Murphy Electric Gage and Swichgage, EG21, EGS21 Specifications

Electric Gage and Swichgage
Sharper Accuracy
Higher Durability
Advanced Technology
0610119 08-06 Printed in U.S.A.
Sharper Accuracy. Higher Durability. Advanced Technology.
The EG21 Series Electric Gage and the EGS21 Series Swichgage instrument take the electric gage to new
heights with proven state of the art technology and reliability.
Electric Swichgage instrument
The EGS21 Series Swichgage instrument has all of the features of the EG21 Series Gage plus an adjustable
set point PowerHall®Effect switch output for operating alarms or equipment shutdown. The trip point is
adjustable over 90% of the scale and has a set point indicator visible from the gage face. Now you can have
both, the ease of electric gage installation and the reliable switching of Murphy’s famous Swichgage instrument.
PPoowweerr IInnppuutt,, aallll mmooddeellss aanndd sseennddeerr::
12 VDC or 24 VDC.
Polyester (PBT), impact and weather resistant with screw-on mounting clamp.
Polished 316 stainless steel standard; available in black. SAE style optional.
Clear Polycarbonate and UV stabilized.
AAiirr CCoorree MMoovveemmeenntt::
Silicon dampened pointer.
Black with white markings; back-lite (marking becomes red when illuminated);
dual scale with mirror band to reduce parallax reading errors.
SSwwiicchhggaaggee iinnssttrruummeenntt SSeennssoorr::
PowerHall®Effect; outputs ground signal (sinking output) rated: 300 mA continuous (EGS21 models). Pressure, Fuel, Volts set on decreasing scale. Temperature and Amps set on increasing scale. Output saturation voltage (voltage drop across switch): 1.3-2.3 Volts @ 25°C (may require some conditioning to work with logic inputs)
SSwwiicchhggaaggee iinnssttrruummeenntt SSeett PPooiinntt IInnddiiccaattoorr::
Visible on mirror band (scale);
adjustable from the back of the unit (1/16 in. hex type wrench).
Plug connector with wire leads, 18 AWG (1.0 mm2), 8 in. (203 mm) long.
OOppeerraattiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree::
-40 to 185°F (-40 to +85°C).
SSttoorraaggee TTeemmppeerraattuurree::
-77 to 185°F (-60 to 85°C).
OOvveerr VVoollttaaggee ((GGaaggee MMoovveemmeenntt))::
Withstands 200% of nominal system voltage for 5 min. Meets SAE J1810.
RReevveerrsseedd PPoollaarriittyy ((GGaaggee MMoovveemmeenntt))::
Withstands reversed battery terminal polarity indefinitely within
operating temperatures.
EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt aanndd TTeesstt::
Meets SAE J1810 standards.
PowerHall®is a registered trademark of Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
EG Air Core movement design
Technological improvements in lighting,
accuracy in reading and wiring installation
Assurance of highest reliability and service
Environmentally sealed design
Exceeds the rigid SAE J1810 standard
Corrosion-resistant materials.
Desirable for marine and other environmentally
sensitive applications
Soft, non-glare dial and pointer illumination
by “cold light” LED.
Adjustable Contact Indicator
2-1/4 in. (57 mm)
Reflective Mirror Band
1-15/16 in. (49 mm)
1-15/16 in.
Mounting Clamp
3/4 in. (19 mm) max. Panel Thickness.
2-1/2 in. (64 mm) clearance for adjustment / Wiring
(49 mm)
2-1/16 in. (52 mm) Mounting hole diameter.
Push-on Plug and Wire Leads
18 AWG (1.0 mm
SWICHGAGE® Contact Adjustment, 1/16 in. hex
); 8 in. long (203 mm)
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