About Stages
Stages is a construction set for building modulation signals,
capable of generating complex multi-stage envelopes, step
sequences or several channels of LFOs. Start from a 6-segment envelope and break it down into smaller, independent
envelopes, down to those smallest atoms of modulation that
are D envelopes.
Stages requires a -12V/+12V power supply (2x5 pin con-
nector). The red stripe of the ribbon cable (-12V side) must
be oriented on the same side as the “Red stripe” marking
on the module and on your power distribution board. The
module draws 80mA from the +12V rail, and 20mA from the
-12V rail.
Online manual and help
The full manual can be found online at
For help and discussions, head to
Please refer to the online manual for detailed information regarding compliance with EMC directives
Chaining modules
Use the 3-pin cables provided with the modules to daisychain up to six modules together. Make sure your Eurorack
system is powered off whenever you connect or disconnect
units from the chain. Once several adjacent modules are
linked, they behave collectively like a single Stages module
which would have a larger number of segments.
3 2 1
Grouping segments
Whether Stages behaves like six independent decay envelopes, or a single 6-segment envelope generator, or something in-between, depends on which of its GATE inputs are
Inserting a jack in a GATE input marks the beginning of a
group of segments. All unpatched segments at its right
become part of this group. The first output of a group
generates the envelope signal itself. The following outputs
generate segment activity signals – ramps going from 8V to
0V whenever the corresponding segment is active.
In the illustration below, GATE inputs 1 and 5 are patched.
The module behaves as:
• A 4-segment envelope generator, configured by seg-
ments 1 to 4, generating its envelope signal on output 1,
and segment activity signals on outputs 2, 3, and 4.
• An independent 2-segment envelope generator, configured by segments 5 and 6, generating the envelope
signal on output 5, and an end-of-attack signal on
output 6.
AD generatorADSR
Envelope CV