This Instruction Book Contains Information
For Several Models. Read And Keep This Book For
Future Reference. This Book Contains Important Information On:
The owner must be certain that all the product Information Is Included with this unit.
This Information Includes the INSTRUCTION BOOKS, the REPLACEMENT PARTS
and the WARRANTIES. This Information must be Included to make
sure state laws and other laws are followed.
Record The Following Information About Your Unit. This Information
Is Necessary When Ordering Parts Or In Case Of Loss Or Theft.

WARRANTY ......................................... 2
RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER .................... 3
SAFETY RULES ..................................... 3
ASSEMBLY .......................................... 9
PARTS BAG - CONTENTS ............................... 9
CHECK THE TIRES ...................................... 9
HOW TO INSTALL THE SEAT ............................. 10
MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY .......................... 12
HOW TO PREPARE THE ENGINE ......................... 12
OPERATION ......................................... 13
LOCATION OF CONTROLS ............................... 13
ATTACHMENTS ......................................... 14
HOW TO USE THE THRO'I'rLE CONTROL .................. 14
HOW TO SET THE PARKING BRAKE ...................... 16
HOW TO STOP THE UNIT ................................ 16
HOW TO TRANSPORT THE UNIT .......................... 16
HOW TO OPERATE THE UNIT ON HILLS ................... 17
BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE ......................... 18
HOW TO START THE ENGINE ............................ 18
OPERATING TIPS ....................................... 19
MOWING AND BAGGING TIPS ............................ 19
MAINTENANCE ...................................... 20
MAINTENANCE CHART .................................. 20
HOW TO CHECK THE MUFFLER .......................... 20
HOW TO SHARPEN THE BLADE .......................... 21
MAINTENANCE FREE BATrERY .......................... 24
HOW TO CHARGE THE BATTERY ......................... 24
WHERE TO LUBRICATE .................................. 25
HOW TO CHECK THE FUEL FILTER ....................... 25
CHECK THE TIRES ...................................... 25
HOW TO ADJUST 11tE GAUG E WH EELS .................. 27
HOW TO LEVEL THE MOWER HOUSING ................... 28
HOW TO REPLACE THE FUSE ............................ 31
HOW TO REPLACE THE UGHT BULB ..................... 31
HOW TO CLEAN THE MOWER HOUSING .................. 31
STORAGE (OVER 30 DAYS) .............................. 31
TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART ........................ 32
SLOPE GUIDE ....................................... 33
INDEX .............................................. 35
LAWN TRACTOR ACCESSORIES ...................... 36
MURRAY, INC. Two Year Limited Warranty
Murray, Inc. warrants to the originalpurchaser that this unitshall be ;Tee;Tom defects in material and workmanship under normal
use and service for a period of Two (2) Years from the date of purchase; however, this warranty does not cover engines,
accessories (such as snow blowers, snow blades, grass baggers and plows), transmissions, batteries and Normal Wear Parts
(except as noted below) ortransaxles as the companies that manufacture these items furnish their own warranties and provide
service through their authorized field service facilities. For additional information, see the warranties covering these particular
pads. if you are uncertain whether your unit contains or isequipped with one or more of those pads, consult your dealer prior
to purchase. Subject to the terms and conditions noted inthis Limited Warranty, we shall, at our option, repair or replace at no
costto the original purchaser any part covered by this Limited Warranty duringthe applicable warranty period.
In the event the battery proves defective within ninety (90) days ;Tom the date of purchase, we will replace it without charge. If
the battery proves defective after (90) days but within one hundred twenty (120) days ;Tomthe date of purchase, we will replace
it for a charge of one half (1/2) ofthe retail price of the battery in effect at the time of return.
Normal Wear Parts are defined as belts, blades, blade adapters, pneumatic tires, headlights and seat covers. These parts are
warranted to be ;Tee;Tom defects in material and workmanship as delivered withthe product. Any claim for repair or replacement
of Normal Wear Parts must be made withinthirty (30) days of the date of purchase. No claims involving damage caused ;Tom
material use, abuse or misuse will be honored.
This Murray, Inc. Two (2) Year Limited Warranty is your exclusive remedy; however, this warranty isvoid or does not apply
to any unitthat has been tampered with, altered, misused, abused or used for rental or other commercial and/or professional
(non- homeowner) uses.Yourwarranty does not cover minor mechanical adjustments which are not duoto any defect inmaterial
or workmanship. For assistance in making such adjustments, consult your Instruction Book.
Tomake a claim under this Murray, Inc. Two (2) Year Limited Warranty, returnthe unit(or ifauthorized in advance, the defective
part) along with your proof of purchase to an Authorized Service Center near you. To locate the nearest Authorized Service
Center, callthe Central Parts Distributor for your area shown inthe listprovided with your unit or check the Yellow Page listings
in your local telephone directory. If you return the entire unit,we will repair the unit. If we authorize the return of the defective
part only,we will either replace or repair the part. Inthe case of a defect in a transmission or differential (as distinguished ;Tom
a transaxle), the entire transmission or differential must be returned since they do not include user serviceable pads.
This Murray, Inc. Two (2) Year Limited Warranty givesyou specific legal rights,and you may alsohave other rightswhich vary
;Tom state to state. This Limited Warranty is given in lieu of all other expressed and implied warranties including the
implied warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. If you need additional information
on this written warranty or assistance in obtaining service, write or call: MURRAY, INC., Outdoor Power Equipment, Customer
Service Department, P.O. Box 268, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. (1- 800- 224- 8940)
F-9_5 2

This instructionbook is for several differentmodels. The instructions
are written fora person with some mechanical ability.Like most ser-
vicebooks, notall the steps are described. Steps on howto loosen or
tightenfasteners are steps anyone can followwith some mechanical
ability. Read and followthese instructionsbefore you use the unit.
Knowyourproduct: Ifyou understandthe unitand howthe unitoper-
ates,you willgetthe best performance.Asyou raadthis manual,com-
pare the illustrationsto the unit.Learn the location and the function of
the controls.To hsipprevent an accident, followthe operating instruc-
tions and the safety rules.Keepthis manual forfuture reference.
IMPORTANT: Many units are not assembled and are sold in car-
tons. It is the responsibility ofthe owner to make sure the assembly
instructionsin this manual are exactlyfollowed. Other units are pur-
"l_e responsibility of the owner is to follow the instrueUons below.
1. Carefully read and follow the rules for safe operation.
2. Follow allthe assembly instructions.
3. Inspect the unit.
4. Make sure that the operator ofthe unitknows how to correctly
use all standard and accessory equipment.
5. Operate the unit only with guards, shields, end other safety
items in place and working correctly.
6. Correctly adjust the unit.
7. Sen/ice the unit only with authorized or approved replacement
8. Complete all maintenance on the unit.
Safe Operation Practices for Ride- on Mowers
WARNING: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the
following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
chased inan assembled condition. On assembled units, it isthe re-
sponsibility of the owner to make sure the unit is correctly
assembled, The owner must carefully check the unit according to
the instructions in this manual before it is firstused.
Environmental Awareness
• Do not fill the engine's fuel tank completely full.
• Drain fuel for off- season storage.
• Use only unleaded gasoline.
• Service the air cleaner regularly.
• Change oil regularly, Use 10W- 30 oil in summer.
• Tune- up the engine regularly.
• Keep equipment in efficientoperating condition.
• Dispose of used engine oil properly.
I. General operation
1. Read, understand and foUowalllnstructionsinthelnstruction Book, onthemachine,theengineandwith any attachmentsbeforestarting.
2. Only allow responsible adults, who are familiar with the instructions, to operate the machine.
3. Clear the area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc., which could be picked up and thrown by the blade.
4. Be sure the area is clear of other people before mowing. Stop the machine ifanyone enters the area.
5. Never carry passengers.
6. Turn off power to the blades or any attachments before backing up. Do not mow in reverse unless absolutely necessary. Always look
down and behind before and while backing.
7. Be awars ofthe mower discharge diraction and do not pointit atanyone. Do notoperate the mower without eitherthe entiregrass bagger
orthe mower guard in place.
8. Slow down before turning.
9. Never leave a machine unattended with the engine running.Always turn offthe blade(s), set the perking brake, stop the engine and
remove the key before dismounting.
10. Turn off power to attachment(s) when transporting or not in use, Turn offthe blade(s) when not mowing.
11. Stop the engine before rsmoving ths grass bagger or unclogging the chute.
12. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
13. Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or when very tired.
14. Watch fortrafficwhen operating near or crossing roadways.
15. Use extra caution when loading or unloading the machine into a trailer or truck.
16. Turn off all attachment clutches befora attempting to start the engine.
17. Always wear goggles, safety glasses, or an eye shield when you operate the unit to protect your eyes fromforeign objects that can be
thrown from the unit. Always wear eye protection when you make an adjustment orrepair to the machine.
18. Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment.
a. Use only approved drawbar hitch points.
b. Limit loads to those you can safely control.
c. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing.
d. Use counterweights or wheel weights when suggested inthe InstructionBook.
19. Do not operate this machine if you are taking drugs or other medication which can cause drowsiness or affectyour abilityto operate
this machine.
F- 98895

20. Do not use this machine ifyou are mentally or physically unable to operate this machine safely.
II. Slope operation
Slopes and rough terrain are major factors related to loss- of- control and tip- over accidents, which can result in severe injury
or death. ALL slopes require extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on the slope, do not mow it. Sea
the "Slope Guide" In the back of this book to check for safe operation.
1. Mow up and down slopes, not across.
2. Remove obstacles such as rocks, limbs, etc...
3. Watch for holes, ruts or bumps. Uneven terrain couldoverturn the machine. Tallgrass can hide obstacles.
4. Use slow speed on slopes. Do not make sudden speed changes.
5. Followthe manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.
6. Use extra care with grass baggers or other attachments, they can change the stability of the machine.
7. Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual, Do notmake sudden changes in speed or direction.
8. Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. Iftires lose traction, turn off the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
1. Do not turn on slopes unless absolutely necessary, then onlyturn slowly and gradually downhill, ifpossible.
2. Do not mow drop- offs, ditches or embankments. A wheel over the edge or an edge caving in could cause a sudden overturn and an
injuryor death.
3. Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.
4. Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
5. Do not use a grass bagger or other rear mounted accessories on steep slopes (greater than 10 degrees).
IlL Children
Tragic accidents can occur If the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the machine and
the mowing activity. NEVER assume that children will remain where you last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the mowing area and in the watchful care of another responsible adult.
2. Be alert and turn the engine off if children enter the area.
3. Before and when backing, lookbehind and down for small children.
4. Never carry children or any passengers, even with the blades off. They may fall off and be sedously injured or interfere with the safe
operation ofthe machine.
5. Never allow children to operate the machine. Instruct children inthe potential dangers of the machine.
6. Use extra care when approaching blind comers, shrubs, trees or other objects that may obscure vision.
IV. Service
1. Use extra care when handling gasoline and other fuels. Fuels are flammable and the vapors are explosive.
a. Use only an approved container.
b. Never remove the gas cap or add fuel with the engine running. Allow the engine to cool for several minutes before refueling. Do
c. Never refuel the machine indoors.
d. Never store the machine with fuel in the tank or fuel container inside where there is an open flame, such as a water heater.
2. Never start or runthe engine inside a closed area.
3. Keep all nutsand bolts, especially the blade attachment nuts tight. Frequently check the blade(s) for wear or damage such as cracks
and nicks.A blade that is bent or damaged must be immediately replaced with an original equipment blade from an authorized service
dealer. For safety, replace the blade every two years. Keep the equipment ingood condition.
4. Never tamper with the safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
5. To reduce fire hazards, keep the machine free of grass, leaves or other debris build- up. Clean upoil or fuel spills. Allowthe machine
to cool before storing.
6. Stop and inspect the equipment ifyou strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.
7. Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running.The carburetor can be adjusted with the engine running. Do notchange
the engine governor settings or over- speed the engine.
8. Grass bagger components are subject to wear, damage and deterioration, which could expose moving parts or allow objects to be
thrown. For storage, always make sure the grass bag is empty. Frequently check components and replace with manufacturer's recom-
mended parts when necessary.
9. Mower blade(s) are shaq_ and can cut.Wrap the blade(s) orwear gloves and use extra cautionwhen servicing them orthe blade housing
t O. Check the brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as required.
11. Wait for all movement to stop before servicing any part ofthe unit,
F- 98895
precautions. This symbol indicates: "Attention!
Look for this symbol to indicate important safety
Become Alert! Your Safety Is At Risk."

operator,bystandersand the equipment.
Another result can be a poor appearance
of the area mowed.
Reed this book. Read the instructions on
the unit. Operate the mower according to
the Safe Mowing Guide. Follow all safely
rules, cautions or warnings in this book
and on the unit. Make sure anyone that
uses the unit reads the instructions and is
told how to safely operate the mower.
controls and how they work. In an
emergency, how fast you can stop the
blade is important. Learn how to control
the mower at all times.
Many engines are started by hand. When
you use a pull start or rope start, place
your feet apart and away from the blade(s).
Hold the rope handle tight. Never wrap the
rope around your arm or fingers for a
"better grip".To start the engine, follow the
instructions onthe mower, in this book and
in the engine operating instructions.
For electric start engines, sit inthe seat to
start the engine. The battery can be
dangerous. Follow the instructions on the
battery, the acid container, and inthisbook
when working with the battery. Even small
batteries have enough voltage to cause an
injury.Always be careful.
The mower is designed to be operated by
one parson. Never let another person ride
with you on the unit or on any accessories.
A passenger willmake the unit harder to
control, block the visibility or distractthe
operator and is dangerous to the operator,
the passenger and the equipment. Without
a passenger seat, the passenger can fall
from the mower or contact dangerous
parts. A mower is not a toy for showing off
or for giving rides.
The blade of a power mower rotates vary
fast. It can discharge rocks and other
objects over a long distance which can be
dangerous. The force of the objects can
break windows, cause injuries or even put
an eye out. Most ofthe time the injury isto
a parson, like a child. Keep every person
completely away from the area to be
mowed. Make sure the grass is not
discharged toward anyone. Planning your
mowing pattern has a double advantage. It
can decrease the possibilityof an injury
and make the clean up after mowing
The mower will give you good service and
durability, if operated in normal conditions.
Ifthe mower is not correctly serviced or is
used where the terrain is rough or
unsuitable, product performance and
safely will be decreased.
Correct clothing is an important part of safe
mowing. Safety glasses will protect the
eyes from objects discharged by the
mower. Safety shoes withsteel plates can
protect a foot from injuryby the blade. For
protection from objects discharged from
the mower, wear clothing that will cover the
arms and legs.
Before you start cuttingthe grass, practice
using the mower in a large open and level
area. Learn the location ofthe controls on
the mower. Know the purpose of the
F- 98895
Never cut a wet lawn. Wet grass can
cause an accident, affect mower
performance and can cause problems with
future lawn growth and appearance. Wet
grass is slippery and can cause the mower
to slip. Someone can get injured by
touching the blade(s). Wet grass tends to
clog the mower, causing poor discharge.
Cut wet grass will collect on the lawn,
retarding the growth of the grass. Also,
getting the mower wet will cause parts to
rust and decrease the life ofthe unit.
When you look over the lawn, remember
obstacles that cannot be removed, like
pipes, stumps or rocks. Keep away from
these obstacles that can cause damage to
the mower or injury tothe operator or a
person near the mower. Clear the area of
rocks,toys, wire or other loose objects.
These items can damage the mower or
can be discharged by the mower blade.
Check the terrain ofthe area to be mowed.
Mow in a pattern that will keep you away
from dangerous areas. Check the distance
you need to stop and the distance
available to turn. Slopes and rough terrain
must be mowed carefully and some areas
must not be mowed at all. With riding
mowers, mow up and down the hill. When
you must mow rough terrain or on slopes,
drive slowly and stop in these areas only in
an emergency. Before you ride up or down
a slope, tryto back straight up the slope.
Do not ride up or down a slope that istoo
steep to back straight up. Sea the =Guide"
inthe back of this Instruction Book to
check any slopes.
Before you start cutting, make sure the
mower was completely assembled
according to the Instruction Book. Ifthe
mower was completely assembled atthe

Gasolineisadangerousfuel. Keep
gasoline only in an approved safety
gasoline container. Do notkeep large
amounts of gasoline. When you add
gasoline to the fuel tank, do not smoke.
Store the gasoline container and the
mower in an area that has good ventilation.
Also, keep the gasoline away from any
flames likethe pilot lightof a furnace or
any other source of ignition. If the mower is
to be stored for more than a few weeks,
remove the gasoline from the fuel tank.
When inside an enclosure, do not add
gasoline to the fuel tank. Before you add
gasoline, move the mower outside and add
gasotine carefully. Before you start the
engine, remove any gasoline from the
outside ofthe fuel tank or from the mower.
Warm gasotine will expand. Leave some
space in the fuel tank for the gasoline to
expand. Also, the fuel cap has a vent hole
for fuel vapors. Always use the correct fuel
cap. Failure to follow safety rules about
gasoline wig cause fires and explosions,
injuryto you and damage to the equipment
and other property.
engine and transmission cool before
servicing the mower. Remember, exhaust
fumes are dangerous. Never operate the
engine inside a building.
When you get a new mower, itcan be a
new experience for the family. Tell each
person how a mower can be dangerous.
Remember, a mower is not a toy. A mower
isnot to be used by children or anyone not
old enough, strong enough or that does not
have experience.
Ifthe moweris notcorrectlyassembled,
notoperatedcorrectly,or notregularly
serviced,themowercanbe dangerous.
The mostimportantruletofollow is always
usegoodjudgementand commonsense.
Mowsafelyand carefully.
Your mower will easily cut thick grass.
Fingers, feet and other parts can atso be
cut by the blade. Injuries occur when the
operator does not think and reaches into
the chute opening. Always operate the
mower as ifthe blade is rotating. Do not
service or make an adjustment, except to
the carburetor, while the engine is running.
When you mow, remember that children
are attracted to the mower. Always use
caution when mowing around obstacles
like trees orshrubs or when moving
backward. Only mow in a forward direction
ifpossible. Your visibilityis decreased
when you mow backward. Also, the blades
are made to cut while the unit is moving
forward. Ifyou mow backward, the cutting
performance decreases.
Before you leave the mower, stop the
engine. Remove the key. Disengage and
lower any attachment. Set the parking
brake. Never mount or dismount from the
seat while the engine is running. An
accident can occur if you touch the brake,
speed control pedal, throttle, or blade
control while the engine is running. Mount
and dismount from the seat on the side of
the unitthat is marked ENTER- EXIT.
Ifyou add gasoline to an engine that is
running or hot, the result can be an
explosion. Before you add gasoline, stop
the engine and let the engine cool for
several minutes. Remove drygrass and
other debris from the mower. Keep the
mower clean to improve the performance,
help the engine and transmission run
cooler, extend the life of moving parts, and
decrease the danger of a fire.
Fires and explosions are not the only
dangers when working around a mower.
The engine, transmission, and the muffler
will get hot in several minutes when the
engine is running. Do nottouch these parts
of the mower. Stop the engine. Let the
Use only accessories that are factory
approved for your mower. The wrong
accessory can decrease the safety of the
mower and can even damage the unit.
Read and follow the instructions included
with the accessory and the mower.
Use only original equipment or
replacement partsthat are factory
approved for service. If you need service,
select an Authorized Service Center for
your mower. If you do the work on the unit,
follow the instructions in the Instruction
Make sure you are in good conditionwhen
you mow. When you mow for several hours
your reflexes will decrease and your mind
will not be as alert. Take a short break or
an accident can occur. If the temperature is
hot,use caution to prevent dehydration. If
you are tired, angry or not completely alert,
do not operate the mower. Ifyou use
alcohol, medication or drugs, do not use
the mower or any type of power
Engine speed is a key to safe mowing and
to a good looking lawn. The maximum
speed of the engine was set at the factory.
Do not change the setting of the engine
Select the maximum engine and ground
speed that is rightfor the terrain and the
height of the grass. The blade cuts best
when the engine is operating at maximum
speed. The engine and transmission will
also run cooler at maximum engine speed.

Also, the grass bagger will function better
when the engine is operating at maximum
speed. On slopes, decrease the ground
speed and use care making sure the
mower feels safe to operate.
If the weather conditions are bad, do not
mow. If weather conditions become bad,
stop cutting and finish later. It is dangerous
to cut grass inthe rain. Always find
protection in an electrical storm. Ifthe
weather conditions are extra dry, protect
your eyes with safety glasses from the dust
and from the objects discharged by the
mower. Also, a dust or a pollen mask can
Your mower is equipped with a number of
safety devices which are important to the
safety of the operator and bystanders and
must never be changed or removed from
the mower. Ifa safety device is lost,
damaged or no longer functions, repair or
replace the device before you operate the
It is best to mow during the day. If you
must mow at night, make sure there is
enough lightfor safe operation.
Your mower will require regular
maintenance and service. The
maintenance schedule depends on the
hours of use. Also, mowing conditions can
change the schedule. Check the
Instruction Book for more information.
Correct maintenance will help the mower
function safely.
Do not service the
mower (except for the
carburetor adjustment)
while the engine is
running. Before you t_,,
service the unit, even _-_
with the engine stopped,ill="
always disconnect the
wire from the spark plug
to prevent the engine
from starting.
If you hita large object during operation,
stop the engine. Remove the wire from the
spark plug. Carefully inspect the mower for
damage. Before you start the engine
again, make the necessary repairs. Ifyou
feel new or excessive vibration,
immediately stop the engine and check for
the problem. Vibration can be a warning of
a problem. Keep all nuts, bolts and screws
The blade is the mostdangerous part of
the mower. Frequently check the blade and
the blade mounting fasteners. Keep the
fasteners tight. Ifthe blade hits a solid
object, stop the engine. Remove the wire
from the spark plug. Check for a blade that
is bent, cracked or for other damages.
Before you start the engine, replace a
damaged blade(s). For safety, replace the
blade every two years.
A sharp blade decreases the workload on
the engine and more evenly cuts grass.
Frequently sharpen the blade for a better
lookingcut. Use the leftside of the mower
housing to trim near an object.
A grass bagger is a good accessory for
your mower. For best performance and
safety, make sure the grass bagger is
approved for use with your mower. Follow
the assembly and operation instructions
included with the grass bagger.
Some grass baggers require a special
blade for best performance. Before you
attach, check, or empty the grass bagger,
always stop the engine. Before each use of
the grass bagger, check fur cracks, wear or
deterioration. Before you use the grass
bagger, replace a damaged part with a
replacement part approved by the factory.
For you to have a good green lawn, follow
the mowing procedures below. Do not cut
the grass too short. If you cut the grass too
short you can cause the grass to become
yellow or make the lawn look brown. Use a
lower height of cut in cool months when
the grass isthicker. Raise the height of cut
in hot dry periods. Ifyou cut the grass with
a blade that isnot sharp or at a stow
engine speed you can damage the grass.
Move the throttle control to the FAST
positionwhen mowing and using the grass
bagger. Also, use a slower ground speed
when usingthe grass bagger.
Ifyou change the direction or pattern of cut
slightly every time you mow will make the
grass grew stronger and thicker. Do not
add oilor gasoline to the mower while on
the lawn. Spilled oil or gasoline can killthe
grass. In high or thick grass, do not try to
cut all the grass the firsttime. Raise the
height of cut on the first cutting and lower
the height for the next cutting. Another way
is to cut only part of the width of the mower
and decrease your ground speed (not the
engine) to move more slowly so that the
mower can discharge the grass as it
moves forward.
Understand the controls and how they
work. Learn the ground speed(s) of your
mower. Check the stopping distance
required at different travel speeds. Check
the turning radius of the mower. The
controls on your ridingmower are different
from an automobile. The throttle is
operated by hand and holds the engine
speed constant until it is changed. The
location of the travel speed control is
different from that of an automobile. Also,
the brake and clutch systems are different.
Remember the procedures to follow in an
emergency. Remember, turning offthe
engine ignitionswitch will stop the blade
and the drive mechanism. Ifthetraction of
the wheels is lost or does notfeel safe,
disengage all systems and stop the
engine. Dismount from the mower. Push
the unit to a safe place before you begin
mowing again.
Your unit has an electrical system that
includes an operator presence switch in
the seat. The operator presence switch
detects ifthe operator is sitting onthe seat.
The engine will stop ifthe operator leaves
the seat when the blade engagement
control isengaged. This operator presence
switch is a safety device only. It must not
regularly be used to stop the engine or the
blade. There are other control systems on
the mower for this purpose. Always keep
the operator presence switch and other
safety devices and controls in place and
operating for your protection.
Remember, your mower is a tool that can
be dangerous if it is not correctly used.
Follow the instructions inthis Instruction
Book. Safe and careful use of the mower
will give you many safe hours of problem
free use.
F-98895 7

• Be sure to dress correctly. Wear hard shoes, not sandals or tennis shoes.
• Examine the blade. A blade that is bent, cracked, or damaged must be replaced with a factory replacement blade.
• Fillthe fuel tank outside. Clean off spilled fuel.
• Read and follow the Owner's Manual, the instructions with the engine, and the instructions with any attachments. Owner's Manual
instructions are for your safety and the safety of others.
• Exhaust fumes are dangerous. Start the engine outside.
• Make sure all safety devices are in place and working correctly.
• Operation of the mower isonly for a person that has experience.
• Wet grass can be dangerous. Let the grass dry.
• Instruct children and others to keep away from the work area.
• Never cut the grass without good light.
• Pick up loose objects. Remove them from the mowing area.
• Watch for fixed objects and avoid them. They can damage the mower or cause injury.
• A hot engine, muffler, and transmission will cause a burn. Do not touch.
• Inclines and slopes must be carefully mowed. See the =Guide" in the back of this book to check a slope.
• Lack of daylight or good artificial lightis cause to stop mowing.
• Examine the mower, the blade, and other parts for damage after hitting a foreign object or If the unitvibrates excessively.
• Do not make adjustments or repairs without stopping the engine. Disconnect the spark plug wire.
• On or near roads, watch out fortraffic. Direct discharge away from roads.
• When mowing, avoid areas where traction is unsure. Look back before changing direction of travel.
• In heavy grass, raise the cutting height. Cut slower. Stop the engine to remove clogged grass from the mower.
• Never remove any safety related parts.
• Do not pour gasoline into a engine that is hot or running.
• Always let the mower cool before storing in an enclosed area.
• Foreign material on the mower is dangerous. Clean off grass, leaves, grease and oil before storing.
• Tighten all loose nuts, bolts and screws before you use the unit.
• Empty and clean any grass catcher or other accessory.
• Remove the key or disconnect the spark plug wire to prevent unauthorized use.
• Make sure the mower is not kept near a source of ignition.Gas fumes can cause an explosion.
• Only odginal perts or factory approved substitutes can be used to service the mower.
• When storing the mower for an extended period, remove the fuel from the fuel tank.
• Instructchildrentoleavethemoweralone. ltisnotatoy.
• Never keep gasoline near a source of ignition. Always use an approved container. Keep gasoline away from children.
• Lubricate according to the Instruction Book. See "Lubrication".
IMPORTANT- - Read the Instruction Book. Keep this book for future use and reference.
A ARNING: Look for this symbol to point out Important
F- 98895 8
safety precautions. It means: "Attention! Become Alert!
Your Safety Is Involved."

This instruction book is forseveral models. Some parts oraccesso-
ries are not included on all models. Read and follow the assembly
and adjustment instructions foryour mower. All fasteners are inthe
parts bag. Do not discard any parts or material until the unit is
,_ WARNING: Before doing any assembly or mainte-
NOTE: In this instruction book, left and right describe the loca-
tion of a part with the operator on the seat.
The fasteners and other loose parts are shown below. The fasteners are shown full size. The quantity is shown in brackets ().
nance to the mower, remove the wire from the spark
(2) CarriageBolt
(2)Wing Nut
(2) Knob
Check the air pressure in the tires. Tires with too much air pressure
will cause the unit to ride rough. Also. the wrong air pressure will
keep the mower housing from cutting level. The correct air pressure
(PSI) is 14 PSi (1 BAR). The tires were over inflated for shipment.
(2) Washer
17X91 Z
(12) Washer
(4) LockingRing
Make sure the level of cut is still correct. After you mow a short
distance, look at the area that was cut. If the mower housing does
not cut level, see the instructions on "How To Level The Mower
Housing" inthe Maintenance section ofthis instruction book.
F- 98895 9

Use the fasteners shown below to installthe seat. The fasteners are
shown at fullsize.
(A) (B)
94160 17x47Z
Carefully remove the plastic bag from the seat.
Align the holes in the seat hinge to the holes in the seat
(Figure 1). Fasten the seat tothe seat hinge with the fasteners
as shown.
Check the operating position of the seat. Ifthe seat needs to
be adjusted, loosen the two wing bolts. Slide the seat forward
orbackward alongthe seat adjusting holes as shown.Tighten
the wing bolts (A).
, Seat
Adjusting Hole
Fasteners are not required to assemble the steedng wheel. Attach
the steering wheel as follows:
1. Make sure the front wheels pointforward.
2. Look at the hub ofthe steering wheel. Make sure the locking
clip is in place inside the hub.
3. Slide the cover over the steering post (Figure 2).
4. Slide the steering wheel onto the steering post. Push on the
steering wheel. The steering wheel will lock onto the steering
post. Pull on the steering wheel. Make sure the steering wheel
is locked in place.
5. Some models have an optional decal in the parts bag. Attach
the decal to the center ofthe steering wheel as shown.
Use the fasteners shown below to install the gauge wheels. The
fasteners are shown atfull size.
Steering Wheel
Steering Post
1. Attach the gauge wheels to the axle bolts with the fasteners.
NOTE: The axle bolt is mounted in the LOW position. To change
the position to a higher cutting position, see "How To Adjust
The Gauge Wheels" in the Maintenance section.
Gauge Wheel
Figure 3

Use the fasteners shown below to install the mower housing. The
fasteners are shown at full size.
1. Move the blade rotation con-
trol to the DISENGAGE posi-
tion (Figure 5).
2. Move the lift lever to the level
adjustment position (Figure 4).
WARNING: The lift lever
_lb is spring loaded. Make
3. Push the mower housing under
sure the lift lever is locked
MENT position.
the rightside ofthe unit.
Figure 4
Lift Lever
Putthe mower drive belt aroundthe stack pulley. See Illustra-
tion =G" Figure 5. Make sure the _V" side of the mower drive
belt is against the stack pulley. Also, make sure the mower
drive belt is nottwisted.
5. Attach the front hanger to the axle supped with the hanger
rod. Fasten with the fasteners as shown. See illustration"F'.
6. Make sure the mower drive belt is between the stack pulley
and the two belt guides. See illustration"G".
7. Attach the suspension links to the lifter assembly. Fasten
withthe washers (B) and hair pins (A). See illustrations"A"and
8. Attach the right and the left adjuster arms to the suspension
brackets. Fasten with the washers (B) and hair pins (A). See
illustrations =C"and "D'.
9. Attach the extension spring to the blade control rod. See
illustration =E".
10. Move the blade rotation control to the ENGAGE position.
Make sure the mower drive belt is inside all the belt guides.
11. Make sure the mower housing is level. See the instructionson
=HowTo Level The Mower Housing".
12. Check the operation of the blade rotation control. See the in-
structions on =How To Adjust The Blade Rotation Control'.
3us nsion
Blade Rota_on
Mower Drive Belt
F- 98898
Front Hanger
Hanger Rod
MowerDrive Belt
Figure 5