Murata Electronics North America Z2430HPA Users Manual

Certification Exhibit
IC: 4492A-Z2430HPA
FCC Rule Part: 15.247
ACS Report Number: 08-0058
Manufacturer: Cirronet, Inc.
Model: ZMN2430HPA
5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598
Module Series
Developer’s Kit
User’s Manual
3079 Premiere Pkwy Ste 140
Duluth, Georgia 30097
+1 (678) 684-2000
Important Regulatory Information
RFM Zigbee Series Regulatory Identification
ZigBee Module FCC ID IC ID Type of Grant ZMN2405 HSW-ZMN2400 4492A-ZMN2400 Mobile ZMN2405HP HSW-Z2400HP 4492A-Z2400 Mobile ZMN2430 HSW-Z2430 4492A-Z2430 Mobile ZMN2430HP HSW-Z2430HP 4492A-Z2430HP Mobile
ZMN2430A HSW-Z2430A 4492A-Z2430A Portable ZMN2430HPA HSW-Z2430HPA 4492A-Z2430HPA Portable
FCC User Information
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.”
Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by RFM Inc. could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
These devices can not be co-located with another transmitter without re-evaluation and separate FCC authorization.
RF Exposure
For ZigBee products with “Mobile Grants”. In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radiofrequency fields, the radiating element shall be installed such that a minimum
separation distance of 20 cm shall be maintained from the user and/or general population. Only antennas approved by the FCC for these modules may be used. Contact RFM for details.
For ZigBee products with “Portable Grants”. In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radiofrequency fields, the radiating element of there devices can be installed such
that a separation distance of 2.5 cm or less can be maintained from the user and/or general population. (See Appendix 1 at the end of this document) These products have an intergraded antenna on the module which must not be removed.
Industry Canada
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing
Equipment Regulations. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Cet appareillage numérique de la classe B répond à toutes les exigences de
l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement. L'opération est sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer l'interférence nocive, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence reçue, y compris
l'interférence qui peut causer l'opération peu désirée.
Suggested End Product Labeling
The final end product must be labeled in a visible area on the exterior of the enclosure with the following or similar text: “Contains TX FCC ID: (use correct ID from table above)”
European Union
All ZigBee modules conform to the requirements of ETSI EN 300 328 standard for radiated emissions.
Table of Contents
Regulatory Information ……………………………………………………………………………………
Introduction ............................................................................................................................2
2. ZigBee Networking.................................................................................................................3
2.1 Forming a Network.................................................................................................................4
2.2 Sleeping End Devices ............................................................................................................5
2.3 ZigBee Addressing.................................................................................................................5
2.4 Discovery ...............................................................................................................................6
2.5 Network Topology and Size ...................................................................................................6
2.6 Static Network Addresses and Link Announcements ............................................................8
3. Getting Started .....................................................................................................................10
3.1 Installing ZBDemo................................................................................................................10
3.2 Installing USB Drivers ..........................................................................................................10
3.3 Running ZBDemo.................................................................................................................10
3.4 Communicating without ZBDemo.........................................................................................20
4. The Development Board ......................................................................................................21
5. ZBDemo ...............................................................................................................................24
5.1 Discover Radios ...................................................................................................................27
5.2 Refresh Delay ......................................................................................................................27
5.3 Switches...............................................................................................................................27
5.4 GPIO LEDs ..........................................................................................................................28
5.5 Thermistor, Potentiometer and Analog to Digital Inputs.......................................................28
5.6 Digital to Analog Outputs .....................................................................................................28
5.7 Children’s Network List ........................................................................................................28
5.8 Show ZigBee Tree ...............................................................................................................29
5.9 Config...................................................................................................................................29
5.9.1 Config Tab............................................................................................................... 30
5.9.2 Config Enable Options ............................................................................................ 31
5.9.3 Module I/O Tab........................................................................................................ 32
5.9.4 Network Tab ............................................................................................................ 33
5.9.5 RF Tab .................................................................................................................... 34
5.9.6 End Device Tab....................................................................................................... 35
5.10 Serial Comm ........................................................................................................................36
6. Programming the Module Firmware.....................................................................................38
6.1 In Circuit Module Programming............................................................................................40
7. Module & Development Board Hardware Specifications .....................................................42
7.1 Module Pin Descriptions ......................................................................................................42
7.2 Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................43
7.3 CC2430 ................................................................................................................................44
7.4 Schematics...........................................................................................................................45
8. RFM Standard Module (CSM) Profile API..............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.1 Module I/O Cluster (ID 0x01) .................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.2 Configuration Cluster (ID 0x02)..............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.3 Reset Cluster (ID 0x03)..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.4 Network Cluster (ID 0x07)......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.5 RF Cluster (ID 0x08) ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.6 Security Cluster (ID 0x09) ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7 Serial Interface .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.1 Set Field .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.2 Set Reply................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.3 Get Field.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.4 Get Reply .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.5 Send String................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.6 Send String Reply ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.7 Receive String ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.8 Send SPI ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.9 Send SPI Reply ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.10 Get IEEE Address ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.11 Get IEEE Address Reply ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.12 Get NWK Address ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.13 Get NWK Address Reply........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.14 Discovery Request .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.15 Discovery Reply ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.16 Discovery End ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.17 Receive Field Event .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.18 Link Announce........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.19 Device Registration ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7.20 Error .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8 CSM Sleep Modes .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8.1 Timer Sleep Mode ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8.2 Interrupt Sleep Mode................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8.3 Configuring Sleep Mode............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8.4 Timer Sleep Example ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.8.5 Interrupt Sleep Example............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.9 Network Discovery .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.9.1 Device Registration Packets...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.9.2 Discovery Command ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.9.3 Hierarchical Discovery............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10 Sample Packets .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.1 RF Channel List Example.......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.2 GP I/O Direction Example ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.3 Microcontroller Reset ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.4 UART Port/Send ASCII Data Example:..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.5 ADC Z Example: - Get Field...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.6 ADC Z Example: - Get Reply .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.7 Discovery Request .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.8 Discovery Reply ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.9 Discovery End ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.10 Get IEEE Address ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10.11 Get IEEE Address Reply ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
9. Custom Profiles......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
10. Layout Guidelines ................................................................................................................50
10.1 50 Ohm Trace ......................................................................................................................50
10.2 Reflow Profile for ZigBee Adapter Panel..............................................................................51
11. WARRANTY.........................................................................................................................52
Appendix I
ZMN2405/ZMN2405HP Dev Kit
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of RFM’s ZigBee Developer’s Kit. The developer’s kit contains everything needed to get a two node ZigBee network up and running. Refer to Figure 1 for the contents of your kit.
Figure 1. Developer’s Kit Contents
The modules in this kit have been designed by RFM Engineers and embody the accumulated expertise gained over 20 years of RF design and implementation experience. Experience gained designing and implementing some of the most difficult RF networks around including nuclear power plant monitoring, medical patient vital signs telemetry and industrial asset tracking. This manual covers both the ZMN2405DK and the ZMN2405HPDK. The only difference between the two kits is the output power of the modules included. The ZMN2405 module provides 1mW of RF power while the ZMN2405HP provides 65mW of RF power (when coupled with a 2dB dipole antenna, the ZMN2405HP provides 100mW EIRP).
RFM has six base module versions: ZMN2405, ZMN2405HP, ZMN2430, ZMN2430HP, ZMN2430A and ZMN2430HPA. All four modules use the same firmware and thus operate the same. The difference with the two HP versions is that they provide 65mW (100mW with the 2dB dipole antenna) of transmit power instead of the 1mW of the non-HP modules. The 2405 modules are solder bump while the 2430 modules are castellated. All versions are based on the CC2430 single chip module. Refer to the data sheets on the dev kit CD for details of the mechanical differences of the modules. In addition to being available as Coordinator, Router, and End Device versions, there are “A” versions that include a chip antenna.
There are various flavors of ZigBee devices that this module must support, the Coordinator, the Router and the End Device. How these devices work and what their functions are in a Zigbee network are explained in detail is Section 2, Zigbee Networking. The development board can also be configured as an End Device by downloading the End Device code load provided as part of the kit. Programming the module is explained in Section 6.
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2. ZigBee Networking
ZigBee is a mesh networking and security stack that sits on top of an 802.15.4 MAC layer radio.
802.15.4 specifies the frequency bands, the number of channels, the spreading technique and the modulation method. ZigBee controls how data is routed between 802.15.4 physical layer radios, adding mesh and encryption capability along the way.
There are three types of devices specified in ZigBee: a Coordinator; a Router and an End Device. The Coordinator and Router are sometimes referred to as Full Function Devices or FFDs. The End Device is sometimes referred to as a Reduced Function Device or RFD. Since an FFD can be a Coordinator or a Router, this manual will use the Coordinator, Router and End Device names.
The Coordinator is responsible for setting the channel for the network to use, making its presence known to Routers and End Devices, assigning network addresses to Routers and End Devices and keeping the routing tables for the network that are necessary to route data from one ZigBee device to another in the same ZigBee network. Each network must have one and only one Coordinator. Without a Coordinator, a network cannot form. Typically, although it is not a requirement, the Coordinator will function as the gateway or takeout point for applications where data from the ZigBee network will be sent off the network and will be received from devices off the network.
The Router, as its name implies, is responsible for routing data from other Routers or End Devices to the Coordinator or to other Routers closer to the Coordinator. The Router can also be a data input device, either serially or through the I/O pins of the module.
The End Device can only communicate with the Coordinator or a Router. An End Device cannot communicate directly with another End Device. Communication between one End Device and another End Device must go through the Coordinator or a Router and may go through one or more Routers.
Figure 2 depicts a typical ZigBee network with two levels of Routers. The box labeled C represents the Coordinator, the boxes labeled R represent Routers and the boxes labeled E represent End Devices. As can be seen from the diagram, each End Device has multiple potential communication paths. The most likely path is a solid line with backup paths indicated with dashed lines. From this Figure it is seen how End Devices only communicate with Routers and the Coordinator while Routers can communicate with End Devices, other Routers or the Coordinator. The Coordinator can communicate with Routers and End Devices.
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Figure 2. Typical ZigBee Network
2.1 Forming a Network
The Coordinator is typically the first element powered up. The Coordinator will listen on the first channel of the set of channels that has been specified for it to use in forming a network. If the Coordinator detects RF energy on that channel, it will move to the next channel in the channel set until it finds a clear channel. If a clear channel cannot be found, the Coordinator will indicate an error.
If a PAN ID has been specified, the Routers and End Devices will look for a Coordinator with the specified PAN ID. If a Coordinator is not found on a channel, or one is found, but has the wrong PAN ID, the ZigBee device will go to the next channel on its channel list until a satisfactory Coordinator is found. The Coordinator will assign each device that identifies itself to the Coordinator a 16-bit network address. This 16-bit network address is used to route data within the network. Each ZigBee device has a unique 8-byte MAC address just as in an Ethernet network. The 16-bit network address can and will change every time the Coordinator is power cycled unless the Static Network mode is enabled. (Refer to Section 2.6 for details).
The network is now formed. If the Routers and End Devices have been configured to transmit data on their own, they will begin doing as they have been told. If the Coordinator is to be used as a gateway too, it is typically necessary to let the application communicating with the gateway to know what devices are on the network. ZigBee provides a discovery command which returns from the Coordinator/gateway, the 16-bit network addresses of all devices associated in the network. The application then must request the 8-byte MAC address and optionally the “Friendly Name” of each device associated with the network. Once the devices associated with the network have been discovered and the MAC addresses obtained, the application can address data and commands to individual devices on the network.
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2.2 Sleeping End Devices
ZigBee envisions that Routers and Coordinators will always be powered and never put to sleep as they must always be awake since they do not know when another device may attempt to communicate. End devices on the other hand, are expected to send data for a brief period of time and then go to sleep for the majority of the time. When the End Device is asleep, any data addressed to it will be held by the Router (or Coordinator) with which it is associated. When the End Device wakes up, it will send a request for the Router (or Coordinator) to send any data it may be holding. End Devices do not have to go to sleep. They can be configured as mains powered and always be awake.
ZigBee provides that sleeping End Devices will do two things: 1) wake up periodically and see if their parent device is holding data for them; and 2) wake up periodically and perform some operation. It is possible to have an application poll sleeping End Devices. However, since the End Device will not respond until it wakes, the amount of time the application must wait to receive a response will be related to how often the End Device awakens.
The rest of the details of sleeping End Device modes are dependent on the application profile used. Details of the sleep modes implemented in RFM’s CSM profile are provided in Section 8.9 of this manual.
2.3 ZigBee Addressing
The ZigBee standard provides for two means of addressing ZigBee devices, whether they are Coordinators, Routers or End Devices: MAC Addresses and Network Addresses. MAC addresses are just like MAC addresses in Ethernet networks. The MAC address is 8 bytes long, is unique to each device and permanently stays with the device. Network addresses are 2 bytes long and are assigned to ZigBee devices as they associate with the network. As such, the network address is not known before the network forms and can change when a ZigBee device re-associates with the network.
Much like an Ethernet device, RFM’s ZigBee modules have their MAC addresses programmed into them at the factory as part of the manufacturing process. RFM’s prefix of in the MAC address and thus can be used to identify RFM products. While the MAC address uniquely identifies each ZigBee device - regardless of manufacturer or position in the network ­it contains no routing information and thus can be used only to communicate with devices that
00:30:66 is used
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are directly connected to a ZigBee device. That is, if a Router wants to talk to an End Device or Router to which it has a direct connection (the data does not have to be routed through another device), it can use the MAC address. However, if it wants to talk to a ZigBee device but needs to have the data routed through another ZigBee device, it must use the network address.
The network address is assigned to ZigBee devices as they associate with the network. The Coordinator always has network address a way that the address contains routing information. As a 2-byte value, the network address can handle 65,535 potential devices in a single ZigBee network. For a ZigBee device to send data to a device on the network which is not directly connected to it, the network address must be used. Based on the address, the ZigBee Routers can determine the next ZigBee device to send the data to until it reaches the intended device.
If an application needs to send data to specific devices on a network, the application must maintain a table that links device-specific MAC addresses with their assigned Network addresses. The application also must be aware that the network address of a specific device can change due to power cycling, loss of connection, etc. Network and MAC addresses can be determined through the Discovery and Get IEEE Address commands. Refer to the next section on Discovery and Section 8 for details on these commands.
0x0000. The network addresses are assigned in such
2.4 Discovery
While it is possible for ZigBee devices to only communicate among other devices on the ZigBee network, typically it is a requirement that the devices on the network be known to either applications or other devices that are not part of the ZigBee network. ZigBee supports this need through a Discovery process. The Discovery process reports back all of the ZigBee devices on the network that have joined the network. All devices respond whether directly connected or not. In a network of several layers of depth, it will take a series of steps to discover all of the devices on the network. It is not necessary for sleeping End Devices to be awake to learn of their presence in the network. The parent device of the sleeping End Device will report its presence.
2.5 Network Topology and Size
ZigBee can support three primary network topologies: Star, Cluster Tree and Mesh. Depending on the configuration, the number of nodes the network can support will change. ZigBee uses three parameters that effectively control the network topology and the number of potential nodes. These three parameters are Max Number of Children, Max Number of Routers and Max Network Depth. These parameters are determined by the stack profile being used (this is different than the application profile) and cannot be configured after compilation of the code.
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Star Cluster Tree Mesh
Parents and Children. In ZigBee parlance, devices higher and lower in the network hierarchy
are referred to as Parents and Children respectively. The Coordinator in a network is the parent to all devices directly associated with the Coordinator, regardless of whether they are Routers or End Devices. Routers which are children to the Coordinator are parents to devices that directly associate with them, also regardless of whether they are Routers or End Devices. End Devices cannot be parents and are always children of either the Coordinator or a Router.
Max Number of Children (MNC). This parameter specifies the maximum number of devices for
which a ZigBee device can act as a parent or upstream connection. For example, in a star network, MNC will determine the maximum number of devices that can associate with the Coordinator. For a cluster tree or mesh network topology, the MNC specifies the number of children the Coordinator and Routers can each have associated with them. In the only ZigBee approved stack profile (Home Control Lighting) MNC is twenty. This means that a star network can have 21 nodes in it, 1 Coordinator and 20 children. For cluster tree and mesh topologies MNC is not sufficient to determine the maximum number of network devices.
Max Number of Routers (MNR). This parameter specifies how many out of the MNC devices
can be Routers. In the Home Control Lighting stack profile, MNR is set to 6. This means that the Coordinator can have 6 Routers directly associated with it and each Router can have 6 Routers associated directly with them. The other 14 devices directly associated with the Coordinator and Routers must be End Devices. If there are fewer than 6 routers associated with the Coordinator or a Router, the maximum number of end devices that can associate with either the Coordinator or a Router is still 14.
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Max Network Depth (MND). This parameter specifies how many levels of Routers may be
present in a ZigBee network. For a star network, while there can be Routers associated with the Coordinator, the Routers cannot have any children. For cluster tree and mesh networks multiple levels of Routers can be implemented. The Home Control Lighting stack profile set MND to 5. This means a network could be constructed with the Coordinator at the top and 5 levels of Routers beneath the Coordinator.
From these three parameters, the number of nodes that can be supported in a given network configuration can be computed. In the simple case of the star network, it is simply the
Coordinator plus MNC. For cluster tree and mesh networks, the calculations are a little more
complicated. The Coordinator can support 20 devices of which 6 can be Routers and 14 End Devices. If we assume that there are 2 Routers, and that both Routers have a full complement of 14 End Devices - then this network can support the Coordinator, two Routers and 42 End Devices. In practice, it is hard to know exactly how a network will form. While devices will attempt to associate with the highest level of the network, if they are unable to establish a connection, they will associate with a lower level of the network. So in the simple example above, if some of the 14 End Devices that are assumed to be directly associated with the Coordinator cannot establish a connection with the Coordinator but can establish a connection with one of the two Routers, then some number less than 42 End Devices, 2 Routers and the Coordinator will be supported by this network.
Because the Home Control Lighting profile is the only public stack profile, RFM has implemented our ZigBee modules using that stack profile and thus are constrained by the limits of 20 children per device, 6 Routers per device and 5 levels of Routers. Please contact RFM Tech Support if your application requires different parameter values.
2.6 Static Network Addresses and Link Announcements
When a ZigBee network forms, nodes are assigned their 2-byte network addresses according to how the network forms. For example, the first router that associates with the coordinator is assigned the network address address
0x143E. If the network is powered down and then powered up again, if the router
originally assigned network address originally assigned network address Applications that send data over the ZigBee network must keep track of the network addresses assigned to the nodes on the network. If the network loses power, the application must detect that and rediscover the network. This can be a cumbersome process for the application especially during application development or system testing.
To alleviate the problems caused by these situations, RFM has implemented two features:
Static Network Addresses and Link Announcements. Each is described in detail below. Static Network Addresses
When enabled through a configuration parameter, Static Network Addresses causes the ZigBee modules to save their network address in non-volatile memory. If power is subsequently lost to the network or just the node, the module will request its original network address when power is restored. If the entire network lost power, this will cause the network to be formed with each ZigBee device having its original network address. If the original parent is no longer available,
0x0001. The second router to associate is assigned the network
0x14FE associates with the coordinator before the router 0x0001, it will be assigned network address 0x0001.
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the ZigBee device will stop trying to re-associate with its original network address and re­associate with the network as if it had never belonged.
Static Network Addresses cannot be used in a mobile environment as it is expected and desired that nodes will associate and re-associate using different parents. In the event when Static Network Addresses are being used, if a parent is no longer available, the node device will associate and receive a new network address.
Link Announcements
To prevent the application from periodically rediscovering the network again to learn the network addresses - most of which will not have changed - RFM has implemented Link Announcements. Link Announcements are always enabled. Any time a node associates with a network whether it is the first time or the fifth time, and regardless of with which parent device it associates, a Link Announcement message is sent to the coordinator. The Link Announcement message includes the network address of the node joining the network. The GET IEEE command can be used to determine the MAC address of the joining device.
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3. Getting Started
Once you have identified all the components of your kit, connect either the 6dBi patch antenna directly to the RF connector on the development boards or the RF cable and 2dBi dipole antenna. It is not necessary to use the same antenna on both boards.
3.1 Installing ZBDemo
The next step is to copy the ZBDemo program onto a computer. The ZBDemo program is on the Software and Manuals CD in the Software directory included with the kit. Copy the file zbdemo.exe onto the hard drive of the computer and remember into which directory it was copied.
3.2 Installing USB Drivers
If a USB port is to be used to communicate with the development board, the drivers for the USB adapters must be installed on the PC. The USB drivers are on the Documentation and Software CD under the Drivers folder. When the computer detects the presence of the hardware, the “Add New Hardware Wizard” box will appear. Click on “Next” and follow the prompts. Refer to Section 5 for step-by-step instructions.
3.3 Running ZBDemo
One development board is setup as the Coordinator and the other development board is setup as a Router. Connect the Coordinator to either the USB or RS-232 serial port of the computer. Use either the wall-mount power supply or a 9V alkaline battery. It is not necessary to use the same power type for each radio. Apply power to the Coordinator first and verify the Power LED is on.
When the Coordinator has found that the channel is clear, the Link LED on the Coordinator will glow green. Once the Coordinator has turned on the Link LED, the Router can attempt to associate with the Coordinator. Once it has associated with the Coordinator, the Link LED will glow green. Wait until the Link LEDs on all radios are glowing green before continuing. Start the ZBDemo program by double-clicking the ZBDemo icon on the computers’ desktop.
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Click the Connect button on the ZBDemo screen. A window will open showing the communications parameters to be used to communicate with the Coordinator. Select a serial port from the drop down menu. Selections that are available will be marked as “OK”, those unavailable will be marked as “N/A”. 38,400 is the Default baud rate. This window changes the PC Comm Port parameters but not the development board.
The Comm Port Settings dialog is pre-loaded with default settings. In most instances, simply clicking OK will allow ZBDemo to find the radio and load the main program window. If, however, the default settings are incorrect, the radio will not be found. This screen allows you to connect to the radio using two methods.
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The first is to use the drop down menus to change the default settings for Comm Port, Baudrate, Parity and Stop Bits to the correct values. Obviously, this assumes you know which settings the radio is using. If, however, those parameters may have been changed and are not known, a second method is available.
The Auto Detect function works this way. If set to FALSE, once OK is selected, the program uses the default settings to try to communicate with the radio. If set to TRUE, the program will begin a systematic process beginning with the first valid port (COM 1 in most cases) then will cycle through each baud rate, then each parity setting, then each stop bit setting finally changing to the next available COM port and repeating the process until a radio is found.
Once the radio has been found, click OK and after a few seconds, information about the ZigBee module in the Coordinator will be displayed in the Local Radio column along with its 8-byte MAC address. The Status condition of CONNECTED indicates the computer has detected the development board as shown below.
Click on the Discover Radios button. This will cause the Coordinator to request information about the Router development board.
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