SWADDLE BLANKET: 36046, 36047, 36048
Swaddle AngelTM Blanket Instructions
Rayon made from bamboo
Swaddling is easy to do:
Lay Tuck
Lay: Fold the Swaddle Angel™ Blanket in half, creating a triangle. Lay baby in the
center of the blanket, placing his neck at the blanket fold (so his shoulders are just
below the blanket fold and his head is clearly above the fold).
Tuck: Lay baby’s right arm down by his side and wrap the blanket across baby’s chest
to his left side. Tuck the Swaddle Angel™ blanket under baby’s body securely.
Fold: Bring the bottom of the Swaddle Angel™ blanket up towards baby’s chest,
covering his feet and creating the cozy pouch that forms the bottom of the swaddle.
It is important to leave room for baby’s hips to move.
Wrap: Repeat with the other side of the Swaddle Angel™ blanket: lay baby’s left arm
by his side and wrap the swaddle across baby’s chest to his right side. Tuck the
blanket in and secure under baby.
Fold Wrap
WARNING: Do not allow fabric to cover the baby’s face. When
swaddles are applied infants are to be placed face up only. It is important to leave
room for the hips to move. Discontinue use if infant is capable of rolling over
when restrained by the swaddle. Discontinue use at first sign of weakness or
damage. Discontinue use if baby can break free from the swaddle. Always check
the baby’s temperature before using the swaddle to avoid overheating. Discard all
packaging components before use.
Model#: MK0103CCD-0093-000 Rev1