Murray 22406X9A Owner’s Manual

This Instruction Bookcontains informationfor several models.
Read and keep this book for future reference.
This book contains important informationon
Theownermustbe certainthatall the productInformationisincludedwiththeunit.
ThisInformationincludes the INSTRUC'nONBOOKS,
the REPLACEMENTPARTSandthe WARRANTIES. ThisInformationmustbeincludedto makesurestatelaws
MURRAY, INC. TwoYearUmitedWarranty
Murray,Inc.wan'antstotheodgineipurchaserthatthis unitshallbefroefromdefectsinma- tedeiend workmanshipundernormaluseendservicefora periodofTwo (2)Years from
the date ofpurchase;however,thiswarrantydoesnotcoverengines,accessories(suchas snowblowers,snowblades,grassbeggsrsendplows),transmissions,battadesandNor-
malWear Parts (exceptes notedbelow)ortransaxlusasthe companiesthatmanufacture
these item,sfurnishtheir ownwarrantesandprovideservicethroughtheirsuthedzedfield
servicefacilities.For eddiitanal information, see the warrantiescovedngtheseparticular parts.Ifyou are uncertainwhetheryourunitcontainsoris equippedwithone ormore of theseparts,ounsuttyourdealerpdorto purchase,Subjecttothetermsandcondtiionsnotad
inthisUmitedWarranty,we shall,at ouroption,repairorrePlaceat nocosttothe edginal purchesaranypartcoveredbythisUmitedWarrantydudngtheeppliceble w_'rantyperiod.
Inthe eventthebatteryprovesdefec_vowithinninety(90)daysfromthe dateofpurchase,
we willrePlaceitwithoutchange.Ifthe batteryprovesdefectivee_er(90) daysbutwithinone
hundredtwenty(120) daysfromthe dateof purchese,we will replaceitfora charge of one heft(1/2) of the retailpdoeof thebatteryin effectat the time of rotum.
NormalWear Partseredefinedasbelts,blades,bladeadeptsm, pneumatict_res,headlights
seat covers.These partsare warrantedtobe free fromdefectsin material and work-
menship as deliveredwiththeproduct.Anyclaimfor repairorreplacementofNormalWear Partsmustbemadewithinthirty (30)daysofthedateofpurchase.Noclaimsinvolvingdarn- egocausedfrommaterialuse, abuseor misusewill be honored.
ThisMurray,Inc.Two (2)year Umltad Wen'antyisyourexclusiveremedy;however,this
warrantyisvoidordoesnotepplyto anyunitthathasbeentamperedwith,altered,misused, abusedorusedforrentalorothercommercialend/or professional(non-homeowner)uses.
Yourwarrantydoes notcoverminormechanical adjustmentswhich are notduoto anyde- fastinmaterialorworkmanship.For assistanceinmakingsuchadjustments,consultyour
InstructionBook. Tomakeaclaimunderthis Murray,Inc.Two (2)year Umltad Warranty,return_ unit(or
ifauthedzedinadvance,thedefectivepart)alongwithyourproofofpurchasetoanAutho- dzad Service Centernearyou.To locatethe nearestAuthorizedServiceCenter,callthe CentralPartsDistributorfor yourarea showninthe listprovidedwith yourunitor checkthe
YellowPegslistingsinyourlocaltalephooedirectory.Ifyoureturnthe entire unit,we will repeirtheunit.If we authorizethe ratumofthedefectivepartonly,we will eitherreplaceor
repairthepart.Inthecaseofadefectinatransmission ordifforantial(asdistinguishedfrom
a transaxle), the entiretransmission ordifferentialmustbe returnedsincethey donotin- elude userserviceableparts.
This Murray,Inc.Two (2)Year Umlted Warranty givesyouspecificlegalrights,andyou may also haveother rightswhichvaryfromstatetostate, This Umlted Wsrnmty Isgiven
In lieu of sit other mqpreasedend Implied warmntlu Includingthe Implied warranty of merchantability end warranty of fltnm for partlculer purpose, Ifyou need addi-
tionalinformationonthiswrittenwarrantyorassistanceinobtainingservice, writeor call:
CustomerServiceDePartment Brentwood,Tennessee37027
P.O. Box268
F-S6529 2
Thisinstructionbookiswrittenforapersonwithsomemechanicalability.Likemost servicebooks,
notellthe stepsaredescribed.Stepsanhowtoloosenortightenfsstenarsaresteps anyonecan followwithsome mechanicalability. Reedandfollowtheseinstructions beforeyouusethe unit.
Knowyour product: Ifyou understandtheunitandhowthe unitoperates,youwillgetthe best performance.Asyoureedthis manual,comparetheiUuatraSonstothe unit.LearntheIoc_ionend
thefunclJenofthe controls.Tohelppreventan accident,followthe operatinginstructionsandthe safstymiss. Keep thismanuelforfuturereference.
IMPORTANT:.Manyunitsare notassembledendare soldincartons.Itistheresponsibilityof the ownertomakesurethe ssssmblyinstructionsinthismanuelare exactlyfollowed.Otherunitsare purchasedinan assembled condition.On assembledunits,itisthe responsibilityofthe ownerto makesurethe unitis correctlyassembled.The ownermustcarefullychecktheunitaccordingto
the instructionsin this manualbeforeit is firstused.
"llte req)onat blllty of the owner Isto follow thinfostruotlone below.
1. Carefullyrandand followthe rulesfar sat'eoperatlon.
2. Followallthe assemblyand preparstioninstructions.
3. Inapeotthe anit.
4. Makesurethstthe eperstor ofthe unitknowshowtocorrestlyuse ellstandard and acceosory
5. Operatetheunitonlywithguards,shislds,endothorsafatyitemsinplaceendwoddngcerrectty.
8. Correctlyadjust the unit.
7. Servicethe unit onlywithanthodzed orapprovedreplacementports.
8. Completesitmalntenenceonthe unit.
F-gO529 3
Safe Operation Practices for Walk-Behind Mowers.
Thiscuttingmachineiscapableofamputatinghandsandfeetendthrowingobjects.Failureto ob- san/ethefollowingsafetyinstructionscouldresultin sedousinjuryordeath.
I. General Operation
1. Read, understand,and follow all Instruc-
ifons anthe machine and Inthe manual(s). Bethoroughlyfamiliarwiththe controlsand the properuseofthemowerbeforestealing.
2. Donotputhandsorrantneororunderrofat- ingparts.Keepdeer of the dischargeopen- ingat alltimes.
3. Only allow respor_alble individuals, who ere
familiar with the Instructions, to operate the mower.
4. Thorougldyinspect the mower end area wherethe equipmentisto be used. Clear
the areaof objectssuchesrouks,toys,wire,
bones,sticksetc.,whichcouldbe pickedup andthrownby the bisde.
5. Be sure the area Is deer of other people be- fore mowing. Stop mower if anyone enters
the area.
6. Do notaperatethe mowerwhan berefoot or wearingopensandals.Always wear sub- stantialfootwear.
7. Donotpullmowarbankwardsunlessaban-
lutelynesessery.Lookdownand behindbe-
fore andwhilemovingbackwards.
8. Do not operate the mower without proper guards, plates, grass catcher or other cefety
protective devices In place.
9. See manufacturer'sInslzuctlonsfor proper operationand installationof accessories.
Only use accessories approved by the
10. Stop the blade(s) when crossing gravel
drives,walks,or roads.
11. Stop the engine (motor) whenever you leave the equipment,beforecleaningthe moweroruncloggingthe chute.
12. Shuttheangina (motor)offandwaltunltlthe blade comesto completeatop before re-
13. Mowonlyindaylightor goodartificial light.
14. Do not operate the mower while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other medica-
F-es529 4
tJonwhich can cause drowsinessor eJfest yourabilityto operatethismachinesafely.
15. Neveroperatemowerinwetgrass.AJweys
be sureof yourfooting;keep8firm holdan the handleand walk; neverrun.
16. Disengagethe salf-prepalledmechanism ordriveclutchonmowers so equipped be-
foresteitingthe engine (motor).
17. Ifthe equipment shouldstarttovibratoab- normally,stopthe engine(motor)endcheck
immediatelyforthecause.Vibrationisgen- erally e.warningof troublesuchas a blade
thatisdamaged, e looseblade,or the en- ginemountingboltsareloose.
18. Always wear setaty goggles or safety glsssss withside shieldswhen oporaltng
mowerto protectyoureyesfromforeignob-
jestswhich can bethrownfrom the unit.
19. Plan your mowing patfam to ovoid dis-
chargeofmaterialtowardroads,sidewalks, bystandersend the like.
20. Afteratdldng aforeignobject,atop the en-
gine.Removethe wire from the sparkplug. Inspectthebladeand mowerfordernage,if
deJ'naged,repairbeforestartingendoperat- Ingthe mower.
21. Keep any wsshoutportsand othermower
housing service openings closed when mowing.
II. Slope Operation Slopesereamajorfactorrelatedtoslipendfall
accidentswhich can resultineavere Injury.All slopesrequireextracaution.Ifyoufeeluneasy
ona elope,donotmowit. DO:
Mew across the face of slopes; never up and down.Do not mow excessivelysteep
slopes (ma_imu_n15 degrees) or areas where the groundis very rough.See the
"Guide"inthe back ofthis manualto check e slope. Exemise extreme ceultan when
changingdirectiononslopes. Removeobjectssuch asrocks,treelimb6,
Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Tall grass
can hide obstacles.
(Continued Following Page)
Donotmowneardrop-alia,ditches,orem- bankments.The operatorcouldlossfooting or balance.
Do not mowexceaelve_ysteepslopes.
Do notmowonwetgrass.Reducedfooting
couldcause slipping.
III. Children
Tragicaccidents canoccurifthe operator isnat
alert to the presencoof children.Childrenore oftenattractedto the mower and the mowing
activity.Neverassumethatch|ldrenwillremain where you lestsew them.
1. Keep childrenoat of the mowingarea and underthe watchful care of 8 responsible
2. Be elart and turn mowor oft if children enter
the area.
3. Before andwhile movingbackwards,look
behindanddownfor smallchildren.
4. Neverallowchildrentooperatethsmower. 10.
5. Uce extra care when opproaching blindcor-
nero, shrubs, bees, or other objects that may obscure vision,
IV. Service
"1. Use extra care inhandling gesoUne and oth-
er fuels, They are flammable and vapors are
a. Use onlyan approvedcontainer.
b. Neverremovegas cap oraddfuel with
the enginerunning.Allowengine to cool beforerefueling.Do notsmoke.
c. Never refuelthemachineindoors. d. Neverstorethemachineorfuelcontoin-
or insidewhere thereisan open flame, suchas a water heater.
*2. Never run an engine indoomor inside
3. Never make edjustmants or repairs to items such asthe height adjusters or grass catch-
er with the engine (motor) running. Discon-
4. Keep eli nuts and belts, eopenlally blade st-
5. Never tamper withsafety devices. Check
8. Toreducefirehazard,keepmowerfl'eeof
7. Stopandinopenttheequipmentifyoustrike
8. Nevorattempttomakewheel hoightedjust-
9. Alwaysdisconnectelantricmowem(liveop-
nect the sparkplugwire,and keepthe wire
awayfrom the plugto preventaccidental starting.Alwaysweareye protectionwhen
you make adjustmentsor repelrs.
tanhmant bolts, tight and keep equipment In good condition,
grass, leaves, or other debris build-up. Cleanupoilorfue_spillage.Allowmowerto coolbeforestoring.
an object.Repair,if necessary,beforem- starting.
mentswhilethe engine (mator)isrunning.
erated) before cleaning,ropeldng,or ad- justing.
Grasscatchercomponentsare subjectto
wear, damage, and dstedomtion, which
couldexposemovingpartsorallowobjects tobethrown.Freduentlycheckcomponants and replace with manufacturer'srecom-
mended parts, when necessary.For stor- age, always make sure grass catcher is
Mower blades are sharp and can cat, Wrap
the blede(s) or wear gloves, and use extra
caution when sendclng them.
12. Donatchangethe enginegovernorsetting orover-speedthe engine.
13. Frequehtlychankthebledeforwearordam- agessuchascracksandnicks.A bladethat isbentordamegedmustbeimmediatelyre-
placed with a factoryreplacementblade.
Forsafety and goodcuttingpsrformonce,
replace the blade every two yeers. Fre- quanifycheckthe bladeboltandtheengine
mounting bolts. Replace damaged bolts andtightenloosebolts,
14. Use only odginelequipment oraathodzed
*Asterisked Items do not opply to electric mowers.
= -anpro and
:'--"-'_.'_-,use safe andunsafemowing pran-
alv_'_H'="., _L. "oXt feW nages Cm't_tully,
tl_. R,m=,t.-.-:.,... Y_o_an themow-
"t'heycannmp_t_":'_-'_ not oroDeltV_-
u@==H nr hes not re/_l me iil_,ug_ul = _v.
_l'_u-cqions ontheun)tbeforeesir,g_t4o{
_e'fi_t'timo. This can result;n unsafewe
equlpmont.Anomerresultcanbe apoer sp- peeranceofthe ares mowed.
at_Jctions_ tn_oun%_.=k_..=_u de and o'_her
cordingtono uem MUW,-U"-".....
safetyrulesand recommendationsm mrs|n-
onewhousestheunithesre_ melnslru_"_M'0
andhas beentoldhowtooperatethe mower
g_cv. Learn howto cutandhowto keepcon" _ o_the mowerat alltimes.Ev t:4_sonwho uses power equipment
_n9 a _t sto_tor rope ate/t, plaseyour feet 5rm_ bnde_wsyfromtheblade.Holdthe rope
h_e securely, er ri "
moundyourermorfingersfore "bAit g P. "rh_mo_erisdesignedfor usebyoneperson.
-"- erc assangers.
A_wa mow_one, Nov am/p
wa't_ts_nS _senger is dangerousfor the
_=*' _" '_--_--_^_---_.v,emtor Amowersnotfor
_,sement orf(x ¢arr_ngOOle_.
le_ emayou _'e p_annk'.gto mowwet?Nev- er cutawel |awn.Cutt_g wargrosecancau_se an accident.;tcaneffectmows'=perform.ance
_rowthandappe_er_e. Wet _ess !e.s P._ _nd mi-" cease the operator to t_'l or
mower_ozdip, Someone could be hurt by
but never wrap the rope
your mower is designedto p_Id.e, g.o__,_:_t"
v,,,....... _ cedana
ting.itthemowortsnotproped_'.servl _..
main'minedorused onurtsuitable?erratau..,
_d.o_ .= _._, fo_.,mo_n_;c_U=
pedorrnanceends_ety wmDer_u .
rop= an m
ing safety gtessse pr_ect_u.,._,,.eY_+,..=,_
thr_/n objeots.SMe_/.s_ _,_, _e'_lade_ n_n oroted_foot frombeun_c= uy _. .
_h_r_and pantsthat covermearmsarmrags canatop orde_ect=zthrown object.
Practiceusingthemower beforeyouectuatiy begincuttinggrass.Sstecta forgeopenrevel
erse. Learnme locationand lunctianof the controlsandhowtheywork.ttis _. _t_
1o_n_hopo_thelswnrm_ulng _ . _,__
g.=_,. Awet mower..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.c_.,c_...sepa_ts_o ,_, _d reducethe usefullife orme u.,,.
wan yo__ _ tb.omwn_.r__h_
memO_ ebout herd, _mmoveuoteou_=.,_._,_
"" _-- -=-_ ,_Utlln'_ and rocke ana av_u
them.They _ .se._e damageto _e m_vm"
or an occidenti_onng the.operAtor.ora _y_
Atander.Tskea litterIp.egeJange_a=w_r_un_ +_,_,=m,_m be cut pick up any _tu,=,_o,-_m-,
u,- ------ " _SB
_re, berm, oro_erIoeseobLe__..o_n_be.
_temscendamagethe mower orrney
comedangerousflyingobje,:'tsif the m_ow_ bl_Klehitsthem.The blade Ora pgwe__ tmvetsveryfast. Itcanthrowro_keand o_
obectswithforceoverlongalstances,u.j,_,. thrownbymowerscanbresk_ndows souse
bruises,orevanputoutaneye. Oftanthe ger- sonhurtbya thrownobjectisa bystandersuch
as a child,anotherfamilymemberora neigh- ber. Keep people and iL_tScompletelyaway
fromthemowingarea,Directthe mower'sdis-
chorgeswayfromareaswherepeoplecanbe. Planrllngyourmowing pettsm has a double benefit.Itcanreducechancesofan inuryand makethe c san up aftermowingeassr.
walls, or major in- clinesintheareatobs
Are there dltch_,_ cut?Planthe mowing
pattemtoavoldsuch I[ v L_ danger areas. In- _\ F']
clinesand roughtar. _ rain must be mowed _'_A |_.,._L_,_'_.
oere_lyandsomef_ I_-_,r._,_
carefully end some
areasmust notbecut
areasmustnotbecut I _,_H1_'t_.,.,_*_'.,L_
with a mower at all.
with a mower at all./l _._ _._;_P_J_:_¢ WI_ walk behind" I l_..._f_._Ji_
equipment, mow __,_
aoross the inclineso __,_,
er slip,youwon't run
intoeach uther. Never mowslopes greaterthan 15 degrees.
See the "Guids'in the backofthisInstruotiou Booktocheckanyslopes.
Readyto start cuffing?Notyet. Be sure the mowerhasbeenfullyassembledaccordingto direotlonsinthe InstructionBook.Even ifas-
semblywasdanebya lawnandgardenshop orthe storewherethe unitwas purchased,it must be checked. Are ell nuts, bolts and
screwstight?Doastheanginaheveoil?These Itemsmustbecheckedpedodicailythroughout
the lifeofthe mower. Yourmower has a gasolineengine. Gas is
dangerous.Storefuel onlyina approvedgas container,Donotstorelargeamounts of gas. Putoutall cigarettes,pipesandcigarsbefore workingwithgasoline.Storefuelandthemow- eritselfinawellventilatedareaawayfromany possiblesourceof ignitionsucha pilotlighton
efumace. Ifthe mowerIstobestoredforanex- tendedtime, remove the gasfromthe tank.
Thisminimizesthechanceof afireandkeeps the tank clear of depositsand old gasoline, thus improvingmowerperformance.Movethe
moweroutside beforeaddinggasoline.Use a
funnelandwigs upanyspUledfuelbeforestert-
ing. Remember, gasoline expands when
heatedsoleave someexpansionroom.Also, most mower gas capsareventedto allow for expansion.Always usathspropercap.People
areneedlesslyburnedby fires hurtinexplc-
sions, mowers and otherpropertyare dam- aQedbecauseoffailureto followbasic safety
rulesrelatedto gasolineand fueling, Neversadgasolinetoansnginethatisrunning
fromthe mower.Keepingthemowerdean will
Improvetheperformance,helpthean_ne stay cooler,extendthe life of moving parts, and minimizethedangeroffire.Peoplegetbemed workingwithendaroundtheirmowers for oth-
er reasonsthan fireand e:,_ploslons.Ittakes onlyafew secondsofoperationfor the engine
andthe mufflerto becomehot.Do nottouch thesepartswhenthe moweris running.Stop
theengineandletitcooldownbeforeservicing the mower.Remember,exhaustfumes canhe
orIn an anclosed area.
GattJnga nowmowerconbe a bigeventfora fernily.l.etfamilymemberssatisfytheircudos-
ny aboutthe mower andatthe semefime, tail themaboutitadangers.Remember,a mower
isnatatoyandisnatforusebychildrenor any- onelackinginage, strengthor experience.
Aswithany_ equipment,a mowercanbe dangerousif notassembled,misused,ornot
properlymaintained, The mostimportantrule istoalwaysusegoodjudgementandcommon
Your mowerwill cot thickgrass and heavy
plantstemswithease.Rngersandtoesareno moreresistantto the mower'sblade. Many peopleere iniursabecausethey "forgot"and reachedintothedischargechute.Alwaystreat
your lawnmoweras if the bladeis rotating. Neverperformany serviceortry tomakeany
sa ustmest,excaptcarburetor while the en-
gne is runnrig.
Use only eccessodas suited for your mower. Use of improper anosasodes can reduce the
s_ety dasiQned into both the mower and the
accessory, it can even damagethe unit. Read and fullowthelnstructions whfch come withthe
accessory and the mower.
Useonlyodglnalequipmentorapprovedsub- inthereinisnofunanditisdangerous.Always edtutioases esrvice parts.Ifyou nesdprofes- seekshatterInanaleotdcalstorrn.Inextmrne- slonal cowIce, select e snop that is an lydrymowingconditions,yoursafaty.giasses
AuthorizedService Center for your brandof can serve a dual purposeby protectingyour
n-c:N_er,ifyouptentosewicatheup.ityourseif, eyes_om dustandthrownobecLs,_lso aduat foflowdir_'ifonsinthe InstructionBook. orpollenmask can behalpfu.
i I
Asyoumow,rememberchildrenandpetsare sometimesattracted tothe activity/.Be asps-
dallyc_efulwhentrimmingerounashrubby/_. or when backingup. If at all possible,dont
mowwhenmovingbackwards.ItIsdangerous becausevisionis restricted.Also,bladasare
designedtocut while the unit is movingfor- wardso cuttingperformanceLsreducedwhen
mowingInreverse. Never leave the mower runningand unat-
tended.Shutofftheengine.Putthe mowerin
a positionsothat itcan not roll.If the unitis asrf-prupalled, make sure the ddve controlIs
Whan mowing be aware of your condition and the weather conditions. After mowing a long time, you will be tired. This is the time when reactions slow down, your ntterdlon wanders; the time 't,_en you Ore w_de open far en acci- dent. Take a short break. If temperatures are high, take precautions to avoid becoming de-
hydrated, If you ere angry, tired, or unable to .giveyour ful/attention to mowing, if you have
=_en ounsumlng atcohol, medicines, ordr_gs, do not use your mower or any type of power
equipment. Ifweather conditions become worse while you
are cutting, stop and finish later. Cutting gross
yow mowerisequippedwitha numbe_of se_-- tyfeatureswhichareimportanttothesafetyof the operatorand bystandersandmustnever be e_ered or removed.If a sefatyfeaturebe- comesinoperable,last,ordamaged,it mustbe
repairedorreplacedbeforethemow_ isused.
Enginespeed is a keyto sofemowinganda
colookinglawn.The maximumspeedoftha engineonyourmowerhasbeensetatthe fac- tory.Donotchangetheenginegovernorinany
that is rightfor the terrainand the heightof
grass.You get the best cuttingand bagging pedonnancewhen using a grass catcherby
opmat_ngtheengine atma,x_l',urnspeed.Nev-
erwalkfastorrun usttogetthejobdoneeOon- or. On inclnas, reduce ground speed and
exerOlseextremecare. It is best to mew only dudngdeylight hours;
howsNer,ffyou rnuatmowinthe|atealtemoon or evening, make sure there is goodartificial
serviceandedjualxnentsbeforeand offer use as with any machine. The frequency/of the maintenanceis generallybased on hoursof
use,howevor,thefl'equancyconvarybecause of mewing conditions.Check the Instruction
Book for more detailed insbuctions,proper _enance pmteotsyour Investmen';in+=ha
mowerand helps Insurethat it will funciton
safelyandreiiably. Never attempt any
siblaexceptionofc_- withtheenginemn-
angina off, always
dtsounneotthe abed< plug wire to prevent
anQdantal restarting whnathe unitIsbeing
While mowing, ifyouhitaforeign object,stop the engine.Removethesped<plugwve.Cere-
fullyand thoreughlyinspect the mowerfor damage.Make nassesanJrapalmbefore re- starting.Iftheunitstartsto"_brsteabnormally, stop the angina immediatelyandcheckforthe
cause. Vibration is generally a warningof trouble.Keepail nuts,belts, andscrewstight.
The blade is the most dangerouspad of the
feJning s nice lawn appearance. Check the
bladeend the blade mountinghnrdwerefTe- quonity.Keep ittight.Ifthe bladehitsa solid
object,checkit thoroughlyfor deformationor cracksand replaceif damaged.Forsefety,re- placethebladeeverytwoyears.Asharpblade
reducestheworkload ontheengineandcuts
lesswork.Thebladeisalwaysclosetotheout- sideof the mower housing.Forbesttrimming on side discharge mowers, cutwith the left sideofthe housingtowardthe areathatneeds tdmmlng.
A useful accessoryfor yeur mowerisagrass
cat.hen Therearegrasscatchersavailablefor most models.Forbestperformanceand safe-
ty, be surethe grasscatcheris approvedfor
usewith your mower. Assemble as directed end followoperatingand as_ty instructions
withthe catcherandin the InstructionBook.
Before mounting,checkinger emptyingthe grasscatcher,alwaysturntheengineoff.Re-
member to check the grass catcher before eachuseforcracks,wear,ordstsdorstion.Re-
Puflacaany partthat isdamagedwiththe man-
acturer'erecommended replacementpart
beforeusingthe grasscatcheragain.
Propercuttingtechniqueis importantif you wantyourtawntolookgood.Avoidthe tempta-
tiontocut grass too short. Cuttinggrasstoo
shortcankillthe plant,causegrasstoturnyel- low,ormakethe lawnlookbrownandthstchy.
Usethe loweroutiinghaights In coo_months whenthegrassislush.Usethe highercuffi.n.p
heightsinextremelydrypedods.CutUngwith a dull blade or low engine speed braises,
shreds,and can uprootsomegrass making the lawnlookdulland browna few daysafter outting.Alwaysputthethrottle controlinFAST
_agltlon when mowing and bagging.When
bestresults. Changethe mowingpatternslightlyeachtime
you cut. If youalwayscutthe same way.,the grasswilldevelopa"set*andclippingswillec- cumulafe more heavily in soma areas more
than Inotherscausinggrassto getthinnerIn those areas. Do natservice yourmower over
Intallgrassor very heavygrass,donottryto cutit allat once. Raisethe heightof cutonthe
sameday erwithinafewdays.Anotherwayis tocut onlypart ofthewidthof the mower and adjustyour groundspeed(notthe engine)to
movemoreslowlysothe mowercan clear it-
eadas it movesforward.
When cutting with a walk behind mower, el.
ways push the unit. Do not pull it. Pushing the unit keeps the operator behind the mower in the "operator's zone" for better control. Push- ing the unit also gives you a chance to see ex-
antly where and what you are mowing. There will be times while you are mowing thatyou will
have to pull the mower backwards (such as when the front of the mower has come up
against a wall or fence). If you must back up, make sure your feet am inthe clear. Stand wall
beckfromthemower, plantyoor feet firmly with each step and beck up being carefulto look be- hind you. Resume normal mowing as soon as possible.
If your unit is sad-W.opellad, remember that the ddvs mechanism ts not designed to do all
the work, but the unit can move without your help. Always keep your hands onthe handle
near the controls when the engine is running. Rem_ too that the self-propailed meche- nism can be dangerous. Keep hands and feet
awa.y fram boltsand chains. Alweystum offthe ongme before attempting to remove anything
that becomes entangled in the self-gropelied system.
Remember, your mower is a useful tool, but it
con be dangerous. Follow the instructions in this Insl_uctionBook. Use the mower propsdy
and caratulty and itwillgive you many nours of
trouble free, accident ftse operstions.
+ 19 hidden pages