MUSIC MU9C5480A-70DC, MU9C5480A-12DC, MU9C5480A-12DI, MU9C5480L-90DC, MU9C5480L-90DI Datasheet

1 October 1998 Rev. 2a
Block Diagram
Data Sheet
Ø 512 x 64-bit CMOS content-addressable memory
Ø 16-bit CAM/RAM segments with MUSIC’s patented
Ø /MA and /MM output flags to enable faster system
Ø Readable Device ID Ø Selectable faster operating mode with no wait states
after a no-match
Ø Validity bit setting accessible from the Status
Ø Single cycle reset for Segment Control register Ø 44-Pin PLCC package Ø 5 Volt (5480A) or 3.3 Volt (5480L) operation
The 512 x 64-bit LANCAM facilitates numerous operations:
Ø New speed grade allows processing of both
DA and SA within 560 ns, equivalent to 11 1, 10 Base-T or 11, 100 Base-T Ethernet ports
Ø Full CAM features allow all operations mask,
on a bit per bit basis
Ø Expanded powerful instruction set for any list
processing needs
Ø Fully compatible with all MUSIC LANCAM
series, cascadable to any practical length without performance penalties
Ø Shiftable Comparand and mask registers assist
in proximate matching algorithms
LANCAM, the MUSIC logo, and the phrase “MUSIC Semiconductors” are registered trademarks of MUSIC Semiconductors. MUSIC is a trademark of MUSIC Semiconductors. Certain features of this device are patented under US Patent 5,383,146.
DQ (15–0) (16)
DATA (16)
802 .3 /8 0 2 .5
DATA (16)
STATUS (15–0) (R/O)* STATUS (31–16) (R/O)
/M M , /FL
DATA (16)
DATA (64)
DATA (64)
512 X 2 VALI
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To use the LANCAM, the user loads the data into the Comparand register, which is automatically compared to all valid CAM locations. The device then indicates whether or not one or more of the valid CAM locations contains data that matches the target data. The status of each CAM location is determined by two validity bits at each memory location. The two bits are encoded to render four validity conditions: V alid, Empty, Skip, and RAM, shown in T able
1. The memory can be partitioned into CAM and associated RAM segments on 16-bit boundaries, but by using one of the two available mask registers, the CAM/RAM partitioning can be set at any arbitrary size between zero and 64 bits.
The LANCAM’s internal data path is 64 bits wide for rapid internal comparison and data movement. V ertical cascading of additional LANCAMs in a daisy chain fashion extends the CAM memory depth for large databases. Cascading requires no external logic. Loading data to the Control, Comparand, and mask registers automatically triggers a
Skip Bit
0 0 1 1
Empty Bit
0 1 0 1
Entry Type
Table 1: Entry Types vs. Validity Bits
Table 2: I/O Cycles
Cycle Type
Command Write cycle Data Write cycle Command Read cycle Data Read cycle
The MU9C5480A and MU9C5480L LANCAMs are 512 x 64-bit content-addressable memories (CAMs), with a 16-bit wide interface. They are pin compatible with all devices in the MUSIC LANCAM family.
Content-addressable memories, also known as associative memories, operate in the converse way to random access memories (RAM). In RAM, the input to the device is an address and the output is the data stored at that address. In CAM, the input is a data sample and the output is a flag to indicate a match and the address of the matching data. As a result, CAM searches large databases for matching
data in a short, constant time period, no matter how many entries are in the database. The ability to search data words up to 64 bits wide allows large address spaces to be searched rapidly and efficiently. A patented architecture links each CAM entry to associated data and makes this data available for use after a successful compare operation.
The MUSIC LANCAMs are ideal for address filtering and translation applications in LAN switches and routers. The LANCAMs are also well suited to encryption, database accelerators, and image processing.
compare. Compares also may be initiated by a command to the device. Associated RAM data is available immediately after a successful compare operation. The Status register reports the results of compares including all flags and addresses. T wo mask registers are available and can be used in two different ways: to mask comparisons or to mask data writes. The random access validity type allows additional masks to be stored in the CAM array where they may be retrieved rapidly.
A simple four-wire control interface and commands loaded into the Instruction decoder control the device. A powerful instruction set increases the control flexibility and minimizes software overhead. Additionally, dedicated pins for match and multiple-match flags enhance performance when the device is controlled by a state machine. These and other features make the LANCAM a powerful associative memory that drastically reduces search delays.
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All signals are implemented in CMOS technology with TTL levels. Signal names that start with a slash (“/”) are active LOW. Inputs should never be left floating. The CAM architecture draws large currents during compare operations, mandating the use of good layout and bypassing techniques. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section for more information.
/E (Chip Enable, Input, TTL)
The /E input enables the device while LOW. The falling edge registers the control signals /W, /CM, and /EC. The rising edge locks the daisy chain, turns off the DQ pins, and clocks the Destination and Source Segment counters. The four cycle types enabled by /E are shown in Table 2.
/W (Write Enable, Input, TTL)
The /W input selects the direction of data flow during a device cycle. /W LOW selects a Write cycle and /W HIGH selects a Read cycle.
/CM (Data/Command Select, Input, TTL)
The /CM input selects whether the input signals on DQ15–0 are data or commands. /CM LOW selects Command cycles and /CM HIGH selects Data cycles.
/EC (Enable Daisy Chain, Input, TTL)
The /EC signal performs two functions. The /EC input enables the /MF output to show the results of a comparison, as shown in Figure 6 on page 14. If /EC is LOW at the falling edge of /E in a given cycle, the /MF output is enabled. Otherwise, the /MF output is held HIGH. The /EC signal also enables the /MF– /MI daisy chain, which serves to select the device with the highest-priority match in a string of LANCAMs. Tables 5a
and 5b on page 12 explain the effect of the /EC signal on a device with or without a match in both Standard and Enhanced modes. /EC must be HIGH during initialization.
DQ15–0 (Data Bus, I/O, TTL)
The DQ15–0 lines convey data, commands, and status to and from the LANCAM. /W and /CM control the direction and nature of the information that flows to or from the device. When /E is HIGH, DQ15–0 go to HIGH-Z.
/MF (Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /MF output goes LOW when one or more valid matches occur during a compare cycle. /MF becomes valid after /E goes HIGH on the cycle that enables the daisy chain (on the first cycle that /EC is registered LOW by the previous falling edge of /E; see Figure 6 on page 14). In a daisy chain, valid match(es) in higher priority devices are passed from the /MI input to /MF . If the daisy chain is enabled but the match flag is disabled in the Control register, the /MF output only depends on the /MI input of the device (/MF=/MI). /MF is HIGH if there is no match or when the daisy chain is disabled (/E goes HIGH when /EC was HIGH on the previous falling edge of /E). The System Match flag is the /MF pin of the last device in the daisy chain. /MF will be reset when the active configuration register set is changed.
/MI (Match Input, Input, TTL)
The /MI input prioritizes devices in vertically cascaded systems. It is connected to the /MF output of the previous device in the daisy chain. The /MI pin on the first device in the chain must be tied HIGH.
/MA (Device Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /MA output is LOW when one or more valid matches occur during the current or the last previous compare cycle. The /MA output is not qualified by /EC or /MI, and reflects the match flag from that specific device’s Status register. /MA will be reset when the active register set is changed.
/MM (Device Multiple Match Flag, Output, TTL)
The /MM output is LOW when more than one valid match occurs during the current or the last previous compare cycle. The /MM output is not qualified by /EC or /MI, and reflects the multiple match flag from that specific device’s Status register. /MM will be reset when the active register set is changed.
Pinout Diagram
/C M
44-pin PLCC
(Top View)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
/M A /MI
44-Pin PLCC
(T op View)
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/FF (Full Flag, Output, TTL)
If enabled in the Control register, the /FF output goes LOW when no empty memory locations exist within the device (and in the daisy chain above the device as indicated by the /FI pin). The System Full flag is the /FF pin of the last device in the daisy chain, and the Next Free address resides in the device with /FI LOW and /FF HIGH. If disabled in the Control register, the /FF output only depends on the /FI input (/FF = /FI).
/FI (Full Input, Input, TTL)
The /FI input generates a CAM-Memory-System-Full indication in vertically cascaded systems. It is connected to the /FF output of the previous device in the daisy chain. The /FI pin on the first device in a chain must be tied LOW .
/RESET (Reset, Input, TTL)
/RESET must be driven LOW to place the device in a known state before operation, which will reset the device to the conditions shown in Table 4 on page 10. LANCAM A devices have a hardware reset that operates in parallel with the internal Power-on-reset circuitry, and sets the device to the same condition. For compatibility with the MU9C1480, the /RESET pin has an internal pull-up resistor and may be
left unconnected. The /RESET pin should be driven by TTL levels, not directly by an RC timeout. /E must be kept HIGH during /RESET .
TEST1, TEST2 (T est, Input, TTL)
These pins enable MUSIC production test modes that are not usable in an application. They should be connected to ground, either directly or through a pull-down resistor, or they may be left unconnected. These pins may not be implemented on all versions of these products.
VCC, GND (Positive Power Supply , Ground)
These pins are the power supply connections to the LANCAM. VCC must meet the voltage supply requirements in the Operating Conditions section relative to the GND pins, which are at 0 volts (system reference potential), for correct operation of the device. All the ground and power pins must be connected to their respective planes with adequate bulk and high frequency bypassing capacitors in close proximity to the device. The MU9C5480A and MU9C5480L are compatible with the original MU9C1480 connections, and may be operated at -90 or slower switching characteristics without the GND connections on pins 1, 7, 18, 23, 28, and 29 and VCC connections on pins 6, 10, and 17.
The LANCAM is a content-addressable memory (CAM) with 16-bit I/O for network address filtering and translation, virtual memory, data compression, caching, and table lookup applications. The memory consists of static CAM, organized in 64-bit data fields. Each data field can be partitioned into a CAM and a RAM subfield on 16-bit boundaries. The contents of the memory can be randomly accessed or associatively accessed by the use of a compare. During automatic comparison cycles, data in the Comparand register is automatically compared with the “V alid” entries in the memory array . The Device ID can be read using a TCO PS instruction (see T able 12 on page 22).
The data inputs and outputs of the LANCAM are multiplexed for data and instructions over a 16-bit I/O bus. Internally, data is handled on a 64-bit basis, since the Comparand register, the mask registers, and each memory entry are 64 bits wide. Memory entries are globally configurable into CAM and RAM segments on 16-bit boundaries, as described in US Patent 5,383,146 assigned to MUSIC Semiconductors. Seven different CAM/RAM splits are possible, with the CAM width going from one to four segments, and the remaining RAM width going from three to zero segments. Finer resolution on compare width is possible by invoking a mask register during a compare, which does global masking on a bit basis. The CAM subfield
contains the associative data, which enters into compares, while the RAM subfield contains the associated data, which is not compared. In LAN bridges, the RAM subfield could hold, for example, port-address and aging information related to the destination or source address information held in the CAM subfield of a given location. In a translation application, the CAM field could hold the dictionary entries, while the RAM field holds the translations, with almost instantaneous response.
Each entry has two validity bits (known as Skip bit and Empty bit) associated with it to define its particular type: Empty, Valid, Skip, or RAM. When data is written to the active Comparand register, and the active Segment Control register reaches its terminal count, the contents of the Comparand register are automatically compared with the CAM portion of all the valid entries in the memory array. For added versatility , the Comparand register can be barrel­shifted right or left one bit at a time. A Compare instruction then can be used to force another compare between the Comparand register and the CAM portion of memory entries of any one of the four validity types. After a Read or Move from Memory operation, the validity bits of the location read or moved will be copied into the Status register, where they can be read using Command Read cycles.
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Data can be moved from one of the data registers (CR, MR1, or MR2) to a memory location that is based on the results of the last comparison (Highest-Priority Match or Next Free), or to an absolute address, or to the location pointed to by the active Address register. Data can also be written directly to the memory from the DQ bus using any of the above addressing modes. The Address register may be directly loaded and may be set to increment or decrement, allowing DMA-type reading or writing from memory.
Two sets of configuration registers (Control, Segment Control, Address, Mask Register 1, and Persistent Source and Destination) are provided to permit rapid context switching between foreground and background activities. The currently active set of configuration registers controls writes, reads, moves, and compares. The foreground set typically would be pre-loaded with values useful for comparing input data, often called filtering, while the background set would be pre-loaded with values useful for housekeeping activities such as purging old entries. Moving from the foreground task of filtering to the background task of purging can be done by issuing a single instruction to change the current set of configuration registers. The match condition of the device is reset whenever the active register set is changed.
The active Control register determines the operating conditions within the device. Conditions set by this register’s contents are reset, enable or disable Match flag, enable or disable Full flag, CAM/RAM partitioning, disable or select masking conditions, disable or select auto-incrementing or auto-decrementing the Address register, and select Standard or Enhanced mode. The active Segment Control register contains separate counters to control the writing of 16-bit data segments to the selected persistent destination, and to control the reading of 16-bit data segments from the selected persistent source.
There are two active mask registers at any one time, which can be selected to mask comparisons or data writes. Mask Register 1 has both a foreground and background mode to support rapid context switching. Mask Register 2 does not have this mode, but can be shifted left or right one bit at a time. For masking comparisons, data stored in the active selected mask register determines which bits of the comparand are compared against the valid contents of the memory. If a bit is set HIGH in the mask register , the same bit position in the Comparand register becomes a “don’t care” for the purpose of the comparison with all the memory locations. During a Data Write cycle or a MOV instruction, data in the specified active mask register can also determine
which bits in the destination will be updated. If a bit is HIGH in the mask register, the corresponding bit of the destination is unchanged.
The match line associated with each memory address is fed into a priority encoder where multiple responses are resolved, and the address of the highest-priority responder (the lowest numerical match address) is generated. In LAN applications, a multiple response might indicate an error. In other applications the existence of multiple responders may be valid.
Four input control signals and commands loaded into an instruction decoder control the LANCAM. T wo of the four input control signals determine the cycle type. The control signals tell the device whether the data on the I/O bus represents data or a command, and is input or output. Instruction logic and control moves, forced compares, validity bit manipulations, and the data path within the device decode commands. Registers (Control, Segment Control, Address, Next Free Address, etc.) are accessed using Temporary Command Override instructions. The data path from the DQ bus to/from data resources (comparand, masks, and memory) within the device are set until changed by Select Persistent Source and Destination instructions.
After a Compare cycle (caused by either a data write to the Comparand or mask registers, a write to the Control register, or a forced compare), the Status register contains the address of the Highest-Priority Matching location in that device, concatenated with its page address, along with flags indicating internal match, multiple match, and full. When the Status register is read with a Command Read cycle, the device with the Highest-Priority match will respond, outputting the System Match address to the DQ bus. The internal Match (/MA) and Multiple Match (/MM) flags are also output on pins. Another set of flags (/MF and /FF) that are qualified by the match and full flags of previous devices in the system are directly available on output pins, and are independently daisy-chained to provide System Match and Full flags in vertically cascaded LANCAM arrays. In such arrays, if no match occurs during a comparison, read access to the memory and all the registers except the Next Free register is denied to prevent device contention. In a daisy chain, all devices will respond to Command and Data Write cycles, depending on the conditions shown in Tables 5a and 5b on page 12, unless the operation involves the Highest-Priority Match address or the Next Free address; in which case, only the specific device having the Highest-Priority match or the Next Free address will respond.
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A Page Address register in each device simplifies vertical expansion in systems using more than one LANCAM. This register is loaded with a specific device address during system initialization, which then serves as the higher order address bits. A Device Select register allows the user to target a specific device within a vertically cascaded system by setting it equal to the Page Address Register value, or to address all the devices in a string at the same time by setting the Device Select value to FFFFH.
Figure 1a shows expansion using a daisy chain. Note that system flags are generated without the need for external logic. The Page Address register allows each device in the
vertically cascaded chain to supply its own address in the event of a match, eliminating the need for an external priority encoder to calculate the complete Match address at the expense of the ripple-through time to resolve the Highest­Priority match. The Full flag daisy-chaining allows Associative writes using a Move to Next Free Address instruction, which does not need a supplied address.
Figure 1b shows an external PLD implementation of a simple priority encoder that eliminates the daisy chain ripple­through delays for systems requiring maximum performance from many CAMs.
Throughout the following, “aaaH” represents a three-digit hexadecimal number “aaa,” while “bbB” represents a two­digit binary number “bb.” All memory locations are written to or read from in 16-bit segments. Segment 0 corresponds to the lowest order bits (bits 15–0) and Segment 3 corresponds to the highest order bits (bits 63–48).
Refer to the Block Diagram on page 1 for the following discussion. The inputs Chip Enable (/E), Write Enable (/W), Command Enable (/CM), and Enable Daisy Chain (/EC) are the primary control mechanism for the LANCAM. The /EC input of the Control bus enables the /MF Match flag output when LOW and controls the daisy chain operation. Instructions are the secondary control mechanism. Logical combinations of the Control Bus inputs, coupled with the execution of Select Persistent Source (SPS), Select Persistent Destination (SPD), and Temporary Command Override (TCO) instructions allow the I/O operations to and from the DQ15–0 lines to the internal resources, as shown in T able 3 on page 9.
The Comparand register is the default source and destination for Data Read and Write cycles. This default state can be overridden independently by executing a Select Persistent Source or Select Persistent Destination instruction, selecting a different source or destination for data. Subsequent Data Read or Data Write cycles will access that source or destination until another SPS or SPD instruction is executed. The currently selected persistent source or destination can be read back through a TCO PS or PD instruction. The sources and destinations available for persistent access are those resources on the 64-bit bus:
Comparand register, Mask Register 1, Mask Register 2, and the Memory array.
The default destination for Command Write cycles is the Instruction decoder, while the default source for Command Read cycles is the Status register.
Temporary Command Override (TCO) instructions provide access to the Control register, the Page Address register, the Segment Control register, the Address register , the Next Free Address register, and Device Select register. TCO instructions are active only for one Command Read or Write cycle after being loaded into the Instruction decoder.
The data and control interfaces to the LANCAM are synchronous. During a Write cycle, the Control and Data inputs are registered by the falling edge of /E. When writing to the persistently selected data destination, the Destination Segment counter is clocked by the rising edge of /E. During a Read cycle, the Control inputs are registered by the falling edge of /E, and the Data outputs are enabled while /E is LOW. When reading from the persistently selected data source, the Source Segment counter is clocked by the rising edge of /E.
The Control, Segment Control, Address, Mask Register 1, and the Persistent Source and Destination registers are duplicated, with one set termed the Foreground set and the other the Background set. The active set is chosen by issuing Select Foreground Registers or Select Background Registers instructions. By default, the Foreground set is
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active after a reset. Having two alternate sets of registers that determine the device configuration allows for a rapid return to a foreground network filtering task from a background housekeeping task.
Writing a value to the Control register or writing data to the last segment of the Comparand or either mask register will cause an automatic comparison to occur between the contents of the Comparand register and the words in the CAM segments of the memory marked valid, masked by MR1 or MR2 if selected in the Control register.
Instruction Decoder
The Instruction decoder is the write-only decode logic for instructions and is the default destination for Command Write cycles. If an instruction’ s Address Field flag (bit 1 1) is set to a 1, it is a two-cycle instruction that is not executed immediately. For the next cycle only, the data from a Command Write cycle is loaded into the Address register and the instruction then completes at that address. The Address register then will increment, decrement, or stay at the same value depending on the setting of Control Register bits CT3 and CT2. If the Address Field flag is not set, the memory access occurs at the address currently contained in the Address register.
Control Register (CT)
The Control register contains a number of switches that configure the LANCAM, as shown in T able 8 on page 21. It is written or read using a TCO CT instruction. If bit 15 of the value written during a TCO CT is a 0, the device is reset (and all other bits are ignored). See Table 4 on page 10 for the Reset states. Bit 15 always reads back as a 0. A write to the Control register causes an automatic compare to occur (except in the case of a reset). Either the Foreground or Background Control register will be active, depending on which register set has been selected, and only the active Control register will be written to or read from.
If the Match Flag is disabled through bit 14 and bit 13, the internal match condition, /MA(int), used to determine a daisy-chained device’s response is forced HIGH as shown in Tables 5a and 5b on page 12, so that Case 6 is not possible, effectively removing the device from the daisy chain. With the Match Flag disabled, /MF=/MI and operations directed to Highest-Priority Match locations are ignored. Normal operation of the device is with the /MF enabled. The Match Flag Enable field has no effect on the /MA or /MM output pins or Status Register bits. These bits always reflect the true state of the device.
Figure 1a: Vertical Cascading Figure 1b: External Prioritizing
/W /CM /EC
DQ 15–0
/E /W /CM /EC
DQ 15–0
/E /W /CM /EC
DQ 15–0
/E /W /CM /EC
DQ 15–0
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If the Full Flag is disabled through bit 12 and bit 11, the device behaves as if it is full and ignores instructions to Next Free address. Also, writes to the Page Address register are disabled. All other instructions operate normally. Additionally, with the /FF disabled, /FF=/FI. Normal operation of the device is with the /FF enabled. The Full Flag Enable field has no effect on the /FL Status Register bit. This bit always reflects the true state of the device.
The IEEE Translation control at bit 10 and bit 9 can be used to enable the translation hardware for writes to 64-bit resources in the device. When translation is enabled, the bits are reordered as shown in Figure 2.
Control Register bits 8–6 control the CAM/RAM partitioning. The CAM portion of each word may be sized from a full 64 bits down to 16 bits in 16-bit increments. The RAM portion can be at either end of the 64-bit word.
Compare masks may be selected by bit 5 and bit 4. Mask Register 1, Mask Register 2, or neither may be selected to mask compare operations. The address register behavior is controlled by bit 3 and bit 2, and may be set to increment, decrement, or neither after a memory access. Bit 1 and bit 0 set the operating mode: Standard as shown in Table 5a on page 12, or Enhanced as shown in T able 5b on page 12. The device will reset to Standard mode, and follow the operating responses of the original 1480 in Table 5a. When operating in Enhanced mode, it is not necessary to unlock the daisy chain with a NOP instruction before command or data writes after a non-matching compare, as required in Standard mode.
Segment Control Register (SC)
The Segment Control register, as shown in T able 9 on page 22, is accessed using a TCO SC instruction. On read cycles, D15, D10, D5, and D2 will always read back as 0s. Either the Foreground or Background Segment Control register will be active, depending on which register set has been selected, and only the active Segment Control register will be written to or read from.
The Segment Control register contains dual independent incrementing counters with limits, one for data reads and one for data writes. These counters control which 16-bit segment of the 64-bit internal resource is accessed during a particular data cycle on the 16-bit data bus. The actual destination for data writes and source for data reads (called the persistent destination and source) are set independently with SPD and SPS instructions, respectively.
Each of the two counters consists of a start limit, an end limit, and the current count value that points to the segment to be accessed on the next data cycle. The current count value can be set to any segment, even if it is outside the range set by the start and end limits. The counters count up from the current count value to the end limit and then jump back to the start limit. If the current count is greater than the end limit, the current count value will increment to three, then roll over to zero and continue incrementing until the end limit is reached; it then jumps back to the start limit.
If a sequence of data writes or reads is interrupted, the Segment Control register can be reset to its initial start limit values by using an RSC instruction. After the LANCAM is reset, both Source and Destination counters are set to count from Segment 0 to Segment 3 with an initial value of 0.
Page Address Register (PA)
The Page Address register is loaded using a TCO PA instruction followed by a Command Write cycle of a user selected 16-bit value (not FFFFH). The entry in the PA register is used to give a unique address to the different devices in a daisy chain. In a daisy chain, the PA value of each device is loaded using the SFF instruction to advance to the next device, shown in the “Setting Page Address Register V alues” section on page 15. A software reset (using the Control register) does not affect the Page Address register .
Device Select Register (DS)
The Device Select register is used to select a specific (target) device. The TCO DS instruction sets the 16-bit DS register to the value of the following Command Write cycle. The DS register can be read. A device is selected when its DS is equal to its P A value. In a daisy chain, setting DS = FFFFH will select all devices. However, in this case, the ability to read information out of the device is restricted as shown in Tables 5a and 5b on page 12. A software reset (using the Control register) does not affect the Device Select register .
DQ15 DQ8 DQ7 DQ0
DQ15 DQ8 DQ7 DQ0
Figure 2: IEEE 802.3/802.5 Format Mapping
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1. Default Command Write cycle destination (does not require a TCO instruction).
2. Default Command Write cycle destination (no TCO instruction required) if Address Field flag was set in bit 11 of the instruction loaded in the previous cycle.
3. Loaded or read on the Command Write or Read cycle immediately following a TCO instruction. Active for one Command Write or Read cycle only. NFA register cannot be loaded this way.
4. Default Command Read cycle source (does not require a TCO instruction).
5. Default Command Read cycle source (does not require a TCO instruction) if the previous cycle was a Command Read of Status Register Bits 15–0. If next cycle is not a Command Read cycle, any subsequent Command Read cycle will access the Status Register Bits 15–0.
6. Default persistent source and destination on power-up and after Reset. If other resources were sources or destinations, SPD CR or SPS CR restores the Comparand register as the destination or source.
7. Selected by executing a Select Persistent Destination instruction.
8. Selected by executing a Select Persistent Source instruction.
9. Access may require multiple 16-bit Read or Write cycles. The Segment Control register is used to control the selection of the desired 16-bit segment(s) by establishing the Segment counters’ start and end limits and count values.
10 . Device is deselected if Device Select register setting does not equal Page Address register setting, unless the Device Select
Register is set to FFFFH, which allows only write access to the device. (Writes to the Device Select register are always active.) Device may also be deselected under locked daisy chain conditions as shown in Tables 5a and 5b on page 12.
11 . A Command Read cycle after a TCO PS or TCO PD reads back the Instruction decoder bits that were last set to select a
persistent source or destination. The TCO PS instruction will also read back the Device ID.
I/O Status
Load Instruction decoder Load Address register Load Control register Load Page Address register Load Segment Control register Load Device Select register Deselected Read Next Free Address register Read Address register Read Status Register bits 15–0 Read Status Register bits 31–16 Read Control register Read Page Address register Read Segment Control register Read Device Select register Read Current Persistent Source or Destination Deselected Load Comparand register Load Mask Register 1 Load Mask Register 2 Write Memory Array at address Write Memory Array at Next Free address Write Memory Array at Highest-Priority match Deselected Read Comparand register Read Mask Register 1 Read Mask Register 2 Read Memory Array at address Read Memory Array at Highest-Priority match Deselected
Cycle Type
Cmd Write
Cmd Read
Data Write
Data Read
3 3 3 3
3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3
10 6,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9
6, 9 8, 9 8, 9 8, 9 7, 8
ü ü ü ü ü
ü ü ü ü ü ü
ü ü ü ü ü
ü ü
ü ü ü ü ü
Table 3: Input/Output Operations
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