Richtige Startposition
Position de départ correcte
Correct starting position
Falsche Startposition
Position de départ incorrecte
Wrong starting position
Gebrauchsanleitung für den Anwender
Notice d'utilisation pour l’opérateur
Operating instruction for the operator
mvt AG
Spärsstrasse 5
Telefon +41 32 332 97 60
Fax +41 32 332 97 61
CH-2562 Port
operating & maintenance instructions
Congratulations for your purchase of this high performance nozzle. To give you entire satisfaction, we
recommend you to read thoroughly these instructions.
1. Before starting work with the MONRO-JET check the following points:
1.1 The rotor (C) must move freely in the nozzle.
1.2 Ensure that front cover (A) and the inlet cover (F) are securely tightened into the body (D).
2. During work
2.1 Bring the MONRO-JET progressively up to operating pressure in a downward pointing position to ensure a
proper seal is created between the rotor tip and the seat. After the MONRO-JET is running in the
downward position it can be raised to other positions.
2.2 Generally, the distance between the MONRO-JET and the work area is greater than with a standard rotating
nozzle. Begin with a distance around 20 to 30 cm. Find the ideal work distance by moving the jet closer or
further from the surface.
2.3 During work with the MONRO-JET following phenomena may occur:
a) Variation of rotor speed
b) Water cone is not uniform
c) Vibration in lance
Immediately stop work if any of the above phenomena occur. Examine the rotor, seat and the
MONRO-JET for any wear or damage and change if necessary.
3. Disassembly and assembly of the rotor (C) and the seat (B)
3.1 Before taking apart, clean the MONRO-JET with water.
3.2 Unscrew the body (D) together with the front cover (A) from the inlet cover (F) by hand, holding the lance
3.3 Take off the rotor and the seat with our special mounting tool. (Art.No.10269).
3.4 Grease the o-ring-seal of the new seat and put it back in place using the special mounting tool. Insure that the
seat is properly fitted.
4. Re-assembly of the complete nozzle
4.1 Clean and check the thread and the o-ring if there are any damages. Grease the thread of the inlet cover
and the o-ring with grease for stainless steel.
4.2 Place the rotor (C) back into the unit body (D)/front cover (A) and point the lance downward.
4.3 Screw the body/front cover assembly by hand onto the inlet cover. Important! Make sure that the rotor
(C) does not get caught between the seat (B) and the driving tube (E).
4.4 Gently tighten with a wrench. Do not tighten too strong!
5. Precautions during interruption of work
5.1 Protect the MONRO-JET during the interruption of work.
5.2 Do not leave the lance on the wet floor.
5.3 Never leave the lance against a wet surface.
6. Precautions at the end and before restarting work
6.1 At the end of work clean the nozzle thoroughly inside and out and dry well. Grease and store it in a dry place.
6.2 Before restarting work, check the MONRO-JET for damage, especially the inside of the nozzle body.
2.1 Bring the MONROJET up to working
pressure, pointing it
3.2 Unscrew the body
of the MONRO-JET by
hand, holding the lance
3.4 Put the body on the
tool in order that the top
of the mounting tool
comes out.
2.1/2.2 Progressive
pressurizing, the rotor
begins to turn.
3.3 Take off the body of
the MONRO-JET, holding
it in a vertical position in
order to not drop the rotor
on the floor.
3.4 Center the tool and
push the seat into the
body, do not pound in.
2.3 Example of a bad jet. 3.1 Before taking apart,
clean the MONRO-JET
with water.
3.3 Take off the seat with
the special mounting tool.
3.4 Put the seat on the
mounting tool and hold
it in a vertical position.
3.4 Check visually that
the seat is on the bottom.
4.1 If the thread of the
cover is dirty, clean it
with a soft brush.
Type F1 / F2 / F25
Type F3 / F4 / F6 / C4
All rules regarding safety and injury prevention for high and ultra high pressure water jetting
equipment which are applied on site must be strictly observed.
4.1 Examine the
condition of the thread
and O-ring seal. Before
Re-assembly grease
the thread & o-ring.
For a more detailed explanation of MONRO-JET ask for our "Operating instruction for the workshop"
4.2 Screw the body on
the lance in holding it in
position downward.
4.3 Always tighten by
hand. Important! Make
sure that the rotor is
not jammed!
4.4 Gently tighten with
a wrench. Do not
tighten too strong!