits of accuracy with a maximum error of 1 LSB
, DIVIDER is selected per Table 6.
For Example: The most significant bits (n) of accuracy.
For (n = 6) bit accuracy with AV
S = 9.77 [mV/PS]
For (n = 8) bit accuracy with AV
S = 1.95 [mV/PS]
For (n = 10) bit accuracy with AV
S = 0.27 [mV/PS]
The input signal should therefore be band limited to ensure the maximum signal ‘linear rate of change’ is not exceeded for
the desired accuracy.
READ) should be set low prior to issuing a ‘READ A/D DATA x’ command to disable
READ) bit must be set back high.
) is generated with a programmable clock generator. Users have flexible