The configuration parameters in a DNT90 module are stored in a set of variable length registers. Most
registers are read-write, with a few read-only or write-only. Changes made to the register settings are
temporary until a MemorySave command is executed. Resetting or power-cycling the module will clear
any changes that have not been saved to permanent memory using the MemorySave command. DNT90
modules can be configured to start in protocol mode at power-up, in which case the EnterProtocolMode
command is not required.
DeviceMode - this parameter selects the operating mode for the radio:
0x00 = remote (default)
0x01 = base
0x02 = router (store and forward system)
Note that changing this setting does not take effect immediately. It must be followed by a MemorySave
command and then either a hardware reset or a power off/on cycle. A router without a valid BaseMode-
NetID operates as a remote.
HopDuration - this parameter sets the duration of the hop frame, and can only be set on the base. The
duration is an 8-bit value, 0.5 ms/count. The valid range is from 8 to 100 ms. Changing the hop duration
on the base must be followed by a MemorySave command to allow the change to persist through a reset
or power cycle. A HopDuration change takes effect immediately. Child radios will re-link following a
HopDuration parameter change as they receive the updated hop duration value from the base.
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ParentNwkID - this parameter specifies the parent (BaseModeNetID) that a child radio is allowed to join.
The valid range of this parameter is 0 to 63 (0x00 to 0x3F), plus 255 (0xFF). Setting the ParentNwkID to
255 allows connection to any parent. This parameter is applicable only to remotes and routers. Also see
the discussion of AltParentNwkID below.
Security Key - this 16-byte parameter sets the 128-bit AES encryption key. To protect the key, it is a writeonly parameter for the user. It always reads back as 0x2A.
SleepModeEn - this parameter enables/disables sleep mode (remotes only). Sleep mode is used in conjunction with the automatic I/O reporting feature to wake up a remote on specific triggers. The default value for this parameter is 0 (off). Setting this parameter to 1 invokes sleep mode immediately. Setting this
parameter to 2 invokes sleep mode following reset, allowing this and other parameter updates to be
stored before sleep mode is invoked.
WakeResponseTime - this parameter set how long sleep is deferred in a DNT90 remote configured for
sleep mode after:
WakeLinkTimeout - this parameter sets the maximum length of time that a remote in sleep mode will
spend trying to acquire a link to its parent before going back to sleep, from a minimum of 1 to 255 seconds in 1 second steps. If this value is set to 0, the remote will stay awake and continue trying to link to
its base indefinitely.
AltParentNwkID - this parameter specifies an alternate parent (BaseModeNetID) that a child radio is
allowed to join. This parameter is used to provide more robust message routing when setting the Parent-NwkID to its 0xFF wildcard value is not appropriate. The valid range of this parameter is 0x00 to 0x3F,
plus 0xFF. Rather than specifying wildcard operation, setting the AltParentNwkID to 0xFF disables the
selection of an alternate parent. This parameter is applicable only to remotes and routers.
TxPower - this parameter sets the transmit power level (default is 0x01):
0x00 = +16 dBm or 40 mW
0x01 = +22 dBm or 158 mW
UserTag - this parameter is a user definable field intended for use as a location description or other identifying tag such as a “friendly name”.
RmtTransDestAddr - this parameter holds the default destination for transparent mode data packets and
event packets. This parameter defaults to the base station’s address (0x000000) except on a base station, where at startup it will be changed to the broadcast address (0xFFFFFF) if the firmware detects that
it is set to 0x000000. Note - if a module’s configuration is changed from a base to a remote or router, this
parameter must be set back to 0x000000 or the module will send broadcast packets in transparent mode
or for event packets.
Store&ForwardEn - setting this parameter to 0x01 enables store-and-forward system operation. Storeand-forward operation is disabled by default.
BaseModeNetID - applicable to the base and routers only, this parameter specifies the network ID of a
device’s own network when acting as parent. A child is allowed to join a network when its ParentNwkID
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link acquisition
receiving an ACK from the device’s parent
receiving a packet that requires processing by the device
after receiving a protocol packet from the device’s local host.
parameter matches a parent’s BaseModeNetID. The valid range of this parameter is 0x00 to 0x3F. A value greater than 0x3F is invalid and will be forced to 0x00 on a base. A router with an invalid Base-
ModeNetID will be forced to operate as a remote.
HeartbeatInterval - When set to 0, all heartbeats are disabled, including the initial heartbeat issued after
link acquisition. When set to 0xFFFF (default), periodic heartbeats are disabled but the initial linkup
heartbeat is enabled. The periodic heartbeat interval is scaled 1 second/count, and applies to DNT90s
where sleep mode is disabled. Remotes with sleep mode enabled must have periodic reports and/or ADC
sampling enabled for heartbeats to be generated.
SystemId - this parameter holds the ID for a DTN90 system. DNT90 systems that may physically overlap
must have different system IDs.
EndToEndAckEnable - when this parameter is set to 1 and the DNT90 is in protocol mode, the originator
will indicate in its transmitted packet that an ACK is expected from the packet’s destination node. Setting
this parameter to 0x00 reduces network congestion in a store-and-forward system, but no TxDataReply
will be sent from the destination to confirm reception.
LinkRetryInterval - when a remote enters sleep mode with an unsent packet in its queue, the remote will
wake up after the number of seconds held in this parameter and try to link so that pending packets can be
transmitted. When this parameter is set to 0, this feature is disabled.
FastBeaconCount - this parameter controls the fast beacon mode, which is used to speed up network
synchronization. Fast beacon mode is especially useful for multi-level store-and-forward networks that are
configured with long hop durations. Fast beacon mode is controlled by the base station. If the Fast-
BeaconCount parameter is set to a non-zero value, when the base is reset, powered up or the Fast-
BeaconTrig parameter is set to a non-zero value, it will output the number of 6 ms beacons specified in
the FastBeaconCount parameter. The base and all of its children will synchronously decrement a version
of the parameter in their beacons, such that it will reach 0 simultaneously on all devices. This allows all
nodes in the DNT90 system to simultaneously transition to using the configured base slot size and number of slots. The beacons also inform all child devices that the network is in Fast beacon mode, so that all
children will observe the FastBeaconCount and assume, in addition to the 6ms hop timing, a base slot
size of 0 and a number of slots equal to 1. If the cycled base station operating parameters transmitted in
the beacons, including the BaseSlotSize and NumSlots (see Bank 0x01 parameters) are stable, then a
further speedup of synchronization can be achieved by setting the NumBaseParms on the base station to
8. However, this should be done only after all child devices are known to have configuration parameters
identical to the base station’s saved in their EEPROM. The first 9 parameters contain the AES counter
and MAC address that are needed to synchronize encryption, along with NumBaseParms.
FastBeaconTrig - when this parameter is set to any non-zero value on a base station, fast beacon mode
starts if the fastBeaconCount register is already set to a non-zero value. It auto-clears on a base station
and will read back as 0 after it is cleared. On a router or remote, it would do nothing and will not clear
except after reset.
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Bank 1 holds configuration parameters to be input to the base only. The base passes these parameters to
the routers and remotes as needed. The exception is InitFrequencyBand parameter which can also be set
in routers and remotes.
InitFrequencyBand - this parameter sets the range of frequencies and channel spacing over which the
DNT90 system will initially operate. Four bands are available:
0x00 Band 0: 902.76 to 927.24 MHz, 52 channels, 480 kHz spacing
0x01 Band 1: 902.76 to 926.76 MHz, 26 channels, 960 kHz spacing
0x02 Band 2: 915.72 to 927.74 MHz, 25 channels, 480 kHz spacing
0x03 Band 3: 902.76 to 914.76 MHz, 26 channels, 480 kHz spacing
0xFF wildcard - will accept any band
Bands 0, 1, 2 and 3 can be used in North and South America (902 to 928 MHz band), with Band 2 usable
in Australia.
NumSlots - this parameter sets the number of slots available for child transmissions following the parent’s
beacon transmission on a hop.
BaseSlotSize - this parameter set the maximum number of payload bytes that the base can send on a
single hop. The default value is 40 bytes.
SlotLease - this parameter set the number of hops a parent radio will reserve a slot for a child after receiving a message from that child. Small values such as 2 are suited to short data bursts, and larger values are generally a better choice when devices send a stream of non-continuous data across consecutive
hops. The minimum value is 1, assuring that a child can receive an ACK on the next hop after it transmits.
BcstAttemptLimit - setting this parameter to 0 enables automatic broadcast message repeats based on
the ArqAttemptLimit parameter value. Setting this parameter to a value between 1 and 254 specifies the
number of broadcast message repeats independent of the ArqAttemptLimit. This parameter should not be
set to 0 if ArqAttemptLimit is set to 255.
ArqAttemptLimit - this sets the maximum number of attempts that will be made to send a message on the
RF link. Setting this parameter to the maximum value of 255 is a flag value indicating that there should be
no limit to the number of attempts to send each packet (infinite number of attempts). This mode is intended for point-to-point networks in serial data cable replacement applications where absolutely no packets
0x01 0..255 50 (hops)
0x01 8..21 21
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can be lost. Note - if this mode is used in a multipoint network, one remote that has lost link will shut down
the entire network if the base is trying to send it data.
LinkDropThreshold - this is the number of consecutive beacons missed by a remote that causes the remote to restart a link acquisition search. Please contact RFM technical support before making changes to
the parameter.
P2PReplyTimeout - this parameter sets the reply timeout for peer-to-peer messages sent from one node
to another. Because each leg of the journey from one node to another and back may take multiple transmit attempts, the length of time to confirm receipt and issue a TxDataReply is subject to more variation
than a transmission directly between a base and a remote. When AckEnable is selected, the P2PReply-Timeout parameter specifies the maximum number of hops or hop pairs that a remote will wait for a reply
from its recipient. If a reply returns sooner than the timeout, the remote will send a TxDataReply indicating
success (ACK) to its host as soon as it is received, and cancels the timeout. If a reply does not come
back before the timeout expires, the remote will send a TxDataReply to its host indicating failure (NAK). If
a reply should come back after the timeout expires the remote will ignore it, as a TxDataReply has already been sent. The units of this parameter are in hops for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint operation and in hop pairs for store-and-forward operation.
RegistryTimeout - this parameter sets the number of hops without contact from a child device for which a
parent device will preserve the Transaction ID (TID) history for that child. The TID is used to filter out duplicate packets. After a registry timeout occurs, the TID history is discarded.
NumBaseParms - this parameter controls the number of cycled parameters sent in the base station beacon. It must be left in its default value of 21 until all nodes in a DNT90 system have received all cycled
parameters and stored them locally in EEPROM. At this point the number of cycled parameters can be
set to 9, which will significantly speed up future system resynchronizations.
7.4.3 Bank 0x02 - Status Parameters
Bank Location Name R/W Size Range Default
0x02 0x00 MacAddress R 0x03 0..0xFFFFFF Fixed value
0x02 0x03 CurrNwkID R 0x01 0..63, 255 Current Value
0x02 0x04 CurrFreqBand R 0x01 0..2, 255 Current Value
0x02 0x05 LinkStatus R 0x01 0..5 Current status
0x02 0x06 RemoteSlotSize R 0x01 0..109 Current Value
0x02 0x07 SlotNumber R 0x01 0..7 Current Value
0x02 0x08 HardwareVersion R 0x01 0x41..0x5A 0x43 = Rev “C”
0x02 0x09 FirmwareVersion R 0x01 0x00..0xFF Current FW load
0x02 0x0A FirmwareBuildNum R 0x02 0..65535 Current FW load
0x02 0x0C FirmwareBuildDate R 0x03 BCD (“YYMMDD”) Current FW load
0x02 0x0F FirmwareBuildTime R 0x03 BCD (“HHMMSS”) Current FW load
0x02 0x12 RssiIdle R 0x01 -128..127 Current Value
0x02 0x13 RssiLast R 0x01 -128..127 Current Value
0x02 0x14 AvgBeaconPower R 0x01 -128..127 Current Value
0x02 0x15 ParentMacAddress R 0x03 0..0xFFFFFF Current Value
0x02 0x18 ModelNumber R 1 0x90 indicates DNT90
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MacAddress - this parameter holds the radio's unique 24-bit MAC address.
CurrNwkID - this parameter holds the ID of the network the radio is currently assigned to or connected to.
A value of 255 (0xFF) means the radio has powered up and is scanning for a network but has not yet
joined one.
CurrFreqBand - this parameter holds the frequency band of the network that the radio is currently assigned to or connected to. A value of 0xFF means the radio has powered up and is scanning for a network but has not yet joined one.
LinkStatus - this parameter holds the link status of a router or remote:
0x00 = idle
0x01 = lost link
0x02 = acquiring link
0x03 = collecting parameters from the base
0x04 = registering
0x05 = registered
RemoteSlotSize - this parameter holds the current remote slot size, defined as the maximum number of
message bytes a remote can send on a single hop. The RemoteSlotSize is calculated by each radio in a
system based on the values of the HopDuration, BaseSlotSize, and NumSlots parameters.
SlotNumber - this parameter holds the current slot number assigned to a router or remote.
HarwareVersion - this parameter holds an identifier indicating the hardware revision (ASCII character). A value of 0x43 is defined for the DNT90 Revision C hardware.
FirmwareVersion - this parameter holds the firmware version of the radio in 2-digit BCD format.
FirmwareBuildNum - this parameter holds the firmware build number, in binary format.
FirmwareBuildDate - this parameter holds the date of firmware build in MM/DD/YY format.
FirmwareBuildTime - this parameter holds the time of the firmware build in HH:MM:SS format.
RssiIdle - this 2’s compliment parameter holds the last RSSI measurement in dBm made during a time
when the RF channel was idle. This parameter is useful for detecting interferers.
RssiLast - this 2’s compliment parameter holds the last RSSI measurement in dBm made during the receipt of an RF packet with a valid CRC. This parameter is useful for network commissioning/diagnostics.
AvgBeaconPower - this 2’s compliment parameter holds the alpha-filtered beacon power (dBm) received
from a device’s parent, where alpha = 0.0625.
ParentMacAddress - this parameter holds the MAC address of a DNT90’s parent.
ModelNumber - this parameter specifies the DNT model, in this case a DNT90.
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SerialParams - this parameter sets the serial mode options for parity and stop bits:
Setting Mode
0x00 No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit (default)
0x01 No parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
0x02 Reserved
0x03 Reserved
0x04 Even parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
0x05 Even parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
0x06 Odd parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
0x07 Odd parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
Note that 8-bit data with no parity is capable of carrying 7-bit data with parity for compatibility without loss
of generality for legacy applications that may require it.
SpiMode - this parameter sets the SPI operating mode:
SpiOptions - this parameter allows the SPI to be configured with the following options:
Setting Option
0x00 Leading edge rising, sample leading edge, MSBs sent first
0x01 Leading edge rising, sample falling edge, MSBs sent first
0x02 Leading edge falling, sample leading edge, MSBs sent first
0x03 Leading edge falling, sample falling edge, MSBs sent first
0x04 Leading edge rising, sample leading edge, LSBs sent first
0x05 Leading edge rising, sample falling edge, LSBs sent first
0x06 Leading edge falling, sample leading edge, LSBs sent first
0x07 Leading edge falling, sample falling edge, LSBs sent first
SpiMasterCmdLen - this parameter sets the length for the SPI master command string that will be used to
interrogate the slave peripheral, when SPI master mode is selected with periodic I/O reporting enabled.
SpiMasterCmdStr - this parameter holds the SPI master command string that is used to interrogate the
slave peripheral when SPI master mode is selected and periodic I/O reporting is enabled.
ProtocolMode - this parameter selects the host protocol mode. The default is 0x00, which is transparent
mode, meaning the radio conveys whatever characters that are sent to it transparently, without requiring
the host to understand or conform to the DNT90's built-in protocol. This setting is recommended for pointto-point applications for legacy applications such as wire replacements where another serial protocol may
already exist. Setting this parameter to 0x01 enables the DNT90 protocol formatting. It is not necessary to
define the same protocol mode for all radios in a network. For example, it is frequently useful to configure
all the remotes for transparent mode and the base for protocol mode. Note that it is possible for the host
to switch the radio from transparent mode to protocol mode and back as required by transmitting an
EnterProtocolMode command.
TxTimeout - this parameter is used to group transparent data to be sent in a single transmission rather
than being split over two hops. Messages sent over two hops can have gaps in the received data stream
that can cause problems for the receiving application - for example, Modbus RTU. This parameter is the
transmit timeout used for determining message boundaries in transparent data mode. Parameter units
are in milliseconds. A message boundary is determined whenever a gap between consecutive characters
is equal to or greater than the TxTimeout value, or the number of bytes reaches the MinPacketLength.
Either condition will trigger a transmission. The default TxTimeout value is 0 ms which will have the radio
send whatever data is in its transmit buffer as soon as possible.
MinPacketLength - this parameter is similar to TxTimeout except it uses the number of bytes received
instead of the amount of time without receiving a byte. The default is one byte. A transmission is triggered
when either the number of bytes reaches MinPacketLength or a gap is detected between consecutive
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characters greater than TxTimeout. If this parameter is set larger than the applicable slot size, the slot
size overrides this parameter and a transmission is triggered when the slot size is filled.
TransPtToPtMode - when this parameter is set to 0x00, the destination address of transparent mode
packets will be the configured RemoteDestAddr. When set to 0x01, the address initializes to Remote-
DestAddr and then updates to the most recent RX packet processed.
MsgsPerHop - this parameter sets the maximum number of messages a DNT90 can send in each hop
frame. The default value is 8 messages, which is suitable for most applications. Setting MsgsPerHop to a
low value allows message flow rate to be controlled.
7.4.6 Bank 0x05 - I/O Parameters
Bank Location Name R/W Size Range In Bits Default
0x05 0x00 All-IO R/W 0x0D 104 N/A
0x05 0x0D Gpio0 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x0E Gpio1 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x0F Gpio2 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x10 Gpio3 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x11 Gpio4 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x12 Gpio5 R/W 0x01 1 0
0x05 0x13 Adc0 R 0x02 12 N/A
0x05 0x15 Adc1 R 0x02 12 N/A
0x05 0x17 Adc2 R 0x02 12 N/A
0x05 0x19 EventFlags R/W 0x02 16 N/A
0x05 0x1B Dac0 R/W 0x02 12 0
0x05 0x1D Dac1 R/W 0x02 12 0
All-IO - this 13-byte parameter packs all the following parameters into a single value. Note that the information in parameters GPIO0 through GPIO5 is compressed into a single byte to save space in the All-IO
parameter. When the ADC is operating in differential mode, the ADC1 to ADC0 differential reading is
stored in the ADC0 position, and the ADC2 to ADC0 differential reading is stored in the ADC1 position.
The ADC2 reading is not used in ADC differential mode and this position is set to 0.
Gpio0 through Gpio5 - if a pin is configured as an output, writing to its corresponding parameter to sets
the pin’s logic state. If a pin is configured as an input, writing to its corresponding parameter enables or
disables the pin’s internal pull-up. Reading these registers returns the current level detected on the corresponding pins.
Adc0 through Adc2 - read-only parameters that return the current reading for the selected ADC channel
(Little-Endian byte order). When the ADC is operating in differential mode, the ADC1 to ADC0 differential
reading is stored in the ADC0 position, and the ADC2 to ADC0 differential reading is stored in the ADC1
position. The ADC2 reading is not used in ADC differential mode and this position is set to 0. Also, see
the discussion of the AdcSampleIntvl parameter below.
EventFlags - used with the automatic I/O reporting feature, this parameter indicates which I/O events
have been triggered since the last report (write 0x0000 to reset):
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GpioDir - this parameter is a bitmask that sets whether each GPIO is an input (0) or outputs (1). The default is all inputs.
GpioInit - this parameter is a bitmask that sets the initial value for any GPIOs which are enabled as outputs. For GPIOs enabled as inputs, this sets the initial pull-up setting.
GpioAlt - Specifies which GPIO pins will have their alternate functions enabled: Bit 2 - diversity toggle enable, Bit 3 - RS485 enable, Bit 4 - /HOST_CTS enable, Bit5 - /HOST_RTS enable.
Bit Alternate Function Default Bit Mask
0 (none) 0 0x01
1 (none) 0 0x02
2 Diversity Toggle 0 0x04
3 RS485 (N/A in SPI Slave mode) 0 0x08
4 /Host_CTS (N/A in SPI Slave mode) 1 0x10
5 /HOST_RTS (N/A in SPI Slave mode) 1 0x20
GpioEdgeTrigger -This parameter consists of a set of four 2-bit fields that define when GPIO triggers are
enabled for I/O event reporting:
bits 7..6 GPIO3 edge function
bits 5..4 GPIO2 edge function
bits 3..2 GPIO1 edge function
bits 1..0 GPIO0 edge function
The bit values for each GPIO map to the following settings:
GpioSleepMode - this parameter is a bitmask that enables configuring the I/O direction and state of
GPIO0..GPIO5 when the module is sleeping. Bits 0..5 correspond to GPIO0..GPIO5. Setting a Gpio-
SleepMode bit to 1 enables sleep mode configuration of the corresponding GPIO. Setting a GpioSleepMode bit to 0 causes the corresponding GPIO to remain configured as in active mode. Note that when the
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GpioAlt bit is set for GPIO4, the corresponding GpioSleepMode bit is ignored and GPIO4 is controlled
directly by the GpioSleepState parameter bit 7.
GpioSleepDir - when GpioSleepMode is enabled, this parameter functions to set the direction of the
GPIOs during a device’s sleep period. This enables the user to provide alternate configurations during
sleep that will help minimize current consumption. Bits 0..5 correspond to GPIO0..GPIO5. Setting a
GpioSleepDir bit to 1 to specifies an output; 0 specifies an input.
GpioSleepState - when GpioSleepMode is enabled, this parameter functions as a bitmask to control the
states of the GPIOs, the RADIO_TXD output, and the /HOST_CTS and /DCD outputs during a device’s
sleep period. This allows the user to set alternate configurations during sleep to minimize current consumption. Bits 0..5 correspond to GPIO0..GPIO5 respectively. Bit 6 sets the state of RADIO_TXD, and bit
7 sets the states of /HOST_CTS and /DCD. A sleep state bit is set to 1 to specify a high output or an internal pull-up on an input, or to 0 to specify a low output or no internal pull-up on an input. Bit 6 must be
set low in order to achieve minimum sleep current (high impedance load assumed), and the other bits
may need to be set low or high depending on their external loads. When bit 6 is set low, expect a serial
“break” condition to occur as the module wakes from sleep. The serial break condition can be eliminated
by setting bit 6 high, but sleep current will be increased.
Dac0Init - this parameter sets the initial value for DAC0 at startup.
Dac1Init - this parameter sets the initial value for DAC1 at startup.
AdcSampleIntvl - this parameter sets the frequency (sample interval) of ADC measurements used to de-
termine if a threshold has been exceeded or in calculating an average measurement value. The ADC
channels are read on each ADC cycle, along with the states of GPIO2 and GPIO3. Each AdcSampleIntvl
count equals 10 ms. The default is 100 ms. This interval will be the worst-case latency for ADC generated
interrupts. Note that AdcSampleIntvl is independent of IoReportInterval as the ADCs are read on both
Adc0..2ThresholdLo/Hi - these parameters set the thresholds to trigger an I/O report based on ADC
measurements. If I/O reporting is enabled, a single event report containing the contents of the I/O bank is
generated when a threshold is crossed. Reporting is edge-triggered with respect to threshold boundaries,
not level-triggered. Additional reports are not triggered unless the ADC measurement first returns inside
the threshold boundary and then crosses the threshold again. Triggers occur whenever one of the following inequalities is satisfied:
ADCx < ADCx_ThresholdLo
ADCx > ADCx_ThresholdHi
IoReportTrigger - a trigger event on any enabled trigger source will cause a DNT90 router or remote to
send an event message to the base containing the entire current values of the Bank 5.
bit 7 ADC2 high/low thresholds
bit 6 ADC1 high/low thresholds
bit 5 ADC0 high/low thresholds
bit 4 Periodic timer
bit 3 GPIO3 edge
bit 2 GPIO2 edge
bit 1 GPIO1 edge
bit 0 GPIO0 edge
I/O reporting is supported for remotes and routers only, not the base.
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