MUSIC MUAC8K64-50TDI, MUAC8K64-70TDC, MUAC8K64-70TDI, MUAC8K64-90TDC, MUAC8K64-90TDI Datasheet

Data Sheet
MUSIC Semiconductors, the MUSIC logo, and the phrase “MUSIC Semiconductors” are
March 6, 2001 Rev. 4a
Registered trademarks of MUSIC S emiconductors. MUSIC is a trademark of MUSIC Semiconductors.
Longest Prefix Match searches of IPv4 addresses
28 million IPv4 packets per second supports up to 18 Gb Ethernet or 7 OC-48 ATM ports at wire speed
Exact match on MAC addresses
Processes DA and SA within 190 ns, supporting three ports of 1 Gb or 34 ports of 100 Mb Ethernet at wire speed
Mixed mode L3 and L2 single search engine for two ports at 1 Gb or 29 ports of 100 Mb Ethernet at wire speed
Directly addresses external RAM containing associated data of any width
Hardware control states directly address memory and registers; Instruction and Status registers for optional software control
4K and 8K x 64-bit words
32-bit ternary or 64-bit binary compares
35 ns deterministic compare and output time
32-bit Data I/O port
16-bit Match Address Output port
Address/Control bus directly controls device operations for faster operation or higher throughput
Seven selectable mask registers
Synchronous operation
Cascadable for increased depth
Extensive set of control states for flexibility
JTAG interface
100-pin TQFP package; 3.3 Volt operation
Figure 1: Blo ck Diagram
AA Bus
/CS1 /CS2
AC Bus
4 K x 64 Word
8 K x 64 Word
Address Database
/M F
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) FamilyMUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family General Description
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The MUAC RCP family consists of 4K and 8K x 64-bit Routing CoProcessors (RCPs) with a 32-bit wide data interface and a 32-bit ternary compare instruction. The device is designed for use in layer 3 switches, routers, and layer 2 switches to provide very high throughput address translation using tables held in external RAM. The MUAC RCP has a fully deterministic search time, independent of the size of the list and the position of the data in the list. This unique feature guarantees that the wire speed address recognition does not impact the latency or induce some jitter on the latency of the global system. Address fields from the packet header are compared against a list of entries stored in the array. As a result of the comparison,
the MUAC RCP generates an index that is used to access an external RAM where port mapping data and other associated information is stored.
A set of control states provides a powerful and flexible control interface to the MUAC RCP. This control structure allows memory read and write, register read and write, data move, comparison, validity control, addressing control, and initialization operations.
The MUAC RCP architecture uses direct hardware control of the device and an independent bus for returning match results. Software control is also supported for systems where maximum performance is not needed.
The MUAC RCP is designed to act as an address translator for lookup tables in layer 3 switches, routers, and layer 2 switches. Refer to Figure 2 for a simplified block diagram of a switch. During normal operation, the controller extracts the address information from an arriving packet to form the comparand, which is then compared against the contents of the MUAC RCP. The MUAC RCP generates an index that is used to access the data in an external RAM, which holds the destination port for accessing the network. The controller reads the data from the RAM and forwards the packet.
A unique feature of the MUAC RCP is its ternary comparison that processes IPv4 CIDR addresses in a single cycle. The bits of each MUAC RCP word are paired, such that each pair can contain two binary values (0,1) or one ternary (0,1,X= “Don’t Care”) value. A ternary value uses two bits, pairing bit n from the first 32 bits (31-0) with bit n+32. When storing a ternary 0 or 1, the value to be stored is written into bit n (0<=n<=31), and the complement of the value is written to bit n+32. Thus, a ternary 0 written to ternary pair 7 would consist of a 0 stored in bit 7 and a 1 stored in bit 39. When storing a ternary X, 0 is written to both bits in the pair.
Using bit pairs that are 32 bits apart simplifies the computation of the pair by a processor. Assume that the ternary value we wish to store is contained in two 32-bit processor words. Word A contains the value to be stored and word M contains a mask value, with a 0 in each position at which an X is to be stored. The value to be written to bits 31-0 of the MUAC RCP is (A&M) and the value to be written to bits 63-32 of the MUAC RCP is (~A&M).
A special instruction, CMPT DQ, performs the ternary comparison processing for IPv4 CIDR addresses. The data on the DQ bus are used directly as both the comparand and compare mask bits 31–0, and the one’s complement of the
DQ bus data are used as both the comparand and compare mask bits 63–32. As a result, this instruction matches a DQ bit of 0 with bit pairs storing both 0 and X, and a DQ bit of 1 matches bit pairs storing both 1 and X.
IPv4 CIDR addresses are prioritized by placing their ternary-encoded values into the MUAC RCP memory such that entries with longer netmasks (longer matches) have higher priority (lower indices). Thus, when the MUAC RCP performs a ternary comparison, it will return the index of the longest matching entry. Typically, the system is initialized by a processor that writes routing table information into the MUAC RCP. The index at which a write takes place is driven onto the PA:AA bus, so that output port data can be written simultaneously into the external RAM at the correct index.
The validity of a location in the Address Database is determined by an extra bit called the Validity bit. This bit is set and reset either with an index or an associative match. Therefore, when a new entry is written to the database, its Validity bit is set valid.
When a database location is deleted, the Validity bit for that entry is reset, and the index of the location is driven onto the Active Address bus. This simple mechanism allows easy maintenance of the tables in both the database and the external RAM.
The MUAC RCP supports simple daisy chained vertical cascading that serves to prioritize multiple devices and provides system-level match and full indication. If the slight timing overhead associated with the daisy chain is unacceptable, the MUAC RCP is designed to facilitate external prioritization across multiple devices.
For layer 2 applications, the MAC addresses are processed in a binary mode, and the MUAC RCP looks for an exact match. An MUAC RCP can be used to process both MAC addresses and IPv4 CIDR in the same device.
Operational Overview MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
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Figure 2: Switch Block Diagram
Switch Fabric
Switch Control
and Packet
Network Address
Packet Stream
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) F a mi ly Pin Descriptions
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Note: Signal names that start with a slash (“/”) are active LOW. All signals are 3.3V CMOS level. Never leave inputs floating. The CAM architecture draws large currents during compare operations, mandating the use of good layout and bypassing techniques. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section for more information.
DQ31–0 (Data Bus , Three -s ta te , C om m on Input/ Outpu t)
The DQ31–0 lines convey data to and from the MUAC RCP. When the /E input is HIGH the DQ31–0 lines are held in their high-impedance state. The /W input determines whether data flows to or from the device on the DQ31–0 lines. The source or destination of the data is determined by the AC bus, DSC, and the /AV line. During a Write cycle, data on the DQ31–0 lines is registered by the falling edge of /E.
AC12–0/AC11–0 (Address/Control Bus, Input)
When Hardware control is selected, the AC bus conveys address or control information to the MUAC RCP, depending on the state of the /AV input. When /AV is LOW then the AC bus carries an address; when /AV is HIGH the AC bus carries control information. Data on the AC bus is registered by the falling edge of /E. When software control is selected, the state of the AC bus does not affect the operation of the device.
DSC (Data Segment Control, Input)
When DQ bus access to a 64 bit register or memory word is performed, the DSC input determines whether bits 31–0 (DSC LOW) or bits 63–32 (DSC HIGH) are accessed. Access to 32 bit registers require that DSC be held LOW.
AA12–0/AA11–0 (A ctive Add r ess, Outp ut)
The AA bus conveys the Match address, the Next Free address, or Random Access address, depending on the most recent memory cycle. The /OE input enables the AA bus; when the /OE input is HIGH, the AA bus is in its high-impedance state; when /OE is LOW the AA bus is active. In a vertically cascaded system after a Comparison cycle, Write at Next Free Address cycle or Read/Write at Highest-Priority match, only the highest-priority device will enable its AA bus, regardless of the state of the /OE input. In the event of a mismatch in the Address Database after a Compare cycle, or after a Write at Next Free Address cycle into an already full system, the lowest-priority device will drive the AA bus with all 1s. The AA bus is latched when /E is LOW, and are free to change only when /E is HIGH.
Figure 3: MUAC RCP Pinout
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
DQ10 DQ11
VDD DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15
AC11 AC10
100-Pin TQFP
(Top View)
* NC on MUAC4K6
Pin Descriptions MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
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PA3–0 (Page Address, Output)
The PA3–0 lines convey Page Address information. When the /OE input is HIGH, the PA3–0 outputs are in their high-impedance state; when /OE is LOW the PA3–0 lines carry the Page Address value held in the Configuration register. The PA3–0 lines are latched when /E is LOW, and are free to change only when /E is HIGH. The Page Address value of the currently active or highest-priority responding device is output at the same time, and under the same conditions, as the AA bus is active.
/E (Chip Enable, Input)
The /E input is the main chip enable and synchronizing control for the MUAC RCP. When /E is HIGH, the chip is disabled and the DQ31–0 lines are held in their high-impedance state. The falling edge of /E registers the /W, /CS1, /CS2, /AV, /AC bus, DSC, and the /VB and DQ31–0 lines for a Write cycle. /E being LOW causes the results of the previous comparison or memory access to be latched on the PA:AA bus; when /E goes HIGH the latches opens allowing the new comparison results or random access memory address to flow to the PA:AA bus.
/CS1, /CS2 (Chip Select 1, Chip Select 2, Inputs)
The /CS1 and /CS2 inputs enable the MUAC RCP. If either /CS1 or /CS2 are LOW, the device is selected for a Read, Write, or Compare cycle through the DQ31–0 lines, or for an internal data transfer. The /CS1 and /CS2 lines do not have any effect on the PA:AA bus. The state of the /CS1 and /CS2 lines is registered by the falling edge of /E.
/W (Wri te Enable, Inpu t)
The /W input determines the direction of data transfer on the DQ31–0 lines during Read, Write, and Data Move cycles. When /W is LOW, data flows into the DQ31–0 lines; when /W is HIGH, data flows out. The /W line also conditions the control state present on the AC bus and DSC lines. The state of the /W line is registered by the falling edge of /E.
/OE (Output Enable, Input)
The /OE input enables the PA:AA bus. When /OE is HIGH, PA:AA bus are in their high-impedance state. When /OE is LOW, PA:AA bus are active, and convey the results of the last Comparison Cycle Match address or Memory Access address. In a vertically cascaded system, only the PA:AA bus of the highest-priority device will be activated by /OE being LOW; in lower-priority devices, the PA:AA bus remains in high-impedance regardless of the state of /OE.
/AV (Address Valid, Input)
When Hardware control is selected, the /AV input determines whether the AC bus carries address or control information. When /AV is LOW, the AC bus conveys a memory address; when /AV is HIGH, the AC bus conveys control information. The state of the /AV line is registered by the falling edge of /E. When software control is selected, the /AV line distinguishes between instructions and data on the DQ31–0 lines; when /AV is LOW, data is present on the DQ31–0 lines; when /AV is HIGH, an instruction is present on the DQ11–0 lines.
/VB (Validity Bit, Three-state, Common Input/Output)
During accesses over the DQ31–0 lines, the /VB line conveys validity information to and from the MUAC RCP. During a Write cycle (/W=LOW), when /VB is LOW the addressed location is set valid; when /VB is HIGH it is set empty. During a Read cycle (/W=HIGH), the validity of the addressed location is read on the /VB line. During a Write cycle, the state of the /VB line is registered by the falling edge of /E.
/MF (Match Flag, Output)
The /MF output indicates whether a valid match has occurred during the previous Comparison cycle. If the /MF output is HIGH at the end of a Comparison cycle, then no match occurred; if it is LOW then either a match occurred within the device, or the /MI input is LOW, conditioned by the /MF output from a higher-priority device in the system. The state of the /MF line will not change until after the rising edge of /E during the Comparison cycle. Note that /MF indicates the results of the most recent Comparison cycle; it will not change when the PA:AA bus carry an address other than the Match address.
/MI (Match Input, Input)
The /MI input receives match information from the next higher-priority MUAC RCP in a vertically cascaded system to provide system-level prioritization. When the /MI input is HIGH, the /MF output will only go LOW if there is a match during a Comparison cycle; when the /MI input is LOW, the /MF output will go LOW. The /MF output from one device is connected to the /MI input of the next lower-priority device. The /MI pin of the highest-priority device must be tied HIGH.
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) F a mi ly Pin Descriptions
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/FF (Full Flag, Output)
The /FF output indicates when all the memory locations have their Validity bits set valid (LOW). When there is at least one location with its Validity bit set HIGH, the /FF output will be HIGH; when all locations have their Validity bits set LOW, and the /FI input is LOW, the /FF output will be LOW. If the /FI input is HIGH, the /FF output will be HIGH. The state of the /FF line will not change until after the rising edge of /E during a Write cycle.
/FI (Full Input, Input)
The /FI input receives full information from the next higher-priority MUAC RCP in a vertically cascaded system to provide system-level full information. When the /FI input is LOW the /FF output will be HIGH if there is at least one location whose Validity bit is set invalid; when all locations have their Validity bits set valid, the /FF output goes LOW. When the /FI input is HIGH, the /FF output will remain HIGH. The /FF output from one device is connected to the /FI input of the next lower-priority device to give system-full indication. The /FI pin of the highest-priority device must be tied LOW.
/MM (Multiple Match, Open Drain Output)
The /MM line indicates that there is a multiple match within the system. When the /MI input is HIGH, the /MM line is pulled LOW if there are at least two matches within the MUAC RCP as a result of the previous Comparison cycle; when there are less than two matches, the /MM line floats HIGH. When the /MI input is LOW, the /MM line is pulled LOW if there are one or more matches within the MUAC RCP as a result of the previous Comparison cycle; when there are no matches, the /MM line floats HIGH. The /MM lines have open-drain outputs, so all /MM lines within the system are connected together to give system-level multiple match indication. The state of the /MM line will not change until after the rising edge of /E during a Comparison cycle.
The /RESET input is used to reset the MUAC RCP to a known state. When the /RESET line is pulled LOW it causes the MUAC RCP to enter its reset state. After power is applied to the MUAC RCP, the /RESET line must be held LOW for a time equal to or greater than the minimum RESET pulse width before the device can operate correctly. This pin is internally pulled up.
TCLK (JT AG Test Clock, Input)
The TCLK input is the Test Clock input. This pin is internally pulled up.
TMS (JTAG Test Mode Select, Input)
The TMS input is the Test Mode Select input. This pin is internally pulled up.
TDI (JTAG Test Data Input, Input)
The TDI input is the Test Data input. This pin is internally pulled up.
TDO (JTAG Test Data Output, Output)
The TCLK output is the Test Data Output. This pin is internally pulled up.
/TRST (JTA G Reset, Input)
The /TRST input is the Reset input, and serves to reset the Test Access Port circuitry to its reset condition. This pin is internally pulled up.
VDD, VSS (Positive Power Supply, Ground)
These pins are the main power supply connections to the MUAC RCP. VDD must be held at +3.3 Volts and ± 0.3 Volts relative to the VSS pin, which is at 0 Volts, system reference potential, for correct operation of the device.
Note: The TCLK, TMS, TDI, TDO, and /TRST lines are defined in the IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-scan Architecture IEEE Standard. 1149.1-1990 and IEEE Standard.
Functional Description MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
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Data is read from and written to the MUAC RCP through the DQ31–0 lines. The Control bus, which is comprised of Chip Enable (/E), two Chip Selects (/CS1, /CS2), Write Enable (/W), Output Enable (/OE), Validity Bit Control (/VB), Address Valid (/AV), Data Segment Control (DSC), and the Address/Control inputs (AC bus) controls the MUAC RCP. When the /AV line is LOW, the AC bus carries an address for random access into the Memory array; when it is HIGH, the AC bus conveys control information. The MUAC RCP control states perform Register Read/Write, Memory Read/Write, Data Move, Comparison, Validity Bit Control, Initialization, and Address Register Control. These functions are summarized in Control State Overview on page 17.
Random access to memory locations occurs when the /AV line is LOW; during a Write cycle, the validity of the location is set by the /VB input. When the /AV line is HIGH the control states allow read and write access to the register set comprising Comparand register, seven mask registers, a Configuration register, a Status register, an Address register, a Device Select register, and an Instruction register. The Configuration register sets the persistent operating conditions of the device: the Page address of the device, selection of mask register for directly addressed memory writes, and selection between hardware and software control.
When Hardware control is selected, control is through the AC bus and DSC line. When Software control is selected, control is through the Instruction register, which is loaded from the DQ bus. Under software control the /AV line is used to distinguish between data and an instruction on the DQ bus. Therefore, in Software Control mode, random access to the Memory array can take place only using indirect addressing through the Address register.
The two Chip Select lines /CS1, /CS2 enable the device and simplify access to a multi-chip system, if either Chip Select line is LOW the device is selected. The MUAC RCP also can be selected through the Device Select register when its value is set to that of the Page address of the device, and the enable bit in the Device Select register is set LOW. The /OE input enables the output signal and is used to synchronize devices in a multi-chip system, and to prevent race conditions among devices during priority resolution.
The output signals comprise the Active address (AA bus), and the Page address (PA bus). The PA:AA bus provides the current Active address, which is either the Match address, Next Free address, or the Random Access address, concatenated with the Device Page address. The source of Active address is dependent on the previous
control state, allowing access to associated data in the external RAM at the same location as an access in the MUAC RCP for all types of cycles.
The Output enable, /OE, controls the PA:AA bus: when it is LOW after a Compare cycle, the highest-priority responding device outputs its Page and Match addresses on PA:AA bus. Only the highest-priority responding device is enabled, all other lower-priority devices will have their PA:AA bus in the high-impedance state, regardless of the state of their respective /OE lines: when /OE is HIGH, the PA:AA remain in the high-impedance state.
When a mismatch occurs in the system, the lowest-priority device, as defined in the Configuration register, will drive the PA:AA bus with all 1s. When any Read or Write cycle occurs, the address of the accessed location is output on the PA:AA bus. The address output on the PA:AA bus is persistent, and is held latched until /E goes HIGH during the next cycle that changes the Active address. The PA:AA bus is free to change only while /E is HIGH. Once /E goes LOW, the state of the PA:AA bus is latched.
After a Compare cycle, the /MF and /MM flags are free to change after /E has gone HIGH. Once the Match Flag daisy chain has resolved device prioritization, the /OE lines can be asserted to enable the PA:AA bus from the highest-priority matching device.
In a multi-chip system, when a device remains deselected during a Compare cycle through /CS1 and /CS2 being HIGH and there being no match between the Device Select register and the Page Address register, that device will clear any previous positive match results. In other words, if it had previously been indicating a match from an earlier Comparison cycle, it will now be set to indicate a mismatch, even though it was not selected during the most recent Compare cycle.
For pure software control of the MUAC RCP, instructions can be loaded into the Instruction register, and results read from the Status register. The Status register holds the results of comparison: PA:AA bus, /MF, /FF, and /MM plus two PA:AA Validation bits that indicate the type of cycle that generated the PA:AA bus value.
Vertical cascading is supported through a daisy chain architecture. There are two daisy chains, one each for the Match flag and the Full flag; the Multiple Match flag is connected between devices through an open-drain line. The Match flag (/MF) from a higher-priority device is connected to the Match input (/MI) of the next lower-priority device to provide prioritization throughout a multiple device system. The /MF output from the
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family Operational Characteristics
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lowest-priority device provides a system Match flag. If the delay through the daisy chain is unacceptable, the /OE input can be used by external priority-resolution circuitry to enable the highest-priority responder in the system.
The match conditions on the Match and Multiple Match flag lines are persistent indicating the results of the most recent Compare cycle. The Match flags are free to change after the rising edge of /E during a Compare cycle, at which time the daisy chain starts to resolve device prioritization. Once the daisy chain has settled, the /OE lines can be pulled LOW to access the Highest-Priority Match address on the PA:AA bus.
The Multiple Match open-drain output (/MM) provides multiple match indication when there are two or more matches in a single device, or a device has its /MI input LOW and has a match; the /MM flags of all devices in the
system are wire-ORed. Multiple responders can be accessed sequentially by resetting the Highest-Priority Match latch with the control state Advance to Next Matching Location.
The Full flag (/FF) is cascaded from one device to the Full Flag input (/FI) of the next lower-priority device in the system. The /FF output from the lowest-priority device provides a system Full flag. The Full flag is free to change after the rising edge of /E during a Write cycle. The daisy chains are persistent and are not conditioned by the /OE input.
The MUAC RCP supports JTAG boundary-scan testing through the pins TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, and /TRST, according to the IEEE 1149 Standard: Test Access Port and Boundary-scan Architecture.
Processor Interface
The processor interface is through a 32-bit data bus DQ31–0 and control signals comprised of Chip Enable (/E), two Chip Selects (/CS1, /CS2), Write Enable (/W), Output Enable (/OE), Validity Bit Control (/VB), Address Valid (/AV), Data Segment Control (DSC), and Address/Control inputs (AC bus). When the /AV line is LOW, the DSC and AC bus carries an address for random access into the Memory array; when it is HIGH, the AC bus conveys control information.
Most of the functionality of the MUAC RCP is accessed through the control states on DSC and AC bus when /AV is HIGH. The processor maps the control structure into memory space and controls the MUAC RCP through memory Read and Write cycles. Using this memory mapping scheme, the /AV line should be driven from logic that generates a HIGH level within the mapped range of the control states, and a LOW level outside it. Other control inputs /E, /W, /CS1, and /CS2 are analogous to SRAM control inputs.
The /VB line acts like an extra data bit during memory Read and Write cycles and is used to read and write the validity of any memory location.
The MUAC RCP is enabled either through hardware through /CS1 or /CS2 being LOW, or it is enabled by the value written to the Device Select register matching with the Page Address field of the Configuration register. One extra bit in the Device Select register enables the comparison between the Page Address value and the Device Select register. These Chip Select mechanisms operate in parallel. If any one is active, the device is enabled.
The MUAC RCP can be controlled directly through software. The Software Control mode is selected through settings in the Configuration register.
When the Software Control mode is selected, control states are written to the Instruction register from DQ11–0 during a Write cycle with the /AV line held HIGH. DQ12 acts as the DSC input. If the control state does not involve any data transaction on the DQ31–0 lines, the instruction is executed during the same cycle; the state of DQ13 modifies the instruction, its state is equivalent to the /W input.
Note: It is up to the system designer to ensure that the correct cycle type follows the loading of an instruction in Software Control mode. If the instruction expects a Read cycle, and a Write cycle is executed, or vice versa, the function of the MUAC RCP is undefined. Such an error may lead to data loss, but will not damage the device physically.
A Read cycle with the /AV line HIGH will access the Status register, allowing results to be read back without loading a new instruction. After a Comparison cycle, Write at Next Free Address cycle or Read/Write at Highest-Priority match in a vertically cascaded system, only the highest-priority device will enable its DQ31–0 lines and output the contents of its Status register. After a Comparison cycle, in the event of a mismatch in the MUAC, the DQ31–0 lines of the lowest-priority device will be enabled. After a random access Read or Write cycle, the Status register of any selected device will be enabled. Under these circumstances, it is up to the user to ensure that only a single device is enabled through /CS1, /CS2, or the Device Select register.
Operational Characteristics MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family
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The instruction is persistent, so that all subsequent data transactions will be executed according to the control state held in the Instruction register. The results of a Comparison cycle can be read back from the Status register, and include PA:AA bus, /MF, /MM, and /FF. The following sequence of events provides the fastest operation of the MUAC RCP in Software Control mode:
Note: It is up to the system designer to ensure that the correct cycle type follows the loading of an instruction in Software Control mode. If the instruction expects a Read cycle, and a Write cycle is executed, or vice versa, the function of the MUAC RCP is undefined. Such an error may lead to data loss, but will not damage the device physically.
Hardware Control
Direct hardware control using the AC bus and DSC line enhances performance of the MUAC RCP. The AC bus inputs determine which CAM location is accessed, and the DSC determines whether bits 31–0 (DSC LOW) or bits 63–32 (DSC HIGH) are active. The Hardware Control mode is selected when Configuration Register bits FR27–26 are set LOW. The AC bus inputs are qualified by /W, /AV, and /VB. When /AV is LOW, the AC bus and DSC line carry the address for a random Read or Write cycle, depending on the state of /W, and /VB carries the validity of the location. During a Write cycle, /VB is written to the Validity bit of the addressed location; during a Read cycle, the validity of the location is read on the /VB line. When /VB is LOW, the location contains valid data; when /VB is HIGH the location is empty.
When /AV is HIGH, the AC bus and DSC line carry address and control information. The DSC line selects whether bits 31–0 (DSC LOW) or bits 63–32 (DSC HIGH) participate in the operation. The AC8–6 lines select the mask register and the AC5–0 lines provide the Op-Code. If masking is not used, and all random addressing of the memory is indirect through the Address register, then only the DSC and AC5–0 lines are needed for full control of the device.
In applications where a restricted number of control lines are available, or where speed is not critical, the MUAC RCP can be controlled in Software Control mode where the control states are loaded into the Instruction register through the DQ31–0 lines. The control states are identical in both Hardware and Software Control modes, although DQ12 and DQ13 take on special significance in Software mode.
Software Control
For optimum performance, the AC bus and DSC line control the MUAC RCP, allowing data transactions through the DQ31–0 lines during a control cycle. In cases where the overhead of a separate data load cycle can be accommodated, the MUAC RCP can be operated through the Instruction register. The AC bus and DSC line are not used.
Control through the Instruction register is selected by the FR27–26 bits of the Configuration register being set HIGH. The instruction is loaded from the DQ11–0 lines (with DSC on DQ12) into the Instruction register during a Write cycle with the /AV line HIGH. The instructions are directly analogous to the control states for any operation that does not involve data transfer on the DQ31–0 lines, in which case the instruction is executed during the same cycle as the instruction is loaded. To distinguish between Read and Write control states, DQ13 is used to indicate which type of instruction should be executed. When DQ13 is LOW at the beginning of the cycle, the instruction executed is the Write Cycle instruction (/W = LOW when control state is conveyed on AC bus and DSC); when DQ13 is HIGH at the beginning of the cycle, the instruction executed is the Read Cycle instruction (/W = HIGH when control state is conveyed on the AC bus).
When the instruction calls for data to be written or read from the DQ31–0 lines, the instruction is loaded into the Instruction register during the cycle, and the next Data Read or Write cycle with /AV LOW executes the instruction using the DQ31–0 bus for the data transaction. The instruction is persistent; for example, if no other instruction is loaded into the Instruction Register, subsequent data transactions with the /AV line LOW will be executed according to the instruction currently loaded in the Instruction register. When there is a data access to a memory location on DQ31–0 associated with the instruction, the /VB line carries the validity of that location.
Instructions that involve data transactions on DQ31–0, and are therefore executed on a subsequent Read or Write cycle with the /AV line LOW, are all Read/Write Memory and Read/Write Register instructions, Read Validity, Write PA3-0. All other instructions are executed in a single cycle with the state of DQ13 being interpreted as the state of the /W line during the equivalent hardware control state.
For Read Cycles with the /AV line HIGH, there is a Software Control mode. This mode is selected through the Configuration bits FR27–26. In Software Control mode (FR27–26 = 0b11) a Read cycle with /AV HIGH accesses the Status register.
/AV Operation
1 Load ‘Compare DQ with CAM’ instruction 0 Comparand on DQ31–0 1 Read Status register 0 Next Comparan d on DQ31–0 1 Read Status register, etc.
MUAC Routing CoProcessor (RCP) Family Operational Characteristics
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Active Address Interface PA:AA Bus
The Active Address interface PA:AA bus carries the currently active address. The address source depends on the most recent control state that caused it to change. The possible address sources that are output on PA:AA bus are: Highest-Priority Match address, Next Free address, Read address, and Write address.
PA:AA Bus After a Comparison Cycle
After a Comparison cycle, or access to the Highest-Priority address, the PA:AA bus carries one of the following two possible results:
The Match address if the Comparison cycle resulted in a match in the MUAC. Only the device containing the highest-priority match enables its PA:AA bus. All other devices with either no match or a lower-priority match, as indicated by the Match Flag daisy chain, keep their PA:AA bus in high-impedance regardless of the state of their /OE inputs.
All 1s if there was no match in the MUAC. The lowest-priority device, as indicated by bit FR25 in the Configuration register, enables its PA:AA bus and provides the source of all 1s. All other devices will keep their PA:AA bus in high-impedance regardless of the state of their /OE inputs.
PA:AA Bus After a Write at Next Free Address Cycle
After a Write at Next Free Address cycle the PA:AA carries the address that was written to during that cycle. Only the device in which the write occurred enables its PA:AA bus. All other devices keep their PA:AA bus in high-impedance regardless of the state of their /OE inputs.
In the event that the system was full prior to the Write at Next Free Address cycle being executed, so that the write operation was suppressed, the PA:AA carries all 1s. The lowest-priority device, as indicated by bit FR25 in the Configuration register, enables its PA:AA bus and provides the source of all 1s. All other devices keep their PA:AA in high-impedance regardless of the state of their /OE inputs.
PA:AA Bus After a Random Access Read or Write to the CAM
After a random Read or Write cycle to the MUAC, the PA:AA bus carries the address that was accessed during that cycle. Only the device in which the access occurred enables its PA:AA bus. All other devices keep their PA:AA bus in high-impedance regardless of the state of their /OE inputs. Note that the access to the PA:AA bus differs in this respect from the operation of the Status register, which is accessible in any selected device under this particular circumstance.
In the event that the Write cycle was broadcast to multiple devices, all devices that have their /OE lines held LOW will enable their PA:AA bus. Under this circumstance, it is up to the system designer to ensure that only one /OE line is driven LOW to prevent bus contention on the PA:AA bus.
PA:AA Bus Conditions of Operation
During a control state that does not have any effect on the device address, such as a Write Register cycle, the PA:AA bus remains unchanged. In other words, the state of the PA:AA bus persists until another cycle causes it to change.
When enabled by /OE being LOW, the PA:AA bus is only free to change while /E is HIGH. When /E goes LOW the PA:AA bus is latched.
The PA:AA bus is enabled when /OE is LOW provided that the previous cycle causes them to be active. When /OE is HIGH, the PA:AA bus is in high-impedance. Note that /OE is asynchronous with respect to /E, and is independent of Chip Select from either /CS1, /CS2, or through the Device Select register, except in the case of non-broadcast random Read and Write cycles to the MUAC.
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