Call Progress Tone Detector MX643 - Preliminary Information
© 1996 MX•COM, INC. Tele: 800 638 5577, 910 744 5050, Fax: 910 744 5054 Doc. #20480148.001
2. Signal List
Signal Type Description
1 2 CLOCK / XTAL input For the MX643P this is the external clock input to the clock
divider circuit. For the MX643DW this can be either an
external clock input or an external crystal input.
output Output of the on-chip oscillator. Not available on 8-pin DIP..
2 4 DETECT3 output When a single tone is within the range of the Call Progress
Band, Non Call Progress Band, or a Special Information
Tone, is detected, this output goes to a logic 1.
3 5 ENABLE input A logic 1 applied to this input enables the decoder and
detection outputs. A logic 0 applied to this input disables the
decoder and forces DETECT1, DETECT2 and DETECT3 to a
logic 0.
4 7 DETECT1 output When a call progress signal is detected, this output goes to a
logic 1.
5 10 SIGIN input Signal input. Signals to this pin should be ac coupled. The dc
bias of this pin is set internally.
612 VSSpower Negative supply. (ground).
7 13 DETECT2 output This output is used in conjunction with DETECT1. When
DETECT1 is at a logic 1, this output goes to a logic 1 if a Call
Progress High Band signal is detected. When DETECT1 is
at a logic 0, this output goes to a logic 1 if a Non Call
Progress signal is detected.
815 VDDpower Positive supply. This pin should be decoupled to VSS by a
1, 6, 8,
9, 11,
14, 16
N/C Internal connection. Do not make a connection to these pins.