Multitek PowerSig M560-AT Operating Manual

Update: M560 Version 4
Revision 4
Date 20-10-2011
Multitek Ltd. Lancaster Way, Earls Colne Business Park, Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex. CO6 2NS. England. Tel. (01787) 223228 Fax. (01787) 223607 E-MAIL:
M560 Version 4 update:
RS485 response time decreased to better than 10ms.
Choice of four Endian settings for floating point transmission.
Modbus 3X Register Order functions changed to 65 and 66.
Relay functions changed to 103 and 104.
Substitute MultiView for all references to Monitor95 or System Monitor.
Manual Ammendments: Page 45: Changed 3X Modbus registers to odd numbers. Page 50: Changed 4X Modbus registers to odd numbers.
Additional 4X registers: 40083 (0x0052) RESET Import kW.h Register (WO) 40085 (0x0054) RESET Export kW.h Register (WO) 40087 (0x0056) RESET Import kVAr.h Register (WO) 40089 (0x0058) RESET Export kVAr.h Register (WO) 40091 (0x005A) RESET kVA.h Register (WO) 40093 (0x005C) RESET Import A.h Register (WO)
For more information go to:
M560 V4 Modbus 4X registers
Modbus Register Name Mode
40001 (0x0000) SYSTEM VOLTAGE (R/W) 40003 (0x0002) SYSTEM CURRENT (R/W) 40005 (0x0004) SYSTEM TYPE (RO) 40007 (0x0006) SYSTEM POWER (RO) 40009 (0x0008) DEMAND PERIOD (R/W) 40011 (0x000A) DEMAND STATUS (RO) 40013 (0x000C) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40015 (0x000E) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40017 (0x0010) RESET ALL ENERGY REGISTERS (WO) 40019 (0x0012) RESET DEMANDS (WO) 40021 (0x0014) CALIBRATE INPUT (WO) 40023 (0x0016) SET NODE ADDRESS (WO) 40025 (0x0018) Analogue o/p1 assignment (M560) (R/W) 40027 (0x001A) Analogue o/p1 nominal (M560) (R/W) 40029 (0x001C) Analogue o/p1 zero (M560) (R/W) 40031 (0x001E) Analogue o/p2 assignment (M560) (R/W) 40033 (0x0020) Analogue o/p2 nominal (M560) (R/W) 40035 (0x0022) Analogue o/p2 zero (M560) (R/W) 40037 (0x0024) Analogue o/p3 assignment (M560) (R/W) 40039 (0x0026) Analogue o/p3 nominal (M560) (R/W) 40041 (0x0028) Analogue o/p3 zero (M560) (R/W) 40043 (0x002A) RELAY ASSIGNMENT (R/W) 40045 (0x002C) RELAY DIVISOR (R/W) 40047 (0x002E) RELAY PULSE WIDTH (R/W) 40049 (0x0030) RESET FLASH/EEPROM DATA (WO) 40051 (0x0032) I/P V1 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40053 (0x0034) I/P V2 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40055 (0x0036) I/P V3 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40057 (0x0038) I/P I1 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40059 (0x003A) I/P I2 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40061 (0x003C) I/P I3 GAIN FACTOR (R/W) 40063 (0x003E) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40065 (0x0040) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40067 (0x0042) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40069 (0x0044) Factoryuse (ILLEGAL) 40071 (0x0046) SET PASSCODE (WO) 40073 (0x0048) CALIBRATION PASSCODE (WO) 40075 (0x004A) DtoA PASSCODE(M560) (WO) 40077 (0x004C) DtoA1 OVERRIDE(M560) (WO) 40079 (0x004E) DtoA2 OVERRIDE(M560) (WO) 40081 (0x0050) DtoA3 OVERRIDE(M560) (WO) 40083 (0x0052) RESET Import kW.h Register (WO) 40085 (0x0054) RESET Export kW.h Register (WO) 40087 (0x0056) RESET Import kVAr.h Register (WO) 40089 (0x0058) RESET Export kVAr.h Register (WO) 40091 (0x005A) RESET kVA.h Register (WO) 40093 (0x005C) RESET Import A.h Register (WO) 40095 (0x005E) Future use (R/W) 40097 (0x0060) Future use (R/W) 40099 (0x0062) Future use (R/W) 40101 (0x0064) LOCK ACIA SETTINGS (WO)
1.1 General
PowerSig M560 multifunction transducer is a complete measuring system in a single 100mm Din rail mount case. Measuring Phase Volts, Phase Current, Frequency, Active Power, Reactive Power, Energy and Demand. The M560 provides up to 3 analogue outputs and the options of RS485 modbus output and pulsed output. Power Systems :-
Product code 1 Ph. M560-AT1 1 Ph. 3 Wire M560-AT1-3 3 Ph. 3W unbalanced load M560-AT4 3 Ph. 4W unbalanced load M560-AT9
The M560 units are fully programmed by the factory and no further programming is necessary. If the RS485 option is ordered, the user can reprogram parameters to individual requirements, such as the voltage and current ratios, relay output, demand times as well as assign different paramĀ­eters to the outputs. These programming operations are covered in this manual. The M560 uses a high speed microprocessor and analogue to digital conversion circuitry. Each phase current and voltage is measured continuously and all other parameters are derived from these measurements in the software. Voltage and current measurements are true RMS.
1.2 Parameters Measured
The M560 Measures the following parameters : Phase Voltage (V), Phase Current (I), Frequency (Hz),
Active Power per phase (W), System Active Power (W), Reactive Power per phase (VAr), System Reactive Power (VAr), Apparent Power per phase (VA), System Apparent Power (VA), Import Active Energy (W.h), Export Active Energy (W.h), Import Reactive Energy (VAr.h),
Export Reactive Energy (VAr.h), Power Factor per phase (P.F.), System Power Factor (P.F.), Amp Demand, Watt Demand, V A Demand, Maximum Amp Demand, Maximum Watt Demand, Maximum VA Demand.
1.2 Memory
All data including energy registers, current and voltage ratios and the calibration data is stored in a non volatile e2prom. In power down (power loss) conditions all the information is retained. The e2prom requires no battery or other circuitry to maintain the stored data.
1.3 Relay Output (optional)
The relay output provides a pulsed output corresponding to consumption Watt hour import or export, VAr hour import or export, A.h or VA.h consumption. The relay can be assigned to any of these parameters (see programming section 2.15.1).
The M560 automatically calculates the pulse rate and whether the units are W.h, kW.h or MW.h (VAr.h, kVAr.h or MVAr.h) etc from the nominal voltage and current inputs.
The relay is a normally open contact.
Pulse widths can be programmed into the M560, between 20 msec and 200 msec in steps of 20 msec. (See section
1.4 Communications (optional)
The M560 has the option of providing RS485 output of all measured parameters. The serial port option enables remote reading and programming of the M560 via a host computer, laptop etc. The RS485 uses the Modbus protocol allowing multi-drop with up to 32 M560s connected in parallel. The RS485 Modbus protocol allows the M560 to be used with PC, PLC, RTU, Data loggers and Scada programs.
Software is available for programming and displaying parameters. Contact your local distributor for a free copy or visit our website
1.5 LED indicator
The red LED on the front of the M560 serves three purposes:
LED continually illuminated means that the power supply is o.k.
LED illuminated and flashing every 10 seconds means that the power supply o.k. and the M560 is communicating correctly.
LED illuminated and flashing every second and 2 flashes every 10 seconds means that the power supply o.k. and that unit is communicating correctly, but there is no input measuring voltage signal.
If the unit has not been provided with a communication option this section is not relevant, please move to section 6 installation.
2.1 Using the M560 Software Monitor 95. (M560 Software Monitor 95 can be obtained from your Multitek distributor, or the Multitek website
2.2 Open the Monitor95.exe file and the following screen will be displayed.
The following functions displayed relate to the PC or master node and are set by default to the following settings, Response time = 300mS, Node = 1, Baud Rate = 9600, Parity = None. It may not be necessary to alter the above settings but the communication port has to be opened by clicking on start and following section 2.5.
2.3 Changing Response Time ACTION : Click Response
Time Box.
COMMENTS : Enter Value of response time. Minimum value 300mSec.
2.4 Changing Node Number
ACTION : Click Node No. Box.
COMMENTS : Enter Node Number any number between 1 & 247.
2.5 Opening communication port. ACTION : Click Start
COMMENTS : Port selection box appears, see below.
ACTION : Click Port Box.
COMMENTS : Chose the PC's communication port click on Com 1 or Com 2
2.6 Changing Baud Rate.
2.7 Changing Parity.
2.8 Starting Communication
ACTION : Click Baud Rate Box.
COMMENTS : Chose Baud Rate. Either 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.
ACTION : Click Parity Box.
COMMENTS : Choose Parity. Three options Odd, Even or None.
ACTION : Once Comms Port, Baud Rate and parity are set, Click on O.K. COMMENTS : If Communication is working message modbus OK appears in Modbus box.
COMMENTS : M560 and PC communicating correctly.
COMMENTS : M560 and PC not communicating correctly.
Note if wording in Modbus box is "NO REPLY FROM NODE". Check polarity connection of RS485 link at M560 and PC. Check that M560 has auxiliary power by checking Red LED on front of M560. If LED continually illuminated power supply o.k. If LED illuminated and flashing every 10 seconds, power supply ok M560 communicating ok. If LED flashing every second there is no measuring input voltage signal.
2.9 Displaying parameters being measured.
Once M560 is communicating with your PC you can now monitor different readings.
COMMENTS : The 6 boxes show line to line voltage and line to neutral voltage for each phase. Note if unit is 3 phase 3 wire M560-CT4 V1,V2,V3 are the same as VL1-2, VL2-L3, VL3-1.
ACTION : Click on button.
COMMENTS : The next six parameters being monitored are displayed. e.g I1,I2,I3, WSum, VA Sum, VAR Sum.
ACTION : Click on button.
COMMENTS : This button moves forward one parameter, and displays this parameter in the sixth box e.g. PF Avg is now shown.
ACTION : Click on button.
COMMENTS : This button moves back one parameter. e.g. now I1 is shown again.
Note: The buttons work as follows: This button scrolls up one parameter.
This button scrolls up six parameters.
This button scrolls down one parameter.
This button scrolls down six parameters.
2.10 Stopping and pausing communication.
2.10.1 To pause communication.
ACTION : Click on Pause button.
COMMENTS : The communication pauses.
2.10.2 To restart communication.
ACTION : Click on Continue button.
COMMENTS : The communication restarts.
2.10.3 To stop communication.
ACTION : Click on Stop button.
COMMENTS : The communication stops.
ACTION : Click Start button. COMMENTS : Follow instructions in section 2.8 i.e. click on O.K. button in port set up box and communication will start.
2.11 Starting timer. The timer is real time clock provided by the Monitor program. It is useful for checking Watt hour readings etc.
ACTION : Click Start button.
COMMENTS : The timer starts.
ACTION : Click Stop button.
COMMENTS : The timer stops and gives option of resetting or continuing.
ACTION : Click Reset button.
COMMENTS : The timer resets to zero.
ACTION : Click Continue button.
COMMENTS : The timer continues to count, displaying the total time from when counter initially started.
2.12 Security code. (General Pass Code)
To program different CT & VT ratios, demand times, etc. the General Pass Code must be entered. The General Pass Code is 080453. This is general pass code and is only applicable to Multitek M560 software. Pass Codes necessary for use with other software are listed in Section 4 page 45 of this manual.
2.12.1 Entering General Pass Code
ACTION : Click General Pass Code Button
COMMENTS : Enter value box is displayed.
ACTION : Enter value
COMMENTS : Enter security code 080453 and click on OK button
2.13 Communications Lock. Response Time, Node Number, Communication Port, Baud
Rate and Parity are dependant on the system and PC etc. that is being used. When connected to an existing Modbus network the M560 will automatically detect and configure itself to the network's settings. These settings can be locked into the EEPROM of the M560 to prevent unnecessary hunting. For a more detailed explanation of this facility see help file in the Monitor95 Software.
2.13.1 To Lock communications setting into the M560 EEPROM.
ACTION : Click Lock Button. COMMENTS : M560 communication port will be locked onto existing network settings.
2.13.2 To Unlock M560 communications settings. ACTION : Click Unlock
COMMENTS : M560 communication port is now unlocked.
2.14 Programming of nominal voltage and current inputs and ratios. The program allows the user to program the nominal voltage and current inputs and ratios. Please note the ratios can be changed as long as the secondary (the input to the M560) stays as shown on the data label which is on the side of the product. For example if the M560 had been set by the factory to have a C.T. ratio 200/5A and the change required was for the input C.T. ratio to be 500/5A this can be achieved by program changes. But if the change required was for a C.T. ratio 500/1A then the unit would have to be returned to the factory or distributor to have the internal C.T. changed from 5A to 1A. The same applies to the voltage if the M560 input voltage is 110 Volts L.L then an external voltage transformer ratio can be programmed as long as the nominal input to the M560 stays at 110V L-L
For example if the input was originally programmed for
6.6kV/110 and a V.T. of 11kV was required then this change could be achieved through software. (See example below)
2.14.1 Changing VT ratio. ACTION : Click Voltage
COMMENTS : Enter Value box is displayed.
COMMENTS : M560 is programmed for 6600V (6.6kV)
ACTION : Enter value
COMMENTS : Enter 11000 (11kV). Click on O.K.
2.14.2Changing CT ratio.
For example to change for 200/5A change to 400/5 :-
ACTION : Click Current Button.
COMMENTS : Enter Value box is displayed.
COMMENTS : M560 is programmed to 200/5A
ACTION : Enter Value
COMMENTS : Enter 400 (400 Amps). Click on OK
2.15 Pulsed Output (Pulsed output is an option. If the unit
does not have this option please proceed to section 2.16) The M560 measures and displays W.h Import & Export, VAr.h Import & Export, VA.h, A.h. Any of these parameters can be assigned to the output relay to give pulses corresponding to which ever parameter is selected.
2.15.1 Selecting Parameter to be assigned to relay for
pulsed output.
ACTION : Click On Relay Mode Button.
COMMENTS : Relay Mode box is displayed.
COMMENTS : Relay is assigned W.h Import. (Watt Hour Import)
ACTION : Select Parameter to be assigned to relay output. COMMENTS : Using the up and down cursor you can scroll through the parameters available. In this example A.h (Ampere Hours ) has been selected, click on OK Button.
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