Getting started
2.7 Drawing on the screen
You c an draw on the screen in the same way that you
write on the screen. The difference bet ween writing and
drawing on the screen is how you select items and how
they can be edited. For example, selected drawings can
be resized, while writing cannot.
Creating a drawing:
Cross three ruled lines on your r st stroke. A drawing
box appears. Subsequent str okes in or to uc hing the
drawing box become part of the drawing. Drawings that
do not cross three ruled lines will be treated as writing.
Selecting a drawing
To edit drawing, select it rst.
1. Tap and hol d the styl us o n the dra win g until t he
se l e c t io n ha n d l e ap p ea r s . To se le c t mu l t ip l e
drawings, deselect the pen button and drag to select
drawings you want.
2. You ca n cut , copy, and paste s ele cte d drawi ngs
by tapp ing and hold in g the sele cted d ra wing a nd
tapping an editing command on the pop -up menu, or
by tapping the command on Edit menu. To resize a
drawing, make sure Pen button is not selected, and
drag a selection handle. To change the zoom level so
it is easier to work or view your drawing, tap Tools
and select a zoom level.
2.8 Recording a message
In an y program w h e r e yo u c an wr i t e or draw on
th e scree n, you ca n als o quick ly ca pture t hou ghts,
re m i n de r s , an d ph o n e num b e r s by re c o rd i n g a
message. In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, you can
include a recording in Notes tab.
In Notes, you can either create a standalone recording,
or include a recording in a written note. If you want to
include the recording in a note, open the note rst. In
the Messaging program, you can also add a recording
to an E-mail message.
Creating a recording
1. To add a recording to a note, open the note before
recording. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. If there is no
Record/Playback toolbar, tap Menu >
View Recording Toolbar.
3. Hold your device’s micropho ne near your mouth or
another sound source.
4. To start recording, tap
5. To stop recording, tap . The new recording appears
in the note list.
6. To play a recording, tap in the open note or tap the
rec ording in the note list. You c an also ac ce ss the
Record/Playback tool bar by pressing down Volume
ke y f o r a while. To q u ickly cr eate a r e c o r ding,
hold d own Vo lu me key. Wh en you hear the beep,
recording has begun. Release the button when you
are nished. The new recording is stored in the open
no te , or a s a st and alo ne re cor din g, i f no no te i s