General instructions
To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture, direct
sunlight or excessive heat from sources such as radiators or spotlights. No user serviceable parts are inside. Repair and maintenance must be carried out by qualified personnel authorized by MUTEC GmbH!
The unit has been designed for operation in a standard domestic environment. Do NOT expose the unit
and its accessories to rain, moisture, direct sunlight or excessive heat produced by such heat sources as
radiators or spotlights! The free flow of air inside and around the unit must always be ensured.
Initial operation
Prior to the init ial operation of the unit , the ap plianc e, its a ccessorie s and pac kaging m ust be
inspecte d for any si gns of ph ysical damag e that may h ave occurred du ring tra nsit . If the un it has
been da maged mechanicall y or if liquids have been spilled i nside t he encl osure , the app liance m ay
not be co nnec ted to the mains or m ust be disconnec ted fro m the mains imme diatel y! If the unit is
damag ed, please do N OT return it to MUTEC Gmb H, but no tify your deal er and th e shipp ing com pany immediat ely, oth erwise clai ms for damage or replac ement m ay not be granted .
If the device is left in a low-temperature environment for a long time and then is moved to a roomtemperature environment, condensation may occur on the inside and the exterior. To avoid shortcircuits and flashovers, be sure to wait one or two hours before putting the device into operation.
Power supply
The device contains a self-adapting wide-range power supply supporting the majority of global standard line voltages within a range of 90…250 V, with no need for making adjustments. Make sure that
your line-voltage source provides a supply voltage within the specified range. In addition, make sure
that the device is properly grounded via the local electric installation.
Pleas e use th e enclo sed po wer cord ( see packaging) to connect th e unit to th e mains . Switch the
unit of f before you at tempt t o connect it to the mains . Connect th e power cord to the u nit, then
to a standard 3 -pin mains outlet. To dra w the power cord , never p ull on the c able but on the mains
The uni t must b e grounded during operation!
For information on the power-inlet wiring, refer to the »Wirin g of connectors« section in the
appendix. Disconnect the device from the mains when not using it for an extended period!
Declaration of Conformity
We herewith confirm that the product complies with the European
Commission’s standards on electromagnetic compatibility.
Interference emission: EN 50081-1, 1992
Resistance to interference: EN 50082-1, 1992
Presupposed as operation condition is that all clock outputs are connected with high-quality and good shielded BNC 75 ohms cable.
This symbol, a flash of lightning inside a triangle, alerts
you to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage
inside the enclosure - voltage that may be sufficient to
constitute a risk of shock.
This symbol, an exclamation mark inside a triangle,
alerts you to important operating or safety instructions
in this manual.
§1 Warranty
MUTEC GmbH warrants the flawless performance of this product to the original buyer for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase. If any failure occurs within
the specified warranty period that is caused by defects in material and/or workmanship, MUTEC GmbH shall either repair or replace the product free of charge within 90
days. The purchaser is not entitled to claim an inspection of the device free of charge during the warranty period. If the warranty claim proves to be justified, the product
will be returned freight prepaid by MUTEC GmbH within Germany. Outside Germany, the product will be returned with the additional international freight charges payable
by the customer. Warranty claims other than those indicated above are expressly excluded.
§2 Warranty transferability
This warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer who bought the product from a MUTEC GmbH specialized dealer or distributor, and is not transferable to anyone
who may subsequently purchase this product. No other person (retail dealer, distributor, etc.) shall be entitled to give any warranty promise on behalf of MUTEC GmbH.
§3 Waranty regulations
The return of the completed registration card, or online registration on one of the websites specified below, is a condition of warranty. Failing to register the device before
returning it for repair will void the extended warranty.
The serial number on the returned device must match the one stated on the registration card or entered during online registration. Otherwise, the device will be
returned to the sender at the sender’s expense.
Any returned device must be accompanied by a detailed error description and a copy of the original sales receipt issued by a MUTEC dealer or distributor.
The device must be returned free of shipping expenses and in the original package, if possible; otherwise, the sender has to provide comparably protective packaging.
The sender is fully responsible for any damage or loss of the product when shipping it to MUTEC GmbH.
§4 Limitation of warrant y
Damages caused by the follow ing condition s are not covered b y this war ranty:
Damages caused by every kind of norm al wear an d tear (e.g. displays, L EDs, potentiometers , fader s, switche s, buttons, conn ecti ng elem ents , print ed labe ls, co ver
glasses, cover prints, and similar parts).
Functional failure of t he prod uct caused b y improper ins tallation (pleas e observe CM OS comp onent s handling ins truc tions!), negle ct or misuse of
the pro duct , e.g. fa ilure to o perate the unit i n compliance wi th the in stru ctions given in the us er or servic e manual s.
Damage caused by any form of ex ternal m echan ical im pact o r modif icati on.
Damage caused by the user’s f ailure to connect and operate t he unit in compli ance with loca l safet y regu lation s.
Damage caused by forc e majeur e (fire , explo sion, flood , lightning, war, vandalism, etc.).
Consequential damages or d efec ts in produc ts fro m other manufac turers as well as any costs re sulting from a loss of pr oduc tion.
Repair s carr ied out b y pers onnel w hich is n ot authorized f rom MUT EC GmbH w ill void the warranty. Adaptations and modifications to the device made with regard to
national, technical, or safety regulations in a country or of the customer do not constitute a warranty claim and should be set with MUTEC GmbH in advance.
§5 Repairs
To obtain warranty service, the buyer must call or write to MUTEC GmbH before returning the unit. All inquiries must be accompanied by a description of the problem and
the original buyer’s invoice. Devices shipped to MUTEC GmbH for repair without prior notice will be returned to the sender at the sender’s expense. In case of a functional
failure please contact:
MUTEC Gesellschaft fuer Systementwicklung und Komponentenvertrieb mbH
Siekeweg 6/8 • 123 09 Berlin • Germany • Fo n 030 -7468 80- 0 • Fax 030-746 880-9 9 • Tecsupp ort @MUTEC-net.com • www.MUTEC-net.com
MUTEC GmbH assumes no liability for any incorrect information given in this manual. Please note that
all software/hardware product names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. No part of
this manual may be reproduced, copied or converted to a machine-readable form or electronical media
without a written permission of MUTEC GmbH. We reserve the right to change or improve our products
without notice. © MUTEC GmbH 2013

General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MC-3+ Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MC-3+ Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Peripheral MUTEC Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MC-3+ Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
MC-3+ Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Content of the Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Placing the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Wiring the Word Clock, AES/EBU and S/P-DIF Interfaces . . 11
Wiring the Word Clock Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Selecting Function Menus and setting Functions . . . . . . 13
Steps of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Main Function Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
General Operation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Selecting Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Selecting References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Selecting Clock Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Status Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Generic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Pin Assignment of the Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Switching-off the Termination of the Word Clock Input . . . 20
Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Generatable Word Clock (WCLK) Frequencies . . . . . . . . 21
Generatable AES3 and S/P-DIF Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . 21

Thank you very much for purchasing the MC-3+ Smart Clock, Synchronizable
Digital Audio Master Clock Generator, from MUTEC !
General Description
The new MUTEC MC-3+ Smart Clock is especially designed to improve the
acoustical quality of digital audio devices in two ways: At first by clocking
external devices with ultra-low jitter Word Clock signals and secondly by
aggressively re-clocking incoming digital audio signals. Therefore, we have
developed a totally new clocking technology, which we are calling the
»MUTEC 1G-Clock«. That means in practice, we are running – for the first
time in the audio industry – an audio clock synthesis process with a basis
clock rate in the gigahertz area! Together with new ultra-low-noise power
supplies and new PCB design rules aligned to high-speed communication
technologies, the MUTEC 1G-Clock brings jitter and electrical noise down
to unique low levels, which leads to unprecedented transparency in your
audio recordings.
Also working as a clock distributor and unlike other products, the MC-3+
effectively regenerates incoming clock signals to higher purity as the signal
source. Thus, the MC-3+ enables to improve already existing clock systems
and helps to raise the standard of sound reproduction in every studio
Additionally, the MC-3+ Smart Clock locks to so-called atomic clocks or
GPS receivers to raise its timing accuracy to the highest possible level. For
use during live events or in mobile trucks, the MC-3+ features an anytime
fail-safe clock generation in every operation mode. Entering the hold-over
mode and re-synchronization of returning clock references is carried out so
smoothly that live recordings surely will not affected.
The new MUTEC MC-3+ Smart Clock and its unique 1G-Clock add with the
most aggressive jitter reduction a significant improvement in sound to any
studio set-up, while ensuring flawless synchronization of connected devices
at any time!
Incorporates MUTEC’s unique 1G-Clock technology for lowest jitter
Improves audiophile quality of any connected digital audio device
Re-clocks digital audio most aggressively
Offers unique asynchronous audio re-clocking
Raises clearly audible the sound quality of any DA converter
Eliminates digital “Clicks and Pops”
Enhances existing master clocks
Digitally-compensated clock accuracy for highest precision of the
generated clocks
Locks to 10MHz clock signals of so-called Atomic clocks or GPS
Outputs clock signals fail-safe in any state of operation
Generates Word Clocks, Super Clocks, AES3 + S/P-DIF blanks
Converts between AES3 and S/P-DIF as well as between AES11 and
Word Clock
New-designed, simple user interface
Front panel lock-out for preventing misuse
Rack-space-saving 9.5“ housing
Built-in, internationally useable power supply
be read carefully! These include additional
information which are of major importance
for the functional descriptions in the text
Standard grey boxes contain supplementary
informationen for the corresponding
sections in the text columns. The content of
the individual box refers to the description
in the text column beside the box.
your MUTEC product through our website
immediately after purchasing. This ensures
full warranty services over a period of two
years after purchasing the product. Moreover, for all registered products we offer to
our customers technical support. We also
will inform you about product updates and
new products which may of interest for you
(on voluntary base, of course).
Please regsiter your product at:
> Service > Product Registration
Information Boxes
Boxes which contain a triangle with
an exclamation mark inside should
Register your MUTEC Product
for Warranty and Support!
We ask you to be so kind to register