Murata Electronics North America CM2202N User Manual

Cus tom
In te grated Sen sor In ter face
Very Low Cur rent Op er a tion from 2 BR1225 Bat teries
Com pat i ble with RFM miniMESH
Ready-to-Use Mod ule
Net work Pro to col
916.50 MHz
The CM2202N is a 916.5 MHz trans mit ter mod ule de signed to mon i tor in dus trial alarm sen sors. Com mu ni ca tion range in an “open field” en vi ron ment is typ i cally 100 me ters. The CM2202N com bines RFM’s very low-cur rent SAW res o na tor sta bi lized trans mit ter tech nol ogy with low-power microcontroller tech nol ogy to achieve long bat tery life. The mod ule is com pat i ble with RFM’s miniMESHTM net work pro to col, which pro vides add-on “plug-and-play” multicast mesh net work rout ing. The CM2202N is cer ti fied for op er a tion un der FCC 15.249 reg u la tions.
Rating Value Units
All In put/Out put Pins -0.3 to +4.0 V Non-Operating Am bi ent Tem per a ture Range -40 to +85
Elec tri cal Char ac ter is tics
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Op er ating Fre quency f Mod u la tion Type OOK En coded Data RF Trans mis sion Rate 4.8 kb/s Peak Radiated Field Strength (FCC OP-1) E Bat tery BR1225 Dig i tal In put Logic High (Sen sor) .85 VDD VDD V Dig i tal In put Logic Low (Sen sor) 0 .15 VDD V Op er ating Am bi ent Tem per a ture Range T
916.30 916.70 MHz
-20 +70
20,000 µV/m
Test Button
CM2202N Sensor Transmitter Block Diagram
J2-5 J2-4 J2-3
J2-2 J2-1
SAW Resonator
Power Su pply is 2
3V BR1225 "Coin Cell"
Figure 1
The ory of Op er a tion
The ma jor com po nents of the CM2202N in clude an RFM SAW res o na tor sta bi lized trans mit ter and a Micro chip PIC12F635 microcontroller. The trans mit ter op er ates on a fre quency of 916.5 MHz, at a nom i nal out put power of 0.5 mW. The microcontroller gen er
­ates “heart beat” trans mis sions pe ri od i cally, plus an im me di ate trans mis sion in the event of a sen sor alarm or test but ton ac ti va tion. The CM2202N is pow ered by 2 re place able 3 V BR1225 lith ium “coin cell” bat tery. The CM2202N is com pat i ble with RFM’s miniMESH
net work pro to col, which pro vides add-on “plug-and­play” multicast mesh net work rout ing to im prove com
mu ni ca tion range and ro bust ness.
FCC La bels and No tices
This de vice com plies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Op er a tion is sub ject to the fol low ing two con di tions: (1) this de vice may not cause harm ful in ter fer ence, and (2) this de vice must ac cept any in ter fer ence re ­ceived, in clud ing in ter fer ence that may cause un de
sired op er a tion.
A clearly vis i ble la bel is re quired on the out side of the user’s (OEM) en clo sure stat ing that this prod uct con
­tains a CM2202N ra dio mod ule, FCC ID: TE6-CM2202N.
WARNING: This de vice op er ates un der Part 15 of the FCC rules. Any mod i fi ca tion to this de vice, not ex­pressly au tho rized by RF Monolithics, Inc., may void the user’s au thor ity to op er ate this de vice.
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