Murphy Centurion Configurable Controller CE-05171N, Centurion C3-1, Centurion C3-3, Centurion C3-2 Installation And Operation Manual

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Effective 05-13-05
Section 50
Configurable Controller
Installation and
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FW MURPHY has made efforts to ensure the reliability of the Centurion Controller and to recommend safe usage practices in system applications. Please note that in any application, operation and controller failures can occur. These failures may result in full control outputs or other outputs which may cause damage to or unsafe conditions in the equipment or process connected to the Centurion Controller. Good engineering practices, electrical codes, and insurance regulations require that you use independent external protective devices to prevent potentially dangerous or unsafe condi­tions. Assume that the Centurion Controller can fail with outputs full on, outputs full off, or that other unexpected conditions can occur.
Please read the following information before installing the Centurion Controller. This installation information is intended for Centurion Controller. A visual inspection of this product before installation for any damage during shipping is recommended. Disconnect all power and be sure machine is inoperative before beginning installation. Installation is to be done only by qualified technician. Observe all Warnings and Cautions at each section in these instruc­tions. Device shall be wired in accordance with Class I, Division 2 wiring methods. This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups B, C, and D hazardous Areas. WARNING–Explosion Hazard–Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.
Please contact FW MURPHY immediately if you have any questions.
A limited warranty on materials and workmanship
is given with this FW Murphy product.
A copy of the warranty may be viewed or printed by going to
1.0 Warning and Limited Warranty
MURPHY, the Murphy logo, Centurion and C3 are registered and/or common law trademarks of Murphy Industries, Inc. This document, including textual matter and illustrations, is copyright protected by Murphy Industries, Inc., with all rights
reserved. (c) 2004 Murphy Industries, Inc. Windows®. Modbus® and other third party product or trade names referenced herein are the property of their respective
owners and are used for identification purposes only.
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Table of Contents
1.0 WARNING AND LIMITED WARRANTY..................................................................................2
2.0 OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................5
Basic Components and Key Features of the C3 Series.....................................................................................5
Optional Components....................................................................................................................................5
3.0 INPUT/OUTPUT TYPES................................................................................................................6
3.1 Input/Output Types and Specifications for the Centurion C3-1...................................................................6
3.1.1 Digital Inputs (DI)..........................................................................................................................6
3.1.2 Analog Inputs (AI) ........................................................................................................................7
3.1.3 Thermocouple Inputs (TC)...........................................................................................................7
3.1.4 Magnetic Pickup (MPU)...............................................................................................................8
3.1.5 Digital Outputs (DO).....................................................................................................................8
3.1.6 Types and Specifications for the Optional Analog Output on the Centurion C3-1 -A....................9
Analog Outputs (AO).............................................................................................................................9
3.2 Input/Output Types and Specifications for the Optional C3-2 Expansion Module to the Centurion C3-1.........9
3.2.1 Analog Inputs (AI)........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.2 Thermocouple Inputs (TC)......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Analog Outputs (AO)..................................................................................................................10
4.0 HAZARDOUS AREA OPERATION......................................................................................... 10
5.0 HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND WIRING..................................................................... 11
5.1 Mounting the Centurion Controller.........................................................................................................11
5.2 Mounting the Centurion C3-3 Display.....................................................................................................11
5.3 Power Supply Wiring.............................................................................................................................11
Centurion C3-1 I/O Module................................................................................................................... 11
Centurion C3-2 Optional Expansion Module...........................................................................................11
5.4 Wiring the Centurion C3-3 Display.........................................................................................................12
5.5 Wiring the Centurion C3-1/C3-2.........................................................................................................13/14
THE CENTURION CONTROLLER SETTINGS.............................................................................15
6.1 Features.............................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.1 Keypad Description and Navigation..........................................................................15/16/17/18
6.1.2 Display Context........................................................................................................................19
6.1.3 Numeric Entry..........................................................................................................................19
6.2 Operational Screens............................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.1 Default Operating Screen......................................................................................................... 20
6.2.2 F W Murphy Logo Screen........................................................................................................ 20
6.2.3 Corporate and Version Information Screen.............................................................................. 20
6.2.4 Shutdown History Screen........................................................................................................ 21
6.2.5 Event History Screen................................................................................................................21
6.2.4 Active Alarms Screen............................................................................................................... 21
6.2.5 Gage Display........................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.6 Line By Line ............................................................................................................................ 22
6.2.7 Custom PID Screen............................................................................................................22/23
6.3 Setup Screens and Menus.....................................................................................................................23
6.3.1 Password Screen.....................................................................................................................23
6.3.2 Digital Input..............................................................................................................................24
6.3.3 Digital Output...........................................................................................................................24
6.3.4 Analog Input........................................................................................................................24/25
6.3.5 Analog Output.....................................................................................................................25/26
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6.3.6 Thermocouple Input................................................................................................................26
6.3.7 General Timer Setup...............................................................................................................27
6.3.8 Maintenance Timer Setup.......................................................................................................28
6.3.9 Set points Setup.....................................................................................................................29
6.3.10 Control Output Setup.......................................................................................................29/30
6.3.11 PID Setup.............................................................................................................................30
6.3.12 Initial RPM Setup.................................................................................................................. 31
6.3.13 Miscellaneous Setup.............................................................................................................31
6.3.14 Lube No Flow Set Up........................................................................................................... 32
6.3.15 Lube No Flow Status............................................................................................................ 32
6.3.16 Super User Menu............................................................................................................ 32/33
6.3.17 Configuration Download (Download Only Screen)................................................................. 33
6.3.18 Display Board Status.............................................................................................................33
6.3.19 Digital Input Status................................................................................................................ 34
6.3.20 Digital Output Status............................................................................................................. 34
6.3.21 Analog Input Status...............................................................................................................34
6.3.22 Analog Output Status.......................................................................................................34/35
6.3.23 Thermocouple Status............................................................................................................ 35
6.3.24 Communication Status.....................................................................................................35/36
6.3.25 PID Diagnostics.....................................................................................................................36
6.4 Additional Navigational Aids................................................................................................................ 37
6.4.1 Function Key........................................................................................................................... 37
6.4.2 Help Key................................................................................................................................. 37
7.0 COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................................................................37
7.1 Communication Ports.......................................................................................................................... 37
Port 1 (SERIAL)................................................................................................................................37
Port 2 (SERIAL)................................................................................................................................37
Port 2 (USB).....................................................................................................................................38
Port 3 (CAN).....................................................................................................................................38
7.2 Downloading Configurations and Firmware Updates............................................................................. 38
7.2.1 Boot Loader ...........................................................................................................................38
7.2.2 Downloading Configurations Via C3-3 Display........................................................................ 38
Special 35 Jump Code................................................................................................................... 38
7.2.3 Downloading Configurations Via MConfigPro Software...........................................................39
7.2.4 Pass Through.........................................................................................................................39
7.2.5 Downloading Firmware Updates to the C3-3 Display..............................................................39
Special 35 Jump Code....................................................................................................................39
Super User Menu............................................................................................................................39
7.2.6 Error Messages...................................................................................................................... 40
7.3 Modbus Protocol.................................................................................................................................41
7.4 Features of Transferring Data in Modbus.............................................................................................. 41
7.5 Modbus Register Address Listings........................................................................................................ 41
8.0 GLOSSARY.....................................................................................................................................42
9.1 Back Panel LED Description................................................................................................................. 43
9.2 Controller Accuracies, and Tolerances ............................................................................................... 43
9.3 Restrictions on Numeric Values in Gage and PID Monitor Screens.......................................................... 43
9.4 Set Up Sheet....................................................................................................................................... 43
9.0 How to Order................................................................................................................................ 44
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2.0 Overview
The Centurion configurable controller is a control and monitoring system expressly designed to meet the requirements of three specific kinds of applications: Screw and Reciprocating Compressors, and Pumps. To that end, it is able to satisfy the particular needs and inevitable variations that exist in real world applications because the Centurion controller is enor­mously flexible and configurable within fixed parameters. The Centurion controller is a system designed to monitor, con­trol, protect, and optimize small to medium sized gas operated compressors and pumps in the field by monitoring set points and digital, analog, and thermocouple input points and providing the logic to take corrective and/or proactive steps to maintain proper operation. The Centurion controller also allows for controlled shut down and no-flow monitoring as well as expanded and auto start up, and engine control capabilities, which are so critical to the systems the Centurion controller is designed to protect.
The Centurion controller provides real-time data via communications ports to a connected display and/or supervisory system. This advanced system offers multiple options for remote communications and operation including HMI's, PLC's, PC’s, and SCADA systems. The industry standard Modbus protocol means greater support for a wide variety of commu­nication equipment including radio and satellite communications systems.
The heart of the Centurion system is the Main Input/Output (I/O) Module, known as C3-1, which can be mounted on a standard DIN rail. While it is designed to work with any Modbus (Master) compliant HMI (Human Machine Interface) or with no operator interface at all, it is optimally configured and field-configurable through MConfigPro, powerful software developed to configure the controller. Parameters can be modified through C3-3 Display, F W Murphy’s specially pro­grammed controller display, in the field without special need for laptop or software.
Basic Components and Key Features of the C3TMSeries
The C3 Series consists of a Display Module, a Main I/O Module, and optional Expansion I/O Module. No special cables are required. The Centurion system is designed for use within a weatherproof enclosure only.
Display Module (C3-3 Head): 128 x 64 LCD graphic display; (-40 to 85) °C
Main I/O Module (C3-1):
• 32 Digital Inputs (DI)
• 10 Digital Outputs (DO)
• Separate direct input for Analog and Thermocouple inputs:
12 AI on the Centurion C3-1
8 TC on the Centurion C3-1
• 1 Magnetic Pickup (MPU).
• C3-1-A: Same as C3-1, plus two (2) Analog Output (AO).
Expansion I/O Module (C3-2) as required: 8 AI, 8 TC, and 4 AO
Optional Components:
The C3-1 hardware may be configured with 2 analog outputs and it may be augmented through an Expansion Module (C3-2) which provides analog outputs and additional analog and thermocouple inputs.
C3-1-A with Analog Outputs:
2 Analog Outputs
C3-2 Expansion:
8 Analog Inputs
8 Thermocouple Inputs
4 Analog Outputs
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3.0 Input/Output Types
3.1 Input/Output Types and Specifications for the Centurion C3-1
3.1.1 Digital Inputs (DI)
Number of Devices: 32 Device Types: Discrete Input, Normally Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C), active high/active low, non-incendive.
There is one screw terminal connector for each digital input. Terminals 30 to 61 are DI terminals. Green LEDs give visual indication of active input signal.
CAN J1939
Thermocouple Inputs (TC) See 3.1.3
Communications (RS4232, 485, USB)
Digital Outputs (DO) See 3.1.5
Analog Inputs (AI) See 3.1.2
Analog Outputs
(AO) See 3.1.6
Magnetic Pickup (MPU) See 3.1.4
Digital Inputs (DI) See 3.1.1
Digital Inputs
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3.1.2 Analog Inputs (AI)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 1122 Device Types: Analog Input, (4 to 20) mA or (0 to 5) V, 10 bit hardware.
There is one screw terminal connector for each analog input. Terminals 18 to 29 are AI terminals.
3.1.3 Thermocouple Inputs (TC)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 88 Device Types: Thermocouple Input, Type J or K, 12 bit hardware. Open Thermocouple Detection: Drives terminal reading high (max of scale). Automatic Cold Junction Compensation is built-in.
There are two screw terminal connectors for each thermocouple. Terminals 1 to 16 are TC terminals where White or Yellow indicate positive inputs and Red indicates negative inputs.
An additional terminal connector is provided, identified as SHD, which isolates thermocouple shields. This con­nection, at terminal 17, is intended to be wired to an isolated bus bar for thermocouple shield wires. If ground­ed thermocouples are used, the shied terminal should not be connected.
Analog Inputs
Thermocouple Inputs
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3.1.4 Magnetic Pickup (MPU)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 11 Device Types: Magnetic Pickup or MPU, (5 to 120) Vrms, (30 to 10k) Hz.
There are two screw terminal connectors for the Magnetic Pickup . Terminals 64 and 65 are MPU terminals.
3.1.5 Digital Outputs (DO)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 1100 Device Types: Discrete Output, Normally Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C)
Four (4) relay outputs, form C, dry contacts
Four (4) FETs (high speed)
Two (2) IGBTs (high power)
There are three screw terminal connectors for each relay output and two screw terminal connectors for each FET and IGBT output. Terminals 70 to 81 are for the four relay terminals. Terminals 82 to 89 are for the four FET terminals. Terminals 90 to 93 are for the two IGBT terminals.
Green LEDs give a visual indication of active output signal.
AA hheeaatt ssiinnkk iiss aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhee ccoovveerr uussiinngg aaccoorrnn ssttyyllee nnuuttss.. TThhee ssuurrffaaccee aarreeaa aarroouunndd tthheessee ffaasstteenneerrss ccaann
bbeeccoommee vveerryy hhoott.. AAvvooiidd ccoonnttaacctt..
Magnetic Pickup
Digital Outputs
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3.1.6 Types and Specifications for the Optional Analog Output on the Centurion C3-1 -A
Analog Outputs (AO)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 22 Device Types: Analog Output, (4 to 20) mA or (0-5)V, 16 bit hardware
There are two screw terminal connectors for each analog output. The AO optional module is added to the C3-1 at the factory inside the DIN enclosure. While these terminals are present on all models the feature may not be installed.
3.2 Input/Output Types and Specifications for the Optional C3-2 Expansion Module to the Centurion C3-1
3.2.1 Analog Inputs (AI)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 88 Device Types: Analog Input, (4 to 20) mA or (0 to 5) V, 12 bit hardware.
There is one screw terminal connector for each analog input. Terminals 126 to 133 are AI terminals.
Optional Analog Outputs
Analog Inputs
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3.2.2 Thermocouple Inputs (TC)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 88
Device Types: Thermocouple Input, Type J or K, 12 bit hardware Open Thermocouple Detection: Drives channel reading high (max of scale).
There are two screw terminal connectors for each thermocouple input. Terminals 109 to 124 are TC channels where White or Yellow indicate positive inputs and Red indicates negative inputs.
An additional terminal connector is provided, identified as SHD, which isolates thermocouple shields. This con­nection, at terminal 125, is intended to be wired to an isolated bus bar for thermocouple shield wires. If ground­ed thermocouples are used, the shied terminal should not be connected.
3.2.3 Analog Outputs (AO)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 44 Device Types: Analog Output, (4 to 20) mA or (0-5) V, 16 bit hardware
There are two screw terminal connectors for each analog output. Terminals 137 to 144 are AO terminals.
4.0 Hazardous Area Operation
The Centurion approvals for CSA, CLASS 1, DIVISION 2, Groups B, C and D are pending.
EExxpplloossiioonn hhaazzaarrdd DDoo nnoott ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt uunnlleessss tthhee ppoowweerr hhaass bbeeeenn sswwiittcchheedd ooffff,, oorr tthhee aarreeaa iiss
kknnoowwnn ttoo bbee nnoonn--hhaazzaarrddoouuss..
Thermocouple Inputs
Analog Outputs
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5.0 Hardware Installation and Wiring
5.1 Mounting the Centurion Controller
The Centurion can be mounted vertically or horizontally on a standard DIN rail. Three clamp type feet along the bottom of the controller attach to the DIN rail, however, rail stops are recommended to prevent sliding.
5.2 Mounting the Centurion C3-3 Display
The Centurion C3-3 Display can be mounted in the same hole cutout of other Murphy display modules. Four screws
attached the display bezel to the mounting surface.
5.3 Power Supply Wiring Power Centurion C3-1 I/O Module
Requirements: (10 to 32) VDC: 30W (Max)
There are two screw terminal connectors for power hookup at terminals 62 and 63, labeled B+ and B- respectively.
Centurion C3-2 Optional Expansion Module
Requirements: (10 to 32) VDC
There are three screw terminal connectors for power hookup at terminals 134 to 136, labeled B+, B- and B- respectively.
C3-1 Mounting
DIN Type
Mounting Rail
To Panel
2-1/2 in. (64 mm)
13-1/8 in. (333 mm)
6-1/2 in. (165 mm)
6-1/2 in.
(165 mm)
2-1/8 in. (54 mm)
5-1/4 in.
(134 mm)
6.0 in. (152 mm)
(140 mm)
5.50 in.
4-7/8 in.
(125 mm)
3 in. (76 mm)
0.156 in. (4 mm) dia. 4 places
Power Hook Up
Power Hook Up
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5.4 Wiring the Centurion C3-3 Display
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5.5 Wiring the Centurion C3-1/C3-2
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5.5 Wiring the Centurion C3-1/C3-2
+ 30 hidden pages