MUSIC Tribe PH ULM300M User Manual

Quick Start Guide
Model:ULM300M, ULM300D
High-Performance 2.4 GHz Digital Wireless System with Handheld Microphone and Dual-Mode USB Receiver
Model: ULM300M
(3) (4)
Model: ULM300D
(2) (1)
Type of product: Wireless Microphone
ULM300USB Controls
1. USB connector
3. VOLUME UP Button (—Po wer on/-Volume up/-Unmute)
4. VOLUME DOWN Butt on (-Volume down /—Mute/
—Power o f rom Mute)
NOTE:“—” (long dash) = long pr ess; “-” (hyphen) = short p ress.
LED Status Key
The follow ing table descr ibes LED behavior on b oth the micropho ne and the USB wire less receiver:
Activity LED Color LED Behavior
No Signal Amber Flashes on /o slowly
Connected, Active Green Solid
Connecte d, Muted Green Flashes o n/o quickly
Connecte d, Active, Low Batte ry
Connected, Muted, Low Batte ry
ULM300USB Getting Started
1. Plugthe USB wire less receiver to the d esignated USBsocketon w ireless-enable d BEHRINGER mixers, powered spe akers or other compa tible product s, or to a USB port on a c omputer.The POWER/STATUS LED on the receiverw ill slowly  ash amber.
2. Press and h old the VOLUME UP butto n on the wireless microph one to switch it on andc ommence transmis sion. Both the LED s on the wireless mi crophone and USB wire less receiver w ill light solid gree n once connected .
3. Onceswitc hed on, the wireless m icrophone will be s et at its previous o perating volume level. Us e the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN but tons to adjust the volu me.
4. A long pres s of the VOLUME DOWN butt on will put the wireles s microphone into m ute. The mute conditi on is indicate d by rapid green  ashing of the L ED. If the user does not unmute w ithin 10 minutes, the wi reless microph one will power down to s ave battery life.
5. A furth er long press of the VOLUM E DOWN button when i n mute will s witch o t he wireless micr ophone.
6. A short pre ss of the VOLUME UP but ton will unmute the wireles s microphone. When t he wireless micr ophone is unmuted, it w ill return to the previ ous volume level.
Green/Red Alternating colors
Alternat ing colors,  a s h e s o n / o 
Speci cation
RF output < 10 dBm (10 mW)
Operati ng range 60 m (200 f t)*
Dynamic ra nge 93 dB, A-weighted* *
Equivalen t input noise -120 dBu
Freque ncy respons e 10 Hz – 20 kHz, ±1 dB** (wireless link)
Sampling r ate 48 kHz
Resolution 24-bit
Encoding 4-bit AD PCM (192 kbps)
Latency 14.3 ms
RF freque ncy 2.4 GHz ISM band
USB current c onsumption 70 mA @ 5 VDC
Batter y type 2 x AA (LR6)
Batter y life > 24 hrs
Dimens ions (W x D x H)
Microp hone 53 x 53 x 260 mm
Wireles s receiver 76 x 22 x 8.5 mm
Weigh t
Microphone 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs)
Wireless r eceiver 0.01 kg (0.02 lbs)
*Achievab le range will b e dependen t on nearby so urces of RF int erferen ce and/or line of sigh t obstacl es. **Measu red from an alog input to a nalog out put at maxim um level.
(2.40 4~2.468 GHz, 17 ch anne ls)
Alkaline cells
(2.1 x 2.1 x 10.2")
(3.0 x 0.9 x 0.3")
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