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Mirror Installation Instructions
2005 – 2009 Ford Mustang
THE safety accessory of the 21st Century.™
-0114-0 Rev. A3 (11/17/08
1 left and 1 right Signal® mirror
1 left and 1 right wire harness
2 wire taps
2 rubber grommets
2 housing connectors
2 ring connectors
1 instruction manual
Ratchet with extension or ratcheting screwdriver
10mm socket
Socket wrench
Torx wrench
Large slotted screwdriver
Small pry bar
Gopher wire (rod)
Electrical tape
Wire crimper and stripper
Needle nose pliers
Multimeter or wire tester
Sturdy gloves
Safety glasses or goggles
Utility knife
1/8” Drill bit
1/4” Drill bit
1/2” Drill bit
Technical Assistance is available by calling
Muth Mirror Systems Technicians at:
Monday through Friday
Between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST
Or through the Muth web site: www.muthco.com
Or via E-mail: techsupport@muthco.com
Please read instructions prior to installation.
Note: Professional Installation Recommended
Warranty does not cover damage to the vehicle or mirror housing due to improper installation. The following installation
instructions are to be considered as a guide only. Door removal procedures, indicator wire color and location may have changed
since publication of these instructions. The installer is responsible for any damage that may occur during installation.
Using a 7mm socket wrench, remove all (8)
hex screws along the perimeter of the door frame
Unsnap corner plastic triangular cover (B). Carefully remove door handle cover using a slotted screwdriver (C). Remove screw in door handle with a T-15 torx wrench
(D). With the slotted screwdriver, remove plastic covering on the grab bar (E). Release the revealed screw using a T-15 torx wrench (F).