Murray 20456X9A Owner’s Manual

The owner must be certain that all
the product Information Is Included with the unit.
This Information Includes
This information must be Included to make sure state laws and other laws are followed.
F- 98525
MURRAY, INC, Two Year Umlted Warranty
Murray,Inc.warrantstotheoriginalpurchasertheethisunitshallbefloefromdefectsinma- terialandworkmanshipundernormpJuseand servicefora peded of"two(2)Yasm from the dateofpurchase;however,thiswarrantydoesneecoverengines,eocossodss (suchas
snowblowers,snowblades,grassbaggersendplows),transmissions,beetedesend Nor-
realWearPelts (exceptas notedbelow)ortrenasxIssasthe companiesthatmanufacture these itemsfurnishtheirownwenantiesand provideservicethroughtheirauthorized itdd
servicefacilities.Foradditional information,see the warrantiescoveringtheseparticular
parts.If you are uncertainwhetheryourunit containsorisequippedwithoneor moreof thaseparts,consuityourdeoJerpdortopurchsse.Subjeottothe termsandconditionsnoted
inthisLimitedWarranty,we shall,at ouroption,repairor replaceat nocosttothe edginal
purchaseranypartcoveredbythisUmitedWarrantyduringthe applicable warrantyperiod.
Inthe eventthe batteryprovesdefectivewithinninety(g0)daysfromthedate ofpurchase, we wiUreplaceitwithoutcharge.Ifthe b_tery provosdefectlveafter(90)daysbutwithinone
hundredtwenty(120)days fromthe dateofpurchase,wewillreplace itfor a charge ofone
half (1/2) of the retailpriceof the batteryineffectat the lime of reeum.
NormalWearPertseredefinedasbeffs, blades,bladeadapters, pnoumeeictiras,headlights and seat covers.These partsare warrantedto he freefromdefectsinmotedalandwork-
manshipas deliveredwiththeproduct.Anyclaimforrepairor replacement of NormalWee/
Partsmustbemadewithinthidy (30)daysofthedeeeofpumhase.Noclaimsinvolvingdam- age causedfrom mstedaluse, abuse or misusewillbe honored.
ThisMurray,Inc. Two (2)Year Umited Warranty isyourexclusiveremedy;however,this warrantyisvoidordoesnotapplyto anyunittheehasbeentamperedwith,altered, misused,
abusedorusedforrentalor othercommercialend/orprofessional(non-homeowner)uses. Yourwarrantydoesnotcoverminormechanicaladjustmentswhicherenotduetoany de-
fect inmeeedalor workmanehip.Forassistance inmakingsuchadjustments, consultyour
InstructionBook. Tomake a dalmunderthis Murray,Inc. Two(2) Year Umlted Warnmty,rotumthe unit(or
itauthorizedinadvance,thedefectivepert)along withyourproofof purchasetoan Autho-
rizedService Centernear you.To locatethe noerostAuthorizedServiceCenter,callthe CentralPartsDieedbutorforyourareashowninthelistprovidedwithyourunitor checkthe YellowPage listingsinyourlocaltelephonedirectory.Ifyou reeumthe entireunit,we will
repairthe unit.If we authorizethe rotumofthe defectivepartonly,wewill eitherreplaceor repairthepart Inthe caseofa defectinatransmission ordifferential(asdistinguishedfront a traan,cexle), the entiretransmissionordifferentialmust be reeumedsincethey donotin-
cludeuserserviceableparts. This Murray,Inc. Two (2) Year Umlted Warranty givosyouspecificlegaldghts, and you
mayalso haveotherrightswhich varyfrom steeetostate.Thla Umlted Warranty le given In Ilmuof eelofhIN"expm'oe_KIand Impited wan'antloeIncluding the Imptled were'rarity
of msrchantablllty and warranty of fltneoe for apartlouler purpoas. Ifyou neededdi- tJonalinformationonthiswrittanwarrantyorassistanceinobtainingservice, writeorcall:
CustomerServiceDepertmeof Brantwsod,Tennessee37027
P,O.Box 268
F- g8525 2
Thisinstruction bookiswrittenforsp_son withsomemechanicalability.Likemostserviosbooks, notall thesteps aredescribed.Stepsonhowto loosenortightenfestanemarestepsanyonecan
follow withsomemechanicalability.Readand followtheseinstxuctiansbeforeyouusethe unit.
Knowyour product: Ifyouunderstandtheunit and how the unitoperetos,youwillgetthe best performance.As youreadthis manual,comparetheillustrationstothe unit.Lesmthe locationand
thefunctionofthe conb'ols.Tohelp preventanaccident,followtheoperatinginstructionsand the
IMPORTANT:.Many unitsare notassembledandaresold incartons.Itisthe responsibilityof the ownertomakesurethe assemblyinstxuctionsinthismanual ereexactlyfollowed.Otherunitsare
purchasedin anassembledcondition.Onassembledunits, it is the responsibilityoftheownerto
makesurethe unitis correctlyassembled.The ownermust carefullycheckthe unitaccordingto the instnJctJonsinthis manualbeforeit isfirstused.
The responsibility of the owner Is tofollow the Instructions below.
1. Carefullyreadandfollowthe rules for safeoperation.
2. Followall the assemblyand preperetlanInstructions.
3. Inspectthe unit.
4. Make sure thettheoperatoroftheunitknowshowtocorrantlyues allstandardand ancesanry
5. Oparstetheunitonlywithguards,shields,and otherasdetyitemsinplaosandworkingcorreotly.
6. Correctlyadjustthe unit.
7. Servicethe unit only withauthorizedorapproved replacementparts.
8. Completeallmaintenance on the unit.
F- 98525 3
Safe Operation Practices for Walk- Behind Mowers.
Thiscuttingmachineiscapableofamputatinghandsend feetandthrowingobjects.Failuretoob- servethefollowingse_y instructionscoutdresultin eedousinjuryordeath.
I. General Operstlon
Read, understand,end follow all Instrun-
ltons onthemachineandJnthemanual(s).
the properuseofthemowerbeforestarting.
2. Do notputhandsorfeet nearorunderrotat-
ingparts.Keepdear ofthe dischargeopen- ingat alltimes.
3. Only allow rseponslble individuals, who are
familiar with the Instructions, to operatethe
4. Thoroughlyinspect the mower and area
where the equipmentisto be used.Clear the areaofobjectssuchasrocks,toys,wire,
bones,sticksetc.,whichcouldbepickedup and thrown bythe blade.
5. Be sure the area Is blesr of otherpuople be- fore mowing. Stop mower if anyone enters
the area.
8. Do not oparete the mower when barefoot or wearing open sandals. Always wear sub-
etentlal foot wear.
7. Do net pull mower backwards unless abes- lutsly nenascary. Leek down and behind be-
fore and while moving backwards.
8. Do net operatethe mowerwithoutproper guards,plates,gresscatcherorothersafety
9. See menufacturar'sInstructionsfor proper operationand installationof aocessoriee.
Only use accsesodes approved by the
10. Stop the blsde(s) when crossinggravel
ddves, walks,orroads.
11. Stop the engine (meter) whenever you
leave the equipment,beforecleaningthe moweroruncloggingthe chute.
12. Shutthe engine(motor)offandwaituntilthe bladecomes to complete stopbefore re-
13. Mowonlyindaylightor goodartificiallight.
14. Do not operate the mower while under the influence of slcohol, drugs or other medica* (ConUnued Following Page)
F- ge525 4
ifon which can causedrowsinassor effect yourabilityto operatethismachinesafely.
15. Neveroparetemowarinwetgrass.Always besure of yourfooting;keepa firmholdon
the handle end walk;neverrun.
16. Disengagethe self-propelledmechanism ordrivedutch onmowerssoequipped be-
fore startingthe engine(motor).
17. Ifthe equipment shouldstart tovibrateab- normally,stopthe engine(motor)andcheck
immediatelyfor thecause.V_bretionisgen- erally a warningof troublesuchas ablade
that Isdamaged, a looseblade,or the en-
glnemounting boltsareloose.
18. Always wear as_ety goggles or safety glasseswith side shieldswhen operating
mowartoprotectyoureyesfromforeign ob-
jects which canbe thrownfromthe unit.
19. Plan your mowing pettem to avoid dis- chargeofmetedaltowardroads,sidewalks,
bystandersandthe like.
20. Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stopthe en- gine.Removethewirefrom thespark plug.
Inspectthe bladeand mowerfordamage.If damaged,repairbeforestartingandoperat- Ingthe mower.
21. Keep any washoutportsandothermower housing service openings clnsed when
II. Slope Operation Slopesare amajorfactorrelatedtoslipendfall
aoctdentswhich can resultInsevereinjury.All slopesrsquire ex_acaution.Ifyoufeel uneasy
ona slope, donot mowit. DO:
Mow across the face of slopes; never up
end down. Do not mow excessively steep slopes (maximum 15 degrees) or areas where the ground is very rough. See the
"Guide" in the back of this manual to check a slope. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.
Remove objects such as rocks, tree limbs,
Watch for holes, ruts, or bumps. Tall gre,ss car= hide obstacles.
Donot mowneardrop-offs,ditches,orera.
benkmente.Theoporatorcouldlosefooting orbalance.
Do not mow excessivelysteep slopes. 4. Donotmowon watg_'ass.Reducedfooting
III. Children
Tragicaccidents canoccurifthe operatorisnot
alert to the presenceofchildren.Childrenare oftenattractedto the mowerandthe mowing
activity.Never assumethatchildrenwillremain whereyou lest sawthem.
1. Keepchildrenoutof the mowingareaend under the watchful care of a resportslble
2. Be aledend turnmowaroftifchildrenenter the area.
3. Before and while moving backwards, leek behind and dotwl for small children.
4. Never allow chlldren to oparate the mowar. 10.
5. Use extra care when appmsching blind cor-
ners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure vlalon.
"I. Ueeextracareinhandlinggasolineend oth-
erfuels.Theyarefiammableandvagersere explosive.
a. Use onlyan approvedcontainer.
b. Nevarmmovegescaporaddfualwith 12.
theengine running.Allow enginetocool beforerefueling.Donotsmoke. 13.
c. Neverratualthe machineindoors.
d. Never store the machine orfual cohtaln-
er inside where there is en open flame, such as a water heater.
*2. Never run an engine indoorsor insidea
3. Nevermakeadjustments orrspalrsto items suchas theheightadjustersor grasscatch-
erwiththe engine (motor)running.Discen-
nectthesparkplugwire,andkeepthewire away fromthe plugto preventaccidental
starting.Alwayswear eye protectionwhen you makeadjustmentsor repairs.
Keep allnuts and bolts, especially blade st- tschment bolts,tight and keep equipment in good condition.
Never tamper withsafety devices.Check theirproperoperationregularly.
Toreducefire hazard,keep mower fi'eeof grass, leaves, or other debds tiulld-up. Cleanupoilorfualspillage.Allowmowerto
coolbeforestoring. Stopend inspecttheequipmentifyousffike
an object. Repair,if necessary,beforere-
Never sttempt tomake wheel halght adjust-
meflts while the engine (motor) is running.
erstad) beforecleaning,repairing,or ad-
Grasscatchercomponentsare subjectto
wear, damage, end dstedoradon,which
couldexposemoving partsor allowobjects
and replace with manufacturer'srecom- mendedparts, when necessary.For stor-
age, always make sure grass catcherIs empty.
Mowerbladesare sharp andcancut.Wrap
the blade(s)or wear gloves,anduse extra
cautionwhenservicingthem. Donotchangethe engine governorsetting
orover-speed the engine. Frequentlycheckthebladeforwearordarn-
agessuch ascracksandnicks.A bladethat isbentor darnagedmustbeimmediatoiyre-
placed with a factoryreplacementblade, For safety and goodcuttingperformance,
mplsce the blade every two years. Fre- quenttycheck the bladeboltandtheengine
mounting bolts. Replace damagedbolts andtightenlousebolts.
Use only odginoi equipment or authorized replacement parts.
F-es525 5
'Astadckadltarnsdonot applyto electricmowers.
Every person who uses power equipment mostlearnthe differencebetweenproperand
improperuse,safe and unsafemowingprac- tices. Read the next few pages carefully. Theycan helpyou lesm. Toooftenthemow- er user is inexgedooced,not properlyin-
struoted, orhasnotreedthe InsthJctlooBook andinstruc_oosonthe unitbeforeusing it for
theflintt_me.Thiscanresultinunsafeuseen- dangedngthe operator,bystanders,and the
equipment.Anotherresult can be a poor ap- peanmceof the area mowed.
Read this Instruction Book. Reed the in- structionson the unit.Operatethe mower ac-
cordingto the Safe MowingGuideand othor safety mlas andrecommendationsinthis In- strustlonBookandontheunit.Makesureany-
andhas beentold howto operstethe mower
Yourmower isdesignedto providegoodasr-
vice and durabilityin normal rasldantlalcut-
ring.Ifthe mower is notproperlyservicedand
melntalnedor used onunsuitableterrainorIn
cond_oos not suitablefor mowing, product
gedormance andsafetywillbe reduced.
Properattire isan Importantpartofsafe mow-
ing. Sa_. glasses protect the ayes from
thrownobjects.Sststyshoeswith steel toes
canprotecta footfrom beingcutbythe blade. Shirtsand pantsthatcoverthe armsandlegs canstop ordeflecta thrown object.
trgency.Leernhowto cutandhowto keepoon-
ol of the mowerat all times.
Manymowerserestartedmanually.Whenus- inga pullstart or rope start, placeyour feet
firmlyandaway from the blade.Holdtherope
handle securely, but never wrap the rope aroundyourann or fingersfor a"bettergdp'.
Themower isdesignedforusabyoneperson.
Alwaysmow alone. Nevercarry passengers.
Carryinga passenger is dangerous for the passengerandtheoperator.Amowerisnotfor amusementorfor cenying objects.
Isthe areayouere planningtomowwet?Nev-
or cuta wetlawn.Cuttingwst grasscancause an accident.Itcaneffectmower performance
end also cause problemswith future lawn growthandappearance.Wetgrassisslippery
end might cause the operator to fell or the mowm to slip.Someone co_ddbe hurt by
mower,causingpoordischarge.Wstclippings bunchupon the lawnrsterdmgthe growth of _andaSs.A wetmower can cause parts to rust
reducethe usefullifeof the unit.
Practice using the mower before you actually begin cutting grass. Select a large open level
area_ Learn the location and function of the controlsand how they work. ttis important that
the blade can be stopped quickly in an emer-
F. g6525
When you look over the lawn, refreshyour
memory about hard, immovableobstacles
such as pipes,stumps, and rocksand avoid them. They can cause damageto the mower
or an accidentinudng the operatoror a by-
stander.Takea itterbagalong andwalkover
the area to be cut. Pick up any stones,toys,
wire, bones, or other loose objects. These
itemscan damagethe mowerorthey can be-
come dangerousflyingobjects if the mower
bladehitsthem. The bladeof a powermower
travelsveryfast. It canthrow rocksandother
thrownbymowers can breakwindows, cause
bruise_,oreven putoutan eye.Oltan_e ger- sonhurtbyathrown ob actIsabystandersuch as achild,anotherfamilymemberora neigh-
bor. _ pecpleand.L)ptscompletelyaway irom me mowingarea.Dirantthe mower'sdis-
chargeawayfromareaswherepeoplecan be.
Pfanrdngyour mowingpattern has a double benefit.It canreducechancesofan inmyand thesepartswhen the mowerisrunnng. Stop
makethe cleanup aftermowing eas ar. theengineandlotitcooldownbeforesarvJcing
Are there ditches,
wails, or major in-_
cut?.Plan the mowing pattarnto avoldsuch I[ v i\
areas.In-t P!
rainmustbemowed _ I%..._'-€_:I_'_ areasmustnotbeeut I\_I]_'_.,_RL_.;,_
With a mower at all._ _J "_,_.,_'_'_
equipment, mow _ o_',_:
acrossthe inclineso thatifyouorthe mow- _-'_'%_'_'
er slip youwon'trun
ntoeach other.
NOV._.mow elopesgreaterthan 15 degrees
ee me Guide inthe backof thisInstruction
Booktocheck any sk)pas. Readyto start cutting?Notyet. Be sure the
mowerhasbeenfullyausarnbed accordingto
drectfonsfnthe InstruotlonBook.Even ifas- sernblywasdonebye.lawn andgardenshop
orthe store where me unitwas purchased,it must be checked. Are all nuts, bolts and
screwstight?Doestheenginehaveoil?These itemsmustbecheckedperiodlcailythroughout
the life of themower. Your mower has agasoline engine. Gas s
d_ge.ro_. ,Storefuel onlyin a approvedgas oontemar.Do notstorelargeamountsof gas. Putoutallcigarettes,pipesand cigarsbefare
wo_in._,with gaso#ine.Storefuelendthemow- er itselfinewellventilatedareaawayfromany po6alblesourceofignitionsuch a pilotlighton
afumece, lf themowarlsto bestoredferanex. me, removethe gas from the tank.
ThBminimizesthechance of afire andkeeps
the tank clear of depositsand old gasoline,
thus improvingmowerperformance.Movethe
moweroutsidebeforeaddinggasoline Usea
ing. Remember, gaseline expands when heatedsoleave some expansion room.Also,
meat mower gascapsare ventedto allowfor expansion.Alwaysusethepropercap.People
are needlesslybumedbyfires, hurtin cx_o-
sions, mowersend otherpropertyare dem-
aqad becauseoffailureto follow basicsafety
rulesrelatedto gasolineendtuaiing.
Neveraddgasolinetoanenginathatisruardng orthatishotfromrecantuse,thiscanceuse an
acc_orif. Removedrygrassandofher debris fromthemower. Keepingthe mower cleanwill
improveths performance helpthe ongine stay c.ool,ar, extend the life of moving parts, end
min!.mize _e danger of fire. PeOple get burned
wor_ng w_thend eround their mowem for oth-
er reasons than fire and explcelons. It takes ooly afew seconds of operat_or_for the _:g_ne
a_stthe mutfler to become hot. Do not touch
the mower. Remember, exhaust fumes can be
dangerous. Never operate the engine ndoore o_In an ancased area.
_,;n_ anew mower can be a bigeventfix a
Y.Lmfamilymembem satisfytheircurius.
itYoboutthe mowe¢andatthe sametime,tell them aboutitsdangers.Remember,a mower
isnotetoy andisnotforuse bychildren orany- one lackingin age, strengthoraxpehence.
erous ifnot assembled, misused, or not
properlymaintained.The mostimportantrule isto always usegoodjudgementandcommon
Your mower will cut thtckgrass end heeh_ plantstemswithease. Fingars,andtoasare no
more rus_stontto the mowers blade. Many peopleare injurer becausethey _forgot"and
reachedIntothedischargechute. Alwaysfreat yourlawn mower as if the blade is rotating. N..ev_peffom]any serviceorfryto makeany
adlustmont,except carburetor,while the en- gineis running.
Use only acceesodas suitedfor yourmower. Useof imp'oparaoceusodescan reducethe safetydes_ned intoboththe mower and the accessory,itcan even d_unagetheunit.Read
andfollowthe Instructionswhichonmewifhthe
eco_ssoP/and the mower.
Use onlyodginolequlpmantor approvedsub- intherainisnofunandtiis dangerous.AJweys stitutionsss sanriceporte.If younesdprofes- seek sholterInan aiantdcaistorm.Inextreme- slonci sauce, select a shop that is an lydrymowingconditions,yoursefstyglsssos AuthorizedService Center for your brand of conservea dualpurposeby prateatingyour
mower.Ifyouplonto cervice the unityoursaif, eyesfromdustondthrownobsots, olsoa dust
followdirectionsinthe Insh'uctionBook. orpo anmask can beholptut.
As youmow,rememberchildrenand petsare sometimesattractedtothe activity. Be espe-
dallycarefulwhentrimmingaroundshrubbery or when backingup. If at all possible,don't mowwhenmo_ngbackwards,it isdangerous becausevisionIsrestricted.Also,bladesare
_€l_ned to cutwhile the unitis movingfor-
mowingInreverse. Never leave the mower running and unat-
tended.Shutoffthe engine.Putthe mower in
a positionso that it can not roll. If the unit is self- propelled,make surethe drivecontrolis
Whenmowing, beawareof yourconditionand the weatherconditions.Aftor mowinga long
time,you willbe tired. This isthe time when reasons slowdown,yourattentionwanders; thetime when you arewideopenforan acci- dent.Take a shortbreak.Iftemperafumsere high,takeprscautionstoavoid becomingdo-
hydrated.|fyou are angry,tired, or ueab|eto gqveyourful/sttentiontomowing, ifyouhave
beenconsumingalcohol,medicines, ordrugs, do not useyourmowerorany type of power
Ifweather conditionsbecomeworsewhile you arecutting,stopandfinishlater.Cuttinggrass
Yourmowerisequippedwitha numberofcefe- tyfeatureswhich areimportantto the safetyof the operatorand bystandersand mustnever be altered or removed. If a safetyfeaturebe- comesinoparable,lost,ordsmaged, itmust be repniredorreplacedbeforethemowerisused.
Enginespeed isa key to safe mowingand a nicelookinglawn.Themaximumspeedofthe
engineonyourmowerhasbeenset at thefan- tow.Donotchangetheenginegovernorinany
way. Selectthemaximum anginaand groundspsed
that is rightfor the terrain andthe heightof grass.You getthe bestcuttingand begging
performancewhen using s grasscatcherby operatingthe engineatmaximumspeed.Nev-
erwalkfastorrun ustto getthejobdonesoon- er. On incnss, reduce ground speed and
It is bestto mow onlyduringdaylighthours; however,ifyoumustmowinthe lateafternoon orevening, make sure there is goodartificial light.
smviosandadjustmentsbeforeand etter use as w_ any machine. The fTequancyofthe maintenanceis generallybased onhoursof
use,however,thefrequancycanvarybecause of mowingconditions.Check the Instruction
Bookfor moredetailed instructions.Proper malntananos protectsyourinvestmentin the
mowerand helpsInsure that it will function safelyand reliably.
sen4ce(withthepos- sibleexceptionatcar- burstor adjustment) ,.,.
with the engine run- [_]'_l. ninQ.Altarturningthe |[VR_o
angme off, always[fin| disconnectthe spark IP'"
Never attempt any _
plug wire to prevent acQdontai restarting
while theunitIs being ss_lced,
VV'_t.moving, _fyou hit_.fo_.ignobiect, Stop _.ow_ grouru=sp_ --,, P_"'
theengine.R.mOvethespe_ plugwlre_lu'_
full e_d thorougty /_.__ :_h ere- Chengethemowingpettemst{gt_y__...c-h.._h_
,4m,_nYaoe Make nece_ary ,,=-p=.mp__erl_
--". = '...... _.._=,*=to_t_ate e=n_,e,,y, ou cut.If you eJwayscutthe same i ac-
starting,tu,t,u ...... the Y._r,=_e.,_w_ltdi_etoQe,set"andclipp|n_]s_|
="_Hmo{ne{mmediatetys_nd_'kt_ -_ _ate mornheavilyIn,omoeo_ner_X _i-Vib_ation is generalty a wm'rm_._ anin otherscouslnggrasS'
_. Keepell_, bolts,andsc_ewst_gm' t_set am_. Do notserviceyourmower_
The blade is themostdangerouspart ofthe +h=,nrA_ So,tieddl andgescamu, u,e g,=o,..
mower =u_dalsothem_t _emtcPt_ci_ _t_e ........ h sss, donot trytoInt_l graseorve_'y esvy_tol_ttonthe
teinlng a nlce lawn aPl_ ._. 'up -- .. cutitedlat once.H=useu,o,,--_" .
quently, ittight ifthe bl_,oer_s a s_r_ object,_c._°..mu__gh/Y_rd _°_a_et_r°r_ seinedayorw_ln amwuaY=...r"' __=
cracks_ repute, a_,!._. _l_=m_l_J,;de .trstyourgroundspeed(notthe engine) pl_the bie_Je_e_.o Y+_ =-;;_;ineahdouts m_J_more slo_ s.ot_e mowercan dear it-
_rassm_°r.e_cle_t_Y'==,,__twsvsck_setothecut- Is_deof themowe_housing.F= best,tn_
cstcher, irlc_rOe_ ,,_,=_--
,_ m_els ForbestPed°n_ance end_s_=_
and _ltow o emtin seamy
w_thb,.__t_t_r _ln the Instru_on B°°k-
Before mounting._t.m_h_r_e_PZo_. _:
gresscatche_',_lWaY__u"' _' "=-'L'--.;_'._L_,=
_rnber to ch_k th_=gr_e_",_e_
eep...huse(or¢r8c_=,,w,_=,, _ =-_'-=_--_art-
before usin9 the 9ress cmz_,,.=,_ .
tocutordypint of thewidth otme mow_ w,_
W_ pu_'l t_e uInlt, Uo u, w.
un_keep=theoperator_r_ _t_mowr in
_._ "^n=r_tor's zotle"forbetterco_ro_,push-
?" _T:-."; also,.iresyoua chance_oseeex-
_'tN where and whmyouare mo_n_. _._
wt{I_e _m_ whileyouaremowingmmyou ,,,,
haveto p_! the mower backw.__ds(suctl
proper cut_n9technique is impo.rt=antI_o_.
l.--.._. _t_mto_oo_3<xLAvolaznete-,P= "
w==,=Y_=".---'" . -_--.* r'._la _eusstoo t_onto . e Mstotumyel-
ow,of makethe{awntookp.uw.,,=1__,-_.,_ ;.._
Usethe owsr cuttlng_hejige_te_hl_._;_ whenthegrassIslusn.u "-=s _'_n(_J_
he_hts inextremelyorypen_ .:; bnU_ses, a d-u_b}ede o( low eng=nespuuu ..
the taw_ {ookdutte_d b¢owq8 ''T " .",__',-'Z'_:_-
curling.AlwaysFutthethrottlecontr= inr,_._-
hindyou.Re_ume_orl].€=.,,_..,..u possible,
If you;"unit is serf-prop_led remembm that thedrivel_m LSnotdesignedto do eJl
thework,butthe unitcan_m_over,the°utiliZer help.Always g . . .
_, _...k,=rtnnthattheselt- propet_wa._"_ _"
Hem,............ sa_ feet
._,.__n be dangerous.Keep hend ,__
,'_'" ....... _ turnofft_
m,_vfrombeltsandchalns,h_w ys =_, _
kee ouI nm_a=
before e#_temptin.g.toremove _o,_
_'hi_t_=_r,es_t=g_ed ,nthe=,_-prop=,
eJ_ be danoefous.F_wOWL.,O,.o.. _,T,_I-r,_._uct_onBook.Use_e mowerpropeny
_,_ ¢_l_}-y enditwill_iveyoumanyhours =
_e _ee, accident 1tee opereuons.
+ 19 hidden pages