MUSIC MUPA64K16-15TJI, MUPA64K16-15TJC Datasheet

MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 1 April 20, 2001 Rev 0.3 Draft
Advance Information
MUPA64K16 “Alto” Priority Queue Scheduler
General Description Features
The MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler is a high-performance sorting engine designed to support packet scheduling in high-speed switch or router applications. Alto can support any scheduling algorithm for which a priority queue is required, such as Weighted Fair Queuing, Start-Time Fair Queuing and Self-Clocked Fair Queuing.
Alto holds 65,536 entries, each of which consists of a 32-bit sorting key and a 16-bit associated data value. These 65,536 entries may be distributed evenly across one, two, four, eight or sixteen independent priority queues, where the number of elements occupied in each of these queues is indicated by a size register. Thus, Alto can support up to 65,536 FIFO queues distributed across up to 16 physical switch ports.
Alto has a simple synchronous 32-bit interface as well as a separate bus for expanding the associated data field using external SRAM.
Priority Queue with insert, extract and peek operations
Packet processing time of 150 ns
65,536 priority queue entries
32-bit sorting key
16-bit associated data value
Supports up to 65,536 FIFO queues
Supports up to 16 physical switch ports
Wrap register per port handles counter roll-
UID Manager generates unique associated data values
32-bit synchronous data interface
17-bit SRAM address bus
15 ns clock
1.8V core / 3.3V I/O
128-pin LQFP package (14 x 20 mm)
Industrial Temperature grade available
IEEE 1149.1 JTAG boundary scan logic
Packet Scheduler
Packet Output
Control ASIC
Packet Input
Figure 1: Packet Scheduling System Diagram
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MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler
MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 2 Rev 0.3 Draft
Table 1: Pin Description
Signal Name
Function Function
REG[2.0] Input
Register Select. Selects the register to be read or written during a DQ[31:0] bus operation.
OP[2:0] Input
Instruction Bus OP[2:0] selects the operation to be performed. See Table 5 showing op codes for a list of legal values.
PQ[3.0] Input
Priority Queue Select. Selects the priority queue to which an operation applied. Note that some operations, such as Noop, do not use this value.
/W Input
Read/Write. /W enables a register write or an operation that inputs data, such as Insert, depending on the value of OP[2:0].
/CS Input
Chip Select. /CS indicates to the device that a new command is available on OP[2:0], REG[2:0], PQ[3:0] and /W. If /W is zero, then /CS also indicates that there is new data on the DQ[31:0]. /CS must be synchronous to CLK.
STR[4:0] Output
Status Register. Provides device status information; equivalent to bits 4:0 of the Status Register (see Table 2).
CLK Input
Device clock. All internal operations and interface timings are synchronized to the rising edge of the clock.
/RST Input
System Reset. The PLL in Alto requires 100 microseconds to stabilize after reset and no commands should be issued during this time. Also, the UID manager requires an additional 2200 clock cycles to initialize after this 100 microsecond interval.
AD[15:0] Output
Associated Data Bus. This bus outputs the associated data for interface to external RAM. The contents of both the IDR and MDR are made available on this bus, selected by ADS.
/ADV Output
Associated Data Bus Valid. ADV indicates the validity of the AD[15:0] bus. AD[15:0] is invalid when ADS=1 and a peek or extract operation is performed on an empty priority queue. /ADV signal is an address bit AD[16] of the Associated Data Bus, however, AD[16] is not a part of the SRAM address.
ADS Input
Associated Data Bus Select. ADS determines whether the AD[15:0] bus carries the value of the IDR (ADS=0) or the MDR (ADS=1).
/ADOE Input
Associated Data Bus Output Enable. /ADOE asynchronously enables Alto to drive the AD[15:0] bus.
DQ[31:0] Input/Output
Data Bus. The bi-directional data bus writes to and reads from the registers. Data for registers that are less than 32 bits occupy the least significant bits of DQ[31:0].
/DQOE Input
Data Bus Output Enable. Asynchronously enables the device to drive the DQ[31:0] pins.
/RDY Input
READY. RDY indicates that the bus is idle and able to accept a new command. /TRST Input JTAG reset pin. TCLK Input JTAG Test Clock. TMS Input JTAG Test Mode Select. TDI Input JTAG Test data Input. TDO Output JTAG Test Data Output. V
Power Supply Voltage for Core (1.8V)
Power Supply Voltage for I/O (3.3V)
GND Ground
Input Supply Voltage for PLL (1.8V)
GND Ground for PLL
MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler
MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 3 Rev 0.3 Draft
Functional Description
This section provides an overview of the use of the Alto device. Detailed information is provided elsewhere in this document.
The Alto priority queue is a high-performance sorting engine designed to support packet scheduling in Ethernet and ATM switches. Alto supports packet scheduling for up to 16 physical queues, with a total of up to 65,536 per flow or per virtual circuit queues.
The Alto device also contains a Unique Identifier (UID) manager that provides an associated data value that is not in use for a specific queue. The UID generator is independent of the priority queue and its use is optional. The UID generator can be used to assist with queuing memory management by selecting an unused packet storage location. The priority queue functionality and the UID manager functionality are independent of each other, so either can be used without the other, or both can be used together.
Alto provides a simple synchronous interface that consists of a 32-bit bi-directional data bus (DQ[31:0]), a register selection input (REG[2:0]), a read/write input (/W), and a priority queue selection input (PQ[3:0]). In addition, device status can be read from a register over the DQ[31:0] bus or obtained directly from the STR[4:0] pins. Alto also provides a separate address output bus (AD[15:0]) that can be used to drive an external SRAM, if desired.
The Alto device stores <key, data> pairs in a priority queue such that the entry with the minimum key value is at the top of the queue. The basic operations of the device allow new entries to be inserted into the priority queue or the entry with the minimum key value to be extracted from the priority queue. Other operations include the ability to read the entry with the minimum key value without altering the priority queue, or to perform both an extraction and an insertion simultaneously. Figure 3 shows datapath for the device registers.
The Alto device holds 64K entries, each of which consists of a 32-bit key and 16 bits of associated data. The 65,536 entries can be distributed evenly among one, two, four, eight or sixteen priority queues. A Size Register for each priority queue indicates the number of elements in the queues. If the key values are based on time, or any other monotonically increasing value, there will come a time at which the 32-bit key value will wrap. The Alto device includes a Wrap Register, which indicates the key value that is to be treated as the minimum value. For example, if the Wrap Register is set to one, then one will be treated as the minimum key value, two will be the next value and zero will be considered the maximum key value. Each priority queue has its own Wrap Register.
The functional block diagram of the MUPA64K16 is shown in Figure 2. The device contains a set of registers, a priority queue and a Unique Identifier Manager.
Priority Queue
Operand Decoder
Figure 2: Functional block diagram.
Priority Queue
The priority queue logic block implements a priority queue that contains 65,536 <key, data> pair combinations. The key is a 32-bit value that is sorted by the priority queue and the data is a 16-bit data field that can contain an arbitrary value. This block contains the instruction logic for all the queue operations.
The basic operations of the priority queue are:
INSERT a new <key, data> pair
EXTRACT returns the minimum <key, data> pair
as selected by the PQ[3:0] inputs
BOTH performs Extract and Insert both operations
PEEK returns the minimum <key, data> pair as selected by the PQ[3:0] inputs
Priority Queue logic block receives instructions and related data from the registers and generates the output data and the control signals to update the Status Register. The execution of the instruction is indicated by the “DONE” signal, which is sent to the registers to prepare for the next instruction from the registers.
Unique Identifier (UID) Manager
The UID Manager stores up to 64K 16-bit unused data elements, each of which represents a unique
MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler
MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 4 Rev 0.3 Draft
identifier. The UID Manager returns the lowest unused identifier, and replaces any identifier currently not used. The basic operations of the UID manager are:
UID Get: obtain an unused UID
UID Put: return a UID to the pool of unused UIDs
Pipeline operations are supported; as soon as an operation begins execution, the input registers are available to receive data for the next operation.
The contents of the Size Register (SR) are cleared when either the Mode Register (MR) or the Size Register (SR) detects a WRITE operation. When the priority queue (PQ) line addresses the SR, the contents of the SR will be incremented or decremented by one for INSERT or EXTRACT operations. The respective Wrap Register (WR) will be updated via the DQ input port using the PQ line value and the contents of the Mode Register (MR). Similarly, the contents of the WR will be cleared when the MR detects the WRITE operation.
The contents of the Size Registers (SR), Wrap Registers(WR), Input Key Register (IKR), Input Data Register(IDR), priority queue, and opcode are stored in the packet buffer when any of these instructions (INSERT, EXTRACT, BOTH, PEEK) are detected. After the completion of the previously issued queue instruction, these contents are transferred to the priority queue to execute the priority queue’s next instruction.
The input buffers are now available to accept additional queue instructions from the external I/O interface. Any additional new instructions can be issued after checking the status information (STR) bits (either 0 or 1 depending upon the instruction).
STR[4:0] (Status, Output)
STR[4:0] provide device status information, and is equivalent to Status Register bits 4:0.
STR[0] is one if IKR and IDR are ready to accept new values; STR[0] is zero if a command has been issued, but execution has not yet started.
STR[1] is one if MKR and MDR contain new values to be read; STR[1] is reset to zero if either the MKR or MDR registers are read.
STR[2] is one if the UPR is ready to accept a new value.
STR[3] is one off any UGR contains a new UID value to be read.
STR[4] is one if the most recent UID Get operation completed and the associated UID Get Register contains the new UID value.
Register Descriptions
Table 2 gives an overview of the device registers and their attributes. Figure 3 shows the register datapath.
Input Data Register (1 x 16 bits)
The Input Data Register (IDR) is loaded with an associated data value for the next INSERT or BOTH instruction. The IDR is write only. The IDR can be read via the AD[15:0] bus when ADS is zero.
Input Key Register (1 x 32 bits)
The Input Key Register (IKR) is loaded with an key value for the next INSERT or BOTH instruction. The IKR is write only.
Min Data Register (1 x 16 bits)
The Min Data Register (MDR) contains the data associated with the minimum key of the selected priority queue. The MDR is loaded by Peek, Extract and Both instructions. The MDR is read only. The MDR can be read via the AD[15:0] bus when ADS is one.
Min Key Register (1 x 32 bits)
The Min Key Register (MKR) contains the minimum key of the selected priority queue. The MKR is loaded by the Peek, Extract and Both instructions. The MKR is read only.
Mode Register (1 x 3 bits)
The Mode Register (MR) bits select the number of priority queues:
0: one priority queue (64K each)
1: two priority queues (32K each)
2: four priority queues (16K each)
3: eight priority queues (8K each)
4, 5, 6, 7: sixteen priority queues (4K each)
The MR is read/write and is initialized to all zeros. Table 3 shows how the MR value affects other registers in the device.
Note: Writing to the mode register will reset all Size Registers and all Wrap Registers to zero.
MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler
MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 5 Rev 0.3 Draft
Table 2: Registers
Register Description R/W Size Reg[2:0] /W
Input Data Register (IDR)
Contains the associated data value for the next INSERT or BOTH instruction
W 16 1 0
Input Key Register (IKR)
Contains the key value for the next
INSERT or BOTH instruction W 32 0 0 Minimum Data Register (MDR)
Contains the data associated with the
minimum key value returned by a
R 16 1 1
Minimum Key Register (MKR)
Contains the minimum key value
returned by the PEEK, EXTRACT or
BOTH instruction
R 32 0 1
Size Registers (16) (SR)
Indicates the size of each of the
priority queues R/W 17 2 0/1 Wrap Registers (16) (WR)
Holds the value that is to be
considered minimum R/W 32 3 0/1 UID Get Registers (16) (UGR)
Holds the next available unique
identifier that is not in use R 17 5 1 UID Put Register (UPR)
Accepts identifiers that are no longer
in use to be returned to the free list W 16 5 0 Mode Register (MR) Determines the number of
independent priority queues in use: 1,
2 4, 8 or 16
R/W 3 4 0/1
Status Register (STR) Provides device status R 21 6 1 Reserved R/W N/A 7 0/1
PQ[3:0] PQ[3:0]
Register x16
Input Data
Input Key
Register x16
Min Data
Min Key Register
Register x16
STR[4:0] MUX
Figure 3: Register Datapath
MUPA64K16 Alto Priority Queue Scheduler
MUSIC Semiconductors Confidential 6 Rev 0.3 Draft
Table 3: Relationship Among Registers
Number of
Of Wrap
Of Size
Width of
000 1 none
1 1 17 bits
001 2 PQ[0]
2 2 16 bits
010 4 PQ[1:0]
4 4 15 bits
011 8 PQ[2:0]
8 8 14 bits
100, 101 16 PQ[3:0]
16 16 13 bits
110, 111
As seen in Table 3, although the Size Register, Wrap Register and UID Get Register are replicated 16 times, not all of these registers are accessible if the MR value is less than four.
Table 4: Status Register
Bit 0 If Bit 0 is ‘1’ IKR and IDR are ready to
accept new values; If Bit 0 is ‘0’ if a command has been issued, but execution has not yet started.
Bit 1 If Bit 1 is ‘1’ MKR and MDR contain new
values to be read; If Bit 1 is reset to zero, either the MKR or MDR registers are read.
Bit 2 If Bit 2 is ‘1” the UPR is ready to accept a
new UID value.
Bit 3 If Bit 3 is ‘1’ any UGR contains a new UID
value to be read.
Bit 4 If Bit 4 is ‘1’ the most recent UID Get
operation completed and the associated UID Get Register contains the new UID
value. Bit [20:5]
Bits [20:5] provide the status of the most
recent UID Get operation for each
individual UID Get Register. Bit 5 is ‘1’ if
the most recent UID Get operation
completed for queue zero, Bit 6 is ‘1’ if the
most recent UID Get operation completed
for queue one, and so forth.
The STR is read only. Bits 4:0 of the Status Register can be read directly on pins STR[4:0].
Size Register (16 x 17 bits)
Wrap Register (16 x 32 bits)
The Wrap Register (WR) contains the minimum key value for the priority queue as selected by PQ[3:0]. If the WR contains the value N, then N is considered to be the smallest key value and N-1 is considered to be the largest key value. Each priority queues has its own WR. The WR is read/write, although the new wrap value will not be used until after the current operation completes. All WRs are initialized to zero.
UID Get Register (16 x 17 bits)
Each UID Get Register (UGR) contains an identifier for the priority queue as selected by PQ[3:0]. A separate UGR exists for each priority queue to allow these identifiers to be generated in advance. The minimum UID is zero and the maximum UID is one less than the maximum number of elements for a queue. The identifiers are unique only within a queue and not among queues. Bits 15:0 contain the UID value. Bit 16 indicates whether bits 15:0 are valid. Bit 17 indicates whether the UGR has a new value since the last time that it was read. The UGRs are read only registers.
UID Put Register (1 x 16 bits)
The UID Put Register (UPR) accepts identifiers that are no longer in use so that they can be reused. The unique identifier is returned to the free list of UIDs for the priority queue selected by PQ[3:0]. The UPR is write only register.
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