TM1187A Issue C Page 2 - 11
37. On RPR 563GS (reduced keypad version), connection to the designated point is
automatic once has been pressed.
Making a Call to a Telephone (RPR 563KGS only)
38. Once the dial li ng tone has been recei ved, the telephone number may be dialled as if
calling from another telephone.
Making a Call to Another Mobile (RPR 563KGS only)
39. The procedure for making a call to another mobile is as detailed in paragraph 34. If the
call is to another receiver, then the user number and numeric message must be dialled
when requested by the system.
40. A control message is sent by the system which sets the transceiver into simplex mode.
If s u b - a u di o tone from the system is lost before the control message is received, the
transceiver displays the message "Please Wait". When the sub-audio tone re-appears,
the message "Use PTT" is displayed.
41. If the recipient has a non-speech receiver then the system clears down the originator
when the message has been sent.
Making a Call to a Manual Control Unit (RPR 563KGS only)
42. Once the "Line Ready" call has been received, connection is made using designated
MCU intercepts. The default intercept numbers are:
*0 to call several MCUs which have continuous talkback monitoring facilities
*1 to *8 to call a designated MCU.
Terminating a Call
43. To terminate a call, press . The transceiver sends i ts Un-Talk code, displays the
message "Call ended" and reverts to quiescent state.
44. An internal speech timeout function will terminate a speech call if it has not been
terminated manually. The system may also terminate the call but will warn the user with
a tone a few seconds before termination.