jelly bean
Reversible Sling
Safe for
up to 35 lbs.

Safety Precautions
(Please carefully read all instructions BEFORE wearing your
Jelly Bean
future use.)
Reversible Sling. Please keep instructions for
• Failure to follow each of the following warnings, use and care instructions
can result in serious injury or death.
• Please use common sense when wearing the sling and use caution at all times
while baby is in sling.
• Examine your sling before you put it on for wear and tear. If at anytime the
seams become unstitched, discontinue using the sling immediately.
• Never cover baby’s face with clothing, blanket or any other object while in the
sling. Make sure the sling never completely covers baby’s face.
• Do not wear baby in the sling while cooking or working with hot or sharp
• Make sure baby’s appropriate body parts are safely and comfortably enclosed
in the sling according to the instructions.
• Never leave baby sleeping alone while entangled in a sling.
• The sling should be removed before the baby is buckled into a car seat.
Simple Sizing Guide
Sling Size T-Shirt Size Body Type
S/M S/M Short & average build or
L L Tall & average build or
NOTE: This is a guide to provide an approximate size and may not be exact for each person.
Tall & thin build
Short & full build
Safe for newborns and toddlers up to 35 lbs.

Finding the right t
You will want the sling to t snugly but feel comfortable. If you put your baby
in the sling and it feels too tight, you need a larger size. If the sling is too loose
and baby doesn’t feel secure then you need a smaller size.
With baby inside the sling, the baby should sit in line with your hip bones or
above. The bottom of the pouch should be somewhere around your belly
button. If it’s much lower than this, your sling is too big.
The t around the baby should be snug and create a womb-like feeling. The
baby may look squished but as long as you and the baby are comfortable then
you have the right size.
See illustration below for a guide to where the sling should lay.
Please remember this is a guideline.
Navel Area
• Good Fit
• Too Low
(Sling is too big)
For the cradle, front carry and tummy to tummy positions, the built-in padding
should be worn on the outside facing away from your body. For the hip and
back carry, built-in padding should be on the inside.
Please note, no matter which position you are using, your baby’s bottom should
always rest on the seam, which is curved to create a deep seat. For the front
cradle and upright positions, the seam should be just off center from your belly
button, about halfway between your belly button and hip bone. For the hip
carry position the seam should be at your hip.

How to fold and put on
1. This is the sling unfolded.
Make sure it is folded
before wearing.
4. Put the sling over your
head so it rests on one
shoulder with seam at
the middle of your
2. Fold the sling
inside itself.
5. The curved seam will
now be in front
creating a pouch for
your baby.
3. This makes the sling
into a two-layered
6. Make sure the fabric
lies flat across your
back and covers your
shoulder to ensure

Cradle Carry (0-4 months)
1. Put the sling on as
previously instructed
with the padding
on the outside.
4. In a seated position,
lower baby into the
sling bottom rst.
2. Open the pouch by
pulling the outer
fabric layer away
from your body with
your free arm.
5. Baby should be in
a cradle position
looking up, not with
his chin against his
3. Line up the seam with
the baby’s bottom
and cross baby’s feet.
6. Adjust fabric to make
sure you and baby are