Murphy EG21, EGS21 User Manual

Section 70
EG21 and EGS21 Series Electric Gage and Swichgage® Installation
for Pressure, Temperature, Fuel Level, Voltmeter and Ammeter
A change in the dial illumination circuit has made it necessary to change the external wiring harness. If you use the incorrect wiring harness, irreparable damage will occur to the gage mechanism.
The table below lists correct wire harness assemblies for units by manufacturing date. For date code R1 (January 1996) or earlier (Q12, Q11, etc.) the wire harness can be identified by P/N and by BLACK shrink tubing on the YELLOW wire. For date code R1 (February 1996) and later (R3, R4, etc.) the wire harness can be identified by P/N and by RED shrink tubing on the YELLOW wire.
Date Code R1 or Earlier Date Code R2 or Later
05004546 05004547 05004548 05004549 05004550 05004551 05004552
If dial illumination is NOT required, either wire harness can be used on any date code, if the YELLOW wire is NOT connected.
05006166 05006167 05006168 05006169 05006170 05006171 05006172
Wire/Connector Assembly
EG21 Series gage and EGS21 Series Swichgage movement and illumination require 12VDC to function. For 24 or 32 volt systems, voltage converters are built into the electrical wire/connector assembly
and supplied with instrument.
Listed below are replacement part numbers for all wire/connector assemblies. Voltage converter included for 24 and 32 volt. Specify part number when ordering.
12 VDC 24 VDC 32 VDC
EG21P / T / F 05004506 05006166 (05004546)* 05006167 (05004547)* EGS21P / T / F 05004507 05006168 (05004548)* 05006169 (05004549)* EG21AM 05004505 05006170 (05004550)* 05006171 (05004551)* EGS21AM 05004504 05006172 (05004552)* EG21VM 05004508 05004508 EGS21VM 05004504 05004504
* For gages with date code R1 (January 1996) or earlier (Q12, Q11, etc.,) specify part number shown in parenthesis.
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Gage Installation
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time. MURPHY, the Murphy logo, and Swichgage matter and illustrations, is copyright protected by Murphy Industries, Inc., with all rights reserved. (c) 2008 Murphy Industries, Inc.
are registered and/or common law trademarks of Murphy Industries, Inc. This document, including textual
Sender Installation
CAUTION: Do not use sender body to tighten. If sealant tape or pipe dope is used on the pressure sender, be sure that the tape or dope does not plug the sender’s orifice.
Page 2 of 4.
CAUTION: Extreme caution must be used in handling or working on or around the fuel tank. It must be worked on only in a WELL VENTILATED area. Keep all flame and hot materials away from it. Do not smoke while working on or around the tank. Avoid sliding or dragging the tank, or other actions which may cause a spark.
another wire must be added from one of the sender mounting bolts to the battery ground (negative post). See 1 in the ‘Tank Installation’ illustration above.
may be viewed or printed by going to
- A limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this FW Murphy product. A copy of the warranty
When installing the fuel sender in a non-metallic tank using a single wire sender,
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