4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USAAll trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.
The MX812 is a half-duplex VSR Codec, which
when connected to an audio processing microcircuit
(such as the MX816, 826 or 836), provides the storage
and recovery of speechband audio in attached Dynamic
RAM. The addition of this device will enhance the
communications system by providing cellular radios
with Answering Functions, “Message-Notepad” and
general announcement cababilities.
The MX812 will enable:
•Storage of a speech message for transmission
(replay) at a later time.
•Storage of a received speech message when the
operator is not attending.
•The storage and subsequent replay of speech.
All VSR operating functions are controlled by a
simple serial µProcessor interface which may operate
from the radio’s own µProcessor/Controller.
Input audio from the “Store” output of the audio
processor is digitized by delta modulation and stored
via the DRAM controller, in attached memory.
Audio for replay is recovered from the assigned
memory locations and after demodulation made
available for supply to the “Play” input of the audio
processor. For use with other audio systems, the input/
output audio can be connected to relevant points in
The MX812 has no on-chip input or output audio
filtering; this capability must therefore be provided by
the host system. Sampling rates and memory capacity
are selectable to 32kb/s or 63kb/s and 1 x 4Mbit or 2 x
1Mbit respectively, which when used in conjunction
allow control of audio-quality and storage-time.
This low-power CMOS device is available 28-pin
plastic SOIC and 28-pin Cerdip packages.
1CAS: This output should be connected to the “Column Address Strobe” input pin(s) of all DRAM
devices installed.
2WE: This output should be connected to the “Write Enable” input pin(s) of all DRAM devices installed.
3D: Digital (speech) data into and out of the VSR Codec. This pin should be connected to the “Data
In” and “Data Out” pins (“D” and “Q”) of DRAM devices.
4Xtal: The nominal 4.0MHz clock input to the VSR Codec. The signal applied to this device may be
derived from the attached Audio Processor on-chip Xtal Oscillator circuits (see Figures 2 and 3).
Note that the VSR Codec will be able to function and maintain correct DRAM refresh, with Xtal input
frequencies down to 2.0MHz. Compand and Local Decoder time constants will change accordingly
and minimum “C-BUS” timings (Figures 6 and 7) would have to be increased pro-rata.
5Interrupt Request (IRQ): This Interrupt Request output from the MX812 is ‘wire-OR able’ allowing
the Interrupt Outputs of other peripherals to be commoned and connected to the Interrupt input of the
µProcessor (see the C-BUS Interface and System Applications document). This input has a lowimpedance pulldown to VSS when active, and a high-impedance when inactive.
6Serial Clock: The C-BUS serial clock input. This clock produced by the µController, is used for
transfer timing of commands and data to and from the VSR Codec. See Timing Diagrams.
7Command Data: The C-BUS serial (command) data input from the µController. Data is loaded to
this device in 8-bit bytes MSB (B7) first and LSB (B0) last, synchronized to the Serial Clock.
8Chip Select (CS): The C-BUS data transfer control function. This input is provided by the
µController. Transfer sequences are initiated, completed or aborted by this signal. See Timing
9Reply Data: The C-BUS serial data output to the µController. The transmission of reply bytes is
synchronized to the Serial Clock under the control of the Chip Select input. This is a 3-state output
which is held at a high-impedance when not sending data to the µController.
: The output of the internal analog circuitry bias line, held internally at VDD/2. This pin should be
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USAAll trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies.
11Audio Out: The analog output to the Audio Processor “Play” input when the VSR Codec is
configured as a Decoder. When configured as an active Decoder but with no Play Page commands
(62H) active, the VSR Codec will play-out an idle pattern of “101010........10s”. When not configured as
a Decoder, or Powersaved (Mode Register), this output will be held at V
resistor. The output at this pin is unfiltered; an external speechband filter – such as that included on
the MX816/826/836 Audio Processors – will be required. Since this output is centered around VDD/2 a
coupling capacitor is required.
via an internal 500kΩ
: The Encoder d.c. internal balancing circuitry line. This pin should be decoupled to VSS by
capacitor C4 (see Figure 2). Note that in the ‘Encode’ mode (Mode Register DE and PS both “0”) the
Codec drives this pin to approximately VDD/2 through a very high impedance; it can take more than
one second for the E
voltage to stabilize when power is first applied to this device. A faster start-up
can be achieved by setting Bit DE or PS to “1” for 250mS (approx) during power-up. This will cause
the E
pin to be connected to V
through a resistance of approximately 100kΩ.
13Audio In: The analog input to the VSR Codec in the Encode mode. When not configured as an
Encoder, or Powersaved (Mode Register), this input will be held at V
via an internal 500kΩ resistor.
This pin should be coupled via a capacitor, see Figure 2. As this input does not contain an internal
audio filter, the audio to this pin should be limited to a 3400Hz “speechband” by an external audio filter
– such as included in the MX816/826/836 Audio Processors.
14VSS: The “analog” ground connection. See D
DRAM address line outputs from the MX812.
These pins should be connected to the corresponding address
inputs of the associated DRAM.
25A10/R2: A dual function output pin selected by the memory size (MS) bit (Mode Register),
as detailed in the table below:
MS bitDRAMsConnected ToThis Output
“0”1Mbits'DRAM No 2 RASRAS2
“1”4MbitDRAM A10A10 Signal
26RAS: An output from the VSR Codec which should be connected to the “Row Address Strobe” pin of
the 4Mbit DRAM or the first 1Mbit DRAM, see Figure 4, Example DRAM connections.
: The digital signal ground connection to the VSR Codec. Both D
and VSS pins should be
connected to the negative side of the d.c. power supply. However, a printed circuit board should be
laid out so that D
is connected as closely as possible to the DRAM section ground pins.
28VDD: Positive supply rail. A single, stable +5-volt supply is required. Levels and voltages within the
VSR Codec are dependent upon this supply. This pin should be decoupled to VSS via capacitor C5,
located close to the MX812 pins.